Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 428 Cathulhu’s Last Adventure (RAW)

Chapter 428 – Cathulhu's Last Adventure

After a day of preparation, Xiaomao gathered enough lifespan for his fishing rod and karmic abilities. He signaled Mao Miaomiao to lead the way.

"Let's go, pops. We are raiding the dungeon now."

On the other hand, Mao Miaomiao, Jungwoo, and Bianca were uncomfortable as they felt like they lacked something important. None of them could calculate fate and karma anymore. Even Diaochan, Mao Xueyan, and Mao Dandan were helpless.

"I still have a bad feeling about this." Mao Miaomiao warned Xiaomao.

"We're approaching the final battle. Of course, it's natural to get nervous."

As Mao Miaomiao didn't take the lead, Xiaomao took charge and jumped into the hole that his father had created. The rest of the crew followed, and Mao Miaomiao had no choice but to go with everybody.

An hour later, the group reached the area where Mao Miaomiao had once reached. They found nobody along the way, and none of them sensed any dungeon monster.

"Odd," Mao Miaomiao scratched his head. He walked around and pinched his fingers, but he sensed nobody.

Diaochan and the women also noticed the unusualness of this dungeon. There was no mana here.

"Did someone destroy this place's dungeon core?" Diaochan her theory.

Xiaomao nodded, "Probably. Either Sima Yi destroyed it, or it was an accident. Either way, this world can no longer function as a base for Solomon's immortal dragons anymore."

As everybody believed that the dungeon was already destroyed, they rushed forward. It only took them 30 minutes to reach the final floor of the dungeon and discover the trace of battle in the last room.

Mao Miaomiao rushed to the pedestal. He picked up a broken shard of a dungeon core.

"Yeah, it's destroyed."

Xiaomao squatted and touched the ground. He noticed the remnant of karma and soul orbs here, but all of them were gone. Then, he looked up and found a group of people in front of a large portal nearby.

Ma Moxi, Ma Xingjuan, Zhuge Liang, Lee Jinyong, and Chase were there. They walked toward Mao Miaomiao and chatted with him.

Xiaomao raised his brow. He wondered how Lee Jinyong and Zhuge Liang got here before him. Then, he looked at the large portal.

'Right. The karma said Sima Yi triggered a secret portal to the last dungeon floor. He must have entered here and died. Zhuge Liang must have known about the portal and come here with Lee Jinyong. That makes sense.'

Xiaomao understood everything. He turned his attention to the trace of Solomon while Mao Miaomiao and his friend chatted.

"Miaomiao!" Ma Xingjuan hugged her husband. She missed him.

Mao Miaomiao laughed and kissed the spear goddess. He then waved his hand at Ma Moxi and Chase.

"Sup, dudes."

Ma Moxi slightly shook his head and smiled, "You're freaking late! We did a bit of damage to Solomon while you idled around."

"Hey! I fought for my life, too! Do you know that I escaped death?!"

"You? Escape death? More like Deaths escape you!"

Ma Moxi mocked his Mao Miaomiao as if they were close friends. The latter didn't mind it and continued to chat for a moment. Then, Mao Miaomiao looked at Lee Jinyong and Chase.

"Oh, hey, you two. I haven't seen you for a while, but you're a lot stronger now."

Lee Jinyong slightly bowed, "Thank you, senior. Without Lady Cao Cao's support, I would have died long ago."

Chase flexed his muscle, "Master! I've caught up to you. Look at my level!"

Mao Miaomiao bonked Chase with Killer Queen's scabbard, "You suck. You fought Solomon, but you couldn't even kill him in one blow. You still have a lot to learn."

"Eh?! WHY?!"

Chase cried like a sad kitten while the others laughed at their interaction.

Zhuge Liang noticed his chance. He cupped his fist and reported while he sneaked a glance at Xiaomao, "Master, I have some concerns. I could no longer predict the future or calculate karma, and I need your guidance. Could you enlighten this disciple on what went wrong?"

Mao Miaomiao didn't even look at Zhuge Liang. He simply snorted, "Overly relying on karma calculation will be your downfall. Sometimes, you just need to take an L and improvise. Calculating all the time will hurt you in the long run when someone like me, Solomon, Xiaomao, or Mu-Nyang suddenly alters our fate."

Zhuge Liang frowned. He was dissatisfied with the answer, "Then, is there a way to prevent others from interfering with fate?"

"Simple. Be strong enough to crush whatever is in your way! Schemes and predictions ain't matter if you have the absolute strength!"

"… But you still calculated karma, though."

"I do it to find people…"

Xiaomao clapped his hands to stop the chitchat. He gazed at the surviving protagonists and declared his intention.

"Solomon has escaped to Netherworld Realm. From the looks of it, he's quite injured, and he will enter a power-up phase for a while. His next logical move should be related to his subordinates. He will send them to attack Earth and the original game worlds of Pangu to kill every resident to weaken our luck. Therefore, if we can strike Solomon while his power-up phase isn't completed, we can twart fates and kill him."

Everybody stopped talking. They looked at Xiaomao.

Mao Miaomiao had a funny feeling about Xiaomao. As an outer god, he could only predict his fate but not the others. Thus, he wondered what kind of cheat Xiaomao had.

"Is that your vision, son?"

Xiaomao smirked, "My karma-reading abilities are better than everybody here. I can deduce the trend of luck and fate just by scanning through the past events."

Zhuge Liang frowned. He disliked Xiaomao's confidence, "Are you sure, Lord Xiaomao? I can't even calculate karma, but you seem to know everything. Also, your recent actions have been suspicious. You left Sima Yi to die. What are you planning now? Who else will you kill to achieve your goal?"

Xiaomao glanced at Zhuge Liang and slightly shook his head. He deeply sighed.

"Even if I don't do anything, everybody here will be killed one by one, and the winner of this battle royal will either be me or Solomon."


Zhuge Liang gritted his teeth, but he maintained his calm. He paced his breath and rebuked, "Lord Xiaomao, do you know that you're being overconfident? I've lived many lives before and I saw what happened to my counterparts in the other dimensions. People like you are a living calamity. If you keep this up, you will only bring destruction to your followers, friends, and subordinates!"

Xiaomao clicked his tongue. He gave Zhuge Liang one last chance, "Didn't I tell you that I'm the reincarnation of Mu-Nyang's mentor? I was an entity, and I know about protagonist-related subjects than a million of you combine. You should be respecting your senior, not trying to find fault with him."


Zhuge Liang closed his eyes for a moment and gazed at his master.

"Lord Mao, do you believe in Lord Xiaomao?"

Mao Miaomiao shrugged, "I've seen worse. Let him cook. Sometimes, you have to learn how to bow your head and accept other people's opinions. Kongming, this is your weakness. You never listened to others except yourself."

"But I…"

"This battlefield is not a mortal battlefield with only swords and spears. We all have superpowers, and we command fates. We are gods, and we're fighting other gods. Mortal's common sense is useless here. Throw that away and learn to become an empty glass for new things."

"… Yes, master."

Zhuge Liang lowered his head and bowed. He reluctantly gazed at Xiaomao again and cupped his fist. He conceded, "I'm terribly sorry for my rude behavior earlier. I was inexperienced."

Xiaomao waved his hand, "No harm's done. Anyway, does anybody want to ask me anything before I cut open the dimension?"

Lee Jinyong pondered for a moment. He raised his hand, "If I die, will I be able to reincarnate and retain my memory?"

"If you haven't achieved anything worthwhile in this life, it is likely that your story hasn't ended or even started yet. If you die, you will be likely to be chosen as a protagonist of the next generation."

Xiaomao looked at Ma Moxi and Mao Miaomiao, showing Lee Jinyong examples of his explanation.

Mao Miaomiao shrugged, "I'm a freaking Foil, not Protagonist anymore."

Ma Moxi snickered, "But you acted like a protagonist."

"More like a benefactor or a side backer. Anyway, I'll be sticking around with my memory intact for a million years. I don't mind dying as long as I can be resurrected. You can resurrect me, right? Xiaomao? Mu-Nyang?"

[Mu-Nyang]: "No. You're an outer god. If you're dead, you're forever gone, munya."

Xiaomao nodded, "He's right. Aside from you, everybody can come back to life. As for you, father, you can't die. That's why I had to save you earlier."


Mao Miaomiao gulped. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and thought of the vision he had in the dungeon.

Xiaomao looked at the others, "Any other questions?"

Jungwoo asked this time, "What's next, boss? Are we going to jump to the Netherworld Realm next? Counterattack Arc?"

"You don't care about your looming death, Jungwoo?"

Jungwoo laughed, "Well, I stop thinking and empty my head ever since you said something about protagonists and whatever that was. I don't care anymore. I just want to get this thing over and go back to Earth."

"Fair enough. Well, I won't ask everybody to follow me to the Netherworld Realm. If you have something unfinished in the game worlds or Earth, I'll open a portal for you to return. If you want to follow me, you can do so. Your choice."


Lee Jinyong immediately took a step forward. He spoke without hesitation.

"I want to go back to Game World Number Two. I'm worried about the local NPCs and the country. If Solomon sends an army to that world, no one will be able to survive. I need to go there and ensure their safety."

Bianca pondered for a moment. She also stepped forward, "Send me back to Earth. I'm worried about my little sister and my grandma at home."

Jungwoo scratched his head. He also made a request, "Send me to Earth, too. My country needs me. No players on Earth can handle deities."

Zhuge Liang crossed his arms. He looked at Xiaomao for a moment and made his decision.

"Send me to World One."

Mao Miaomiao was surprised, "But you're from World Two. Why do you want to go there?"

"Someone might need my abilities. Also, I like adventuring."

"Or being the top dog in a small force."

"Haha. Something like that."

Ma Moxi quietly raised his hand, "If I have to die fighting, I want to die next to my lover and my family. Send me to World Three. I'll protect that place."

Aside from Mao Miaomiao and Chase, everybody wished to head back. Xiaomao waved his fishing rod and opened five portals for the people to leave.

The protagonists each went home, leaving two angels, a weirdo, and the wives of Mao Miaomiao here.

Diaochan, Mao Xueyan, and Mao Dandan whispered something to Mao Miaomiao and disappeared into his dantian universe.

The three men looked at each other. Then, Mao Miaomiao and Chase turned their attention to Xiaomao.

"Well, son. Whenever you're ready, lead us. You call the shots now."

Chase grinned from ear to ear, excited to fight alongside his mentor on this journey. He didn't seem troubled even though he heard about his future demise.

Looking at the two idiots, Xiaomao couldn't help but smile.

"Alright. This might be our last journey. Let's bet everything for our true ending!"

"Let's go, boy!"

Xiaomao swung the fishing rod and opened a portal to the Netherworld Realm. He crossed the portal, and the two men followed him.

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