Blessed by Night

Chapter 107 The Days After The Battle

Chapter 107  The Days After The Battle

After Alex Heller's attempted arrest, the world fell into yet another state of turmoil.

News of all of his crimes and his clash with Malachi took media outlets by storm, and America seemed to have suffered a very serious blow to the gut.

Alex's public image as a sweet golden boy was thoroughly tarnished when light of his reports came out. Everything from murder, to blackmail, to reports of trafficking, and to top it all of there were confirmed reports of him joining an unspecified terrorist organization.

But of course, there must always be discord in life, and such arguments were never more prevalent than in online communities.

Diehard fans of Alex and internet conspiracy theorists immediately came to his defense, with arguments that were either repetitive or not very well thought out.

'There's no way that any of this is true. I met Alex personally outside of a supermarket four years ago, there is no kinder man than him.'

'He must have offended some powerful people and now they're trying to slander him by any means necessary. Don't worry Alex, we won't believe the lies!'

'If all of this is true, why is it only coming out now? Kind of hard to believe that all of these things were going on before, and no one said a peep.'

Things became even more chaotic when those who had stories about Alex started coming forward, both human and blessed alike.

After sharing their stories, they were accused of taking payments from some shadowy organization, or even just seeking fifteen seconds of fame. While the whole world wasn't like that, there was certainly a noticeable amount of people that were. And at the center of all of this, two questions were being asked. What kind of organization did Alex join?

And why was Malachi Saint the one who tried to apprehend him?


At Mal's apartment, there was a knock at the door, and Serana got up from the couch to open it. Standing outside, she found Morgan Creed, and Bianca Tate.

"Hell, he's got another one?" Morgan said in surprise. "Lad was so hesitant to take other women at first that I never thought he'd get past two."

A vein bulged in Serana's forehead, and she tried to remember that this man was one of the most powerful beings in the world. So slugging him in the face was not exactly going to bring a fruitful outcome.

"No, this is Sei's daughter." Bianca corrected. "Serana, right?"

"That's me." The pink haired girl said proudly. "I guess the two of you are here for the big doofus who hasn't woken up yet?"



Two days ago, when Malachi disappeared off the island in the middle of one of his breaks, Morgan and Bianca knew immediately that the time had come for him to put all of his training to good use. Morgan wished that he had more time, but unfortunately there was no such luck, and he just had to pray to Surtr that his protégé would survive past the confrontation. Bianca was equally worried, but she had a bit more faith that Mal would not only survive, but he would win the battle. Serana led the two of them inside and they could see that as always, Mal seemed to have a full house.

Aisha and Aubrey were seated on the couch, and Sei was in the kitchen cooking, and the dark circles underneath her eyes confirmed that she hadn't been getting very much sleep.

They exchanged simple pleasantries, and Serana led them to Mal's bedroom. Inside, they found him lying comfortably in bed like he was sleeping lightly, but his chest, stomach, and arms all showed some signs of bruising. Sitting in a chair beside the bed was a young and very attractive woman with lots of tattoos wearing a simple unzipped hoodie and sweatpants along with a black sports bra. She was sketching something into a notebook, and had both headphones in and playing at a loud volume, so she didn't hear the three of them come in. Serana lightly tapped her on the shoulder and Anna didn't even jump, she merely pulled out her earbuds and inspected the visitors carefully. Anna's reaction to seeing one of the three most powerful men in the world was just like anyone would have expected. "Sup."

"Hello... You wouldn't happen to be Luna's daughter by any chance, would you?" Morgan guessed.

"Um... no?"

Serana shook her head before sitting on the bed beside Mal. "Anna is Malachi's actual girlfriend, and his only one who's actually age appropriate."

"I'm actually two years older than him." She added. Serana suddenly turned around and looked at Mal like he had a sickness. "Seriously... what is it with you and older women?"

Morgan chuckled and held out his hand for Anna to shake. "Nice to meet you."

"Same." She replied as she returned his shake. Bianca was a bit intimidated not only by Anna's beauty, but also by her rough and unfriendly exterior. But nonetheless, she was able to swallow her fear and introduce herself as well, but Anna seemed to be largely unwilling to take her eyes off of her.

It was rather unnerving for the timid Bianca. 'Scary, super scary!'

Morgan casually looked down at the bed and his eyes showed a great deal of pity as he looked at Malachi's state. The fact that his body's bruising still hadn't healed was a testament to not only everything that Alex had put him through, but also the fact that he had pushed his body so far beyond it's limit that his regeneration was having a hard time functioning. "Have any of you heard anything about the battle? Or even how he ended up here?"

"My mom got a call from some blocked number giving her a location of where to come and pick him up." Serana explained. "As for the fight... we don't really know more than the rest of the world, only that he had to have given it his all." Anna muttered. Morgan shook his head regrettably as if he was displeased with this outcome.

"He'll be upset when he wakes up and hears that Alex is still alive, I know a draw was the last thing he wanted."

The girls all made uncomfortable faces and thought of just how bad Malachi's reaction would be, but Serana suddenly had another question on her mind.

"Those reports about him joining a terrorist organization... are those really true?"

Morgan suddenly looked like he was reliving some bad memories and nodded his head regrettably. "Aye, most likely. Though 'terrorist' isn't exactly a word I would use to describe them."

"Who are they?" Anna asked. "And how would you describe them?"

Morgan rubbed his chin as he seemingly thought hard to come up with an answer. "The New Day are... a blessed supremacy group. And they are something like a murderous cult."


When Alex Heller woke up, he was in an unfamiliar room lying down on a hospital bed. He barely had a moment to take in his surroundings when an unfamiliar and overly cheerful voice reached his ears. "You're awake! That's good." n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Looking up, he found an unfamiliar man wearing purely white robes and a sympathetic smile. Irritated from waking up in unfamiliar surroundings, he immediately became hostile.

"The hell are you? Where the fuck is this?"

"Easy now, you're among friends. My name is Arias, and I am leader of The New Day. We have brought you to a safe location where you can recover your injuries after your bout with Malachi Saint."

Flashes of Alex's last battle began to play back within his mind and he realized that he must have lost if this strange man felt the need to step in. It was a crazy and unbelievable turn of events, and yet his sense of reasoning was telling him that it was true.

'Unbelievable... Fucking unbelievable!'

Swallowing his irritation, he ran his hands through his silver hair and glanced at the man in weird robes.

"The New Day, huh? Are you like a fan club of mine or something?"

"No?" Arias tilted his head in genuine confusion.

"We are a group that advocates for the supremacy of blessed over humans. We believe it is our fair and just right to rule over they who are so self-destructive."

"Right, right. So you're a cult who wants to recruit me then." He guessed. "Well, I don't believe cult is a fitting term for us, more like bold idealists. But yes, we would like you to join us. Your powers can be of great service to our cause."

Alex scoffed and shakily tossed the blankets off of himself as he climbed out of bed.

"I will be in service to no one. I am no run of the mill blessed, blondie. I am the chosen of a primordial. To me, the rest of you are no different from humans. You're all apes crawling through shit."

For some reason, Alex no longer felt any need to hide his true thoughts or feelings. He was better than everyone else, so why on earth should he hide it?

If any new world order was going to be established, it was going to be one with him at the top. Alex limped past Arias and headed directly for the door. "I see... so you have no intention to join us then?"

"Unfortunately no, but thanks for patching me up. I'll send you a fucking Christmas card or something."

"Well then, that makes things simple."


Before Alex's hand could even reach the doorknob, Arias whirled around and generated a blade of light from his hand. Alex's head was lopped clean off, and both his body and head went tumbling to the floor.

Arias casually picked up the rolling appendage by the hair and lifted it up until they were eye level. "I'm usually a bit more rational than this, but unfortunately your comparison of blessed to humans was much too insulting for me to let slide." He said with a sigh. He looked at Alex's head and suddenly he didn't feel like it was such a wasted effort. "Actually, I think I can use this later."

Oblivious to the blood, he turned off the lights to the room and left while carrying Alex's severed head. 'What a shortsighted man you were... couldn't even recognize another primordial blessed when one was looking you right in the face.'

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