Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 2: Chapter 11-3: Lucy and Kuu

Book 2: Chapter 11-3: Lucy and Kuu

Cyrilyou fell in love with Kuu-chan?

YesI was drawn to how she worked so hard with all her mightand I couldnt turn her down when I felt that she would despair.

Lucys eyes filled with tears and she looked as if she was about to cry. My chest felt like it was being stabbed.

I-is it because I didnt let you do it with me? I wanted to do it too, but I promised Grandma that I wouldnt do such things until we got married.but Cyril said we couldnt get married until Erucy became peaceful.

Thats not it Lucy!

What did I get wrong? Is there any other reason it could be? When did you stop loving me?

Theres no way I could hate you Lucy. Even now you are still the one I love most in the world.

Then why did you do such a thing with Kuu?

Its because I love Kuu too. I love Lucy the most in the world and Kuu the second most.

Lucy looked at me in disbelief. Her Grandmother was a virtuous and strict woman, so I could see that she could scarcely believe that I loved two people.

..Cyril, lets imagine something. What if I said that I love Cyril the most but I loved another man the second most?

Lucy murmured with a cold gaze that I had hardly ever seen before.

Id be incredibly sad. My chest would feel like it was being crushed.

What would happen if I slept with another man other than you Cyril?

I might go insane. I would probably never be able to forgive either you or that man.

I am currently experiencing those feelings right now. Hey Cyrilwhy didnt you hide this? II wish Id never heard this. My beloved Cyril and my friend Kuu-chanI dont want to hate you. It wouldve been better if you had just gone out in secret where I dont know

I had thought of thatbut

I hate that. It would be dishonest and despicable to both you and Kuu. I decided to reveal everything. Its simply for my own sake, but even so I want to let you know I love you. I want you to still be mine even if its unfair.

It might be that I was hurting Lucy for my own self-satisfaction. However, I decided that I had to properly tell her this.

Do you really love me?

Yeah, youre the number one in the world for me.

Didnt you say the same thing to Kuu-chan?

What I said to Kuu was that I loved her second-most in the world. If that was alright with her then I would be with her.

..Kuu-chanreally accepted that?

Lucy fell silent and thought for a while. She slowly opened her mouth.

My reason is telling methat like Cyrils father and the Chief before him you can have 3 wives in order to leave behind your bloodlineand that it was necessary as the Chief. That men are creatures that can love more than one person at once

Lucy whispered as if she was squeezing the words out.

But stillmy emotions areIm sad, Im hurting, and I feel bitter. Even soI still cant help but love youI dont want to be apart.

A sense of deep guilt was crushing my chest as I heard her murmur those words.

Could you find it in your heart to forgive me?

Give me, a night to thinkyou sprung this on me so quickly that my minds a mess.

Lucy said and got up to leave the dining table.

She reappeared with a bag of luggage.

Sorry, but I want to think in a place away from you. Ill stay over at Konnas so Ill be out tonight.

Lucy said and turned to leave but I grabbed her hand.

Cyril, dont stop me.

Its fine if you want to be alone. But this is your home. If someone has to leave, then it should be me. Im sorry, Ill return tomorrow morning. At that time I hope youll tell me your decision. Also, I know Ive said it many times, but Ill say it againyou are the one I love most in this world.

Even I want to believe your words Cyril

Lucy. I love you.

Finally I left with those heartfelt words.


After that I made preparations for the shopping trip and where I would sleep tonight.

I headed over to the workshops where the Fire Foxes were staying and found Kuu. I told her the result and that I would be going shopping tomorrow as planned before returning to my workshop to lie down.

Kuu was necessary for the shopping trip tomorrow.

I had to buy clothing for the Fire Foxes, but I didnt know anything about womens fashion. Furthermore, because Fire Foxes have tails they needed specific types of clothing. I needed Kuu there as a representative to choose.

I had invited Lucy to guard and help Kuu.

We can only spare a day for this trip. While I was out purchasing livestock and food I wouldnt be able to accompany Kuu to purchase clothing.

However, it was much too dangerous to allow Kuu to go by herself. I needed a girl with both combat ability and the ability to help choose clothes. The only one who fit that criteria was Lucy.

Kuu probably understood something from my behavior and said Im sorry. Do your best as we parted.

She didnt need to feel indebted. This was all my responsibility.

I wonder if Lucy will forgive me

I had been naive, I thought that Lucy would be more forgiving and was optimistic that she would accept Kuu. I hadnt thought that she would be so saddened.

That was the first time I had seen her like that.

If Id known beforehand would I have simply let Kuu slip away?

NoI probably would have done the same thing.

I muttered as I drifted off to sleep.


The next morning I dressed myself and headed to Lucys house.

Kuu was also prepared for the trip and stood next to me.

After waiting for a while Lucy appeared. She was properly dressed for the journey and had a bag ready.

However, in her case she would surely help us do this job even if her response from last night was negative. I was unable to shake my uneasiness.

Lucycould I please hear the decision youve made?

I timidly asked.

CyrilIas I thought I still love you. However, I need you to promise me something.

Tell me.

I dont want to feel this painful heart-breaking feeling ever again. So I want you to promise that you wont lay your hands on another woman. No matter how much they love youI wont be able to forgive you if this happens again.

I can promise that I wont do it again.

After all, even Kuu said as much. If it would be a betrayal of both Lucy and Kuu there was no way I would seek out another woman.

Also, I want to have some peace of mind. Once spring comes around I want to get married. I wont wait any longer than that. I want to be joined with Cyril in the truest sense of the word.

I suppose youre right. I myself want to be joined in matrimony with Lucy sooner than later. Once spring settles in I promise that we will get married within two months of the snow melting.

Un, thats an absolute.

Yeah, its a promise.

We said and I stuck out my palm to Lucy and she put her hand in mine. We then intertwined our fingers.

This was the pinky swear of this world.

With this my greatest anxiety had been cleared.

Kuu watched as we repaired our relationship with a smile on her face. But, I could see a bit of jealousy hidden there. She resolved herself and opened her mouth.

Lucy-chan Im sorry. Even after knowing your feelings I still fell in love with Cyril-kun.

Its okay. Im not angry. Even I understand those feelings and..no I shouldnt lie. Truthfully at first I really resented you. Why did you say you liked Cyril? But even so youre my friend and Cyril made his decision so I was able to reach an understanding. Thats whyIll be in your care Kuu-chan.

Lucy-chan.thank you.

Lucy extended her hand and Kuu took it. They both shook hands.

When they let go I could see Kuu was tearing up.

Okay then, lets go.

I smiled at Lucy and Kuu.

We should only be gone for about two days, but I had made plenty of arrangements for when we were gone. Once I left the traitor would surely make some moves. I had left instructions with those I was sure I could trust to be on the lookout for anything suspicious. Im sure theyd take the bait without even realizing it.

Cyril, we havent prepared the carriage.

Of course we wont be using such a slow thing.

After all, it wouldnt be strange if it started snowing any day now. If we insisted on taking a carriage down the bad road to Erin then it would take at least five days.

It cant be that well be doing the same thing we did when we went to the Fire Fox Village right?

Of courseits the improved version.

But we dont have any way of carrying the luggage.

I can carry all of the stuff we buy by using storage magic so dont worry about it.

Reallyit seems like anythings possible with you Cyril-kun

First I let Kuu climb onto my back before securing her with rope and cloth while allowing her weight to be equally distributed.

I then princess-carried Lucy and placed a bag with 300 gold coins in her arms. The gold was heavy so I didnt intend to carry any more than necessary. Even these 300 coins weighed 12kg.

Then I activated Body Enhancement and my wind magic to begin high speed movement.

However, todays task was made much more comfortable.

Cyril-kun should I warm us a bit more?

No its fine.

Are you having any trouble breathing?

This much is almost perfect.

Kuu was using her fire magic to warm our surroundings and Lucy was using her wind magic to reduce the head wind.

Like this we enjoyed a calm and warm trip. Furthermore, both of them were hugged close to me so I could feel their warmth and softness which made my motivation shoot through the roof.

At this pace the 120km distance to Erin would be covered in around 2 hours. Then we would begin our fun shopping trip.

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