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6 days ago
A Very Cliche Xianxia Harem Story! In a world where power is everything, Liu Jin only... Read more A Very Cliche Xianxia Harem Story!In a world where power is everything, Liu Jin only desires to become a great doctor like his father. However, destiny has no end of troubles stored for our hero. Powerful cultivators have their eyes on him. A nasty doctor is spreading rumors about his father. A burning man crosses his path, and his father's past may not be as simple as he suspected. The tale of the strongest doctor begins now! Collapse Male Protagonist, Weak to Strong, Age Progression, Character Growth, Sects, Absent Parents, Clever Protagonist, Low-key Protagonist, Average-looking Protagonist, Calm Protagonist, Character Development, Master-Disciple Relationship it was alright untilit was not the author slaughtered all the side characters like farm animals, at which point I ragequit because seeing them joke around was the biggest appeal of the novel for me I love this novel. The author knows how to write, able to delve into the world much more easily.Story is slow, but I prefer them, once it touches later chapter, u don't want to put the book down. I don't really get why folks praise this novel so much. Yes it is competently written, however that doesn't remove how boring the story feels.Or maybe I'm just completely sick of reading about young naive children as main characters. Either way, I do not recommend. Perhaps you have read too many low tier fast paced novels that you started to think they are good but when a decent one does appear it’s to pleasant to you.But I agree the release schedule is slow really good story. But sadly author only posts once per week and the chapters are only little longer than average chapters of other novels (2,8k words), and from the last chapter I read (currently 10 chapters away from the up to date but still it took 2 months) it doesnt look like it will end like korean novels with 200 ish chapter so the author probably plannig to do 500+ but just to get to 500 chapter with the current pace it will take 6+ years. Tbh I dont belive the author will be writing after that much time. Op mc? Saw the weak to strong tag and I have doubts about it so far not really op strong but by no means op far from it should have a tragedy tag... How tragic is it??? Please give the actual tragedies that occurs in snippets with SPOILER tag. This is top tier xianxia. Before this, I recommend Coiling Dragon Ring Saga for newbies as even though it's not the best, it's "classic" cultivation story and is a decent enough introduction. But now, I recommend this, the only bad part about this is that it's not yet complete.I wouldn't exactly recommend this to veteran readers tho, but if you do plan to read it, it shouldn't be low in your priority, maybe mid or part of the next 3 books you'll read. is Coiling Dragon really that good? I started with AWE and when I tried to get into Coiling Dragon a couple months after being into the genre, I just couldn't. Coiling isn't good, it isn't bad either. I think the reason why it's recommended and respected is because it's one of the first titles to get translated. It's also one of the first that set a trend basically. If you've watched Nausicaa (really old Hayao Miyazaki film) it's the same logic, that film isn't good or bad (well, it's pretty decent) but that's because a lot of films already refined the formula that Nausicaa created and improved on it. TL;DR: Coiling dragon is decent and you gotta give it props for being old but still holding up better than a lot of other xianxia. There's also the fact that it's a decent execution of the xianxia formula that it's a good enough recommendation for those who are just starting to read xianxia web novels. Excellently written, you can tell it's not a translated novel. What I like most about this novel is the character development and meaningful interactions between the MC and other characters. In many CN translated novels all side characters are just foils to show the MC's excellence, but here, they really do stand out and have relevance. This isn't an OP face-slap type of novel, it's almost basically coming-of-age cultivation novel so far. 4.7/5 Quite good i say! At start it seems no different than any other novels but it is quite nice read. 5/5 from my side no complaint about this novel. starts out really cool but later on turns meh. his love interest right now is really weird and unfounded. the biggest issue i have is that he really doesnt act like his age suggests and is weirdly more naive after the big event happens. the world also doesnt seem to be that deep. another generic existential crisis in a fight against "demons" where the demons are fewer in numbers but have higher talent. an issue that isnt related to the plot is release rate and overal plot progression. as it is right now it will take a least a few years for the story to finish.