Crimson Instinct

Chapter 167: A big fat lie

Chapter 167: A big fat lie


Beijing Military Commission.

"Captain Su. Here are all the details you requested."

Su Weiyuan raised his head from Tan Ye's autopsy report that he was going through. Sergeant Zi Mimi saluted. He nodded. "Keep it here. You have brought this information just as I told you, right?"

She nodded. "Yes, Captain. I have brought this information secretly. Nobody knows about the request of Major Bai Li's mission files."


Sergeant Zi Mimi straightened up and left.

Su Weiyuan read through the files. It listed all the detailed information about Bai Li's mission. As expected, the information was kept to a very tight-knit group of officers. Excluding Major General Shi Jianguo, Lin Zihao, and himself, only two others knew everything. One was Major Yu Zichen, who recently retired from the army, and the other was the sergeant who brought him the files - Sergeant Zi Mimi. 

Major Yu Zichen was previously handling the case before it got to Bai Li, so naturally, he knew everything. An encounter with one of the gangs who worked for the culprit left him invalid in the left arm. On his wife's insistence, he decided to retire from the army. But before he retired, he was involved in the planning to catch Rodey with Bai Li.

Sergeant Zi Mimi worked under his command, and so when the case transferred to Bai Li, it was inevitable that she knew everything too.

Su Weiyuan read some more and put the file down. He leaned back on his seat. 

Is one of these four the culprit who shot Tan Ye?

But no matter what, he had absolute trust in Lin Zihao and Shi Jianguo. Bai Li, Lin Zihao, and himself have worked under Shi Jianguo since the beginning, so the bond they shared was closer than any blood relations.

But he couldn't say the same thing about Major Yu Zichen. Undoubtedly, he was an exemplary soldier and had successfully led many missions to success. But the timing of his retirement with the incident at the container terminal was quite suspicious for Su Weiyuan.

Tan Ye died, Bai Li got a dishonorable discharge, and almost immediately afterward, Major Yu Zichen retired. That timing didn't settle well with Su Weiyuan. Sergeant Zi Mimi was surprised by his retirement because she expressed how she never thought that being invalid would make him quit. He had the spark and passion for his country.

But apart from these five soldiers, nobody had any idea of Bai Li's mission, and everybody swore to complete secrecy.

Su Weiyuan got up. He put his gun in the holster and headed out.

He knocked on Major General's cabin.

"Come in."

Su Weiyuan saluted.

"Did you get anything?"

He said everything that he thought until now. "I think we should question Major Yu Zichen."

Shi Jianguo narrowed his eyes. He nodded after a moment. "Do it. Also."

"Yes, Major General."

"Keep an eye on Sergeant Zi Mimi too."


For the first time in his life, it took an enormous amount of self-control in Rodey not to twitch even a single expression on his face. After staring at Ying Yue's photo for God knows how long, he still behaved as if it meant nothing to him.

He tilted his head. "She wasn't among the list of targets we chose."

Risfun laughed. "I know. But what does it matter? Fun is fun, no matter if it is her or any of those other five. She already made an enemy out of me, and what better chance than to target her now? We wanted someone anyway."

The second man shrugged. "We can choose someone from the five targets at a later time."

"And boss?"

Risfun said, "I already talked to the boss. It already knows everything and also did a background check on her."

"...I see."

Rodey lowered his gaze and leaned back on his seat. He looked at the ceiling in a daze.

A target...she is only a target. One of the countless targets we had. Why should I care?

Risfun sneered. "Who does she thinks she is? Once I get my hands on her, she will come to know how far I can go."

Rodey unconsciously balled his fist on the couch. A strange feeling erupted in his chest as he heard him speak about Ying Yue.

Her face popped into his mind, which he was unable to get it out of.

"Ah, I can't wait to see her bleed. I can't wait to see her cry and beg for mercy."

His jaw slowly tightened, and he had an urge to punch somebody hard. He was restlessly and impatiently tapping his finger on the couch rest.

Cry and beg? And her?

The memory of that night flashed across his eyes when she was calmly standing her ground, surrounded by four rapists. 

Wasn't that the first time I thought that she was interesting?

Then he snapped out.

What the fuck is this annoying feeling? She was stupid to fall for the trap. It's all her fault. Doesn't she have a brain to think!

Suddenly, Rodey didn't know at exactly what or whom he was furious on? That man, Risfun? Ying Yue? Or himself...

"She is already kept where that boy is. Oh, finally, we get to enjoy after so long. How should we start? Knife? Hunter? Acid? Hm, every single option seems so tempting."

Rodey stomped his feet on the ground and suddenly got up. His dark gaze was lit with an inexplicable fire and rage that seemed to have no reason for him.

The three men were startled. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Why did you suddenly get up?"

Rodey said, "I am leaving."

"What? So soon? Come on! We have just started yet."

He glared at them menacingly and growled in an animalistic temper. "Now, will you tell me what I should do and what I should not?"

The men visibly gulped. "Of course not."

Rodey left in a horrible mood. As he reached the corner, it felt as if the bubbling volcano inside him finally erupted. He kicked the wall with his feet and threw a punch too. No matter how many times he did that, he failed to calm down.


He groaned, and his brows furrowed as he felt pain. He looked down and saw that his wound had reopened, causing the blood to trickle out again. 

Once again, that annoying feeling welled up in his chest because he remembered last night how Ying Yue tended to him. She hid him in her room, brought food for him not to let him leave hungry, and was awake the whole night to take care of his fever.

'Take this handkerchief if your wound bleeds again.'

Rodey stood rooted at his spot. He took out her handkerchief from his pocket that she had handed him just this morning. He was staring at it so intensely as if he would hear Ying Yue's voice at any moment.

But he didn't.

He clenched the handkerchief in his fist, wrinkling it into creases with an unreadable expression light in his gaze.


Xue Jingjing ran and ran until she finally caught a cab on the main road and drove towards home. She was sweating buckets and was constantly looking left and right out of the window as if she was afraid that the masked men would appear again. She was restlessly shifting on the seat with a trembling body.

"Mam, are you okay?" The cab driver asked, noticing her pale condition.


"You don't look good."

Xue Jingjing wiped the sweat off her forehead and awkwardly smiled. "I am fine."

"Are you sure? Should I take you to the hospital?"

"No! Just take me home! Don't be so nosy and just do your job, got it?" She snapped at him.

The driver's face darkened.

Hmph! I was just asking out of concern! There is no value left for being kind anymore in this world.

The incident kept replaying in her mind, and the image of Ying Yue left alone hovered endlessly like a curse.

It's not my fault! I was right in saving myself. Why should I suffer because of her stupidity to fall for that fake interview trap!

Then she slowly calmed down.

Yes, I am right. Plus, it's good riddance from that bitch. She was so annoying. But damn, she was the money bank, and I lost her. Who would take care of my expenses now?

The cab soon reached her apartment.

Xue Jingjing nervously stepped out. She had already thought of an excuse that she had to say.

Ying Lan watched her from a distance and hurried outside.

Finally, they are back. Yue is back.

"Jingjing. You came back so soon? Where is Yue?" She looked around but didn't see her.

She stiffened.

"Aunt... interview got over already a-and Yue have to wait for a while for her turn. So, I came back since I had nothing left to do."

"Huh? But the results?"

She panicked. "They are going to take a day or two to announce it."

But Ying Lan was heavily dissatisfied. "Jingjing, how could you leave her alone? Couldn't you have waited until Yue's turn was over too? What was the rush? You have an off day anyway and have nothing to do. Weren't you sticking to Yue in the morning to let her take you along with her? And now you left her? How could you?"

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