Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 135 Lupinum

Chapter 135  Lupinum

Ophelia woke up to frantic licks upon her face. She groaned in confusion at the scratchy, yet moist sensation. Immediately, she heard a soft bark. Her fingers ran through soft fur and she immediately woke up, wondering what could be beside her. Nyx's bright amber eyes peered into hers, reflecting her exhausted expression. She fumbled upright, gathering her beloved puppy into her arms. Was Nyx's eyes always this golden? She peered around in confusion, wondering where Killorn went.

"Good morning," Ophelia sheepishly murmured, scratching Nyx's chin. In response, Nyx wagged his tail energetically, enjoying all of her attention. "Where did you go? I haven't seen you in so long."

Nyx tilted his head innocently before hopping off her lap. He pawed insistently at the door, almost eager to go out, but how did he enter in the first place? She saw the basin of water near her nightstand and deduced that he must've snuck in when one of the maids came.

"I've slept for far too long," Ophelia sighed, throwing their heavy blanket off of her. Her thighs wobbled and she nearly collapsed to the floor when attempting to stand. That brute of a husband she had! She gritted her teeth, stabilizing herself before quickly brushing her teeth and getting ready for the morning.

The fireplace was stocked aplenty, spoiling Ophelia in warmth. Killorn's doing, she immediately recognized. What could've been so urgent this morning for him to leave without a goodbye? "Alright, alright, I'm coming," Ophelia said, scooping Nyx into her arms when he continued fighting the door to leave. She recalled Killorn's promise last night with reddened cheeks. Did something happen when she was deep asleep? The second Ophelia left her room, she felt the stillness in the air. So quiet, so deadly. The hair on the back of her hair rose, goosebumps traveling across her entire body. Her breath hitched, almost sensing the shift in her house. Something was amiss, but what? She was frozen with fear as Nyx whimpered and ducked into her chest.

"Who's there?" Ophelia called into the empty hallways whilst taking a step back. Nothing should've scared her in her own home. And for Nyx to cower like this after being that eager to leave? What was going on?

"I'm surprised you'd detect my arrival," came a voice from around the corner.

Ophelia felt his presence before she saw him. Cruel, cunning, and composed. He was gigantic. His imposing figure was wrapped with muscles almost as thick as a tree trunk, his sun-yellow eyes piercing her chest. His skin was tanned with numerous faint lines. A gnarly scar ran across his face, from chin to eye, yet he could see still properly. She swallowed, wondering if he was the reason that Killorn left this early.

"Quit terrifying my wife."

Ophelia had never felt more relieved than now. Killorn emerged from right behind the enormous stranger, revealing he was almost head-to-head. Had Killorn always looked that tall? He always leaned down to speak to her, his arms wrapped around her waist. Did he always try to make himself less intimidating around her? "I-I recognize you," Ophelia sputtered, hugging Nyx tight to her lavender dress. The man raised a humored brow, his gaze wandering from her hair to her eyes. His lips curled, almost in amusement. "You're the Werewolf Overlord."

"Ah, you remember me," he muttered, nodding his head, almost pleased with her words. He stopped right before her, casting a shadow over the sheep's meek figure.

Ophelia ran a comforting hand through Nyx's fur, but the creature instantly yelped and burst from her grip. Nyx dashed beyond the Werewolf Overlord, quickly running away before he could be caught.

"I see my judgment didn't fail me," the Werewolf Overlord murmured, watching the dark-haired creature disappear. He chuckled, amused and amazed by her ability.

"Uhm," Ophelia swallowed nervously, wondering if she should stand her ground. But then, she remembered the etiquettes and quickly gathered her skirts, dipping in a curtsy. "I-I greet you—"

"No need for the formalities," he laughed, waving his hand in amusement. "Your grandfather and I were great friends."

Ophelia blinked in confusion. He knew her grandfather? She didn't recall much of the Patriarch Eves, except his fond caresses on her hair and his mighty laughter whilst carrying her in his arms. Then, her shoulders slumped, recalling her grandmother's deep scowl whenever she saw the two of them together. Ophelia didn't understand it when she was younger, but after hearing her father's story about Roselind, she finally knew why.

"And well, I guess you could say I am this rascal's mentor once upon a time too," he snorted, glancing over at Killorn with disdain. "Though, I doubt whether or not he has upheld his promise ten years ago when I took him in."

Ten years ago…?

Ophelia's throat tightened. The year her grandfather passed in the most tragic manner possible. She didn't know when and how it happened, but it was sudden. The more she thought about it, the fuzzier the events. As if a part of her didn't want to remember. She heard from her Father that the human brain tends to forget the most painful of memories to protect itself.

Ophelia knew that was the case.

"You don't even remember my name," the Werewolf Overlord realized, laughing again as if all of this was far too humorous for him.

"Quit teasing my wife, Lupinum," Killorn bit, sliding his arm around her hips and pulling her towards their bedroom door. "She's exhausted and needs more rest—"

"Not so quick," Lupinum snapped.

Ophelia blinked. Lupinum, what an ancient name. How many centuries has this man lived? She had a feeling his name must've meant something in the ancient language. The pronunciation was not from their time.

"U-uhm, why don't we discuss this over in the salon?" Ophelia said, referring to the guest room that one should entertain conversations. "I'll lead the way."

- - - - -

Ophelia awkwardly sat down with Killorn possessively by her side. He always remained glued to her, his grip always tight, and his knee pressed against her leg. He was wary of losing her, and she wondered if Lupinum had met Everest yet.

"The tea is good," Lupinum entertained her, nodding his head in satisfaction. "And this room is too modern for my taste. If it were me, I'd have trees painted upon these sage green walls and—"

"Well, your taste is outdated," Killorn deadpanned.

Lupinum narrowed his eyes. "I should've promised her to another that day."

Killorn glowered. "I would've snatched her from his newly detached limbs."

"Hah, I'm sure you would."

Ophelia anxiously sipped her tea. Is he allowed to speak to the mighty Werewolf Overlord like this? The man was a King amongst Kings, the leader of the Werewolves. Even Everest's father would have to bow to the Werewolf Overlord. He was a creature whose existence bore witness to the treaty between the humans and the supernaturals. His name was etched onto the very papers.

Would that make Lupinum immortal? Opelia peered upon his salt and pepper hair, more white than black, and his graying brows like ash-kissed snow. She deduced he was getting older, no thanks to the deep wrinkles lining his leathered face. Even so, he was all health and no frail. Perhaps, he lived longer than most.

"I can feel your questions all the way from here," Lupinum commented, smiling upon her dodging glance. "Ask away, little girl. After all, I doubt you remembered much after that vampire son of a b*tch wiped your memories from that day."


And, what…?

"I asked him to come," Killorn said to Ophelia. "We need a plan to keep you here."

Ophelia immediately frowned. He did this behind her back. He intentionally tired her out last night and left early this morning to fetch the Werewolf Overlord. All for what? To come up with a plan to prevent her from going to the capital? "D-does Everest and the royal family know you're here?" Ophelia asked Lupinum. "And how did you get here so quickly?"

"Meaningless questions," Lupinum clicked his tongue. "Ask me something else."

Ophelia's brows etched together. He answered whatever he wanted to. "What did you mean my memories were wiped?"

Lupinum snickered like it's been a while since he had this kind of entertainment. He leaned back in his chair, kicking his feet up on their mahogany low table. "Little human girl, didn't you ever question why Killorn stepped up in marrying you when you turned eighteen?"

Ophelia blinked. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Out of all the she-wolves and the aplenty women at his disposal, why would such a young and promising Alpha tie himself down to you?" Lupinum taunted. "No offense dearie, as pretty as your face is, you'd be everyone's last pick."

"M-my father tricked Killorn a-and asked a favor—"

"No," Lupinum interrupted, quick to correct her. "Killorn asked for the favor. Not Aaron."

Ophelia's head snapped to Killorn. Just who was this man besides her? He held her gaze, confident and reassured. His warm amber eyes softened at her hesitation. Soft was his caress as he tucked the hair away from her face, and loving was his palm upon her knee when he squeezed it in reassurance.

"Sit back and entertain this old man and his stories, won't you, Ophelia?" Lupinum sighed, raising the teacup to his mouth. "Let me remind you of a memory that marked you for death ten years ago."  

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