A random pokemon journey

Change of plans and variant hunting

Change of plans and variant hunting

Let me tell you people really needed a healer around too. In this village alone I came across no less than eighteen bones that had broken and been healed out of alignment. Reason being that they had no healer and they had work that needed to be done and thus could waste time on such a thing. It was pretty hardcore if I'm being honest but annoying to deal with as the villagers all wanted something to take away the pain these past injuries caused them regularly.-

It wasn't a particularly hard thing to do though rather tedious since it was basically the same thing over and over again. I could have just broken the bone again and reset it in the correct position before healing it but that seemed a bit too much. Instead I just made some pain relieving potions from nearby plants and handed that over instead. Still this was more than enough for these villagers to believe my backstory entirely and basically hand over any information I asked for. For example there was no real kingdom or anything like that in the region so much as a sort of theocracy I suppose with Giratina calling the shots.-

There was apparently four priestesses blessed by the godly pokemon that acted as both the go between for communicating with the legendary as well as the enforcers of the laws it set in each of the four directions of the region. Recently however there was rumor that the four priestesses had been struck with some sort of affliction. That was my first clue that something was going on behind the scenes. An illness might not be all that odd in and of itself but when that illness effected the four linchpin individuals with a direct connection to Giratina itself that raised a red flag.-

I also learned that Giratina slumbered most of the time and left the worldly matters to it's priestesses. According to these people this was because the legendary was blessing the land but I had my doubts. I could understand Groudon and Kyogre slumbering since their jobs were to create the seas and lands but Giratina was the embodiment of matter itself and thus probably shouldn't be slumbering. I mean from the way I understand the creation trio they each had an active job in maintaining the fundamental forces of the world and thus were always on the clock as it were.-

I left the village after about a day there gathering information and when I was far enough away I had Rune fly down and take me back to the base camp. I needed to think about what my next move would be based on the information i had gathered. "Okay so far I know that I should probably go take a look at these priestess people since the villagers didn't have any details to share on whatever that illness was. Beyond that I may need to take a risk and go to Giratina as well to figure out the source of the problem."-

"Finally I want to go looking for any double or more variants that may be around this region to collect DNA samples from." I said after I got back to the base camp. "En, En Entei, En?" Vulcan questioned. "Well since a lot of ancient variants are around naturally it only makes sense that a double variation might also appear from that population." I answered calmly. "Tar, Tar, Ranitar?" Gaia rumbled out about my disguise. "It shouldn't be a problem unless we tussle with something at the elite level for no good reason." I said honestly.-

Other than that the only thing my pokemon had an issue with was the idea of me getting anywhere near Giratina. There was no amount of reassuring words that would fix that concern either as even I had to admit that it was a VERY dangerous thing no matter how you looked at it. The legendary could literally snore me to death or twitch in it's slumber turning me into red mist. It also didn't help that we all knew that at some point it was going to wake up and chose violence and there was no telling when exactly that was.-

"Now then Rune, Tank I need you two to go scout out the region for any double or greater variants, they should stand out. Bonus points if you somehow find a variant legendary or pseudo-legendary. I on the otherhand want to work on collecting some of the nearby plants that are extinct in our time that I saw previously." I said and my two fliers saluted in their own weird way before flying up and away. I also wasted no time looking around for those extinct plants to take some samples and hopefully seeds of.-

Over the next few days while I collected ingredients words had begun to spread of a great healer having coming to these lands from afar who was also a shaman with three powerful companions. One such rumor had reached the home of one of the four priestesses and the woman commanded her guardian shamans to find me. Of course I didn't learn of this until Rune and Tank came back with their report on the double and greater variant pokemon in the region. They had discovered exactly five of those and three variant pseudo-legendries.-

The five normal variants were an Ancient/Poison variant Ursaring, Ancient/Attack/Shiny variant Magikarp, Shiny/Royal variant Yanmega, Shiny/Dark variant Pidgey and finally a Royal/Ancient/Speed variant Pikachu. Obviously they found more than just this small amount in the entire region but those were species that couldn't be cloned and thus ignored. The three variant pseudo-legendries were of interest to me though. An Ancient variant Bagon, Ice variant Bagon(siblings apparently) and surprisingly enough a Royal/psychic variant Dratini. Getting a sample from each of these pokemon proved to be a challenge as each of them was either well protected by other members of it's species or flat-out resistant to parting with it's DNA.-

The Ursaring was surprisingly chill just handing over some blood. The Magikarp tried to eat me and the Yanmega was a runner. The Pidgey had a whole flock of it's species that didn't take kindly to the attempt. Finally was the Pikachu that used the oppurtunity to play tag where I had to chase it for a good thirty minutes before getting my sample. The pseudo-legendary Bagons flat-out refused me and things got less than friendly as a result. Hades and Vulcan got a good workout ripping their way through the pack of Salamence line pokemon to get me to the two Bagon that looked at me incredulously after I turned to leave after collecting some blood.-

Obviously we didn't kill our way through the pack of dragon types but they definitely got a good beating for their stubborn resistance. For the Dratini I ended up having to negotiate with the tribe because they had three elite Dragonite and violence was a VERY bad idea as a result.


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