Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 130 Administration Department

Inside the administration hall, was a vast circular space that was atleast half a kilometer in radius and the true picture of opulence.

Every single material used in making the hall and the department as a whole was at the very least top tier of monarch grade while the spiritual qi was as dense as any sect grounds that belonged to any top tier rank 3 sects.

The floors were pristine white almost glasslike with an incandescent glow on them as they reflected light while the roofing was in the form of a nebula as it swirled with deep violet clouds and a cluster of stars.

The stars were not the only clusters in the administration hall room as it was filled with all sorts of people with different robes that showed they were not all from the same party.

There were the inquisitors with their famous half-red robes however they were from different courts as evidenced by the half red half blue robes some wore which showed they were from the core formation courts, others had half red half dark gold robes that showed they were from the palace courts, there were even two who had half red half black robes that showed they were from the domain courts.

In addition to the inquisitors, there were judges and people from other departments of the Order but even their numbers paled in comparison to the 'guests'.

The guests were the cultivators from different sects, clans, and organizations filling the administration hall room heading to different sections under the guidance of some of the guide workers from the Order.

The administration building could be considered the central hub of the Order that kept all the other cogwheels turning.

Whenever a ruling was made the subsequent enforcement of the ruling would be handled by the administration building and this was just part of what fell under their purview as they handled all sorts of logistics that concerned different departments within the Order. For example, filing a complaint on a faulty formation array would be done via the administration who then forward the request to the formation hall or when it came to the requisition of resources and materials by the craftsmanship department, it would be done via the administration.

The administration hall had different sections that worked conjointly for example; logistics was in charge of the distribution of resources around the Order down to the branches while there was an audit department that ensured things went where they were supposed to. Though when it came to logistics there were two sections, there was logistics of internal matters and logistics of external matters. The former dealt with all things within the Order while the latter dealt with reimbursements and restitutions to cultivators whose cases were ruled in their favor. There was also the review committee that handled the monitoring and evaluation of penalties issued to cultivators.


Within the hall room, there were plaques above every section for ease of direction with staff guiding people to their destinations. Despite how crowded the area was, everyone moved with neat precision and order thanks to the staff.

As for the Order employees they had a separate section away from the rest due to the sensitivity of the matters they dealt with. There were even a few guards who maintained the line to prevent the outside cultivators from heading into the Order employee section.

They wore dark gray robes with cultivations bases that were at the early stages of the palace realm. They were four in number and their presence there was more of a deterrent as the route that led to the Order employee's only section was filled with all sorts of terrifying arrays that would immediately strike the person who took even half a step into the area.

The guards' presence was to prevent silly fatalities that would result from those who just couldn't help themselves.

Once Yang Qing went through his section path he made his way to the room with the plaque 'Deployments' above it.

There were three cultivators seated behind different desks and chairs studiously writing on some scrolls and reviewing jade talismans as they conversed with the different Order personnel in front of their desks.

The three cultivators had black and white robes. This was the signature robe of all administration employees. It was two men and one female. The female was at the early stages of the palace realm while the two males were both in the middle stages of the core formation realm.

As for the three different Order personnel they were conversing with, from what Yang Qing could tell two of them were inquisitors of the inner core courts as for the last one he couldn't make heads or tails of who they were. They had pale black worn-out robes with a roguish air about them and their cultivation base was at the middle stages of the palace realm though Yang Qing couldn't tell which level specifically.

Even though Yang Qing was just a few meters away from them, he couldn't hear what they were talking about as there were antiscrying and noise cancellation arrays at the desks which affected a few meters around it.  The arrays could even prevent an early domain expert from eavesdropping on the conversation even with the use of their domain sense.

Yang Qing didn't have to wait for too long as one of the inner core courts inquisitors was done and soon his turn came up.

He swiftly made his way to the desk whose administration department employee was a male seemingly in his thirties. He was slim, with narrowing cheekbones that gave him an austere sharp look and neatly tied black ponytail hair.

Yang Qing didn't know him as he rarely got deployed as a judge and due to the huge workload the administration department had, the Order constantly rotated the administration employees in shifts to avoid burnout and the mistakes that may come as a result of it. A casual mistake in the administration department may end up with dire consequences especially if that mistake creates a bigger mistake chain that mushrooms into a catastrophe somewhere.

It was why despite the Order's black-hearted reputation they were careful with the balance of work and demand on the administration employees.

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