Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 391 Cat Dad’s Enemy Pays For His Karma

Chapter 391 – Cat Dad's Enemy Pays For His Karma

As Mao Miaomiao didn't know a lot about the higher dimension, he only told Pangu about the danger and the barrier of Mu-Nyang's hideout. He also revealed that if Mu-Nyang died, everybody in the universe would perish along with him.

Pangu's face turned ugly. He realized his mistakes.

"I see. He can't possibly die in this universe. This war is hopeless from the very beginning."

"Yeah, you should go to Mu-Nyang and surrender. Maybe, he will only erase your memory and let you start over."

"But why doesn't he kill me? I know he could do that several times."

Mao Miaomiao sighed, "It's karma. Killing you or cutting the karmic ties between you and him will cause harm more than good. Waiting for you to realize your mistake and surrender to him is the only way to solve this feud peacefully without harming his dantian universe and his cultivation base. That's why he's letting you live for so long."

"What will happen if I let him kill me with his hands?"

"Mu-Nyang probably wants to purify your soul and your karma. As for your dantian universe, he will merge it with his universe to restore the stars that you stole. When you killed Mu-Nyang for the first time, you stole some of his karma, right?"

Pangu dryly laughed. He crossed his arms and deeply sighed, "You're right. That makes sense now."

"Will you surrender peacefully now? I promise that I'll help convince Mu-Nyang to spare you."

Pangu shook his head, "Don't give me hope. Just let me face my fate."

"… Okay."

"It's decided. I'll give up my life for the sake of this universe. I should relay my orders to Hongjun and others so that they won't continue this pointless war for my sake."

"That geezer is still alive?" Mao Miaomiao snickered as he remembered that Hongjun already lost his physical body. He was left with only his soul.

"His soul is actually inside my dantian universe. I'm going to bring them out to Mu-Nyang's universe first and tell them to serve you. With this, they won't die after my soul perishes."

Mao Miaomiao agreed. It would have been a waste if Pangu's massive dantian universe was destroyed. Thus, he respected the entity and allowed Pangu to finish what he was doing.

Pangu also appreciated Mao Miaomiao. He closed his eyes and focused on resurrecting Hongjun.

Everything would have resolved nicely and peacefully if nothing would go wrong – That was what Mao Miaomiao believed.

Unfortunately, everything that could go wrong, will go wrong.


The space behind Pangu was split open. A silhouette of an old man rushed out. He got close to Pangu before the latter could react.

"That won't be necessary." Solomon's evil smile and his cold voice stunned Mao Miaomiao and Pangu.

Solomon suddenly appeared behind Pangu. His hand pierced through the latter's back, and he successfully seized Pangu's dantian crystal under his heart. He pulled it out.

Pangu coughed several mouthfuls of blood. He widened his eyes in shock.

Mao Miaomiao unsheathed Killer Queen and activated his domain. However, Solomon shoved Pangu toward the chaos seraphim, preventing Mao Miaomiao from completing his domain ability.

"Son of a bitch!" The black angel supported Pangu and yelled.


Solomon swallowed the dantian crystal of Pangu. He then flew toward the moon, heading toward Mu-Nyang!

Mao Miaomiao glanced at Pangu. He lost all his cultivation base, and he was on the verge of dying.

Although it was risky, Mao Miaomiao fed him elixir and pills. Then, he shrank him, storing him inside his dantian universe, and chased after Solomon.

"Mao Miaomiao! Let me loose! I'll kill that Solomon bastard, nya!!" Cried Nian, who couldn't move an inch because of the time domain of Mao Miaomiao.

The angel snapped his fingers and canceled the power of time. Nian managed to move again, and he pursued Solomon.

Both Mao Miaomiao and Nian had never been this angry. One saw his master getting crippled while the angel's master was in danger. They now threw away their differences and go after their common enemy.

While being chased, Solomon looked back and sneered.

"Mao Miaomiao. You're my son-in-law. You should be working for me, not that manipulative cat!"

"That cat you're talking about saved my life countless times! If you still want to be a part of my family, return to Pangu's dantian universe, or else!"

"Give back my master's universe, nya!"

Realizing that negotiation was impossible in this situation, Solomon turned around and unleashed his true forces.

The space between the moon and Earth was twisted and compressed as if a black hole was created there. Nian suddenly lost his ability to utilize his Dao, elements, and mandate domains. As for Mao Miaomiao, half of his feathers exploded, and his dark purple butterflies were flushed out.

"RETURN TO THE ORIGIN CHAOS!" Solomon bellowed.

"IN YOUR DREAM, MOTHERFUCKER!" So did Mao Miaomiao. He threw Killer Queen toward Solomon, and the black katana transformed into a little girl. She opened her mouth.

Dao Eater Mandate!


The twisted domain exploded at the center. As if they were hit by a thousand nuclear explosions, Solomon, Nian, Mao Miaomiao, and Killer Queen were sent flying from the blast.

Nian, Mao Miaomiao, and Killer Queen regained their bearings instantly. The latter revealed a smug smile on her face as she managed to drain half of Solomon's providence essence.

As for Solomon, his expression turned dark. He realized that he was no match against Mao Miaomiao and his soul-bound sentient weapon. Moreover, he hadn't completely digested Pangu's dantian universe yet.



Because of the distraction, Mu-Nyang and Mir shuttled from the moon and reached the battlefield. Mir was in her orange Cathulhu physique. As for Mu-Nyang, he remained a small cat, but his aura intensity and thickness surpassed Mao Miaomiao's.

Seeing the incoming threats, Solomon laughed, "Thanks for coming, master! You have fallen for my traps!"

Solomon brought out a small scissor artifact that he had stolen from the Meng Clan. He grabbed a string of Pangu's karma, which was attached to the dantian universe inside him and was linked to Mu-Nyang. Then, he cut it.

"NOOOO!!" Mu-Nyang was shocked. He desperately tried to reach out for Pangu's existence karma before it was destroyed.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Solomon cut it.


The entire universe's space and air cracked as if they were broken glasses. Mu-Nyang was frozen in mid-flight, and his entire body was shattered into smoke.

This time, Mao Miaomiao was in despair. Mu-Nyang's body was the main consciousness of the cat's real body. If it vanished, Mu-Nyang's consciousness would return to his real body, and it would take ages before Mu-Nyang could return to this universe.

In short, Mu-Nyang's faction just lost its core sponsor. All subordinates of Mu-Nyang had to rely on themselves until the cat could recover his mental strength and condense his consciousness body to return here.

Mir, Nian, and Solomon all coughed blood as the dimensional cracks also damaged their dantian universe. As for Mao Miaomiao, he was unharmed as his karma was not linked with Mu-Nyang.

Using this opportunity, Mao Miaomiao caught up with Solomon. Killer Queen also teleported into his hand, and the angel swung down, aiming to behead Solomon and kill him in one strike.



Solomon managed to avoid the fatal attack. However, his torso was split into two. The dantian crystal of Pangu was ejected from his body while his own dantian universe was visible to everybody.

Nian and Mir mustered their strength. They bellowed and unleashed their mandate domains against Pangu.

Nian fired 100,000 homing energy missiles at Solomon while Mir generated a magnetic field, trapping Solomon in his place.

Despite being in danger, Solomon kept laughing.

"If you kill me now, I'll cut my existence karma with Mu-Nyang! His dantian universe will be destroyed, and everybody here will perish alongside me! DO IT!"


Mir suddenly got cold feet. She canceled her abilities and released him. As for Nian, he wasn't aware of the truth behind the universe, and he pushed on with the attack.

Solomon instantly regenerated his body. He retook the dantian universe of Pangu and destroyed all incoming missiles.


The black katana was decisive. While Solomon was busy blocking Nian's attacks, Mao Miaomiao cut Solomon's hand that was holding Pangu's universe crystal. Then, he froze the time in the dantian universe and stored the crystal in his dantian.


Solomon's eyes turned red. He teleported and reappeared behind Mao Miaomiao. Then, he grabbed the angel's wings and tore both of them apart. As soon as the black wings were disconnected from Mao Miaomiao's body, the dantian crystal was ejected from the angel's dantian.


Mao Miaomiao commanded the purple butterflies to explode. The death butterflies swarmed Solomon and self-detonated!


Solomon's body was shattered to pieces!

However, Mao Miaomiao, Mir, and Nian suddenly couldn't move. Their bodies slowly moved by themselves, and they couldn't control their arms and legs.

The chaos seraphim knew about this phenomenon well. After all, he also had this ability.


It was the mandate domain of time reversal. The flow of time in the universe went backward, restoring Solomon's physical body and soul. The butterfly explosion was canceled, and the black wings of Mao Miaomiao were reattached to his body.

However, after the dust settled, Solomon was holding the dantian universe of Pangu. Mu-Nyang was still missing, and nobody could reach Solomon now.

The old crook laughed and opened a portal. He entered the rift and immediately closed it.


Mir was in despair. Without Pangu's dantian universe, Mu-Nyang's condition would worsen. She cried in anger. Nian was also vexed that he shed his manly tears. He wailed about the loss of his master.

Mao Miaomiao rushed to the area where the portal was. He tracked Solomon's karma, and he discovered the general location of the old man.

"I've found him. He is hanging around the Netherworld Star Sector."

Mir and Nian swiped their tears and stopped crying. They looked at the angel and asked him in unison, "Where is he, mew/nya?!"

Mao Miaomiao bit his lower lips and closed his eyes. Using the outer god's vision, he checked on Mu-Nyang's condition on the higher dimension while he scanned Solomon's star sector.

"I have a piece of good news and a massive chunk of bad news."

The two cats closed their mouths and listened to Mao Miaomiao. The latter also didn't wait for them to ask which one they wanted to hear first.

"The good news is… Solomon is heavily injured, and he's gone into hiding in the depth of the Netherworld Star. As for the bad news, all Olympus gods, evil gods, demon gods, and even Tlaloc are protecting that son of a bitch. I've found at least 500 medium-ranked deities and five quasi-sages there. This doesn't count the massive armies on every star in that sector. I estimate that there might be at least 500 trillion immortals in hiding."


Mir was stunned. She knew that Solomon had been amassing armies, but the sheer size surpassed her imagination.

Mao Miaomiao gritted his teeth. He turned to Nian, and the cat also looked into the angel's eyes.


"Yeah, nya?"

"Pangu is still alive, and he is resting inside my dantian universe. My local population in my universe is treating him well. As for the existence karma… I'm afraid he has to stay inside my universe forever since he's now bound to my universe's karma."

"I see, nya…" Nian was relieved, but his expression was still dark and gloomy. He mustered his courage and looked at Mao Miaomiao's face again, "Say, thanks for helping my master, nya. P-Please, don't let him die."

Mao Miaomiao nodded, "I know. But Nian, I have a favor to ask you."


"Tell me everything about the Pangu Online 2 project. Also, I need your cooperation."

Mao Miaomiao looked gazed at the blue planet from space. He thought of Pangu, who used his own life forces to protect the ruined city.

"I need your help to convince humans to join our side. We can't fight Solomon alone. We need the players' help."

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