Dice In The Darkness: Cthulhu Calls

Chapter 419: Gu Master Chaxi Stumbles

Chapter 419: Gu Master Chaxi Stumbles

It must be said that the protective suits crafted by Hu Li truly made the most of the original materials’ properties, retaining the complete appearance of the original materials as much as possible. So now, if Zhang Jingxu and the others were to lie down in place, Liu Xing couldn’t help but think they would appear as if a family of wolves and bears had invaded their home.

With this thought in mind, Liu Xing couldn’t help but chuckle and say, "Mr. Zhang Jingxu, the way you all look right now, you could easily find work at the zoo."

Zhang Jingxu chuckled and tossed a protective suit to Liu Xing, saying, "Now, you can join us in working at the zoo as well. All right, no more joking. Ryuusei, why don’t you try on this suit and see if it fits?"

Liu Xing shrugged and started putting on the protective suit.

In simple terms, this protective suit was somewhat akin to the costumes worn by cartoon characters in an amusement park. All one had to do was put it on, but someone else needed to help zip up the back.

Once Liu Xing had the suit on, he felt that Hu Li’s design was considerate. The face mask of this protective suit could be opened and closed, allowing for better ventilation, so they wouldn’t feel stifled inside.

The only inconvenience was that due to the nature of the original materials used for the suit, Liu Xing felt that his movements had become significantly slower, and his hand dexterity had diminished considerably.

Therefore, Liu Xing estimated that if they were to engage in combat with Gu Master Chaxi, many of their judgments would be affected to some extent.

Just then, Hu Li finally arrived.

Seeing Liu Xing and the others already in their protective suits, Hu Li smiled and said, "It seems like my design for the protective suits turned out quite well. Their camouflage is exceptional. If Gu Master Chaxi were to sense your presence, you could just lie still, and he would probably think he’s being overly suspicious."

Wan Chongshan shook his head and remarked, "Miss Hu Li, have you ever seen a group of wolves, wild boars, and bears chatting together?"

Wan Chongshan’s statement instantly killed the mood...

The atmosphere at the scene became somewhat awkward.

Observing the situation, Ling Ishikawa quickly stepped in and asked, "Hu Li, since you’re here now, it likely means Gu Master Chaxi has already left Panlong Town. So, which direction should we pursue Gu Master Chaxi in?"

Hu Li nodded and pointed in the direction of the Panlong Town bridge, saying, "Gu Master Chaxi has already crossed the bridge and headed towards Eagle Mountain. All you have to do is follow Hu Cang. However, you should be aware that there are three addicts leaving Panlong Town with Gu Master Chaxi this time. One of them is Xiao Dafu, who is openly accompanying Gu Master Chaxi. The other two addicts are stationed at a lookout point, with one watching from the mountain pass, and the other has already arrived at Eagle Mountain to scout."

A mountain pass typically referred to a relatively flat area between two consecutive mountain ridges, sometimes also implying a junction or crossroads in certain regions like Shudu.

Liu Xing reckoned that when Hu Li mentioned "mountain pass," she was referring to the junction leading to Eagle Mountain.

After hearing Hu Li’s explanation, Hu Cang furrowed his brow and said, "This is troublesome. The mountain pass to Eagle Mountain is quite unique. It’s essentially the only way to enter Eagle Mountain, and the terrain there is relatively flat. At this time of year, the nearby farmlands are likely not planted, so the addict stationed at the mountain pass would have an unobstructed view of everything within a hundred meters. If we get close to the mountain pass, we’ll surely be noticed, especially since we’ll definitely arouse Gu Master Chaxi’s suspicion."

Liu Xing nodded in agreement. Their appearance would undoubtedly raise eyebrows if anyone saw them.

Therefore, Liu Xing suggested, "Mr. Hu Cang, can we circumvent the mountain pass and enter Eagle Mountain?"

Hu Cang shook his head, saying helplessly, "Ryuusei, you and your group are outsiders, and you may not be familiar with the situation in Eagle Mountain. Let me briefly explain. Eagle Mountain is the tallest peak around Panlong Town, with an approximate height of over a hundred meters. The distinctive feature of Eagle Mountain is that it has sheer cliffs on three sides. If we don’t enter through the mountain pass, we’ll have to climb a vertical rock wall of at least ten meters. Let me be clear; I’m definitely not capable of climbing that."

Liu Xing furrowed his brow, surprised by the unique situation of Eagle Mountain. As Hu Cang described, even a ten-meter vertical climb, especially on a natural rock surface, would be challenging for most people without proper training. Moreover, they lacked safety equipment, making any attempt extremely risky.

Liu Xing sighed and said, "Like Mr. Hu Cang, I have no experience with rock climbing. I believe most of us here, except for Mr. Wan Chongshan, may not have any expertise in it either. After all, Mr. Wan Chongshan, as a geologist, has likely ventured into remote areas and may have some knowledge. In summary, I suggest we avoid attempting to climb the rock wall to prevent accidents, as we don’t have the necessary safety measures in place. Besides, there could be loose rocks below."

Wan Chongshan’s nod solidified the decision, vetoing any attempt to enter Eagle Mountain by climbing.

Consequently, silence fell over the group once again.

After a brief pause, Ling Ishikawa asked Hu Li, "Hu Li, do you happen to know how Gu Master Chaxi controls those addicts and how the addicts pass information to him? If we were to directly eliminate or incapacitate the addicts, would Gu Master Chaxi become suspicious?"

Hu Li momentarily hesitated before responding, "Gu Master Chaxi controls the addicts using certain gu worms’ characteristics. However, I’m not sure which specific gu worm he uses. Regarding how the addicts relay information to Gu Master Chaxi, they likely employ ordinary methods like shouting loudly or directly seeking him out. I believe Gu Master Chaxi may have implanted gu worms on the addicts that allow him to maintain direct contact or control over them. This way, he can promptly receive information about the addict’s situation."

"However, under normal circumstances, Gu Master Chaxi wouldn’t continuously focus his attention on those addicts. After all, if Gu Master Chaxi wants to share the vision or other sensory abilities of his gu worms underlings, it would require him to expend a significant amount of energy and mana. Additionally, during this time, Gu Master Chaxi cannot take any action, essentially making himself a sitting duck. So, it’s highly unlikely that Gu Master Chaxi would keep his attention on those addicts for an extended period. As long as we can deal with the addicts proactively and eliminate the gu worms on them, Gu Master Chaxi won’t become suspicious."

Hearing this, Liu Xing couldn’t help but say, "In that case, we’ll have to take the initiative and deal with the lookout addict at the mountain pass. However, it seems we’ll need your assistance, Miss Hu Li, because even if we can handle the addict, we won’t be able to capture the gu worm on the addict."

After a moment of contemplation, Hu Li nodded and said, "That shouldn’t be a problem. Eagle Mountain is quite vast, and unless Gu Master Chaxi is near the mountain pass, he shouldn’t sense my presence. So, I can assist you."

Zhang Jingxu, upon hearing Hu Li’s agreement, smiled and said, "Since Miss Hu Li is on board with this plan, let’s not waste any time and go trouble Gu Master Chaxi directly."

As a result, the group temporarily removed their protective suits since wearing them was both peculiar and hindered their movement. Hu Cang had arranged for a manual tricycle to transport the suits and their weapons, including the iron bird spears, in the cargo compartment.

Then, Liu Xing and his companions headed towards Eagle Mountain, led by Hu Cang.

Along the way, Hu Cang continued to provide information about Eagle Mountain.

Eagle Mountain earned its name because it was home to eagles, and its terrain was quite treacherous, featuring cliffs exceeding ten meters in height at many locations. Most importantly, there were no proper paths on Eagle Mountain.

This was due to the lack of game to hunt on the mountain and the absence of arable land, causing the residents of Panlong Town to generally avoid Eagle Mountain.

However, Liu Xing believed that this was precisely why Gu Master Chaxi came to Eagle Mountain to collect insects. Places like Eagle Mountain were often covered in various types of vegetation, providing an excellent habitat for insects.

As they talked, the group reached the mountain pass of Eagle Mountain.

As Hu Cang had mentioned earlier, the mountain pass of Eagle Mountain was the sole entryway, offering an exceptional vantage point with a panoramic view of the surroundings.

The addict controlled by Gu Master Chaxi was sitting by the roadside, smoking a cigarette and occasionally surveying the area.

"Gu Master Chaxi is now on the west side of Eagle Mountain, and the addict who scouted ahead has already rendezvoused with him. You can put on your protective suits now. I’ll go up and eliminate the addict. After that, you can directly confront Gu Master Chaxi. However, heed my advice: when it’s time to kill, don’t hesitate." Hu Li spoke while quickening her pace.

Liu Xing and his group followed Hu Li’s instructions, donning their protective suits. All eyes were on Hu Li.

From a distance, Hu Li greeted the addict, and then, in a graceful manner, approached him. She swiftly thrust a knife into the addict’s chest, cleanly ending his life.

Once Liu Xing and his companions were ready and approached Hu Li, they saw her manipulating what looked like a dragonfly-like creature in her hand.

Liu Xing recognized it as the surveillance bug that the Black Cat Demon had mentioned.

"Alright, hurry up and go find Gu Master Chaxi. Eagle Mountain is quite vast, and losing him could be troublesome," Hu Li said with a smile.

Liu Xing and his group nodded and, led by Hu Cang, continued toward the west side of Eagle Mountain.

After walking for about ten minutes, Liu Xing happened to look up and was surprised to see Gu Master Chaxi’s presence.

At that moment, Gu Master Chaxi was leading Xiao Dafu and another addict, ascending a very steep mountain path. Fortunately, they were in a hurry and hadn’t noticed Liu Xing and his group below them.

Seeing this, Liu Xing immediately whispered to Ling Ishikawa and the others, pointing above and saying, "Gu Master Chaxi is up there!"

Once they confirmed Gu Master Chaxi’s location, Liu Xing and his group pressed themselves against the rock wall to avoid detection from the people above.

"What should we do? There’s no way we can engage in combat in their current location. Any sudden movement could result in them falling off the cliff," Hu Cang said with a furrowed brow.

Liu Xing nodded, recognizing the impracticality of fighting on such a steep mountain path.

Ling Ishikawa pondered for a moment and suggested, "In that case, we’ll have to lie in wait. When Gu Master Chaxi and his group return along the same path, we can ambush them."

"This might be tricky because, although the paths on Eagle Mountain are challenging, they are interconnected. Gu Master Chaxi and his group may not necessarily return the way they came," Hu Cang pointed out.

This presented a challenge that left everyone feeling a bit frustrated.

Just then, an unexpected turn of events occurred.

Liu Xing suddenly heard a scream from above and looked up to see someone falling from the mountain.


The person landed heavily on the ground, convulsed a few times, and then went still, with a pool of blood spreading beneath them.

Upon seeing the person’s face clearly, Liu Xing was astonished and exclaimed, "What? This is actually Gu Master Chaxi!"

Yes, the person who had fallen from the mountain was Gu Master Chaxi.

Liu Xing couldn’t help but look up and saw a black figure darting past. He immediately realized what had happened.

Clearly, Gu Master Chaxi had been suddenly attacked by the Black Cat Demon and had lost his footing, resulting in a fatal fall.

Furthermore, the Black Cat Demon’s presence here indicated that it had already left the Black Flood Dragon.

Realizing this, Liu Xing heard a majestic dragon roar coming from the direction of Panlong Town.

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