Badge in Azure

Chapter 1452: Weak (Part 2)

Chapter 1452: Weak (Part 2)

Saleen did not fire more than one lightning icicle. The Goddess of Myers was not someone that he would have been able to take on after all. The lightning icicle, controlled by Saleen, fired turned around and stuck inside the wall on the other side.

He saw that there were also lightning magic patterns on the spell reflected by the water mirror.

That lightning magic patterns were incomplete, or rather, the goddess was unable to grasp the true nature within, but they were nonetheless enough to reflect his attacks. The mirror was at least able to stay intact when hit by his lightning attack and complete the counterattack.

“Too weak.” The goddess shook her head. Her hair billowed gently, while Saleen felt his heart sank to rock bottom.

It was as he had expected—the goddess was unable to bring much of her powers to bear. She was probably unable to even get to level 13 at the moment. However, even at such a level, she had nonetheless stopped his strongest attack with one simple magic, and posed a lethal threat to his life.

“I’m indeed too weak still. How should I fight the Lord of Glory like this then?”

“Heh. Oh Saleen, that thing called the Lord of Glory could have trained for hundreds of millions of years more, and he still wouldn’t be able to reach my former height. Are you seriously comparing me with him?”

“I dare not do so.”

“Hngh. Very well. I’ll give you something,” the Goddess of Myers said and took out three scrolls from her red bangle. All three scrolls were green and were only as wide as the palm of his hand.

“These are scrolls that I made in the past for my followers. You could use them, since you possess the power of the soul. Three level 18 magic spells, more than enough for you to kill the Lord of Glory. From what I know about gods like him, he would keep sending out doubles at you. Just be careful and don’t get yourself killed by those doubles, and you would get your chance to kill him outright and personal.”

Saleen was feeling doubtful and the goddess continued, “You see that stone tablet at the gates? The ones who had followed me ages ago had their souls inside. I intend to maintain that thing and as such, I won’t be leaving any time soon.”

Saleen took the scrolls that were hovering towards him. Ancient script was written on the scrolls and Saleen was unable to read them, but he nonetheless felt a resonance of power from his Ring of Cosmos.

It seemed that those scrolls were also powers from another crystal wall system. They were indeed terrifying, for being things that would have allowed him to cast level 18 magic, despite his current level. He was finally able to make his way to the Black Dungeon with those things on his person.

“Don’t even think about using those scrolls on anyone else. The power of the Lord of Glory is far greater than that of your own. You’d probably need to cast three level 18 magic spells before having a chance to trap him. He would have been able to escape otherwise.” The goddess seemed to have read Saleen’s mind. She had tested him and found that he was not as powerful, as she had expected him to be after all.

The Lord of Glory was nonetheless still a level 15 god. If he were to advent personally, Saleen would have definitely ended up dead, if he were to be unable to get a lock-on on him with a level 18 magic spell.

All three scrolls were meant for protection. If he were to use them on others, there would have been no way for Myers to grant Saleen higher powers for the time being.

Mages needed to work methodically. Even the likes of Jason needed to advance one level at a time. It was utterly impossible for him to just jump straight to level 15.

The goddess was genuinely exasperated from the bottom of her heart, when she said that Saleen was weak. He was utterly incapable of targeting her and with that, there was definitely no way for him to target the Lord of Glory as well. She was unable to leave the place still, and she was unable to bring herself to forsake those who had followed her when she achieved godhood, just for the sake of one level 15 god.

As she passed, those followers went into slumber in the divine grave as well.

The goddess then said after Saleen took the scrolls, “What are you standing there for? Are you thinking of keeping me company here?”

Saleen looked at the empty temple and said, “Umm, this thing...”

He pointed at the goddess’ table. The goddess frowned and said, “You really are out to bag everything, aren’t you? Whatever. You can have it.”

The goddess pointed at the table and sent it flying at Saleen. He dodged and let the table drop into his magic amplifier.

“Thanks.” Saleen smiled and slowly left the goddess’ temple.

The table was not a simple object, as it contained the map of the entire Myers Mainland. Complex magic arrays were at the center of the table. The entire tabletop was a three-dimensional magical construct in itself, and one that no contemporary being would have been able to craft. Saleen was unable to look at the extremely dense and detailed magic projection on it without feeling dizzy, let alone actually crafting it.

The goddess wanted Saleen to unify the entire mainland, and in truth, she meant to spread the Nature Faith throughout the plane. If she were to be able to gain power continuously through such means, then she would have been able to quickly resurrect the followers inside the divine grave.

As a goddess of nature wielding divine powers, it would have been far easier for her to resurrect her followers than the general would have been.

There were reasons why Saleen wanted that table. The first and foremost was that it allowed him great ease to do battle. He would have been able to monitor each and every corner of the mainland using that map. The other reason was that the table contained powerful rules.

Despite that fact that the table was able to do little other than creating magic projections, the table probably contained level 18 rules nonetheless, making it the most powerful alchemical product to be found on the mainland.

While mages back in those years had only created such devices for convenience, these devices looked rather insane to people of the current day and age.

Saleen saw no reason to let such powers go to waste. The table was something that enabled the Goddess of Myers to monitor everything on the mainland after all. If Saleen were to just leave it behind, he would have always felt a pair of eyes right behind his shoulders.

That was a very terrible thing to feel, so Saleen asked to take the table away.

The goddess understood what Saleen was feeling, so she gave the table to him.

However, it did not occur to her that, given how Saleen was able to dismantle a divine persona, it would have been entirely possible for him to dismantle the table.

Saleen knew that the goddess had no intentions of killing him. She only wanted for him to leave the plane when she was done with her. Saleen was relieved, and he had no intentions of returning the table to the goddess. When he was done with it and leave Myers Mainland, he would have dismantled the table. That table was more precious than divine personas. The rules contained within would have allowed Saleen to become a mage of the highest level.

Saleen felt lucky to have decided to come to the temple, after he left the place. Not only had he been able to acquire a plane map, he also acquired three level 18 magic scrolls. Only mages all those years ago would have been able to craft something so insane.

However, all three scrolls were single target spells. If a level 18 magic spell were to be used for multiple target attacks, there was probably no way anything within over 10000 kilometers would have been able to survive.

Even at level 18, mages would not have fought on the mainland itself. They would have fought outside the atmosphere, where the vacuum areas of their plane would have been.

Single target magic spells of level 18 would have been something only level 18 gods would have been able to resist. Even if the Lord of Glory were to have godly items on his person, he still would not have been able to deal with it.

Saleen figured that there was no way he could have listened to the whims of the goddess. He needed to get to Black Dungeon and kill the head warden. He intended to only leave only one scrolls behind for dealing with the Lord of Glory, as taking on the god would have been easier than taking on the head warden after all.

Saleen knew well how terrifying humans could be. People like the head warden were truly people being thorns at his side.

Saleen did not leave the Purgatory Dessert right away. He took Rafel with him and left the mountain with the Violet Angel beneath his feet. He took the table out when he came before the gates and took a closer look.

Checking things out from there probably would not have alerted the powerful ones on the mainland.

Saleen placed his attention at the Black Dungeon Island. His power of the soul did not allow him to expand the images of the table at the moment, so he let his power of the soul seep into the magic projection and look what was in it.

It was a costly act, but it was also a safe one.

Saleen felt as if he had entered a real world. He felt as if he was in his soul form, looking down on the surroundings of Black Dungeon Island from above. Every single grass and tree on the island looked extremely intricate. The ones who made the plane map all those years ago were indeed terrifying people.

Saleen however, had no idea that when one reaches level 18, one thought would have been all it would have taken to scan the entire plane. Equipment like that was made for people of slightly lower levels.

True level 18 professionals had no need for such tricky devices anymore.

Saleen tried to control his power of the soul and refrained from doing anything unnecessary. He simply watched with divine crystals held in his hand, enabling him to replenish his power of the soul at any given moment.

He tailed a black-robed holy master into a compound, and his power of the soul told him that there were at least one level 12 being there. Saleen followed that holy master into the compound. The place had a simple layout, but there were many holy prose hidden within the soil beneath.

Saleen was intrigued by the place. Such measures probably meant that there was a powerful divine smith around.

Soil was the most unstable medium and mages hated using them. Even the likes of Saleen, who possessed Water Flame, did not like laying out magic arrays in soil.

The divine smith was able to hide the holy prose within the soil and had no fear of erosion from the wind and rain. It was impeccable control and calculation that allowed for such abilities to be realized.

If that person had not been a believer, Saleen would have liked to make friends with them very much, and talked in great length regarding their respective understanding of alchemy. In truth, not only did divine smiths look into mage equipment, mages would have researched divine smith equipment as well. Both parties had their own strengths, and it was not to say that mages would have definitely been more powerful at alchemy than divine smiths.

Saleen saw an old man wearing a black robe, who looked at the place where Saleen entered, when the black-robed holy master walk into the compound. The old man then waved and said, “Get out of my sight. Leave me alone. If you have business with the Holy City, go to the head warden.”

Saleen was surprised. The plane map that he acquired did not allow him to send his soul into the Black Dungeon Island. It simply allowed his power of the soul to probe into what was essentially magic illusions. Yet, that divine smith is actually able to detect my presence?

That black-robed holy master was obviously very fearful of that old man. They quickly bowed and left. The old man did not let up right there and then. However, his finger was pointed at Saleen’s direction when he scolded, “Get lost. My place does not welcome outsiders.”

That black-robed mage left in a hurry. Saleen confirmed that the old man had indeed able to detect his presence. However, since the old man was unable to see Saleen’s form, he was only able to keep scolding.

Seems like all manner of peculiar people could be found in this world. Not even such a powerful equipment had been able to mask my presence after all.

Saleen turned around and left, hearing the old man smirking coldly behind his back, saying, “The Pivotal Council eh? A bunch of good-for-nothings. They are all better off dead and destroyed. The Lord of Glory better not show up here. The Goddess of Myers would have just made short work of him after all.”

The old man actually said something so blasphemous on Black Dungeon Island.

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