Crimson Instinct

Chapter 129: Facts vs Feelings

Chapter 129: Facts vs Feelings


"So, will you sleep with me if I pay more?" Rodey had a devilish smile on his lips.

Ying Yue blinked her eyes and looked confused.

"Why would you want to sleep with a boring woman like me when you can pick many other interesting women?" She gently asked.

"Data also shows that 66.2% of handsome men desire women more who can keep them interested enough for the men to think about having sex. The definition of 'interested' can vary from having the ability to make fun conversations, look bold and beautiful or flirt with their partner. I don't fulfill any of the criteria above. So, I fail to understand why would you want to sleep with me?"

Rodey had half-expected her to be scared by him. He wanted to see her nervous and terrified. Obviously, it was a joke but, clearly, it wasn't for her.

Rodey pressed his forehead and laughed out loud. Ying Yue calmly and expressionlessly watched him laugh at her.

I didn't say any joke though, she thought.

"Babe, I am talking about a one-night stand, not a relationship where I don't know why but two people like to live together for the rest of their lives." Rodey seemed perplexed. "Just a waste of time."

Ying Yue plainly said, "A study shows that people tend to get into relationships to find similar or like-minded people like themselves so that they can live a comfortable life. They like the company of those who can understand each other and their personalities."

"Ah Ha Ha Ha! There is no comfortable life, babe. It's all an illusion. Understand each other? What a joke!" Rodey took a step towards her with his gaze turning dark. "Everybody is selfish and the foremost person they understand is only their own self. That's why they want other like minded people who can probably understand their fucked up mind theirs" He chuckled.

Ying Yue kept quiet.

"It's just a night. I only need your body which is attractive enough to turn me on. I don't need you to talk or entertain me." Rodey tilted his head. "But then again, I will have to kill you after I fuck you."

Ying Yue just listlessly stared at him.

"You see" Rodey smiled and leaned his face  closer to hers, "I don't keep them alive to see the next day. Poor them."

He took out his gun and pointed it at her forehead. "There will be a nice hole in between your brows. Round and crisp."

She slightly frowned but overall her expression didn't change.

"Weren't they innocent?" 

"And who said that I am a saint? I think it was already clear to you that I am a criminal. Actually, a wanted criminal at that. You know what people like us do, right? Murder, kidnapping all that fancy stuff." He chuckled.

Now he expected her to be a little scared of him. Perhaps she would think that he would kill her now.

But she didn't change much.

'What is this woman exactly made up of?'

Rodey tested it more. "You know? All those women who I fucked; you should have seen their expression when I aimed my gun at them. Pure fear. They begged. They cried. They pleaded to let them live. So pathetic, isn't it?"

Ying Yue seemed to be in deep thought. "It's not. Everybody likes to live. That is what consensus say."

"Do you not fear me?"

She tilted her head. "You didn't do anything to me until now that has threatened my life. I have no reason to fear you."

Rodey pressed his gun in between her brows. "Now? What if I shoot a bullet through here?"

"Certainly, I will die." She plainly stated.

His brow twitched. "I meant do you still not fear me? Do you not fear death?"

"Everybody dies at some point. Humans are not immortal."

"So it wouldn't bother you if you turn into a corpse right now?"

Ying Yue softly said, "My mother would certainly be sad and disappointed about my death."

Rodey enounced each word. "And. You?"

"I cannot change my fate. I cannot run away from here. Bullet is faster than a human's speed. If it's my time to die, then I will die anyway."

"Won't you beg and cry?"

"I don't see the point in doing that. If you have decided to kill me, then it doesn't matter how much I beg you."

"Perhaps you can change my mind. How about I let you live in exchange for sleeping with me?"

Ying Yue wasn't much affected. "That would be coercion. It would be rape if I chose to live in exchange. Didn't you say that you have a principle that you don't rape women?"

Rodey stared at her before he withdrew his gun. He sneered. "The other women should learn from you. They sleep with a criminal and then expect to see the sun rise the next day. How foolish. They become a risk which we are bound to eliminate."

Ying Yue wondered. "I have a read a study-"

"Why do you like to talk about data?" Rodey cut her off. "Statistics and all...ugh so boring."

Ying Yue stared at him. "Numbers and data are hard facts. You cannot misunderstand it or interpret it in a wrong way as opposed to feelings."

Rodey slightly widened his eyes in surprise.

She lowered her head.

"I fail to understand feelings. I have caused many troubles because I was like that since I was small. It is hard. But facts never go wrong. So I study as much data as possible to make my point. I rely on data because I don't have anything else to base my comments upon. And so as per my information, you shouldn't be interested in me."

Rodey curiously smiled. "On the contrary, you are making me want to sleep with you even more. Isn't it contradicting your 'data'?"

Ying Yue slightly furrowed her brows. "Certainly. According to the data, it shouldn't happen like that. I see. You must be an exception. Also, you shouldn't waste your money on me. You should use it for your family."

Rodey stared blankly at her for a few seconds before he laughed hard. "Family? You talk about interesting things. What is a family? I never had that kind of a thing in my life."

"Technically, you should since you cannot be born without your parents having sex. A mother and a father primarily constitute a family."

Rodey looked at her dumbfounded. "Obviously I know that. But I still don't have that kind of people in my life. Like I said, family and relationships are all an illusion."

He sneered. "Worthless."

Rodey put his gun back.

"It was fun talking to you so on that good note, I will not kill you."

Ying Yue blinked her eyes rapidly. She couldn't comprehend what he said.

'Fun... talking to me? Nobody ever said that to me before. He is really strange.'

Rodey smirked. "I don't force women but if you change your mind then do let me know. A fuck is always welcomed." And he winked.

"For now, I have to find another woman. It shouldn't be that difficult."

As Rodey was about to step out, Ying Yue asked, "Are you going to kill her too?"

Rodey turned his head and raised his brow. "If she begs me for her life, then I surely would."


The bar owner raised his brow as he looked at Rodey. "You seem to be in a good mood."

Rodey didn't respond to it and instead said, "How much do you pay her?"

He squinted his brows. "Decent enough."

"Double it on my account."

The owner was surprised. "Are you for real?"

"Do you think I am joking?"

"Why her?"

"No reason."

The owner nodded. "By the way, that woman over there was eying you the whole time."

Rodey saw the woman and noticed that she was seductively looking at him.

He smirked.


An hour later, Ying Yue changed back from her uniform to her normal clothes.

She politely bowed towards the owner.

"Wait. Take this."

The owner handed her a cheque.

Ying Yue took it and noticed the amount. "Sir. You have made a mistake. The amount is double than what I am paid for."

"Such honesty." The owner laughed.

"Can you write another cheque?"

"The cheque is just fine."

"But the amount"

"That is fine too. That is your new salary from now on."


"Don't ask more questions and just take it."

Ying Yue was in a dilemma. "I cannot take it."

"I am the boss. I decide things here."

She pursed her lips.

"Just know that you have earned it. Nothing shady there."

Ying Yue slowly nodded.

She was still in a trance, holding that cheque. She heard some soft noises in an alley.

Ying Yue frowned. She saw that it was Rodey and a woman, partially naked with their clothes messed up.

" about we date?" She seductively bit her lower lip. "We are perfect for each other."

Rodey smiled. "Didn't we decide that it was a one time fuck thing?"

"And if we date we can fuck many times~~"

Rodey leaned towards her and that woman looked excited. "Sure darling."

In the next moment, her eyes widened and she lowered her head to see blood trickling from her stomach.


"How about you find someone in hell?" Rodey chuckled.

He pushed her away and she collapsed on the ground. He turned and saw Ying Yue staring back at him.

"And hello again." He smiled.

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