Destroying My Own Novel

Chapter 361 360: A Totally Different Case.

"You sure are quiet when you're not with your brother," Mykel said and stared at Angra rolling over on his desk in his office. "Are you tired from playing around?" Mykel asked as Angra showed his belly and yawned.

Mykel rubbed Angra's belly as he checked the [Character] list, and searched for Angra and Spenta's names on the list. He found them, and there was an exclamation mark on the front of their names. It appeared they were newly added to the list since they weren't originally in the story. It would be the same once Lyneth gave birth to his daughter later.

"Mister Mykel?" Edith's voice could be heard from behind the door.

"Come in," Mykel said as he kept rubbing Angra's belly.

Edith opened the door, and Angra who was about to fall asleep immediately went on all four and hissed at her. Edith was startled and hugged the door, but then Mykel grabbed Angra's head and he shushed him to calm down.

"Am I disturbing you right now?" Edith asked.

"No, you can come here. This little guy is powerful enough to kill you, but I will hold him," Mykel answered as Angra bit his pinky finger in his arms.

Edith was too scared to get close because Angra was hissing and glaring at her, but since Mykel said so, she collected her courage to sit at the desk. She gave the document to Mykel and kept staring at Angra with curiosity since he looked so fluffy.

"Is that a divine beast?" Edith asked.

"Yes, and this is actually my son," Mykel answered as he signed the documents.

Edith blinked her eyes repeatedly as she looked at Mykel. "This cat is your son?" Edith asked with her eyes squinted.

"It's a long story, but Loki took my eyes, and he swallowed it. After that, he got pregnant, and this is basically my son. There's another one, but Loki is taking care of him," Mykel answered and smiled because of the expression Edith made. "You can look at his left eye, he has the same eye as mine," Mykel lifted Angra and showed the eyes to Edith.

Edith looked at Angra's eyes and realized he had the same eye as Mykel.

"You said, God Loki is a he. So, how did he get pregnant?" Edith looked so confused.

"Yes, he can change gender as he wishes, and to be honest, nobody knows if he's a man or a woman originally. You have seen him back then in the castle with Beldathiel and the others. He's a beautiful woman," Mykel answered as he gave the documents back. "Anyway, why do you ask for my signature? Where's Lyneth?" Mykel asked.

"Miss Lyneth left because she said she's not feeling well," Edith answered and took the documents.

"Oh, then I will go home now to check on her," Mykel stood up and warped to the apartment.

Mykel looked at Lyneth's high heels and blazer scattered on the floor. He went to their bedroom and saw Lyneth sleeping and facing the balcony while she was still wearing her shirt, skirt, and stockings. He quietly and silently sat on the bed, but Lyneth was awoken by it.

"Hi," Lyneth said weakly and turned around as she tried to open her eyes. When she did, she saw Angra on Mykel's left shoulder. "What's that?" Lyneth asked as she tried to lean on the headboard.

Mykel looked at Angra, and he was surprised that Angra wasn't being hostile toward Lyneth at all. He then tried to put Angra on the bed, but the moment he saw Lyneth's belly, he ran away and flew to Mykel's shoulder.

"Don't be scared," Lyneth said as she looked at Angra, but Angra was hiding behind Mykel's neck.

Mykel was confused, but then he saw Lyneth's belly and grabbed Angra from his nape. He slowly and carefully held him as he moved his hands toward her belly. Angra was trying to fly away, and he seemed to be scared of something. Mykel then let Angra fly away and ended up hiding on top of the wardrobe.

"I heard you're not feeling well," Mykel said quietly as he removed his gloves, and then checked Lyneth's body temperature by holding her wrist. "Do you have a fever?" Mykel asked.

Lyneth nodded her head, but then she pulled Mykel in and forced him to sleep on the bed with her. Mykel didn't resist and laid down next to her after he removed his blazer.

Mykel cuddled Lyneth from behind as he healed her. Weirdly enough, she still had the fever no matter how hard he tried. He then checked Lyneth's [Character] story to see what happened to her.

[Story: Ever since she reached her three months of pregnancy, she felt so weak, and she lost her appetite. She consulted with three obstetricians about her pregnancy, but they all believed it was normal.

Lyneth felt something was wrong with her pregnancy because she knew it didn't feel right. Although she believed that, it was her first pregnancy, and since the obstetricians knew better than her, she trusted them]

"You should stop working from now on and get a proper rest," Mykel said.

"I can't leave Edith alone and take care of everything on her own. She has her own life, and I can't throw all my works to her," Lyneth shook her head.

"So you prefer on losing the baby then?" Mykel asked.

Lyneth turned around to look at Mykel, and she looked shocked.

"What do you mean by that, Mykel?" Lyneth sounded worried and Mykel could feel her heart pounding really fast on his right forearm.

Mykel sat up and called Angra to his side. He then told Lyneth about his babies with Loki, and she looked a bit surprised. He told her about Loki's condition and what he did to survive.

"He only took my eyes, and he had to sacrifice Gods so he could survive. You're just a human bearing my baby, and if you still think that you can go to work, the worst-case scenario is that both of you will die," Mykel said with a serious expression.

"Then I should make an appointment in the hospital," Lyneth slowly sat up, but Mykel stopped her from leaving the bed.

"You think a human can handle a God's baby? I'm going to bring you back so Gaia, Hera, and Freyja can take care of you during your pregnancy," Mykel said.

Lyneth hesitated to give an answer, but knowing Mykel, he didn't wait for an answer. She then nodded her head with understanding and so they went to the Dimiourgia to meet with Gaia.

Gaia left the cabin because she knew that Lyneth would come back. So they entered the cabin and had already made the place their second home. Angra on the other hand hated to be there and meowed aggressively.

"He doesn't like the divinity of this place?" Gaia asked as she appeared out of nowhere in front of them.

"Yes, it appears he hates it since he's an evil spirit," Mykel answered as he tried to calm Angra down. "I can't be here for too long, but can you bring Hera and Freyja here? I need their help to take care of Lyneth for me since she's starting to show the symptoms," Mykel explained and looked at Lyneth.

Gaia walked toward Lyneth as Angra hissed at her, but she wasn't bothered by it. She put her left hand on Lyneth's belly, and she was surprised as she retracted her hand from Lyneth's belly.

"This is... No..." Gaia said to herself as she shook her head. "This is as Loki said, Mykel. Even though she's bearing a Demi-god, the baby inside her is consuming her lifespan so quickly that she might be dead in a few days. This is a totally different case than any mortals bearing a Demi-god baby," Gaia looked at Mykel with a worried expression.

Lyneth was scared, and she started breathing heavily. She was panicking, but Gaia put her mind at ease by putting her hand on Lyneth's back.

"I can give my life force to satiate the baby in her womb directly, but that's still not enough. Lyneth is already dying, and I remember Freyja said something about a fruit that can give immortality. I think that should be fine if I can get that for her," Gaia said and put her left hand on Lyneth's belly to give her lifespan.

"The golden apple of Idunn," Mykel said.

Gaia nodded her head in agreement.

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