A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 502: The Youngest Sister Vs. The Youngest Brother.

Chapter 502: The Youngest Sister Vs. The Youngest Brother.

“I want both of you to use [Battle Frenzy]. Minor only, though, since Hestia still hasn’t conquered her greed yet, to keep things as fair as possible. The gap in your stats is due to Ryranakus not only being an adult but also a rank A,” Phso said as I stared at my fifth half-brother as we stood on the snowy field outside of Iceskale.

Mom and Gaistrus were here as well, relaxing on lounging chairs as the Nordor dragonewts were serving them the fruit punches Tasianna loved to serve Mom. They weren’t paying too much attention to us, although the twins were both looking at me eagerly, almost wanting to cheer. Vifi, on the other hand, was staring with a pretty judging look.

Phso continued, “Ryranakus, I don’t want you to go too wild, but try not to underestimate our youngest. Fargryneill was quite rambunctious back then as well, don’t forget, and Hestia is practically a fledgling mentally. I need you to once again draw out some desperation, understood?”

“… Always putting the hard stuff on me,” Ryranakus complained, scratching the black horns conspicuously peeking out of his golden-brown hair.

“Anybody else and it’ll be plain bullying.”

You’re making an 82-year-old fight against a scrawny three-year-old. This is bullying!

I held myself back from screaming that, though, since I personally wasn’t too perturbed by the chance to test myself. Ryranakus might look rather like a low-energy recluse with how timid he seemed, but he was still a dragon who ventured and survived his adulthood pilgrimage. I didn’t even have a shred of doubt that he was a force of nature.

Now, I didn’t know his level, since Phso wanted to keep it a secret for now, which meant Ryranakus might or might not be higher leveled than Vifi. Still, regardless of the truth, what was more important was his skill usage. How he’d use his unique draconic skills along with the common ones everybody would get?

I’ve seen how I measured up to other dragons, especially the gap in strength between a rank A and me, so how would I fare against my own brother? It might be a bit too arrogant to think I could beat Ryranakus, but I wanted to. My dragon instincts were telling me, no, compelling me to give it my all to show them how strong I was.

Feel the burn. The agitation … Feels good. Let’s go!

‘… Calm down, battle junkie Hestia,’ Hikari chided me, but my feelings were getting to her as well. She was taking deep breaths to ready herself.

As I was pumping myself up, Ryranakus was sighing, as if this was the most bothersome thing in his life, his put-upon act so thorough he was slightly psyching me out. “You need time to cast spells, Hestia?”

“Giving me the first hit?”

“Never. Giving your opponent the first hit is what arrogant humanoids and idiotic dragons fledglings do; you hit them hard at the start before they can react. But I’m not here to actually hurt you,” he explained, looking perturbed. “I meant, do you need to prepare any spells to empower yourself? You’ve been on Altrust, so I trust you learned the four meta-magic techniques, right?”

“Yeah, I did, but, you’re right. I do need my buffing spells to close the stat gap, so let me start out.”

I snapped my fingers as Hikari cast all my buffing spells, including [Symphonie des Feuergottes].

[Symphonie des Feuergottes (Allegro)] [Various Spell Buffs] [Sanctified Blaze] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

“You’re a multi-elemental mage?” Ryranakus raised an eyebrow.

I widened my eyes. “You didn’t know? I thought Mom would gush more about me, but I guess she was nice enough to keep some things a secret.”

“But, I did!” Mom interjected loudly, scaring me for a moment. “Ryranakus just isn’t very attentive to most things. He lives by taking things at his own tempo, haha.”

“Your other siblings listen to their mothers, my Ryranakus has always been more like his grandfathers—rather stubborn for a fledgling. Despite his size, his stealth skills are high, probably due to his affinity and his dislike for crowds,” Gaistrus added. “My perfect little drake.”

Ryranakus sighed in exasperation. It was quite cute.

I snapped my fingers once again, this time, to signal the start of my first song. I sang and reached my hand in the sky as I cast [Prayer] as well.

Is this the fated battle, the light shines ♫

It’s blinding my sight ♫

But I’ve gotta hold on, the stage calls ♫

The cries of a thousand, the flames of war will descend ♫”

[Music Resonation (Moderate)] [Blessing of the Goddess of Light (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

“Human singing?” Ryranakus raised an eyebrow as I activated [Humanize].

“Just a song to fit the setting. Gets your blood pumping!” I said before my figure was completely obstructed by the mana mist. After a moment, I unfurled my wings, blowing the mana mist away only to see my brother turning back into a dragon as well. [“Here’s a fun fact about me, I love songs and singing. It’s my passion. I’m an idol, through and through!”]

[“A bard, I see,”] he replied as his form was revealed. Peaking his gigantic head out of the mist, he glared at me. [“Brother Nongramos being here would have been better for your first lesson.”]

I took a step back, cowering a bit as I witnessed my youngest brother’s full size. While he was nowhere close to how imposing Mom or his mother was, his size as a rank A was outright larger than the rank A adults I’ve met about two weeks ago. He was gigantic, enough to seem like a large hill or small mountain from a distance.

He shared a few traits from both his parents, mostly the boulder-sized carapace and the snapping-turtle head from his mother, but his build was far similar to Eltharion. Strong, thick hindlegs that suggested he could stand on two legs, while his chest was stout like a proud griffon. Golden-brown scales covered his body with a few colored black, like the spots on a cheetah.

Seeing him like this … was he a full-on drake? When I met my half-siblings, I vaguely remembered everybody having wings. I wasn’t really focusing on them, aside from Taimatrak, due to how unique everyone looked. Phso and Ryranakus had them in their dragonewt forms, so why was the latter’s dragon form wingless?

Is there a trick to it, or does he just want wings in his dragonewt form?

[“Let’s begin,”] he said dispassionately as his golden scales began to shine like neon lights.

Battle Frenzy! Kriffiek kllk gaaung!

[Battle Frenzy (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

With my scales lighting up white, my three-times larger brother activated his [Tyrant’s Roar], grounding me with a blast of roar I barely managed to protect myself against with [Air Shield]. I thought I was safe for the moment, but my [Danger Perception] activated to warn me of something coming from below.

Activating my rocket boosters, I dispelled my [Air Shield] and used my own [Tyrant’s Roar], boosted by [Aerokinesis]. Surprisingly, my roar actually managed to overpower his, despite our size difference. This allowed me to fly up as the earth suddenly twisted, as if it was made out of licorice, trying to trap me in it.

No magic circle? Geomancer, then, just like his mom.

“All right, that’s good enough! I’m allowing you two to appraise each other, to make it less confusing! Put your [Identity Blocker] down!” Phso suddenly said, surprising me as I hadn’t expected him to announce it during the fight!

Shit! Mana Eyes!

Name: Ryranakus Carbnaktus Goldduragon Level: 15 Race: Onyx Fury Mountain Dragon

Age: 82 Years

Status: Health: 77801 Mana: 40891

Strength: 30092 Intelligence: 21075

Vitality: 49081 Wisdom: 33210

Agility: 19403 Stamina: 43401

Effects: [Music Resonation (Moderate)] [Battle Frenzy (Minor)]

Unique Skill: [Carrier of the Golden Earth Lv. 6] [Onyx Crystal Creator Lv. 8]

[Carrier of the Blackened Earth Lv. 3] [Drakonian Precipice Edge]

Skill: Magic skills and related:

[Inferno Magic Lv. 1] [Fire Amp] [Fire Magic Efficiency]

[True Draconic Lineage]

[True Draconic Barrier Lv. 6] [Silent Casting Lv. 5]

[Magic Power Enhancement Lv. 7] [Mental Stability Lv. 7]

[Mental Warfare Lv. 5] [Fluid Cast Lv. 2]

[Delayed Cast Lv. 8] [Continuous Cast Lv. 8] [Multi-Cast Lv. 7]

Physical skills and related:

[True Unarmed Technique Lv. 6]

[Tyrant’s Voice Lv. 4] [All-Damage Enhancement Lv. 6]

Senses and movement skills:

[Silence Lv. 1] [Accuracy Correction Lv. 10]

[Foresight Lv. 3] [Detection Sensor Lv. 4] [Concentration Lv. 5]

[Danger Perception Lv. 10] [Probability Correction Lv. 10]

[Enhanced Auditory Sense Lv. 3] (+1) [Enhanced Olfactory Sense Lv. 9]

[Enhanced Vision Lv. 10] [Tracking Lv. 8] [Night Vision Lv. 10]

[Air Walk Lv. 3] [Odorless Lv. 1]


[Physical Super-Resistance Lv. 7] [Absolute Pain Tolerance]

[Abnormal Status Nullification] [Fear Resistance Lv. 10]

[Lightning Resistance Lv. 4] [Ice Resistance Lv. 1]

[Sacred Resistance Lv. 5] [Wind Resistance Lv. 6]

[Water Resistance Lv. 5] [Tenebrous Resistance Lv. 1]

Stat growths and related:

[Enhanced Agility Growth Lv. 8]

[Enhanced Agility Enforcement Lv. 6]


[Handicraft Lv. 10] [Dismantle Lv. 10]

[Identity Blocker Lv. 10] [Tranquil Mind Lv. 2] [Cooking Lv. 2]

[Draconic Aura Lv. 7] [Royal Presence Lv. 3]

[Identify Lv. 10] [Thought Acceleration Lv. 1]

[Scale Manipulation Lv. 8] [Territory Release Lv. 5]

[Elvenize Lv. 10] [Telepathy]

Ability List: Dragon:

[Earth’s Embrace] [Onyx Blades] [Petrification Breath]

[Black-Smoke Breath] [Molten Crust]

Spell List: Custom Magic:

[Golden Dust Storm] [Gold Morph] [Spires of Goldduragon]

[Withering Earth]

Fire Magic

[Fire] [Firebolt] [Imbue Fire] [Fire Ball] [Strengthening Flames]

[Flame Spear] [Petal Flame] [Flame Explosion] [Inferno Blast]

Earth Magic

[Earth Wall] [Rock Blast] [Earth Strike] [Rock Bullet] [Sturdy Earth]

[Earth Spears] [Earth Crash] [Earthen Shackles] [Terra Wall]

[Bedrock Blades] [Rumbling Might] [Ruinous Rockfall]

[Terra Protection] [One With Mountains]

Thanks for the quick math to determine his base stats before [Battle Frenzy] buffing him, Hikari, but this is still … Arrgh, I should have expected this, but aahhhhh!

The silver-lining in this was that I still had more mana than Ryranakus, although all my other stats were quite lower. My agility and intelligence, thankfully, had only a few thousand points difference, meaning I potentially was still the better mage! Although, that was just my optimism trying to find something nice to take away from his Profile.

Meanwhile, his health, vitality, and wisdom were almost triple of mine … Ugh, which meant I would deal little to negligible amount of damage to him with any physical damage. The difference between my strength to his vitality was over 30000! How was I supposed to deal damage? He even had [Battle Frenzy (Minor)] for a small ten percent boost to all his stats.

Now, with [Will to Fight and Survive] and my spell buffs, I could hurt him with magical attacks. The difference between my intelligence and his wisdom was still over 10000, but I had a ton of magical amplification skills to help bridge the gap. The issues were his resistances.

Carrier of the Golden Earth: The unique skill of the Golden Cultivator, Goldduragon, inherited through his bloodline. Allows full control over the earth and its various characteristics, including the manipulator and creation of golden sand through draconic energy. Allows the assembly and disassembly of minerals into their various states. The skills combined are: [Terra Magic Lv. X (X=Level of [Carrier of the Golden Earth])] [Terra Amp] [Terra Magic Efficiency] [Terra Resistance Lv. 10],[Prime Vigor Lv. 10] [Indomitable Bulwark Lv. 1] [Mud Resistance Lv. 10] [Petrification Sand] [Geokinesis]

Unauthorized usage: this tale is on Amazon without the author's consent. Report any sightings.

Onyx Crystal Creator: The unique skill of the [Onyx Fury Mountain Dragon], influenced by the bloodline of Goldduragon. Able to create black onyx crystals through the influence of fire and earth magic, allowing the dragon to store scales inside the crystals for future usage. Allows the owner to harden the golden sand into hardy onyx for protection. The skills combined are: [Herculean Strength Lv. 1] [Unyielding Endurance Lv. 10]

Carrier of the Blackened Earth: The unique skill of the Golden Cultivator, Goldduragon, inherited through his bloodline, influenced by the bloodline of the Tyrant of the Black Skies, Kargryxmor. Unlocked through the birth of a [Young Black Earth Dragon]. Allows the manipulation of heat, turning even the world’s crust into searing lava. The skills combined are: [Lava Amp] [Lava Resistance Lv. 10] [Continental Drake Stride Lv. 10] [Superior Mid-Air Maneuvering Lv. 10] [Superior Aerial Fighter Lv. 10] [Pyrokinesis]

Drakonian Precipice Edge: The racial skill of the earth mountain drakes, allowing them full control over the earth through their mana and aura. With carapace harder than metal, this skill allows the drake’s earth elemental attacks to increase in potency through their Vitality, instead of Intelligence. The skills combined are: [Draconic Claws Lv. 10] [Draconic Fangs Lv. 10]

Physical and elemental resistances help reduce damage with the vitality and wisdom stat respectively, and seeing how his fire, earth, and magma resistance were merged into his unique skills, it was useless for me to use those elements against him. Not vice versa, though. My original evolution line to prioritize a glass cannon statline—prioritizing offense over defense—gave me the chance to hurt him, but his fire attacks would hurt me … A sunfang dragon.

Which meant, my only options to hurt him magically was to use either wind, water, or ice. I was glad to share a bloodline with him as my water and ice weaknesses also applied to him, but he didn’t have my faster skill growth blessing to actually train those resistances. Although, this information did nothing since I had no water or ice attacks … Meaning, I had to rely on wind, [Aerokinesis] roars, and … uh, my venom.

… How am I supposed to sneak enough venom into this mountain to actually hurt him?

My venom could pierce everybody’s [Abnormal Status Nullification] due to [Corrosive Flame] but it made absolutely no difference when Big Bro was so large! I would have to bring out the “Garm Matriarch” venom to actually hurt him, but using that on a family member would just make me feel guilty! Sheesh, I couldn’t see him as an enemy to overcome that mental block.

… However, I guess I also had another advantage—Hikari.

He’s still going through my Profile! I thought, noticing how his eyes were darting around, unfocused on me. Just like him, I had a ton of unique skills as well, but unlike him, I also had a ton of spell songs and custom spells! Even if he ignored them, he couldn’t when it came to my racial skills, [White Fire], and [Corrosive Flames] when they were all game changing skills!

Aha, for once, the length of my skill and spell descriptions came in clutch for me!

‘But, do you have a strategy to beat him?’ Hikari asked, looking like her brain was about to explode after appraising everything with [Split Soul Autonomy]’s [Mental World].

I … needed more time than a single night without any information except ‘Ryranakus is an earth dragon’ to find something out, Hikari. It took me a whole week to think of a way to take down the Prince of Envy, and only ‘cause I had Mom around! I can’t ‘giantslayer’ myself through every fight!

Technically, if this was a real fight, I would have immediately chosen to flee. With [Symphonie des Feuergottes Movement (Allegro)], I was currently faster than Ryranakus, so fleeing was the correct choice.

I had one idea to resume my giantslayer duties, but, even then, I wasn’t sure when I could find a good time to use it. The surprise factor was important here, but if I took too long, the allegro buff would turn into adagio. While a 50% boost in strength and intelligence would be nice, I preferred speed right now. I had to time it right while my brother here could probably one-shot me with an earth attack with [Drakonian Precipice Edge] and that massive vitality of his.

Well, no way around it.

I couldn’t flee, so I had to just trust in my judgement!

[Sacred Resistance Lv. 5] … Yeah, mana and arcane corruption doesn’t matter with the sun and my songs! All-in or nothing! Purple Flash into Heaven’s Sword!

Purple sparks flew as [Purple Flash] successfully activated, causing a large white magic circle to instantly materialize in the sky. My mana turned white, forming a giant woman’s arm wielding an equally-large longsword. With a single swing, the blade’s tip dove right down, targeting my brother as he finally finished his appraisal. He roared for a moment, his carapace shining golden, as the spell landed right on him.

A blinding light engulfed the area as I created space between him and me. As the spell dissipated, he roared once more, squirming a bit as he turned his neck around, where I saw a large hole in his back carapace. It was superficial damage at best, having not drawn blood, but at least it proved I could damage him with my high tier spells.

Nevertheless, it was a short-lived celebration, as any trace of the spell damage instantly vanished when I realized I hadn’t hurt his actual scales, but rather his armor. Golden rocks had covered his body like my [Panzer] spell, and it was now crumbling apart only for it to reform a moment later. Brother turned his head back to me, showing barely a reaction to my attack, as if this was the obvious conclusion.

Don’t try to act so smug, Ryra! Getting your armor destroyed by a younger and lower ranked dragon? Even I would feel annoyed; our draconic instincts would never let us take that sitting down! I thought as I ground my teeth. His way of provoking me was certainly something … I’ll just have to pummel you with all I have for that single moment to breach your defenses! Panzer, Unheiliger Engel, Hydra, Sanctified Blaze: Halo of Consecration, Sun, Consume All, Quartz Regen! Cast them all, Hikari!

A total of nine magic circles appeared in the air as my six corrosive and white flame spells activated, while my brother prepared his eight. As we both had [True Draconic Lineage], our spells were completely chantless with [Chant Revocation Lv. 10] embedded in that skill, meaning the ensuing firefight was about to shift into high gear.

I activated my rocket boosters as [Panzer], [Halo of Consecration], and [Unheiliger Engel] came into existence, while Brother focused on simple spells like [Earth Spears], [Bedrock Blades], and [Ruinous Rockfall] to hopefully down me in a one blow. Even a basic [Earth Magic] spell like [Earth Spears] could hurt me since his earth spells scaled with his vitality.

When my white sun, [Hydra], and [Quartz Sun] appeared, blanketing the sky with their forms, Brother began to send his gigantic scales out, using them like mobile, flying shields to obstruct my flight path, while he stood completely still on the ground. He was like a fortress shooting out cannon blasts, while I probably looked like a fly desperately trying to breach through this siege.

I ordered the latter three spells to immediately attack Brother with flaming sprays of white flames, a hail of giant quartz, and [Hydra] tackling him, finally pushing him back from his spot. He countered with a golden drill that surged from the ground, probably [Spires of Goldduragon], that pierced right through [Hydra], but since the the latter was made form corrosive slime, it didn’t do anything at first, only for me to quickly realize this spell of his shot out more than just one rotating spire.

The both of us continued this magical duel, our elemental mastery completely devastated this section of Frozen Nest, ruining the natural beauty and reducing it to nothing but a wasteland of giant earth spikes and glowing, slime-covered quartz. It was a standstill as the two of us did barely any damage to the other, with me being too fast to get caught while he was too defensive for anything to pierce his body.

It took a bit longer until I thought enough quartz was on the battlefield for me to gnash my fangs together, causing my scale-dust to explode in a chain reaction that enveloped the entire battlefield in a flame shower, to the point you couldn’t even see Brother’s large figure through the black smoke. While this probably didn’t hurt him, the explosions triggered my quartz to explode as well, blasting out not only waves of white flames but also acid-like corrosive fire.

The ground rumbled as Brother took multiple steps back while he created a barrier of scales to protect him from the corroding inferno, leaving him open for [Hydra] to grab him with its nine heads to wrestle him into a vulnerable position, enough for me to zoom towards him with my tail raised.

I was about to execute on my plan, only for [Danger Perception] and [Foresight] warning me of an incoming attack coming from in front, forcing me to dodge to the side as Ryranakus unleashed a dragon breath made of sand.

Upon contact, seven of [Hydra]’s head and a large potion of its slime body petrified before my inferno instantly incinerated it into ash. Just with that one move, [Hydra] was taken out of the fight, requiring me to either summon a new one or allow it to recover its lost slime.

[“Do be careful, Hestia! Our petrification breath is like that poison of yours. We can ignore some of that [Volcanic Resistance] of yours, and it won’t be a comfortable experience to get rid of it,”] Phso warned me as I was dodging that very same attack.

Ryranakus then stomped his foot on the ground, forming a giant brown magic circle the about double his length centered upon his foot, before it spawned a grand sand tornado. Befitting of its name, [Golden Dust Storm] was glittering like a sparkling node of golden ore as it blew away my quartz fire and [Hydra]’s remaining body.

Using [Flash Fire], I teleported up to my [Sun, Consume All] and gathered as much solar energy around me as possible before unleashing the concentrated power of this miniature sun onto my brother, breaking through the tornado and searing his rock armor bit by bit, while I cast both [Omnictus] and [Heaven’s Sword] without [Purple Flash].

[The Will to Fight and Survive] is making this manageable, but all my white flames attacks are dual-elemental. The holy aspect can deal damage, but the fire portion isn’t. Dammit, his health bar isn’t even moving.

Hrraaakkkk!” Ryranakus roared as he lowered his head and began standing on his hind legs, as a brown magic circle materialized underneath him and on his body.

[Foresight] rang loudly in my head as a spell turned his entire rock armor into pristine, bright yellow gold, as if it was the purest carat possible. As he blocked my solar laser with one arm, he touched the ground with the other, slowly turning the entire arshen-black ground gold like his armor. In the next moment, his second spell activated, once again casting [Spires of Goldduragon]

Only, this time, I barely managed to see how fast it materialized. I had to use [Flash Fire], teleporting towards the ground as my eyes widened in horror when I saw the spire grow to a length to touch the clouds. It was completely made from gold and it pierced through my white sun, leaving behind a large donut hole as the spire quickly melted.

[“To overcome his weak agility growth, Grandfather Goldduragon developed the ability to turn the earth into golden sand, becoming the owner of [Golden Earth Creator]. While it loses the hardness of the very earth, it gains the speed to catch up to even Kargryxmor’s flying,”] Phso explained, almost gloating from the sound of it. Like a proud brother. [“It will melt from your attacks, but Ryranakus is also a magma dragon, allowing him to control it even in its liquid form. That golden sand is even more malleable than ever before!”]

Ryranakus snapped his head around, glaring at me with glowing yellow eyes as fire spewed from his mouth. With a loud roar, he swung his right arm at me, manipulating the molten gold into a giant tsunami.

I managed to fly out of its trajectory just in time, only to see the gold immediately solidify into a giant spire. Ryranakus then bellowed a black-dust fire breath onto it, quickly melting it back into its liquid version to strike at me once again. During all this time, he was also spreading his midas touch across the rest of the battlefield, making more golden sand to the point his tsunami felt too large for me to avoid using [Flash Fire].

I can’t avoid this! The timer for allegro is almost over soon … I think. Dammit! Solar Beam!

Sending my solar core into overdrive, I shot the solar laser into the air, slicing the golden tsunami into half, before ordering [Quartz Regen] to shoot multiple crystals through the tsunami, leaving large enough gaps that I could fit through.

As Phso said, the golden sand was quick and moldable, but it lost its sturdiness. In a way, it was like the mud element from the second Warbringer. The only difference was the caster was pretty much one of the tankiest siblings I had, instead of a demonkin where I had songs made specifically to counter them and their higher stats.

To make a song to counter enemy dragons required more than a night to create. If the lyrics were wrong, the song could end up cursing me as well.

In any case, back to the fight, with my body overheating, I let all my scale-dust flare out, shooting me through the air as I tried to avoid the golden liquid. Ryranakus was trying to manipulate it to catch me, but I had turned [Unheiliger Engel] into a massive drill, while [Halo of Consecration] constantly shot out waves of holy flames to keep the golden sand molten. Having a golden statue of myself made would be too embarrassing!

I clutched my claws into a fist and punched the air, causing the light around it to shatter like glass with [Light Horizon]. Without light around, Ryranakus couldn’t see me, only sense and smell, but it allowed me to use this distraction to my advantage.

As the light filled in the emptiness, I wasn’t there any longer as I had used [Flash Fire] to dash around him, placing down a [Warp Point] entrance and exit, before I pulled out my rhytilic armor. The black metal quickly molded to my dragon form, materializing its original size before I activated the large rune decorating the chestplate.

[Dhuinn Rune: Fearless Defense] activate, now!

3080 vitality and 3090 wisdom quickly turned into strength and intelligence respectively, adding onto my base stats as they were further boosted by my various buffs. I switched my song to [The Heir of Hope] for the 10% boost in stats before stomping the air with [Air Walk] and [Dragoon Dive].

[The Shield of [The Light]] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

However, even with all this agility booster, I had to wait. Wait for the perfect timing!

[“You little brat!”] Ryranakus shouted in indignation, trying to swat me, only for me to utilize my four remaining corrosive and white flames spells to protect myself. I had to hang on, hold this power in.

Just for the right moment!

Come on, for the right—

[Symphonie des Feuergottes Movement (Adagio)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

—Now! Flash Fire!

I dove right through the [Warp Point] portal to appear right underneath one of my brother’s knees, one of the places Hikari assumed was the weak spots in his armor. I activated [Drakonian Sunlight Edge] and channeled all the reserve energy from [Solar Beam] into my tail while drenching it with as much venom as I could.

I swung my body around and cast two [Tornado Bullet]s behind my wings to propel me forward, increasing my speed even further before I released a concentrated [Tyrant’s Roar] on his leg, momentarily weakening his [True Draconic Barrier] since he was, presumably, naturally weak to wind attacks as he was an earth dragon.

Aiming my tail like the stinger of a bee, I unleashed my newest unarmed Ability—[Drill Blaster].

Kraaak!” Ryranakus roared out as my tail successfully dug right into the back of his knee.

The Ability instantly activated, releasing the concentrated blast of mana right through his leg like a laser, finally dealing the first bit of damage to him, even if it was only five percent! I internally apologized to Brother as I injected the “Garm Matriarch” venom into his body. Even if it had been diluted into a “safer” state after I recreated it with Vidia’s help, it was still an organ-melting liquid!

[“Arrghk!”] Ryranakus glared at me with hatred. [“If this is how you want to play it, then so be it! Let’s raise the ante, Hestia! Endure this!”]

Ryranakus’s golden armor suddenly broke apart as his scales started to turn completely black, while multiple similarly colored crystals began to grow from his carapace. Two long limbs suddenly tore through the protective scales on his back, looking like membrane-less wings.

However, in the next moment, the liquefied golden sand around him began to gather around them, hardening themselves like the darkest caramel to create two majestic black wings. It actually wasn’t wrong to call him a dragon, he was just hiding them for this moment.

Ryranakus was not only the son of the gold drake, Gaistrus, but was the child of the black dragon, Eltharion, as well. Unlike me, my siblings were presumably born with black scales, so why was this sight such a surprise to me? I wasn’t exactly sure how to answer it, but at this very moment, Ryranakus appearance as a dragonewt disappeared from my mind.

This was the real Ryranakus Carbnaktus Goldduragon. A towering, city-destroying menace. Beautiful, handsome, and absolutely awe-inspiring. His golden scales might have dazzled me, but the black terror I was seeing right now could never be forgotten. Just like Neill’s kirin-dragon form after she unleashed her devastating dragon path attacks.

Sheesh … What are you bringing the nerd out of me for? Shit, am I gonna get slammed by him now?


With a single clap, the oppressing atmosphere disappeared as Ryanakus’s black scales slowly turned back to golden-brown. We turned around to see Gaistrus waving at us.

“Enough, dears! Otherwise, you will destroy Melloxtressa’s home!”

[“Yes, Mother.”] With that obedient reply, Ryranakus gently grabbed me as if I was a fragile plushie and pulled me out of his leg. Placing me on the ground, he went back onto all fours and lowered his head so our eyes could meet. [“Not bad, you scamp. Get to rank A, and that attack probably could have cost me that leg.”]

Was he … praising me?

I couldn’t really tell since his thick carapace was hiding his expression. When he saw my confusion, he sighed a bit with his rumbling voice.

[“You a bit dull, little sis? I complimented you, now it’s your time to say something nice back.”]

[“You’re not getting anything from me after insulting me like that!”] I complained, smacking my tail angrily on his ground, causing him to roar lightly, like a cackle.

[“Knew it … I don’t think we’ll get along too well.”]

[“Oh, shut it! You’re the one who isn’t trying with your weird wave length,”] I rebuked his attempt to shift all his problems to me. [“You could at least try to be more nice, okay? I work better with some wholesomeness.”]

[“I prefer it blunt, and when people don’t bother me enough so I can just lounge away. You don’t seem like the person to do so.”] He shrugged, before cackling again. [“But … aside from your personality, you aren’t bad. You’re my sister and you’re strong just like the rest of the family, even if you’re just a runt, right now.”]

… This guy really doesn’t know how to socialize or articulate himself, huh? Is he trying to be nice or not?

Haa, I guess I should just consider this as the both of us getting on a good foot. It could have been worse!

[“Now, stop staring into the air and get rid of the damn venom already. I’m dying,”] he said with the most nonchalant voice ever.

You haven’t even lost one percent of your health from it, yet, you asshole!

And so, I’ve got to know another of my siblings.

Name: Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor Level: 32 Race: Young Sunfang Dragon

Age: 3 Years Jobs: [Tyrant Diva] EP: 5/30

Status: Health: 20002 (+1) Mana: 50408 (+23)

Strength: 11289 (+7) Intelligence: 16270 (+6)

Vitality: 6038 Wisdom: 8076 (+1)

Agility: 15026 (+3) Stamina: 11782 (+13)

Effects: None

Skill Points: 0 (-1400)

Unique Skill: [Dreadflame Dragon Lv. 7] (+1) [Hellblade Dragon Lv. 7] (+1)

[Solar Core Lv. 7] (+1) [Venerated Saintess Lv. 6] [Idol Lv. 7]

[Volcanic Blaze] [Drakonian Sunlight Edge] [Split Soul Autonomy] (New)

Skill: Magic skills and related:

[Lightning Magic Lv. 6] [White Flames Lv. 8] (+1)

[Corrosive Fire Lv. 8] (+1) [Sacred Magic Lv. 8] [Terra Magic Lv. 4]

[Wind Magic Lv. 10] [Wind Amp] [Wind Magic Efficiency]

[Storm Magic Lv. 4] [Space-Time Magic Lv. 6]

[Space-Time Magic Efficiency] [True Draconic Lineage]

[True Draconic Barrier Lv. 2] (+1) [Silent Casting Lv. 10]

[Magic Power Enhancement Lv. 10] [Mental Warfare Lv. 8]

[Fluid Cast Lv. 7] [Delayed Cast Lv. 7] (+1)

[Continuous Cast Lv. 7] (+1) [Multi-Cast Lv. 8] (New)

Physical skills and related:

[True Unarmed Technique Lv. 4] (+1) [Sword Technique Lv. 1]

[Tyrant’s Voice Lv. 1] [All-Damage Enhancement Lv. 3] (+1)

Senses and movement skills:

[Silence Lv. 2] (+1) [Accuracy Correction Lv. 9]

[Foresight Lv. 6]

[Danger Perception Lv. 10] [Probability Correction Lv. 8]

[Detection Sensor Lv. 5] [Enhanced Olfactory Sense Lv. 6]

[Enhanced Vision Lv. 10] [Tracking Lv. 5] [Night Vision Lv. 10]

[Odorless Lv. 2] (+1)


[Physical Super-Resistance Lv. 10] [Absolute Pain Tolerance]

[Mana Leak Resistance Lv. 10] [Abnormal Status Nullification]

[Fear Resistance Lv. 10] (+1) [Lightning Resistance Lv. 10]

[Sacred Resistance Lv. 6] [Storm Resistance Lv. 5]

[Water Resistance Lv. 9] [Tenebrous Resistance Lv. 1]

[Ice Resistance Lv. 2] (New)


[Stage Fever Lv. 8] [Handicraft Lv. 7] [Woodworking Lv. 8]

[Stonecrafting Lv. 1] [Trap Creation Lv. 10] [Instruction Lv. 3]

[Identity Blocker Lv. 10] [Tranquil Mind Lv. 7] (+1) [Cooking Lv. 9]

[Saint’s Aura Lv. 2] [Draconic Aura Lv. 5] [Royal Presence Lv. 6]

[Scale Manipulation Lv. 6] (+1) [Territory Release Lv. 4]

[Dismantle Lv. 10] (+1) [Core Regulation]

[Humanize Lv. 10] [Telepathy] [Aerokinesis]

Ability List: Dragon:

[Dreadflare Aura] [Hellblade Edge] [Scale-Dust Veil] [Hellflame Breath]

[Solar Beam] [Magmakammer]


[Spiral] [Spark Crescent]


[Dragoon Jump] [Gale Steps] [Dragoon Dive]

[Drill Blaster]

Spell List: Custom Magic:

[Symphonie des Feuergottes] [Prayer] [Sanctified Blaze]

[Sanctified Blaze: Halo of Consecration] [Ignite] [Panzer] [Unheilger Engel]

[Scorching Sun] [Hydra] [Sun, Consume All] [Quartz Regen]

Custom Spell Song:

[The Will to Fight and Survive] [Dragon Fire] [My Darkest Thoughts]

[The Heir of Hope] [Strength and Wisdom] [Slave to My Love]

Lightning Magic:

[Lightning Bolt] [Purple Flash] [Levin Core]

[Overload] [Clouds of Thunder] [Ramuh]

Holy Magic:

[Sacred Smite] [Sacred Veil] [Sacred Field] [Banishment Beam]

[Major Heal] [Omnictus] [Gloria Ascendence] [Heaven’s Sword]

Earth Magic

[Terra Wall] [Bedrock Blades] [Rumbling Might] [Ruinous Rockfall]

Wind Magic:

[Wind Bullet] [Wind Cutter] [Air Shield] [Wind Slash]

[Swift Winds] [Wind Blast] [Featherfall] [Aerial Blitz]

[Tornado Bullet] [Sylphid’s Cloak] [Tailwind] [Cyclone Madness]

Space-Time Magic:

[Haste] [Storage Magic] [Warp Point: Entry] [Warp Point: Exit] [Room]

The Light Magic:

[Shine] [Sanctuary] [Miraculous Grace]

Titles: [The Light] [Bearer of Kargryxmor’s Blood] [Divine Inferno]

[Otherworldly Reincarnator] [Princess]



A note from AbyssRaven

Hestia and Neill beat themselves up. Neill and Ryra did the same. Hmm, siblings fighting each other in a spar ... I think I am seeing a pattern here.

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Thank you for reading this chapter.

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