Destroying My Own Novel

323 Chapter 322

"So this is what you have prepared, Admiral?" Nexus asked as he looked at the train, and it was fully armed with heavy guns. "Those leaf blo- I mean, those guns, what do they do?" Nexus continued.

"That's the most effective weapon that we invented two years ago. We knew that normal weapons couldn't kill them, so we use these guns and they shot plasma," Geller answered. "It's very effective, and blow them up into pieces,"

"Wait, then that means what we saw back there. It wasn't because of that weapon?" Rozan furrowed his eyebrows.

"What did you see?" Geller asked.

"A giant pile of Hormoid sticking to each other and it looked like a pillar. We have no idea how that happened," Rozan answered.

"What?! Where did you find it?!" Geller looked shocked and terrified at the same time.

"It was inside a laboratory or something like that, in one of the rooms that was as big as a stadium. Why?" Agnez answered.

"Meet me in the headquarter! I will explain everything there. We don't have enough time," Geller said as he walked past them hurriedly.

Geller looked a bit panicked and it made everyone look at each other with confused looks. They decided to follow Geller to see what it was all about, but they couldn't find him anywhere the moment they left the station. They asked a soldier, and he told them Geller got in the car and left hurriedly.

Lillith didn't even have the chance to look into Geller's mind and thoughts. They all then ran back to headquarters which was a mile away from the station.

"Why is everyone suddenly got so busy?" Nia asked as she stood next to Gladis.

"Based on the Admiral's reaction, looks like we either did something bad or we encountered something dangerous but we didn't notice it," Gladis answered as she stared at Agnez.

Gladis activated her [Discerning Eye] and targeted Agnez since she was curious about how strong she was. The moment she saw Agnez's [Demonic Possession] skill, she was surprised and thought that the [Demonic Possession] had something to do with the Homunculus when she went on her own.

"Everyone! Stay away from her!" Gladis said as she drew her sword and pointed it at Agnez. "She's possessed by a demon!" Gladis continued.

Everyone looked at Agnez, and then they all walked away to make a distance from her. Agnez on the other hand didn't react to it and just stared at Gladis without showing any expression.

Gerrard and the others were standing around Agnez, and they were looking at Gladis with weird looks.

"What are you guys doing? Didn't you hear me?" Gladis looked at them with a confused look.

"Oh, we heard it loud and clear, so?" Lillith answered with her eyebrow raised. "Everyone has their own secret, and it doesn't feel nice if someone decided to reveal that secret. You don't want people to know about you killing your own little sister, don't you?" Lillith asked back.

Gladis was dumbfounded when Lillith found out about her past. Joshua and the others knew about it already, but not the rest of them.

The atmosphere became so tense and heavy.

"That's enough. If Mykel sees this, we are all in trouble," Agnez said calmly. "And you're right. I'm being possessed by a demon, but I'm the one who's in control. This is my curse," Agnez explained.

"You don't have to worry. She's not telling lies, and Mykel knew about this as well. So, let's put this aside first, and focus on what we are dealing with right now," Jeane said as she looked at Gladis and the others.

Gladis and the others shared a look, and the moment Gladis lowered her sword, the others followed her. Although everything had been solved, the atmosphere became awkward.

"You guys are finally here," Geller said. "Come with me, and be prepared," Geller continued.

"Wait a minute, you haven't told us what happened," Rozan said.

"The thing you saw, was a sign of the Breeder. The ones you saw, they were lifeless, correct?" Geller replied, and then Rozan nodded his head. "They were born like that, lifeless, but in exchange, the Breeder produced a stronger Hormoid. Superior to the others, and we fought something like that once, four years ago," Geller explained.

"We saw what you saw back then, and we encountered that Hormoid near the area. We believe that Hormoid is feeding the lives of the others inside the Breeder's womb and become so powerful. I think this happens once in a million," Geller continued as he looked at two giant buses coming out from the basement.

"We need to stop that Hormoid, because it will command the rest of the Hormoid like a leader. High intelligent with an ability to control the other Hormoids," Geller said as he looked at them with a bit of uneasiness. "Now, get inside, and show me where you found it,"

All of them entered the busses, and that included Geller. He wanted to confirm it with his own two eyes. They then left the fortress and went to the place that Rozan mentioned, but on their way to the station, the roads were empty. There were no Hormoids around them even though Rozan tried to detect them with wind magic.

"So you came from here?" Geller asked as he stared at the building that led into the underground station. He looked a bit in disbelief.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Agnez asked as she looked around and saw the whole place was clean. There were no bodies as if nothing had happened even though she fought and killed a lot of them not too long ago.

"You didn't read what's written there when you got here?" Geller asked back as he pointed at the top of the building.

Everyone looked up and saw which station it came from. It was written West Station, and they all just realized that they were right at the heart of the problem.

"We didn't see anything threatening back there, and it was so quiet and peaceful kind of. Are you sure that the Breeder is in there?" Agnez asked as she walked down the station.

"There's no denying it if you saw that pile back there. The only answer would be the Breeder is hiding somewhere," Geller answered and noticed there were so many bloodstains on the walls, floor, and ceiling. "I believe there used to be so many dead bodies down here?"

"Many of them, but they're gone now. Looks like what you said is on point," Gunnar replied as he looked at Rozan.

"It's nothing amazing, really. Let's just go straight back because I need to know how did this happen," Rozan said.

They all walked on the train track carefully and quietly because they needed to get on the train. Agnez and Jeanne were curious about where Mykel went because they hadn't seen him ever since he left the auditorium.

They used the train and were on their way back to the laboratory. It was a peaceful ride, and nothing was stopping them. Not even a single Hormoid could be seen even though they were prepared to fight.

Once they got back into the laboratory, and in the big room where they found the pile, they saw the dead bodies had disappeared.

"Well, now what?" Sven asked as he looked at the empty room.

"Where else? We are going to track where they brought the dead bodies to. Knowing they took it recently, we might find a lead where the Breeder is," Agnez answered as she walked toward the exit.

Everyone was about to follow Agnez, but when she was standing right in front of the entrance, a big shockwave hit her. She was thrown away like a feather, and it gave Rozan a millisecond of time to react.

The whole building was flattened, and everyone was heavily injured because of that. Unfortunately for Geller, he died because of the impact. They were all unconscious from it but awoken by the sound of the air being sucked out.

Agnez opened her eyes and saw the glass dome was shattered into pieces and were falling down from the sky. She tried to move her body but noticed her whole body was broken because of the shockwave. Suddenly, a wind barrier as big as a glass dome appeared right in front of her.

Agnez looked at the notification in front of her and noticed the Eil World had been saved. She looked so confused, about what had happened until she saw Mykel standing in the distance.

[Goddess of All has requested the system]

[Goddess of All has summoned you to her world, the Void Clouds]

[The User's [Admin] skill level is sufficient to interfere with the request]

[Would you like to deny the request?]

[Yes] [No]

"Yes," Mykel tapped the [Yes] button as he stared at another notification next to it.

[You have increased a skill!]

[Admin (Lv.4) > Admin (Lv.5)]

"Now I understand why you came all the way down to Earth just for me," Mykel said as he closed the notification. "Let's meet when the time comes," Mykel continued with a smirked and then warped away.

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