Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 3: Chapter 11-3: Nettle Departs

Book 3: Chapter 11-3: Nettle Departs

Behind me Kuu and Yukino lined up double file with the Elven members of Nettle.

At the front I was utilizing Wind Break and making the wind resistance nearly zero. The effect extended all the way to those in the back row.

For those with normal magic power using Wind Break and Body Enhancement at the same time would run out of energy before long.

However, since I had many times the amount of power of an average elf, I could undertake the usage of Wind Break for those behind me, leaving them to only need to use Body Enhancement themselves, the Fire Foxes didnt even need that as the physical prowess of their legs was enough to allow them to move at similar speeds.

Lets raise the pace a bit.

Having eliminated the air resistance was quite beneficial when moving at high speeds.

For example, if you exerted enough energy to move at 40km per hour, half of the energy you put forth was utilized to fight against the wind pressure. For that reason the removal of air resistance was quite amazing. If you inferred the opposite, then you could say without air resistance you could move at the same speed with nearly half the effort.

This made things even better since the members of Nettle could move at high speed with low energy consumption when using Body Enhancement.

Of course, the real issue with Body Enhancement was that instead of it being harsh on your magic power, it was more harsh on your physical body itself since it would be forced to move at strength and speed beyond its normal limits. If you continued enhancing for 3~4 hours youd end up in shambles and have to collapse on the floor.

But, that wasnt an issue right now.

Alright, here well take an hour break.

Every three hours we would choose an open area and take a break. Everyone would sit on the ground, drink water, and eat a nutrient cookie while I went around and used Self Healing Enhancement on each of them to heal their hurting muscles.

After an hour they had repaired their muscles, replenished their water, and ate some calories.

If their muscles were in pain, then all I had to do was heal it. I had that capability.

Thats the end of the break. We need to set off again.

None of them displayed any unpleasantness. The reason for that was because they felt fine aside from having utilized some of their magic power.

Until they ran out of magic power they would be able to move at high speeds. It was this sequence of events that supported our high speed movement.

If the members of Nettle were in good health they could use Body Enhancement to move for three hours in two sets each. This means that as long as I was with them they could move 240km without being harmed.

Before the sun had set we had moved a total of 200km and reached the supply cabin near the Empires land. From here it was only 20km to the Imperial lands.

There was no evidence around here that a major armed force had passed nearby. This was fairly good proof that the Imperial forces hadnt arrived here yet.

Around here there were paths to the Imperial supply bases and this place had plenty of nutrient cookies, arrows, and a well dug for water. With these numbers the supplies here could last for two months.

This cabin made it easy to engage in multiple sneak attacks against them.

Besides for the supplies, this place had a telescope that I had specially made.

This cabin would be very difficult to find as it was 800 meters deep in the forest away from the road. Additionally you could use the telescope with a range of 1km to keep an eye on the nearby roads without even having to leave the area.

Once we reached the cabin the members of Nettle began taking shifts to watch the roads. While we still had the time, we hunted and gathered for our food instead of eating the preserved foods.

Now, after three days of waiting.

Chief, we spotted those Imperial bastards.

Roleau had caught sight of the Empire while he was on watch.

FinallyI was growing tired of waiting.

Begin battle preparations. Were going to win for everyone back home!Yeah!

We vigorously left our base and set off.

And so the battle between 20 and 4,500 began

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