Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 376 Cat Dad’s Dungeon Is Under Siege… Again?!

Chapter 376 – Cat Dad's Dungeon is Under Siege… Again?!

= Slave Dungeon, B1 =


<Your successor, Xiaomao, has forfeited the right to succeed your calamity fiend title.>

On the B1 floor's boss room, Taotie furrowed his brows as he received a strange message from the game. He looked at Mimir next to him.

"Hey, can a calamity fiend successor abandon his title?"

Mimir shrugged, "I don't know. I'm not a calamity fiend like you."

"Meh, you're useless."


Taotie closed the game window and gazed outside the boss room. Walking toward the room were five intruders from the surface.

Hiiro Narukami, Meng Xin, Eldrich, Xie Tian, and a tall burly man with a phoenix tail headwear in a full-body plate mail glared at the defenders in the boss room.

Taotie clicked his tongue as he remembered Eldrich. Mimir narrowed his eyes and fixated his sight on the muscular man with a crescent halberd and the headwear as he felt like he had seen the guy's face somewhere before.

"Oh, boy. They're sending their hidden aces as vanguards?"

Behind Taotie and Mimir, three top immortals from Mermaid Faction also came here to support the duo. Cernun, Alice, and Titania sized up the five intruders. Behind them, Shepherd, who accompanied Titania to the B1 floor, couldn't avert his eyes from Hiiro.

"I'll take on that man," Shepherd volunteered.

Mimir nodded, "Taotie and I will catch Eldrich."

Cernun shifted his gaze to Xie Tian, who came here in his dragonewt transformation. He snorted, "I'll take on that dragonewt. I'm a dragon, so I know how to deal with a fake."

Titania laughed and pointed at the burly man, "I guess I'll take the big guy."

"That leaves the beggar to me, meh," Alice was annoyed that she got Meng Xin.

Meanwhile, Eldrich glared at Mimir and Taotie. He sneered, "Do you think you can defeat me? Have you forgotten that I was the one who captured you, damn lion?!"

Taotie spat, "Without Yuan Hua and Pangu back then, you wouldn't have had a chance!"

"Ha! Fine! I'll remind you how trash you are!"

Eldrich didn't wait for his comrades to act. He kicked the ground and charged at Taotie and Mimir.

As soon as Eldrich moved, the four other intruders also spread out. Titania, Alice, Shepherd, and Cernun also chased after the target they had marked earlier.

Shepherd and Hiiro pair were honest. As soon as they managed to isolate themselves from the others, they channeled their best power and domain.

Shepherd bellowed as he transformed into an archangel, wielding a spear of light, "MICHAEL!"

Hiiro yelled and brandished two crimson broadswords, "DOMAIN DESTRUCTION!"



= Above Gnoll Island =

Meowmeow and Madoka were in their true forms. Both gigantic beings stared down at the two former sages as they came out from the dungeon to suppress the two deities.

Zhunti manifested his true avatar. He transformed into a glowing giant, who stood on a large bloomed lotus flower. His Holy Providence and halo were so bright that any mortal could mistake him for a Buddha.

Facing Meowmeow in his giant Cathulhu form, Zhunti held his hands into prayer.

"Who would have thought that a pet from back then would end up as my rival? I should have slaughtered all Mao Miaomiao's sentinels when I had a chance."

Meowmeow mocked the deity, "Too late! You're no match for me, munya!"

"We'll see about that!"

Zhunti's arms multiplied to one million. His arms and hands rained upon the massive Cathulhu. The latter's thousand tentacles also multiplied into a million and counter-punched against the one-million-hand god.





Each time the tentacles and hands collided, Providence Essence exploded, canceling each other mandate domains. Each strike suppressed the universe's law to its advantage.

Meanwhile, Madoka's tentacles transformed into dragon heads. The wolves on her hips detached from her body and transformed into giant dire wolves.

All-Heaven Sage flinched as he hadn't used his true power yet. He grumbled for a moment before he clapped his hands. The next moment, he showed his true body.

A five-kilometer-tall bald elder with a round belly emerged. He wore white robes like Zhunti but carried a butterfly fan as a weapon. He waved his fan toward the scylla goddess.


The fan generated a strong gale and pressure that threw flying immortals from both sides toward space. When the gale get close to Madoka, she sensed the extreme heat that almost melt her to ash.

The monster goddess snorted and screeched. Her sound shockwave collided with the gale from the fan and canceled the threatening force.

"How long can you repel my attack? I can do it as many times as I want!" All-Heaven Sage mocked Madoka.

The monster goddess sneered. Her pupils and sclera turned black, and a split of her consciousness entered All-Heaven Sage's mind.

The sage stopped moving. The next second, transparent blood gushed out from his orifices.


Madoka also coughed blood as the split of consciousness was instantly destroyed.

The brief exchange caused internal injuries to their dantians and seas of consciousness. They gritted their teeth and threw another power at each other.





Two silhouettes flashed in the sky as the two deities' speed was faster than light. As they got entangled in a dogfight, five airships exploded in the sky.

Hongjun's expression never changed even though his fight implicated his ally forces. After all, as long as Pangu was still alive, the fallen immortals and soldiers could be resurrected in Pangu's dantian universe.

While they chased after each other, the giant pagoda acted like a cannon artillery fortress, unleashing cannon bombardment upon Gnoll Island and Cernun Island, ignoring the innocent civilians, children, or non-combatants. Each cannonball contained potent corroding poison, which polluted the sea and the forest.

Some of the immortal fairies got caught in the bombardment. However, they also retaliated, firing blood ballista bolts back at the airships and the pagoda. Whenever the ballista bolts hit the airships, the wood rotted and spread throughout the ship. Whoever touched the rotten parts of the wood also got infected with a strange virus, causing them to go suffer from an unquenchable thirst for blood and never-ending hunger for raw flesh. If they didn't treat it within a minute, the infected immortals would transform into undead zombies!

No Geneva Convention existed here. Therefore, none of these actions were considered a war crime. Both sides used everything to annihilate their enemies.

During the first few minutes, both Ma Xingjuan and Hongjun were equal. No one managed to exploit their opponent's weaknesses.

However, after an hour, the difference in experience began to show. As Ma Xingjuan was a lot younger than Hongjun, the old sage finally caught her.

Hongjun slipped through the net of Ma Xingjuan's spear array and got into a close-combat range. A palm, imbued with the power of law and mandate domain, smacked Ma Xingjuan's chest with his full force.


Ma Xingjuan flew backward like a kite without a string. Then, she fell into the sea.

A faint smile appeared on Hongjun's face. The old sage crossed his arms behind his back as he shifted his attention toward Meowmeow and Madoka next.

"One down, two to go."

Hongjun transformed into a streak of light. Two seconds later, he appeared behind Meowmeow.

"Die, Cathulhu!"


Meowmeow couldn't react in time. As Zhunti's countless palm strikes pinned him down, he couldn't even turn around to protect himself.

Hongjun delivered the finishing blow!


Suddenly, a silhouette appeared behind Meowmeow, intercepting the palm strike.


Hongjun's palm met with the palm of the mysterious person and caused a huge shockwave, pushing Hongjun 100 meters backward. A thick grey fog manifested as the shockwave blasted, shrouding Meowmeow and the mysterious helper.

Hongjun frowned as he recognized the man.

When the fog dispersed, Hongjun could clearly see a feminine-looking man, levitating behind Meowmeow. He wiggled his wrists as the contact numbed his palm.

"Aiya. I knew this would happen."

The new guy was someone Hongjun knew well. After all, he used to be this feminine-man's sponsor before the Great Reset. Moreover, he was one of the previous generation's protagonists, who was a close friend to Mao Miaomiao and the cousin of Ma Xingjuan, the spear demoness.

Ma Moxi, the master of Mount Tian Yuan, emerged from the fog. His stellar constellation aura exuded, and his two rainbow wings extended from his back.

Despite having an inferior cultivation base, Ma Moxi boldly snickered and mocked his ex-sponsor.

"Good to see you again, master. Are you bullying a junior in this life?"

"Ma Moxi… you brat."

Hongjun waved his hand, and all cannons from the giant pagoda aimed at Meowmeow and Ma Moxi.

Ma Moxi clicked his tongue, "Goddammit. I might end up dying for real. Damn death flags are everywhere!"

He vanished into smoke, leaving Meowmeow behind.

However, Hongjun's eyes followed Ma Moxi's invisible karma string. He turned 90 degrees toward the left and sent a palm strike at empty air.


His palm met with Ma Moxi's palm again. The latter's transparent physique reverted to normal, and he was knocked back 200 meters.

"Ethereal Physique doesn't work on me, Moxi."

"I know. I just have to try," Ma Moxi unsheathed a broadsword and pointed at Hongjun. "The livelihood of my cousin's family is on the line after all. It doesn't matter how strong you are. I can still beat you with my plot armor."

"You're not a protagonist anymore, Moxi."

"Ah, well. Sure. But I've completed my mission."


While Ma Moxi chatted with Hongjun, Ma Xingjuan's golden spear was launched from the sea and punctured through Hongjun's right thigh.


The spear exploded and shattered the right leg!


Hongjun indifferently looked at his missing limb. He snickered, "You bought enough time for her to recover, I see."

Ma Moxi playfully laughed, "Yup. I ain't going to fight you to the death with my current cultivation base. No way hose. BYE-BEEEEE!!"


Ma Moxi vanished and fled from the scene for real.

A vein under Hongjun's face skin swelled as his blood pressure spiked. He slightly leaned over, planning to pursue the ex-disciple.


But another golden spear pierced through his back. Ma Xingjuan reappeared behind Hongjun, holding her gold spear.

"You were not supposed to look away from me, geezer."

Hongjun's face was bright red because of the humiliation and anger. His pupils turned green.

"Alright. It was my fault for going easy on you to save my strength for Mao Miaomiao. Since you two Ma want to die that badly… I'LL PERSONALLY SEND YOU TO THE AFTERLIFE!"

Hongjun's aura exploded, knocking Ma Xingjuan a kilometer away from the sky. The sea surface caved in like a crater under Hongjun while all airships were pushed away by the shockwave.

Hongjun's hair turned black, and so did his aura. His pale skin was tanned, and the neatly tied long hair fluttered freely. His name, title, and level indicator also revealed his true form.

Hongjun, the Founder of Dao, Level 50,000 (??????)

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