Crimson Instinct

Chapter 205: The final showdown (1)

Chapter 205: The final showdown (1)

Time: 8:01 PM. Four hours and twenty-nine minutes left.

*Bai Li*

The manufacturing company that Qi Qiang talked about at the other end of the road to Imperial High was a steel manufacturing plant. 

Zhu Yusheng stopped the car, and Zhang Xiulan said, "We are just a few yards away from the plant now."

"I can see a guard outside the gates."

I said, "Let's go."

I heard Liao Huifang's voice, "Will he just let us in like that?"

I shrugged. "Brute force is always an option.

We got out, and Liao Huifang held my hand, guiding me the way.

A minute later, I heard a different voice, which I was sure was the guard. "Who are you? The factory is closed now. Come tomorrow."

I said, "We need one help."

"What help?"

"We need to borrow one of your trucks."

"Excuse me?"

"We don't have time for details, but we have to raid the school that is on the other side of the road. There are some civilians kept hostage. Do you understand the gravity of this situation?"

"What?" His voice sounded in disbelief and shocked. "But that school is empty and abandoned. Not even a fly goes there."

"Apparently, more than some flies do hover in that abandoned building."

"Who are you all?"

From my side, I sensed Liao Huifang shuffle something. "We are from the secret forces. We are on a task to save the hostages."

Similarly, I sensed the other two take out their IDs, too, and so did I.

I hope the guard gets fooled by our fake IDs that Qi Qiang and Xin Zhen made for us.

Otherwise, brute force was always an option.

"You are the police?"

"Technically, yes."

"But you can take any other truck. The manager will kill me if I give you one of our trucks!"

"Firstly, the gang recognizes your trucks, so they won't doubt us if we use yours. Secondly, if you don't help us, then you and your manager can see a future of a long time in jail. You understand, right? Many lives are at stake here, and you are refusing to cooperate with the police."

Well, threatening could work just fine as well.

"N-no! Please don't arrest me. I will help you! Take as many trucks as you want. Just don't take me to jail."

I nodded.

"But I should inform the manager once"

"We don't have time for that, or if you insist, we need to take you into our custody."

He quickly said, "It's alright! I won't say a word. But at least, c-can I know when will you give the truck back?"

"Don't worry. Before dawn and before the staff comes to work, you will have it back. Nobody will know."

I heard him softly exhale. "That is good then. Come with me. I will take you all to the garage."

As we stopped, I heard the rustling of a bunch of keys and then the sound of it clicking against the lock. I heard the shutter open.

I smelled the musty scent in the air and a faint smell of diesel too when I stepped inside.

"Here they are. There are five trucks. Which one do you want?"

Zhang Xiulan spoke, "Do all these trucks have passed by the school road? Is there any truck that hasn't driven there before? We don't need that one."

"No. All these trucks are in use and pass by the school road every day."

I nodded. "Which is the oldest one and the most used?"

"Ah, the first truck on the left."

"We will take that one. Give the keys to him," I pointed at Zhu Yusheng.

The guard spoke in a cowered voice, "I-I won't get into trouble, right? Please give the truck back by dawn, or the manager will fire me. I am the only earner in my family"

I raised my hand and felt my way towards his shoulder. "We will. Rest assured."

We climbed onto the truck. Before we started, I said, "You should change into the driver's clothes and the mask now, Zhu Yusheng."


Since Zhu Yusheng should look the driver's part, we arranged for a face mask and clothes because I was sure the guards outside the school would definitely interrogate him once we start our plan.

Zhu Yusheng started the ignition, and we took our seats.

The cold night air brushed past my cheek as we drove.

Xin Lei. I am coming. Please hang on for a little more

Liao Huifang said, "Two more minutes, and we will reach the school."

"Good. Let's hide behind."

From the bluetooth earpiece that the IB gave us, I heard Luo Zhiqiang's voice, "The building northeast to the school is clear. There were a few men, but we have subdued them all. Qi Qiang has blocked the communication too."

Liao Huifang asked, "Has anybody from the school come to investigate?"

"No. Even if they did, we will use voice changer and send some fake message to stop them."

I heard Zhu Yusheng say, "ETA 50 seconds."

We got into our positions.

Xin Zhen's voice came through the earpiece. "I can see your truck coming."

Then Luo Zhiqiang spoke, "One of the guards in the school is looking your way through the binoculars."

"Got it."

Zhu Yusheng said, "I am stopping it now."

The truck came to a sudden halt with a screeching sound.

"Out! Now!" I said.

We had to get out before the guards came here to investigate. We planned to stop the truck at a dark spot so nobody would watch us hopping out.

Liao Huifang held my hand, and we quickly jumped out, and from my side, Zhang Xiulan came out too. We ran behind the truck as our cover.

"We have reached the building. There are stairs ahead, Bai Li!"

"You are from the factory. Why did you stop the truck here?"

I heard a voice and whispers from a distance. The guard might be talking to Zhu Yusheng now.

We climbed the flight of stairs. I heard the door open, and Xin Zhen spoke, "Good that nothing screwed up until here, or I would have fried you all."

Luo Zhiqiang said, "As expected, one guard is talking to Zhu Yusheng."

I heard Zhang Xiulan chuckle. "Zhu Yusheng is doing a fine job acting as a driver. The guard doesn't seem to catch onto anything."

I narrowed my eyes. "Now, let's wait for Zhu Yusheng to get rid of him and leave. Then let's meet Zhang Ning and her minions and end this torture chain once and for all."

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