Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 2: Chapter 9-1: Negotiations

Book 2: Chapter 9-1: Negotiations

I slowly opened my eyes. My consciousness was hazy and my memories cut off after a certain point. I remember having a great time at the partydrinking, dancing, singing, and playing music. After a while we cleaned up the venue

Then afterwards I headed back to the workshop with the Fire Foxesah and we held a private little party there. We used the leftover food and alcohol since they insisted that itd be too much of a waste to let it go bad. Plus there had been plenty of the girls who hadnt gotten a real opportunity to enjoy the party.

I had thought to abstain since it was a gathering of Fire Foxes, but they stopped me and wouldnt let me go.

After that it was a never ending stream of young Fire Fox women coming over to pour me alcohol, serve me food, and chat me up. I ended up getting hammered.

At first I tried to stop drinking but they all lined up and poured me drinks. If I tried to refuse the next one in line the girl would go why can she pour you a drink and I cant!? This isnt fair! and so on and so forth. So I ended up inebriated.

After that.I dont remember anything.

The ceiling I saw above my head was my old workshop. My body was currently wrapped in a warm futon.

I started to get bits and pieces of my memory back. I had given up on walking back to my house in Erucy, but I couldnt allow myself to stay inside the new warehouse with all those young women. I had resolved myself to spend a night alone inside my old warehouse.

As Kuu supported me on her shoulder out the door, I had heard the voice of young Kemin called out

Kuu-anesama do your best! You dont have to come home tonight! Decide it in one shot!

with a thumbs up. Thats when I fell unconscious.

As I recalled what happened I suddenly heard the sounds of clothing rustling.

I glanced over and saw Kuu removing her dress and wearing only her underwear.

Itd be bad to wrinkle itso I should take it off. These clothes are cute but theyre high maintenance

She said stripping down. The underwear she wore was simple short pants and a low exposure bra, but still I could see her beautiful body line.

Just a bitif its just a bit it should be fine right?

She whispered as she walked over slowly. I felt guilty for secretly peeping at her, so I pretended to turn over in my sleep and faced away from her.

Cyril-kunyoure asleep right? You didnt even wake up when I was carrying you over hereit should be fine right?

Kuu whispered as she approached.

Of course, I was supposed to be sleeping so I didnt respond.

I was completely awake at this point, but thanks to the alcohol and my usual sexual frustration I was having trouble controlling myself.

At this juncture Kuu entered my futon and hugged me from behind.

Her fragrant soft body intoxicated my mind.

Im sorry Lucy-chan. Just for today lend me Cyril-kunjust for today.

Kuu murmured apologetically.

I desperately held onto my reasonif not then something would truly happen.

Let me just talk to myself for a bit

She leaned her forehead onto my back.

I originally had good will towards Kuu. She was never a particularly strong girlbut even so she grit her teeth and forced her way through. I thought that was beautiful.

No matter how painful it was she didnt give up. Knowing her own weakness and inadequacies she desperately fought to grow. She was a girl who shone with the same brightness as Lucy. It made me want to extend a helping hand.

Being in such close proximity to a barely dressed Kuu was truly dangerous. I desperately erased thoughts of doing it with her and her offering to have relations with me even without getting married. I eliminated all the excuses I could from my mind.

They were all illusions brought on by the softness of her breasts and the heat of her body.

Cryil-kun truthfullyI had thought that even if we met again we would simply be intimate friends like before. Even when our parents engaged us we didnt have any timeand our exchange fell apart. At some point that part got lost in translation.

It was no wonder.

The last time we had met was five years ago. Even up til then we would have met every two months or so at best.

At that time we were still young and had no concept of romantic love. Despite that, if we had such deep emotional love that we continued to think of each other.it would be scary in its own way.

People changed. If you still liked the same person after five years despite not having seen them at allthen you were in love with a daydream. That kind of person couldnt be trusted.

Butafter reuniting Cyril-kun was super cool and came to save us like a Princemy heart couldnt help but throb.

Id heard this before.

That time at the Fire Fox villageI was happy you scolded me. I was being weak and wanted someone to coddle me. But that wasnt truly it. I hated my weakness and wanted someone to scold me properlyto lead me onto the correct path.

I wanted someone to treat me strictly yet kindly just like my father would have. I truly didnt think there would be someone who could do thatbut Cyril-kun did. It made me fall more in love.

Kuu hugged me more tightly.

Cryil-kun youre always trying so hard.not only that youre valuing me and teaching me important thingsthat makes me so happy. It lets me know that someday I can become someone trusted and loved like Cyril-kunsomeone you can trust too.

Certainly I had expectations of Kuu.

I truly believed that one day she could be my right hand man.

Of course I knew that right now that was impossible. It wasnt that her effort wasnt enough, it was that at this point appointing a non-elf to a position of power would cause great dissatisfaction amongst the elves.

Even so, I wanted her efforts to be recognized and accepted by everyone.

Kuu had one of the most important features of a leadercharisma. Just by looking at how the Fire Foxes treated her you could tell. Charisma could be acquired through hard work and effortbut most of it was inborn.

But even so the reason I want to embrace Cyril-kun is probably different from LucyI was sure it was probably more like yearning than love. Its probably a rash emotiona love at first sight that will cool and disappear.so in a sense its relieving if you just properly love Lucy and I wont feel too sad.

I could feel a cold wet spot on my back where her face was.

But that feeling didnt disappearwhen Im with you Cyril-kun even these kinds of situations are so funI even look forward to the next dayI hope and I dream. I see a bright day. I started to never want to be apartthese feelings just got stronger and strongerdespite my lack of confidence.I think this really is love.

How.should I respond.

Im so jealous of Lucy-chan. Those five years I couldnt see you, the feelings that piled up, and along the way she got your love. I keep thinking aboutwhat would have happened if the Elf village never got taken overif we remained engaged, if we saw each other oftenif you wouldve fallen in love with me.those silly thoughts just wont leave. Even though I hate myself for itIm afraid that I want to push these feelings onto you.

Thats why she was taking advantage of my sleeping to pour out all her emotions.

This was Kuus confession.

I know I have to give up on this. Cyril-kun has so much more important and dangerous things to worry aboutI cant add anymore worries. Plus Im a coward. Im afraid of being turned down if I confess seriously. Thats why Ill spit out all of these feelings, cry for tonight, and end it all today. Even if it cant be ended Ill make it end.

Kuus arms loosened. I was sure from this point no matter how she felt she wouldnt release these feelings. No matter how her heart tore she wouldnt reveal these through her words or actions.

In truth this would be the most convenient conclusion.however.

The tearing regret I felt at the thought and feeling of Kuu pulling away.

Im glad I got the chance while you were asleep. If Cyril-kun was a wake then Id never be able to say it. Itd be hard to find a way to forget these feelingspreferably.un, this might be best. Falling in love with a person I cant fall in love with might be suitable for me

Kuu was giving up on everything with a sorrowful smile on her face. I could feel her try to get up and leave. Its just that

I couldnt let her do that.

I grabbed her hand firmly and dragged her into my arms.


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