Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 3: Chapter 14-1: Kuu’s Brilliance

Book 3: Chapter 14-1: Kuu’s Brilliance

Dawn, I was monitoring the Imperial Forces in the village nearby the supply base with my telescope. Many people had fallen because of the poison and they were busy ascertaining the extent of the damage.

We were now in the hideout nearest to the Supply Base.

Finally, wed entered the final stages of the plan.

The abandoned village plan had also succeeded and reduced the soldiers down to only 1,500.

From the start, even if we had only reduced them to around 2,000 soldiers we could still defeat them with sacrifices if they reached Erucy. At this point you could say we had exceeded the minimum threshold of success.

The poison I had used on them was something concocted by a previous me in another village. Rather than poison, it was more accurate to call it a biological weapon. I had cultured it and implanted inside the corpse before throwing it in the well.

It wasnt airborne and could only be transmitted orally, it would die quickly without enough nourishment, but once someone was infected they would fall ill and die within two days if not provided the vaccine.

Even this was only a fragment of knowledge from one of the 5 me that I had sealed away.

Just this fragment had allowed me to produce the medicine, poison arrows, and the biological weapon that we had used.

Most likely that me was a poison specialist. A being that could destroy a country or two with atrocious disease and poison. I suppose thats why that version of me was sealed away.


As I was thinking, the squad with Kuu in it returned.

We had reached the closing moves of the plan so I gave the order for us all to regroup.

Everyones alright? Im glad.

I let out a sigh of relief after I saw that no one had been lost or injured. Their squad had to keep constant watch to prevent messengers from getting through and in some ways, shooting their crossbows to kill was a tougher job than ours.

However, since we had not seen hide nor hair of a resupply, that meant they had done their job perfectly.

Of course. We have safely completed our mission. Ehhen~

Kuu stuck out her chest with a prideful look.

No, I bet it was dangerous.

Well yeah. At first there were only a few soldiers coming through, but then a hundred horsemen made a break for it and I thought wed be in trouble.

However, the squad behind Kuu had taken care of it.

A hundred at once huh.good job blocking them.

I was sure that those horsemen would attack back desperately if they were shot at while trying to escape. Usually horses would travel at around 15 km/h but if you pushed them to their limits they could run at 40 km/h for a short while.

Trying to chase all 100 of them while sniping them off their horses was an extremely difficult task.

Well Roleau-san and the rest were like demons catch and release, rip and tear.

Thats not how it went Kuu-chan

Roleau waved his hands quickly and denied what Kuu said.

Chief, Kuu-chans amazing~. We thought that wed lose a few of them after they got past us, but Kuu-chan dropped back and dashed as fast as she could before release a hu~ge wave of flame which burned some horses and made most of the soldiers who got past fall to the ground. They all started falling down like dominoes.

Sounds like shed forced herself pretty hard. WellI was the one who requested her to do it..I had relied on Kuus outstanding abilities to make sure that no one would make it through.

Thank you Kuu. If you werent there then things might have gone poorly.

I patted her head as I praised her. Ahh, her soft hair and fox ears feel amazing.

For a moment Kuus face slackened as she looked joyful, but she quickly stiffened her expression back to normal.

Well that was my job after all.sowhere is Yukino?

It appears she was worried for her little sister Yukino.

Shes resting inside the cabin with the rest.

If it was simply keeping watch then I could do it alone.

Right now I wanted them to rest as much as possible. They hadnt had many opportunities to rest in a building with a roof.

During the operation we had wrapped ourselves in a blanket from our backpack, leaned against a tree, and slept. The cold was kept at bay by Yukino, but even so it was uncomfortable and tiring.

It may appear that we had been overwhelming in this fight, but because of our small numbers a single loss would signal our destruction.

Compared to our opponents who could lose thousands and still succeedit was horribly lopsided.

Unaccustomed environment, nerves from battle, nutritional but tasteless food, and frequent outdoor sleepingit was a mental and physical attack on their well-being.

Thanks to their own motivation and the dopamine released into their brains when they obey my orders they hadnt collapsed, but they were close to the limit.

Everyone looked tired and could not hide it, no matter which squad they were in.

I see, then may we take a break as well? Everyone is tired.

Un, go ahead. Well be setting off in 3 hours just me and the Fire Foxes.

We didnt need to attack the Imperial Soldiers anymore. Our finishing blow would be invading the supply base and burning their food supply. There was no need to hurry, we could rest up and then put the finishing touches on our plan.

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