Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 437 Kingdom Of Frost Rabbits (4)

I, on the other hand, just swung and swung with precision, making sure none of them could get back up.

But why are they even here?! Did Ysal do something again!?

"Ysal! What did you do!?" I shouted at the top of my lungs before blocking a large fireball with my sword and allowing my spirit power to swallow it whole, making sure no explosion ruined the expensive furniture.

I also wanted to protect the vegetation that breathed life into the entire apartment, making everything seem almost alive.

"Just had a conversation with a guild, but it seems they didn't like me… oh well, that's their fault!" She shouted before swinging down and crushing somebody's ribs in an instant.

"Huff… huff… huff… huff… Well, isn't that nice? We already made an enemy as soon as we came here," I muttered before glaring at Ysal, who couldn't even look me in the eyes as she knew it was entirely her fault.

"*sigh*... I'll deal with it tomorrow. I know the location of the guild, so I'll wipe them out and maybe enslave the guild leader," Ysal muttered before letting the servants in, who immediately began to clean up the blood, though this time they were trembling in fear.

Before, they looked a bit stuck up, but after seeing us kick the ass of what seemed to be three hundred or so frost rabbits, they were a bit more obedient.

"So, are we kicked out?" The succubus asked, strolling out of the bedroom in her real form, giving the servants quite a scare.

"N-No, of course not. W-We'll comply to anything you request as long as you have the money," One of the maids muttered, and the succubus slowly walked up to her, trailing her finger across her face and grabbing her chin.

"Then, can I buy you?"

"I-I don't think that is within-"


All of a sudden, a pink light shot from the succubi's finger, and it pierced not only the head of the maid but also the rest of the servants in the room.

Seems the problem has been cleaned up quite nicely.

But, just when I thought they were dead, they rose back up like they had been possessed by a ghost and just stood there, slowly regaining their personalities.

"I saw what you did, and that was quite interesting… so I made it my own," The succubus muttered before pulling on the pink chains sprouting from the palm of her right hand.

Pink collars suddenly appeared around all the servant's necks, and they were all tugged towards the succubus.

"It's of passable quality, though," Ysal muttered before pulling on the chain and yanking the succubus towards her.

She wrapped her arm around the succubi's waist, and Ysal's little smirk was more than enough for me to know that she was about to put her through some more training.

But, the succubus was already smiling with anticipation, her breath heavy and her thighs already rubbing together.

"Geez, what a bunch of perverts,"

As I entered back into the bedroom, I changed out of my cute bikini and took a quick warm shower in order to get rid of all the blood from my body.

And once I arrived back in the room, I saw Ysal already with the succubus in her large lap and stroking her hair very gently.

"Can you do this outside? I want to get some sleep," I requested, and Ysal easily replied, shimmying out of the bedroom and leaving me alone with Arpious.

Slowly I walked up to her limp body and traced my hand along her neck, my fingers slowly grasping her surprisingly soft skin.

"Oh, how I wish I could break your neck?"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," A stern voice muttered from Arpious' lips, but it wasn't her as the voice was more tomboyish than ever.

"And who are you?" I asked, my grasp tightening around Arpious' neck.

"Just a gentle bit of trauma," The voice continued before her Arpious reached her hand towards my hand and gripped me with a strength I had never felt before.

Was she holding back that entire time?!

As I screamed internally about how she had tricked me, Arpious slowly stood up, and a pair of stern eyes stared down at me.

"Arpious did seem like that kind of girl to have some hidden trauma," I chuckled before taking a step back and summoning a blade of green light in my hand.

"The power of the spirits is weak in the domain of another monster… [Throne World: Purgatory],"

All of a sudden, I was wrapped in uncontrollable darkness that eventually swallowed me whole, only for me to reappear in a seemingly endless plane of dark gravel.

The sky was a deep red with a smiling moon that stared at me eerily, sending shivers down my spine.

"With you turning off her status, she was unable to utilize the information I gave her… but now that she's equal to you, your status nullification means nothing,"

"Seems I was right. You aren't Arpious, are you? You feel a bit more brutal, and your animosity is about to tear me apart… how about we take a break for a bit," I muttered as the claw of a dragon thousands of meters tall wrapped around me.

It's had thousands of eyes and rows of teeth twice my size. Its eight draconic wings flapped behind it, but it never took flight.

"Never thought I would be able to meet the real thing… Narcotic: The Demon Lord of Dragons… how interesting," I muttered, beads of sweat rolling down my cheek.

All of a sudden, a snap resounded through the air, and I appeared back in the hotel's bedroom, Arpious' limp body lying in front of me.

"A bit of trauma? Yeah, right," I smirked before my knees gave out, and I fell to the ground, breathing so hard that I ended up fainting due to an overload of oxygen.

That was the first time I ended up meeting an existence that strong… a Demonic Angel Lord.

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