Crimson Instinct

Chapter 162: A stifling feeling...

Chapter 162: A stifling feeling...




Major General Shi Jianguo's expression was extremely grim and severe. "Two bullets."

Su Weiyuan said, "Yes, Major General."

"Do you realize that this opens a whole new can of worms, Captain? If there were two bullets shot, then that means everything was planned before-hand."

He slowly nodded.

"And to plan those things ahead of time, it was important to know all the details of Bai Li's mission. How will he meet Rodey, when and where... without this information, the culprit who shot Tan Ye couldn't have made the preparations."

Su Weiyuan said nothing.

"Do you understand where this assumption leads to, Captain?"

"I fully understand it, Major General."

"Do you understand that this also jeopardizes the Army's reputation? If it goes out that somebody from the Army is bent and is involved in the brutal killings, then it will cause a massive storm in the nation. People will lose their trust in the Army and defense of China. We cannot afford that, Captain."

Su Weiyuan didn't respond.

"So on one side, there is one soldier who is innocent and got a dishonorable discharge, accused of accidentally killing a civilian. On the other side, there is the whole Army who will suffer the repercussion of this truth if it comes to light."

Su Weiyuan was impassive. Naturally, he understood his context.

"One soldier versus the entire Army. What should we choose?"


"Any sane person would choose the latter because it encompasses more threat than a mere soldier's reputation and honor. So technically, we should keep our mouths shut, pretend that we never figured out anything and do nothing so that we protect the Army."

He said nothing.

"But what are we going to do?"

Su Weiyuan stared straight back at him and calmly said, "I will check who all knew about Bai Li's mission."

Shi Jianguo squinted his gaze. "Meet me when you get all the details."

He nodded.


Rodey, once again, reached the same bar, which was his usual spot for meetings with the clients. Even if it was bright sunshine outside, inside the bar, it felt as if it was the middle of the night.

The same three clients who he met last time were seated at their same place again.

"What the fuck is taking you so long to choose one person? Boss called me. They are getting impatient."

The man who planned to kidnap Ying Yue waved his hand, "Don't worry. Today. Today we will definitely kidnap her. We have sent the fake mail as always, but she hasn't responded yet."

Rodey took a sip of the scotch and raised his eyebrow. "It's a woman?"

The man sneered. "Yes, she is."

"Then, if she is not responding, then forget her. We cannot make the boss wait. Choose someone else. Do it quickly, you bastards."

The second man shook his head. "Nah, it's alright. We have sent another invitation to her with even more lucrative offers this time. She is bound to fall for it. Today, she will be with us."

"We still have three more days until we deal with that teenager. We have enough time for our enjoyment."

Rodey shrugged. "Do it faster and get that woman already."


Ying Yue was getting ready as she gave a final touch to her light makeup. She checked herself in the mirror and nodded.

She picked her phone and opened the message again. It was another mail sent from FriendsChat.

'The first twenty successful candidates who pass the interview will be given a chance to join a prestigious company of their choice and earn up to 1000$ a month. The interviews are open only until two in the afternoon. Late entries will not be allowed under any circumstances.'

As soon as Ying Yue received this message, she couldn't help but seriously think about it. A thousand dollars was not a small amount for her, and if she could earn that much, it would make her expenses so much easier for her - the debt, Ying Lan's medicines, and her University fees.

Today was also an off day from her University, so she had no problem visiting that place chosen for the interview. She had only until two pm so she couldn't afford to waste time.

Ying Yue didn't know if she would pass the interview or not, but she thought that at least, she had to give one try. 

She packed her bag and quickly left.

"Ah Yue," Ying Lan gently smiled at her. "Isn't it an off day at your University? Where are you going?"

"Mom, there is an interview going on for a job. I want to give it a try. If I could clear it and enter the top twenty, then I can earn up to 1000$ a month."

Ying Lan widened her eyes. "Is it true?"

She nodded. "I have also cross-checked it. I contacted the person-in-charge, and he has verified it. The interviews are open until only two pm. So I have to hurry."

Ying Lan was worried. "Are you sure, dear? You already work too hard. I don't want you to take on an additional workload. You have University too."

She gently said, "It's okay, Mom. If I secure a job here, then I can leave one of my part-time jobs."

Ying Lan sighed. "Alright"

Ying Yue held her hands. "Thank you, Mom. A thousand dollars can really help us."

"What! A thousand dollars!"

Suddenly, they heard Xue Jingjing rushing up to them with a sparkled gaze. "Yue, what are you talking about?"

Ying Lan's mouth twitched.

Ying Yue wasn't much affected. She told her about the job offer, and Xue Jingjing's got even more delighted.

"Wow, thousand dollars! Why didn't you tell me, Yue?"

If I could somehow clear this interview, then I will be loaded with money! This bitch didn't tell me about it on purpose so she could hog all of the money. So sly!

She was pissed off because of her canceled date with Yang Mo and the stolen money. But now she heard about the thousand dollars, and she already forgot all about it.

Ying Yue was blank. "I thought you don't like to work."

Xue Jingjing's eyebrow twitched.

But who can refuse a thousand dollars!

She awkwardly smiled. "What are you saying, Yue? I would also like to help you out with the expenses. But I wasn't getting a proper job until now"

Ying Lan inwardly sneered.

Such lies!

Xue Jingjing immediately held her hands. "Cousin, how about we go together? Plus, if we both go, then there are more chances for either one of us to get a spot. Even if one of us could be selected"

"That's a great idea," Xue Xiying came too. "I think Yue should take Jingjing with her too. Right, sis?" She gently smiled at her. "Jingjing will get a chance to be more responsible now. It is good for her."

Ying Lan gritted her teeth.

As if you will spend any on the household if Jingjing gets the job!

Ying Yue nodded. "Okay."

"Thank you, Yue! I will get ready in five minutes."

As they left, Ying Lan sighed.

God, please let Yue get the job and not Jingjing.

At the entrance, Ying Yue hugged her mother. "I will come back by evening."

She nodded. "All the best."

Xue Xiying whispered in Jingjing's ear as she hugged her too. "You know what to do, right? Don't let Yue get the job. Do anything to make her fail."

Xue Jingjing sneered and nodded. "Yes, Mom."

She then loudly said, "Good luck, dear."

"Thanks, Mom!"

As Ying Yue and Xue Jingjing left, Ying Lan couldn't help but feel something stifling inside her. As Yue's figure was moving farther and farther away, a strange sense of anxiety and restlessness enveloped her chest.

Ying Lan seemed troubled.

What is this uncomfortable feeling for Yue? Why do I feel that...something bad is about to happen?


At exactly one-thirty pm, Ying Yue and Xue Jingjing reached the designated spot. It was a three-story glass building that seemed new and glistening in the sunlight, giving that corporate feel.

"Wow," Xue Jingjing exclaimed. "Looks classy."

"Let's go inside." Ying Yue said.

They opened the door, but to their surprise, they found the reception area empty.

Xue Jingjing frowned. "Where is everybody? I thought there would be other applicants too."

Ying Yue didn't understand.


"Yue, is this even the right address?" Xue Jingjing rolled her eyes.

"It is. This is the street and building mentioned in the address."

"Show me the address! Don't tell me you screwed it up."

Xue Jingjing snatched her mobile and checked the address.

She frowned.

Indeed, this is the right address...

Suddenly, two men, wearing black masks, barged in the building and pointed their guns at them.

"Aahh!" Xue Jingjing shrieked in horror. 

Ying Yue froze and she felt as if her heart nearly stopped beating.

Xue Jingjing glanced between the two men, sweating and trembling. "W-who are you two?"

One man sneered. "Your road to hell. Thank you so much for falling in the trap, you two."

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