A Guide for Background Characters to Survive in a Manga

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

The scene shifts to Wu Jin's match, zooming in on him. He wears large black-framed glasses that almost cover half his face, with his hair on both sides and long bangs hiding the rest, leaving only a bit of his mouth and chin visible.

If social anxiety is an illness, and Lan Subing's case is severe, then Wu Jin's condition is terminal, to the extent that the manga adds a dark purple filter around him to emphasize his gloom.

Sometimes Su Bei is also given a purple background in the manga, but that purple represents mystery, which is entirely different from Wu Jin's.

[The first to pay attention to this match was Su Bei, whose interest prompted others to question it. Although Wu Jin had joined Si Zhaohua's group and had a somewhat special status, everyone could see he was destined to lose. They couldn't understand why Su Bei would focus on this match.

On the screen, Su Bei is smiling mischievously, like a cunning fox: "Since you all think the other guy will win, wouldn’t it be more interesting if Wu Jin won instead?"]

The manga then switches to several shots of Wu Jin being beaten miserably and retreating step by step.

This is followed by doubts from Jiang Tianming and the others, especially after they learn that Su Bei has bet all his points on Wu Jin, making them even more opposed.

The viewers' comments, however, are much more rational, knowing that if the manga depicted this scene, it must be because Su Bei succeeded. So, there were no doubts, only confusion.

"How is Su Bei going to make Wu Jin win?"

"Can someone below the stage help those on it? Is the school's barrier just for show?"

"If Wu Jin wins, wouldn't that be cheating?"

In the next scene, the manga generously gives Su Bei a full-panel close-up.

[In his hand, he holds a gear with peculiar patterns, glowing faintly with golden light, being toyed with in his slender, well-defined fingers.

Su Bei himself is also emitting a very faint dark golden light. Although he is merely gazing at the gear with his head slightly lowered, the effortless aura affects everyone, including the readers.

It's as if he isn't looking at the gear but making eye contact with them with his deep purple eyes—

"Since I’ve placed my bet, then whether he wants to or not, he has to win."]

"Ahhh, so cool!"

"Coming from the back, Su Bei is going crazy!"

"What kind of skill is this?"

"OMG, so alpha!"

"Although it feels like a domineering CEO trope, it's really cool!"

Ignoring the fangirls' screams in the comments, Su Bei continues reading. After he finishes that line, the scene shifts directly to the stage.

[Wu Jin can't withstand his opponent's fierce attacks and is pushed to the edge of the stage, mumbling something with his mouth constantly moving.

Just as one of his feet steps out of the ring, Wu Jin suddenly smirks, quickly squats down, and shuts his mouth.

His opponent loses sight of him and, thinking Wu Jin accidentally fell off, steps down himself.]

In the next frame where Wu Jin stands up and steps off the stage, the focus shifts to several shots of the main characters. Except for Su Bei, everyone else looks shocked.

Only Su Bei, with a look of foresight, checks his phone, with "+30 points" written next to it. Clearly, he has made a small profit from this bet.

The viewers are also thrilled.

"He really won, and so unexpectedly!"

"From what it looks like, Wu Jin planned this win himself. What role did Su Bei play in this?"

"Wu Jin's smirk seems like foreshadowing."

"Knowing the outcome before it even begins, so cool! This feeling of being in control!"

The story continues. Initially, Jiang Tianming and the others are simply amazed, but their relationship quickly intensifies due to Mo Xiaotian's conversation with Su Bei.

Su Bei closes his eyes, forcibly ignoring the comments shipping him with Mo Xiaotian. He had seen some shipping threads on forums before, which he didn't understand but respected as long as he didn't click on them.

But now that he's the subject of a ship, he finds it hard to accept. As a straight man, he can't help but shiver every time he sees such comments.

Fine, let's just consider it as friendship shipping.

In the next segment, Su Bei uses Zhao Xiaoyu's case to further demonstrate that his "Gear of Destiny" indeed has other uses. However, since there was already Wu Jin's example, this part is only briefly mentioned.

Soon, it was Mo Xiaotian's turn to compete. He also quickly overpowered his opponent. Despite his usual goofy demeanor, he was indeed a genuine Class A student.

After the match, Mo Xiaotian's ability was revealed, and during lunchtime, the manga introduced the concept of Class S.

The first match in the afternoon was Wu Mingbai's. The manga simultaneously showed the action on the stage and the betting happening below. When Wu Mingbai won, the neighboring panel depicted a boy who had bet on the purple-haired girl kneeling in despair, which was quite amusing.

Compared to his match, Lan Subing's match was clearly more interesting. Even before her match, the comment section was filled with concerns.

"Is it Lan Subing's turn? Can she use her 'Word Spirit'?"

"Although we know she'll win, I can't help but worry."

"I'm in a hurry, but I have to post a comment before I go."

As expected, Lan Subing won, breaking through her social anxiety with her witty remarks, which made the barrage laugh.

Finally, Jiang Tianming's match caught Su Bei's attention again. He was curious about how Jiang Tianming used his ability and wondered if it really had a stealth effect.

The initial process was the same as what Su Bei had seen in reality, but the manga included more of Jiang Tianming's internal thoughts. He wasn't panicking, just contemplating how to win without revealing his ability.

[When Jiang Tianming reached the edge of the stage, a shadow resembling the boss he killed in the previous season appeared behind him.

The shadow pointed vaguely, causing the girl's clothes to be pulled, making her lose balance and fall off the stage.]

It was then that Su Bei remembered that this boss had the ability to manipulate objects. If Jiang Tianming could use the abilities of these death shadows, it meant that the more people he killed, the more abilities he could acquire.

As expected of the protagonist's ability, it was indeed powerful.

However, just as Jiang Tianming and others feared, this ability wasn't suitable for public display. The saying "a man is innocent, but he is guilty if he possesses a treasure" applied here. Even if Jiang Tianming had never harmed anyone for this ability, others would worry that he might harm others to become stronger.

But for Su Bei, he didn't care about what might happen to Jiang Tianming. After all, Jiang Tianming was the protagonist and didn't need a cannon fodder like him to worry. He only cared about how this information could be useful to him.

It was impossible to directly tell Jiang Tianming, "I know the secret of your ability" but perhaps he could help Jiang Tianming cover up when he was about to be exposed. This way, he could show that he knew the truth while also improving his favorability within the protagonist group.

Thinking this through, he reassured himself and continued reading.

After the main group finished their matches, they watched Si Zhaohua's match. The manga author, especially for Jiang Tianming's opponent, gave him the same treatment as the protagonist group—showing the entire match.

It was another overwhelming victory, but unlike the others, Si Zhaohua's ability was obviously very advanced. Those wings and special effects seemed to belong to a different art style compared to the protagonist group.

In this part of the story, Su Bei noticed a detail he hadn't caught in reality: after transforming into an angel, Si Zhaohua seemed more arrogant or... emotionally detached.

Previously, he would argue with Jiang Tianming, indicating he wasn't the type to look down on others. Based on his earlier personality, he would have come over to taunt them again.

Su Bei didn't notice this at the time because he was still in awe of the "angel" ability. The presentation was so holy and powerful that it shocked him.

However, reviewing the manga, Su Bei quickly realized something was wrong. Did Si Zhaohua's emotions change after using his ability? Was this a temporary side effect or a subtle personality shift?

Affected by Si Zhaohua, the group felt dejected as they headed to the cafeteria. With Mu Tieren's rational comfort and Su Bei's unreserved sarcasm, they gradually regained their spirits.

This part sparked a lot of discussion in the comments.

"We need a 'mom' figure! Bring on the 'mom'!"

"Mu Tieren is right. The enemy is strong, but they must have weaknesses."

"After seeing Si Zhaohua's ability, I don't know how the protagonist group can win."

"Classic Su Bei, haha!"

"Su Bei: Dreaming during the day, are we?"

Of course, there were some negative comments saying Su Bei was too harsh. Su Bei ignored those comments. He wasn't a people-pleaser and didn't need everyone to like him.

The next part of the story moved to the second day's matches. As Su Bei had predicted, the main group encountered strong opponents. Though their abilities weren't exceptionally high-level, they were strategically superior.

Through these battles, they each gained some power-ups. Su Bei thought that shonen manga protagonists always needed to grow stronger through adversity, which was one reason he didn't want to join the protagonist group.

Leave the hardships to those who need them more; he was content to be a worthless slacker who reaps without sowing.

[Lan Subing faced a strong male student from Class C. This guy was physically fit and regularly exercised, unlike the opponents she faced on the first day who couldn’t even keep up with her. His ability was also formidable. Unless Lan Subing could use her "Word Spirit" ability, she wouldn't be able to defeat him.

At the last moment, just as she was about to be thrown off the stage, Lan Subing successfully used her "Word Spirit" ability to immobilize her opponent. This was exactly like what happened in the previous season, where she could only use her ability at the critical moment.]

This made many rational readers realize that Lan Subing had not made much progress in her abilities, and they hoped she would improve in the upcoming monthly exam.

[Wu Mingbai, on the other hand, faced an opponent from Class C. The fact that his opponent had made it to the second round with a Class C ability was proof of his strength. However, after witnessing the various tricks used by students on the first day, his opponent was extremely cautious and didn’t give Wu Mingbai any chance to take shortcuts.

This intense battle made Wu Mingbai realize his physical weakness. Both he and Jiang Tianming had the same problem: due to poor nutrition since childhood, their physical stamina was generally low.

Despite narrowly winning this battle, he decided to start working out diligently from that day on. With guidance from Jiang Tianming and others, he planned to follow the same training regimen as Class F.]

[Finally, it was Jiang Tianming's turn. Today, he faced an opponent who specialized in long-range attacks. With his opponent not getting close, it was difficult for Jiang Tianming to make any subtle moves. Like Lan Subing, he couldn’t win without using his ability.

At the last moment, Jiang Tianming had a realization. It was impossible to continue pretending he couldn’t use his ability at the Ability Academy. Rather than having his ability exposed passively, it was better for him to use it proactively, allowing him to 'selectively' reveal it.]

So, Jiang Tianming only showcased the boss’s object-controlling ability, claiming it as his own and naming it [Object Control] He did not reveal anything about his other soul ability.

Having read the first season of the manga, Su Bei knew that Jiang Tianming’s other ability was incredibly powerful, resembling a laser cannon.

After their matches, the scene shifted to Su Bei. It depicted a conversation between him and Zhao Xiaoyu.

Seeing this, Su Bei couldn’t help but frown. To be honest, he didn’t want that incident to be depicted in the manga. Su Bei had been maintaining a mysterious persona, and actively probing into others’ abilities seemed out of character.

Unexpectedly, the comments in the comment section didn’t think so.

“When did Su Bei and Zhao Xiaoyu start interacting?”

“Is Su Bei gathering information for the team?”

“What does he mean? Is Su Bei really predicting, or is he deceiving Zhao Xiaoyu?”

“The protagonist group can't lose, right?”

“Zhao Xiaoyu is quite smart.”

“Wow! Su Bei has won me over!”

“Even a playful person refuses to betray the team. I wish my colleagues could learn from this…”

The response was better than expected? Su Bei scratched his head in surprise. After thinking it over, he realized that the readers had already accepted his persona, and they would fill in the blanks themselves. Even slightly out-of-character actions wouldn’t raise suspicion.

This realization was undoubtedly good news for Su Bei. If readers had a deep impression of his persona, he could act more boldly in the future.

After this plot segment, the story moved to the anticipated conclusion. The protagonist group and the rival group were finally going to clash: Wu Mingbai’s opponent for the next day was Zhou Renjie.

Closing the manga, Su Bei quickly opened the forum. He was excited because the foreshadowing he had planted was finally coming to fruition.

Opening his personal profile on the forum, Su Bei checked a post he had made earlier. He originally thought that no one would pay attention to it, but to his surprise, there were already many replies, indicating that someone had discovered this hidden gem early.

[[Prophecy Post] Hidden Dragons and Crouching Tigers in Class F!!!]

[Prophet no.0: … (details inside)]

[no.15: Keeping this post in my collection was worth it! OP is amazing! He guessed everything right!]

[no.16: Just realized this post was made when the second season had just started. The timing of the predictions is incredible!]

[no.17: 66666]

[no.18: Fits the OP’s name perfectly.]

[no.19: Six correct guesses!]

[no.20: OP is amazing!]

[no.21: OP is amazing!]


Seeing that his account had successfully taken off, Su Bei didn’t immediately make a new post. Instead, he looked at the current hot posts on the forum. If there was a post that conveyed what he wanted to say, he wouldn’t need to go through the trouble himself.

"Su Bei accurately predicting Wu Jin and Zhao Xiaoyu's victories—what's his ability?"

"I don't understand, how did Su Bei win?"

"Difference between Su Bei and Feng Lan's prophecy abilities (latest version)"

There were many hot posts about Su Bei. He smiled with satisfaction and clicked on the first post.

"Su Bei accurately predicting Wu Jin and Zhao Xiaoyu's victories—what's his ability?"

[HolyFireMeowMeow no.0: Based on previous storylines, Su Bei’s ability is "Gear of Destiny" which allows him to predict others' fates. However, his actions in this chapter seem less like predictions and more like altering fate.

Su Bei playing with gears.jpg

Look at this picture. It’s a screenshot of Su Bei saying, "Since I’ve placed my bet, then whether he wants to or not, he has to win." He conjures a gear at this moment, and then it disappears. It's clear that he used this gear.

But the strange thing is, Wu Jin clearly won on his own. He kept talking at first to increase his presence, then crouched near the edge of the stage, making his opponent misjudge and think he fell off.

Su Bei didn’t forcibly make Wu Jin win with his ability; Wu Jin won through his own strategy. So, what role did Su Bei play in this?]

[no.1: OP, you watched so carefully. I was just shouting how cool it was the whole time.]

[no.2: I’m curious about this too. Su Bei must have done something, but I couldn’t figure out what.

If he hadn’t conjured that gear, I would just think he predicted Wu Jin’s victory. But since he used that gear, he must have done something!]

[no.3: Falling more and more for this man full of secrets.]

[no.4: I didn’t think much about it, but now it does seem mysterious after reading OP’s thread.]

[no.5 reply to no.1: Surveillance, dismantling, understand?]

[no.6: That kind of strategizing is really cool. Who gets it?]

[no.7 reply to no.6: I do!]


[HolyFireMeowMeow no.22 (OP): The thread’s getting off track. We know Su Bei is cool. Can someone actually answer my question?]

[no.23: This is a foreshadowing left by the old thief (Author). It’s normal not to understand.]

[no.24: I really want to know Su Bei’s ability. Many ladies want to create fanfiction but are afraid of being slapped in the face by the original.]

[no.25 reply to no.24: What? How can this be? Ladies, get going! Isn't fanfiction all about being repeatedly slapped in the face!]


Seeing that the thread still hadn’t answered OP’s question, Su Bei closed the post. He wanted to provide an answer but needed to check other posts for reasonable explanations first.

"I don't understand, how did Su Bei win?"

[This name is not taken no.0: Rbt, I’m a bit confused. While Su Bei’s victory over the green-haired guy was interesting and cool, I didn’t understand how he won. It seemed like he just teased the green-haired guy a bit and then easily pushed him off the stage.

Wasn’t the green-haired guy’s ability "Rubber Man"? Why didn’t he use his ability when Su Bei threw him off the stage?]

[no.1: Hahahaha green-haired guy, green-haired guy: Are you being polite?]

[no.2: Didn’t understand +1]

[no.3: I didn’t get it either, but it was cool!

Su Bei looking down from above.jpg]

[no.4: Didn’t understand +3]

[no.5: Can some expert explain this to us confused folks?]


[LeeuwenhoekIsAlso no.14: I'll share my guess; it might not be right. Look at these two pictures.

Green-haired guy smug.jpg Green-haired guy pale.jpg

The first picture is from when the green-haired guy just stepped into the ring, and the second one is when Su Bei was about to push him off. You can clearly see the difference in skin color, right?

The author is always meticulous with his manga, so it's unlikely he picked the wrong color. So, the green-haired guy must have been feeling unwell at that moment, which is why he looked pale.

Let me finish typing, I'll be right back.]

[no.15: The details above are amazing!]

[no.16: Who would notice that? That's amazing!]

[no.17: Sounds reasonable, so why was the green-haired guy feeling unwell? Was it due to Su Bei's ability?]

[no.18: By the way, why is everyone really calling him green-haired guy?]

[no.19 reply to no.18: Because it feels representative, I guess.]

[no.20: Why not type it all out at once? This is so suspenseful.]

[no.21 reply to no.14: Come back quickly! I can't take it anymore~]

[no.22: Is it possible that Su Bei's ability makes people lose their abilities or feel unwell just by being near them?]

[no.23 reply to no.22: His ability is "Gear of Destiny"; what you said doesn't relate at all.]

[no.24 reply to no.22: Impossible, he didn’t use any gear on the stage.]

[no.25: Actually, what no.22 said seems possible.]


[LeeuwenhoekIsAlso no.53: I'm back! I suspect the green-haired guy felt unwell because he overused his ability earlier, so he couldn't use it later. Not like no.22 said.

Simply put, Su Bei didn’t use any ability during this match; he purely defeated the green-haired guy with strategy.]

[no.54: What? What? What?]

[no.55: I'm stunned.]

[no.56: What no.53 said makes sense. Didn’t the teacher say earlier that abilities rely on mental strength? The green-haired guy is a newbie; after using his ability so many times, it’s reasonable that he couldn’t use it anymore due to mental exhaustion.]

[no.57: Isn't this outcome a bit silly?]

[no.58: Though I acknowledge your brilliance, Leeuwenhoek, why didn't he use his ability?]

[no.59 reply to no.58: Based on my understanding of Su Bei, is it possible that he felt a Class C student wasn’t worthy of him using his ability?]

[no.60 reply to no.59: Makes so much sense!]

[no.61 reply to no.59: Not gonna lie, this fits his character well! Su Bei seems quite proud, and dealing with a Class C student in such a playful way seems like something he’d do.]

[no.62: With this analysis, Su Bei seems even cooler…]

[no.63: He can easily defeat opponents without using his ability. Truly impressive!]

[no.64: Smart and powerful, even though he’s got a bad attitude, it hits my sweet spot!]


This post indeed pinpointed the reason why Su Bei defeated the green-haired guy. Seeing that everyone's reactions were fairly positive, Su Bei didn't bother to intervene and clicked on the third post.

"Su Bei, and Feng Lan's Prediction Abilities: (Latest Update)"

[OP no.0: This topic has been discussed multiple times since the second season started. However, both of them revealed some new information during this month's exam, so I'm revisiting this topic.

Currently known information:

Su Bei: Can predict specific individuals (or multiple people) once a week. His mental strength seems to be advanced. There appears to be a special skill in the latest chapter, but it's not clear.

Feng Lan: Can predict specific events or make random predictions, the former once a month. Can make accurate predictions during battles.

Looking at it this way, there are still quite a few differences between the two. However, I feel that Su Bei’s ability has many more secrets. Once these secrets are revealed, the differences will be even more greater.]

[no.1: It’s true, this issue has been discussed to death. We've argued over it multiple times.]

[no.2: Hahaha, I just love watching this drama.]

[no.3: I bet they'll argue again this time. How many times have we debated whether Feng Lan or Su Bei is the top prophet in "King of Superpowers"? Isn't it tiring?]

[no.4 reply to no.3: They probably don’t get tired of it, but I doubt Su Bei and Feng Lan care about this.]

[no.5: I’m really curious about what Su Bei’s ability actually is.]

[no.6: They can argue all they want, but it doesn’t stop me from shipping them. The Bei-Feng ship is too good! Twin prophets ruling the world! (x)]

[no.7: Ship it, ship it all!]


After reading all the posts related to him, Su Bei didn't find any content that explained the new form of his ability. He knew it was time to make use of his forum account.

He decisively created a new thread.

"【Prophet】Su Bei’s Ability!"

[Prophet no.0: The last thread has been validated, so it's time for a new one. Based on Su Bei’s ability as demonstrated in this manga update, I have the following guesses:

His ability can not only predict others' destinies but also alter them!

Wu Jin indeed deliberately designed his plan to use his ability to lower his presence, confuse the opponent, and secure victory. To be honest, that plan was somewhat hasty.

He only lowered his presence, not turned invisible. If his opponent had been more meticulous, they could have discovered him. But the opponent, after Wu Jin squatted down, just turned to look around without lowering his head, allowing Wu Jin to win.

I personally believe this was likely due to Su Bei’s ability playing a role, tweaking the wheel of fate, making small adjustments to the fate line, and make Wu Jin, who should have lost, to win through minor changes.

By the evening when Su Bei refreshed the page, the thread had already garnered many replies.

[no.1: OP wrote a lot; I’ll listen to OP's]

[no.2: Yay! Finally, an expert has deciphered this!]

[no.3: OP looks familiar?]

[no.4: Makes so much sense! If Su Bei’s ability is "Gear of Destiny" merely peeking at fate is nothing; being able to change fate is the real deal!]

[no.5: OP's speculation is so reasonable.]

[no.6 reply to no.3: Isn’t this OP the same as the one from that hot Prophet post? They’ve posted again!]

[no.7: It really is! My confidence in this guess just went from 50% to 80%.]

[no.8 reply to no.7: I don’t get it, is this some kind of joke?]

[no.9 reply to no.8: Don’t get it +1.]

[no.10 reply to no.8:

The original poster, Prophet, created a thread at the very beginning of the manga series. The thread predicted the futures of Su Bei, Feng Lan, Mu Tieren, Zhao Xiaoyu, Wu Jin, and Meng Huai, and now, upon revisiting it, we find all the predictions have come true.]

[no.11 reply to can-eat-is-blessed no.10: ??? That accurate? I remember Zhao Xiaoyu, Wu Jin, and Mu Tieren barely had any storyline back then.

[can-eat-is-blessed no.12 reply to no.11: That's why I trust the OP's predictions.]

[no.13: 6666]


[no.42: I think the OP's judgment is correct, but how do you explain Zhao Xiaoyu? How did Su Bei know she would use her ability to win?]

[no.43: The above comment is correct; this question still can't be explained.]

[no.44: I'll take a loan first; I believe the OP will definitely give an explanation. If the OP can't explain it, just ignore my comment.]


Seeing the question from post no.42, Su Bei smiled slightly and typed a reply:

[Prophet no.71 (OP) reply to no.42: Knowing Zhao Xiaoyu definitely wanted to win, she would have made a plan for it. Su Bei could slightly alter this aspect of fate, making her plan involve her ability.

Of course, the truth might not be exactly this, but this is my explanation.]

Upon refreshing, there were a bunch of new replies. Many people agreed with the post, believing that Su Bei indeed has the power to change fate. However, some still thought there were too few clues and the post was purely speculative.

Su Bei didn’t refute this; he was indeed guessing. But the last time he guessed, it turned out to be accurate. With the previous post as a foundation, many would believe his words now.

Sure enough, upon refreshing, he saw supporting comments.

[no.127: The OP's guess is completely baseless. Although it sounds reasonable, there's no evidence.]

[no.128 reply to no.127: I suggest you check out the OP’s previous post, which was also speculative but had a 100% accuracy rate.]

[no.129: I’m willing to believe the OP. Su Bei can change others' destinies! He's always been so mysterious and powerful; if he couldn't change fate and only peeked at it, that would break his character.]

Satisfied with these responses, Su Bei closed the post.

“Your strategy was very successful.” The voice of the "Manga Awareness" suddenly sounded. “Many people on the forum now believe your guess.”

Su Bei shook his head: “Many people? Not enough. I need enough people to support the change in my ability by the next manga update.”

Hearing his words, "Manga Awareness" was puzzled: “Why the rush?”

Su Bei answered with a question: “Let me ask you, if something has already been obtained, can it still be changed by the readers' perception? In other words, if readers suddenly believe my ability is not 'Fate Gear' but just an ordinary 'Gear,' will my ability revert?”

“No.” "Manga Awareness" gave a good answer. “You don't need to worry about that. The changes you’ve obtained are certified by the manga world and won't be altered by their perception.”

“That's good.” Su Bei exhaled a long breath and finally answered "Manga Awareness"’s previous question. “I might not perform well in this group battle. After all, my current 'Gear of Destiny' only has the ability to peek into others' destinies, with no offensive or defensive capabilities.”

He leaned back and sprawled out on the bed: “If I perform poorly, those readers will certainly no longer believe my ability is powerful. So changing my ability before the next manga update is the best solution.”

Hearing this, "Manga Awareness" realized the seriousness of the issue: “What should we do then? The current recognition isn’t enough to change your ability!”

“Let the bullets fly for a while.” Su Bei casually replied, feeling the mental energy in his mind with his eyes closed. “I've already given them the idea; more posts will discuss this possibility.”

As long as enough people discuss it, even those who refute will indirectly increase the recognition. All he needed to do now was wait.

Besides, Su Bei knew he was just being pessimistic but had not given up on performing well in the group battle. It was a great opportunity to put on a show, and he wouldn’t let it slip by!

Note: This chapter definitely requires a lot of brain cells, so please forgive me if there’s any misinformation. I did my best, but feel free to point out anything I missed!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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