Destroying My Own Novel

286 Chapter 285

286 Chapter 285: Counting down.

"Where is he?!" Zeus shouted as he stood on the bridge into the Niflheim Kingdom with hundreds of Gods behind him. Hades and Poseidon were standing next to Zeus, and they both looked so ready to fight.

"We told Hermes that Hera is now on Earth with Mykel. We have told him many times, so what are you doing here? We don't have anything to do with this," Loki said as he stood at the front with Thor, Hel, and Freyja.

Athena, Aphordite, and the other Gods that followed Mykel couldn't do anything but stay low. They were worried that they might be fighting Loki and the others. Not because they would lose, but because it would only create disunity.

Knowing that Zeus would punish every God and Goddess that didn't want to join him was enough to make everyone couldn't do anything but to take his side. It was the same on Athena and the others. Even Hera told them to just keep following Zeus' orders.

"Because he will come here, isn't he? You must have been contacting him since I set my foot to this filthy world," Zeus said as he held his bolt of lightning in his right hand. The spark of the lightning bolt was enough to intimidate the Gods and Goddesses from the Norse.

Hel was pissed when Zeus called her world a filthy world, and she slowly covered the whole world with white cold mist. Fenrir growled as he showed his fangs at Zeus and glared at him furiously.

"Don't," Freyja said as she gently put her left hand on Hel's right hand. "Mykel told us to not make a move, he will come and will handle this," Freyja continued as she stared at Hel from the corner of her eyes.

"He's coming, so why don't you relax and don't be so tense because it makes everyone nervous here," Loki said as he walked to the side and leaned against the railing.

Athena tried to calm Zeus down, and she seemed to manage to do that. Although Zeus had calmed down, his anger was still burning and it almost didn't change anything at all.

While they were waiting, they heard footsteps coming from the gate. Freyja and the others turned around, and they saw Mykel walking on his own with no Hera in sight.

They all moved to the sides and let Mykel walk through. The moment Zeus saw Mykel, he clenched his teeth and held his lightning bolt so tightly.

"Where's Hera?" Zeus asked as he clenched his teeth.

"In my place, sleeping tightly," Mykel answered.

Zeus raised his hand and pointed his lightning bolt at the sky. He was ready to cast [Thunderwrath] at Mykel, and the moment he pulled his lighting bolt down, thick and blinding lighting bolts struck the bridge where Mykel was standing on.

Everyone was covering their eyes and ears, and then they opened their eyes to see Mykel. They were surprised that Mykel was floating in the air and didn't get affected or harmed by the lightning bolt even though the bridge got totally destroyed below him.

"What just happened? How did he survive that? There isn't any scratch on his body," Hermes asked in disbelief.

Zeus saw it for a split second before his lighting bolts struck Mykel. He saw Mykel absorb the lightning bolts into his hands. He realized that Mykel had become stronger and believed that Mykel might be stronger than him.

"What's wrong? Are you surprised?" Mykel asked with a smirk as he landed on the bridge. "I'm the wealthiest God, and you think you can fight me with that toy you have in your hand?" Mykel asked as he scoffed and pointed at the lightning bolt in Zeus' hand.

Freyja and all the Gods with level 3 [Authority] checked their status screens since they were in the top fifty in [Rank]. They noticed their rank went higher by one. Someone just passed them, and that person would be Mykel, but they didn't know what his rank was to be exact.

"So you decided to come here to fight? Then let me bring my toy as well," Mykel said as he snapped his finger.

The ground was shaking, and they all felt a tremendous presence below them. Before they could go to look at what was below them, Nidhoggr went to the surface with a loud growl that shook everyone's body and heart.

Zeus and all the Gods from Greek mythology were shocked and couldn't move a muscle. They were petrified to see such a massive creature live in that world. Athena and the others who had seen it from the distance were terrified to see it up close.

"I don't care if you beg on your knees, I'm not going to let you live if you stay," Mykel said as Nidhoggr wrapped his body around the Niflheim Kingdom to protect it under Mykel's order.

Thor and all the Norse Gods looked at Nidhoggr protecting something that he was supposed to destroy. It was a sight to see, and then they all looked at Mykel in disbelief.

"Shall we begin?" Mykel said as he emblazed his hands with [Sacrilege Flame]. The flame slowly walked up to his arms and shoulders. He still felt immense pain from enduring the flame, but not as bad as before when his skin, flesh, and bone got melted because of it.

"Even a rank 3 Godly Resistance still can't handle this flame..." Mykel said to himself as he looked at the flames on his both arms.

Poseidon stabbed his trident on the bridge, and then dozens of water tornadoes appeared from below the bridge. They were so big that they would be enough to flatten the Niflheim Kingdom in a single swoop.

"You think we will be afraid? Don't underestimate our power!" Poseidon said as he pointed his trident at Mykel.

The water tornadoes moved toward Mykel as they combined with each other to make a bigger water tornado. Poseidon then ordered the water tornadoes and they started to swirl around, then whipped themselves toward Mykel.

Before the waters could reach Mykel, Nidhoggr let out a loud roar that even his head started shaking. The waters got dispersed in an instant. They all even started to fall and didn't listen to Poseidon's orders anymore.

"Those who want to live, leave. I'm feeling generous, and I'm being serious right now," Mykel said as the flames started to get fiercer.

Instead of walking away, Hades flew toward Mykel with a gray smoke trail following him from behind that looked like ashes. Hades had so many good skills like [Pyrokinesis] and [Regeneration]. He was confident with the skills he had and believed a flame was nothing to him.

Mykel smirked as he watched Hades fly toward him with [Hellfire] ready in his hands. The moment Hades got close enough to Mykel, the [Hellfire] got sucked into the [Sacrilege Flame] in an instant.

Hades was shocked and in disbelief as he looked at his hands and couldn't cast any fire.

"So you have chosen death," Mykel said.

Mykel dashed forward as he clenched his right fist. He then punched Hades in the chest, and his hand went through Hades' back.

Hades breathed heavily as he slowly looked down, but before he could see the wound in his chest, his whole body was swallowed by [Sacrilege Flame]. His scream was so terrifying to hear, it was the first time they had heard a God scream like a mortal.

Mykel didn't move a muscle as he enjoyed the scream of pain. He stared at Zeus and Poseidon with a smirk. He then slowly turned his head toward Hades because his scream started to annoy him.

Mykel grabbed Hades' head with his left hand, and then he pulled Hades' head so easily.

Everyone was watching Mykel with their eyes and mouths wide open. They watched Hades' body slowly succumb to the ground with his head still in Mykel's left hand.

"My offer is still up. Leave if you want to live," Mykel said as he extinguished the flame in his hand and Hades' head. He then threw the head at Zeus, and it landed right in front of Zeus' feet.

Persephone fell to her knees, and she started screaming in agony.

"I will count to ten, and if you don't leave by then. I will annihilate all of you no matter who you are," Mykel said as he walked toward them.

"One..." Mykel said as he lit the [Sacrilege Flame] on his left arm.

"Two..." Nidhoggr started to unwrap his body from the Niflheim Kingdom.

"Three..." Mykel lit himself with the [Sacrilege Flame].

"Four..." The bridge melted and everything around him as he got closer and closer.

"Five..." Nidhoggr growled as he followed Mykel from above.

"Six..." The Gods slowly took a few steps back.

"Seven..." Mykel's skin started to crack like a statue, but it immediately fixed itself and repeated itself.

"Eight..." Mykel's inside started to get burned by the [Sacrilege Flame], and his body started to light up like the sun. It was blinding for anyone to see.

"Nine..." Mykel's body no longer could be seen because he had become one with the flame.

"Let's leave," Zeus said as he gritted his teeth and breathed heavily with frustration, and then he disappeared.

In less than a second, all of them left without leaving a single trace behind.

Loki and the others watched as Mykel turned into something terrifying. They were too scared to approach him because they knew if they were to get too close, they would melt and die.

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