Badge in Azure

Chapter 1500: Getting a Share (Part 1)

Chapter 1500: Getting a Share (Part 1)

Nailisi saw just how fast the angel that had been off in the distance was charging at her. It was so fast that it seemed almost to be able to match her speed in her imp form. It must have been a powerful angel, indeed. Level 13, perhaps?

The power of the angel would have probably been on par with hers in the divine kingdom.

Nailisi took out dozens of scrolls after determining the nature of the enemy, throwing them into the air. The angels that had ganged up on her were unable to stop her in time. They were not able to do anything when one large scale magic scroll after another was cast in the camps.

Nailisi then unleashed the elemental creatures on her elemental badge in secret, letting the tall Elemental Stone Statue Soldiers carelessly trash the place.

Every single one of them had a substantial magic cannon installed on their chests.

Due to replenishment from the Stone Statue Soldiers, those cannons were capable of comparatively quicker attacks. Their frequency of attack surpassed the cannons on the Floating City.

The angels coming from afar roared in anger. They all wore white armor and were taller than 20 meters, armed with Swords of Glory and with two pairs of wings on their backs.

“Stop, demon!” one of the angels shouted from afar.

“Alright!” Nailisi yielded without a care, but then quickly conjured demon magic between her horns. A grey halo expanded, shrouding within it the angels that had surrounded her.

Nailisi swiped them all with her Sword of Rules, resulting in hundreds of angels dropping out of the sky.

“Curse you!” the angel shouting at her was apparently incapable of foul language. But then again, foul language would not have worked on Nailisi at all.

“Come at me!” Nailisi’s greatsword shone with golden light. Twenty-four shields hovered in the air at the same time, circling around her. The angel that had been charging toward her pointed with its Sword of Glory, shrouding Nailisi in holy light from above.

“Die!” the enraged angel shouted. Nailisi had already killed tens of thousands of angels. Despite them being only at the lowest of levels, it would have enraged their god nonetheless.

“Nonsense!” Nailisi laughed. The divine punishment from above simply rattled her 24 shields, making them shake violently. It was utterly incapable of breaking Nailisi’s defense.

“I knew you god creatures would only fight using that clown’s tricks. O’ pathetic angel, let me send you to h*ll!” Nailisi said as she charged. The shields around her spun and made her silhouette appear blurry.

The Sword of Glory shook in the angel’s hands, but that was out of anger over Nailisi’s provocation rather than out of fear. Nailisi did not care about pointed verbal attacks, but angels cared very much about how others saw their god.

Nailisi had said that their god was but a clown, and that made the angel extremely angry.

The anger did not cause the angel to lose its fighting ability. It had instead evoked hidden abilities in its blood. That angel was a captain among the angels. Holy Prose spun for a bit in its eyes, and it split into three beings, surrounding Nailisi as she charged at it.

All three of the beings were of comparable strength. What the angel had performed was the Summoning of Light, which was capable of bringing forth two of the summoner’s compatriots from any point in time and space.

A level 13 angel’s skill was something that could have only been used by angels created personally by a god, and using said skill came at the cost of halving one’s life.

Angels were not immortal. That level 13 captain knew that Nailisi was not someone it could have taken on using brute strength, so it used its hidden skill immediately, hoping to turn the tides of battle. At the very least, it was determined to stall that demon for some time, waiting for its god to deliver judgment himself.

Nailisi’s laugh became even more maniacal. The angel captain’s skill was indeed formidable. If Nailisi had really still been at level 13, the tables would have indeed turned.

Twenty-four Shackles of the Fallen shot out from behind Nailisi, binding one of the angels at her side. Her Sword of Rules clashed with the Sword of Glory held by the angel hundreds of times in an instant.

An angel to Nailisi’s left fired divine spells from the Angelic Scepter held in her hand, which were all repelled by the shields around Nailisi. The 24 Shields of Rules had twisted the space around her, nullifying the angel’s attacks.

Nailisi then kicked that angel. There was a piece of sharp, wedge-shaped metal attached to the front of her combat boots, which lodged into that angel’s abdominal armor. Nailisi then stepped on it, breaking the three angels’ circle around her.

Nailisi burst out of the barricade, and one of the captains behind her was pulled into the Purgatory of the Fallen by the chains.

The Shields of Rules around Nailisi returned to the sword. She then pointed at the two remaining angels and said, “Come at me if you dare!”

The gate of the 12 Notes of First Purgatory flickered and appeared. Nailisi turned around and went into the collection of purgatories. The two remaining angels charged at her without hesitation.

Nailisi laughed. Power emanated from the Origin Stone of Darkness within the Purgatory of Darkness and pinned down the two angels of the Lord of Glory. Their armor disintegrated, and the feathers on their backs dropped off one after another.

The power from the stone overwhelmed the power of light completely.

“You despicable demon!” The bodies of both of the angels shrunk, reducing them to the size of normal humans. The armor on their bodies dissolved into translucent balls that barely allowed them to resist the corrosion from the power of darkness.

“O’ high and mighty angels, I’m done playing games with you. When you’re finally finished being dissolved, I’ll come in and pick up whatever is left.” Nailisi laughed and left the Purgatory of Darkness, charging deep into the army of angels again.

The power of the Origin Stone of Darkness had expanded to an area of over 1200 kilometers in radius. The place was capable of overwhelming even an army of angels, let alone just two captains.

It was a pity that the Purgatory of Darkness was unable to devour armies right away. It would have saved Nailisi a lot of time and effort if it had been capable of such feats.

Nailisi sighed as she swung her Sword of Rules again, charging in the direction of the Winged Skull. She noticed a huge group of god creatures wearing thick armor surrounding the Winged Skull. All of the creatures surrounding it had huge bodies, each one standing about 40 meters tall. They were ganging up on the Winged Skull using thick and heavy weapons. The meteor hammer wielded by the Winged Skull was only capable of attacking one target at a time. After every time the Winged Skull’s attack connected, they had to stop for a bit, and things looked dangerous.

The Winged Skull shouted to Nailisi, asking, “How many now?”

“60000!” Nailisi answered. Every swing of her Sword of Rules struck everything in an area spanning several hundred meters from her. It only hit targets that were in a straight line in front of where she aimed. The attacks from the Sword of Rules fanned out. The closer to the flanks the wave got, the weaker the attack became.

The weakness was due to an insufficient weapon level. If the sword had been a godly item above level 16, there would not have been those limitations.

Actually, Nailisi had already killed tens of thousands of god creatures when she had dropped the scrolls, but the Winged Skull decided it would be tedious to pick fights over the with semantics with her. They simply shouted, “Just leave me be and get back to your own killings!”

Nailisi nodded and turned around, charging at the camp that held the greatest number of god creatures.

That camp happened to be the campsite of the vanguards. When angels fought wars, amassing armies numbering into the hundreds of millions was common. Furthermore, it was very easy for the god creatures to communicate within the divine kingdom. As such, the number of armies would not have affected command.

There had been a good number of humans charging inside the camp. Rafel was very worried when Nailisi and the Winged Skull charged the gates. She sent metal angels out along with the Bug Angel Warriors. She also contacted Lion City immediately.

Lion City had been paying close attention to what was happening at the frontlines. As Rafel and the others flew above Lion City, the army within the city had already gathered. Some people charged inside the divine kingdom when they heard that the battle had escalated, causing the forces within the city to grow anxious. Small squads were being deployed, charging toward where the gates of the divine kingdom were.

Two members of one of the armies wearing leather armor communicated in low voices.

“So, this is your force, Agares?”

The one who sounded slightly resentful was Van Gogh, the fallen holy master. He and Agares had come to show support under the name of a minor noble. The individuals Agares brought with him were the last of his army, consisting of 200 warriors wearing leather armor.

“You’ll know soon enough,” Agares answered plainly.

“If I do know what you’re actually doing, I’ll probably kill you first before I do anything else,” Van Gogh said as he vented his frustration.

Agares just smirked and said, “I’ve been keeping these 200 people around for over 100 years in order to fight in a battle just such as today.”

Van Gogh did not bother responding to Agares. The way he saw it, those 200 were hardly of powers worth mentioning. Every single one of them wore typical mercenary gear. They wore leather armor, carried longswords, and even the masks they wore were made of leather. Couldn’t these people at least wear something made out of steel?

Agares did not care about Van Gogh’s frustration. He accelerated, and a team of cavalry units strayed away from the army without anyone noticing.

When Agares’ 200-strong platoon had gotten near the gates of the divine kingdom, he too was startled to the core by what was happening inside.

The kill count brought by Rafel was simply terrifying. An army consisting of only tens of thousands of units had already stained the entire place red with blood by killing over a million beings. Torn limbs and bleeding innards were scattered as far as the eye could see.

The primary weapons wielded by the Bug Angel Warriors were capable of being extended to their legs, which were about eight meters long. Those weapons were simple but sharp serrated metal edges. One swipe was all it took to tear through the armor wore by the god creatures; that one swipe could even drag out their innards.

What was even more frightening was how the ground was littered with feathers, which were all stained red by the blood.

The blood of angels was red as well, instead of the golden colors spoken about in legends. Those bloodstained feathers floated on pools and streams of blood that had formed from the massive quantities that were spilled.

“There!” Van Gogh pointed at the gates. Bug Angel Warriors were still charging inside using those wide steps. Agares brought forward the 200 men of his and followed along behind the Bug Angel Warriors, sneaking into the gates.

The gates of the divine kingdom were rather broad. The Bug Angel Warriors were lacking in numbers, and there were armies of god creatures charging past them to get outside, which made it very easy for them to surround the Bug Angel Warriors. However, since the Bug Angel Warriors were all capable of flight, they were not too concerned with being surrounded.

Agares’ 200 cavalry units stuck close to the Bug Angel Warriors as they fought their way into the divine kingdom. A group of monsters with the bodies of lions and faces of humans appeared before them. They, too, were a type of god creature.

The 200 knights charged like moths to the flame, and they were quickly made into mincemeat by the god creature army.

Van Gogh’s jaw dropped at the sight, wondering if what he had just witnessed was the power of an empire.

However, before he was able to curse, the 200 dead bodies wearing leather armor rose from the ground and continued to fight.

“The Legion of Shadows grow stronger as they fight,” Agares said as he laughed.

“Legion of Shadows!” Van Gogh’s expression became severe. He had not expected the 200 men serving Agares to be with the Legion of Shadows. The founding emperor of the Cloudflow Empire had been able to become nigh-invincible in the battlefield due to having control over a Legion of Shadows that consisted of merely 100 units. If it had not been for the emperor of Qin having the Mark of the Six-winged Flying Snake, it would have been a fierce battle with no clear victor.

It was totally unexpected that Agares had actually succeeded in creating the Legion of Shadows. That legion had not received its fearsome reputation for nothing.

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