Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 3: Chapter 14-3: Kuu’s Brilliance

Book 3: Chapter 14-3: Kuu’s Brilliance

Kuu and I set off running.

On route we passed by the Imperial Forces that had set out before us.

It was far easier for a smaller number to sneak into the Supply Base, so we left everyone else at the cottage. Everyone else was to interfere with any attempts to resupply. Lucy was left behind to take care of Yukino.

If we successfully burned their food storage then a total of 1,800 people, including those staying at the Supply Base, would starve to death.

We would interfere with the regular supply deliveries as well and make sure they died hungry. They may forcefully attack surrounding villages for food, but doing so would be as if pouring water on a hot stone.

On the contrary, doing so would only increase the chances of revolt.

Kuu, our goal this time is not simply victory. Our goals are further aheadto create an enemy of the Empire. An Elven Village revoltI want to make it much bigger than such a small issue.

I announced to Kuu as she ran beside me.

Ah, so thats why youre going to all this trouble.

Soldiers who deserted could not return to the Empire. The punishment for deserting was death.

In that situation they could only become outlaws and bandits that attacked villages. The soldiers would collapse and attack the villages near the Empire. That would be a huge stain on the Empires honor.

Then whats worse, is that the main Imperial Forces had placed false charges on a village and destroyed it. I had disguised myself as one of the soldiers and threw a corpse into the well and also let as many people from the village escape as I could.

Their evil deeds would spread like wildfire.

Therefore we needed to destroy the food and halt their supply runs. They would then be forced to mess with other people in the area.

They would make enemies on both Erucys side and the Empires side, plus even the people arriving at the supply base would starve. Until then we would have to spend a few weeks in the cabin preventing resupply.

After sending out such a large force, they wouldnt be able to put together a proper army for quite some time. It was highly unlikely that the supply line would have enough guards to drive us away.

Plus once the Supply Base empties out we can use it as a forward base.

Cyril-kun youre playing dirty.

Of course, there would be a good number of refugees caused by the soldiers going wild.

I could gather those refugees, place them in the empty supply base, provide some money for food, and set up the basics of self-sufficiency. I would probably only be able to handle around 300 or so refugees.

As long as I provided food and lodging then I could easily guide them.

The Imperial Supply Base has strong walls on all sides, enough space for thousands to live, and enough land to plant some crops and wells to provide water. It was the perfect place to accept refugees.

If we cant set up a self-sufficient colony quickly enough it was possible to support it with the money on hand, and if not I could earn more money. Once we did that, then the base that existed to attack Erucy, would change into a base that defended it instead.

This place would take a long time to siege down, it would cost the Empire its soldiers, and it could be used as a lookout point.

You wont send them to Erucy?

Thats a bit hard. Unlike the Fire Foxes it is a bit suspect if well be able to discuss properly and theres the issue of public order. This is the best we can do for people who we cant trust.

In exchange for food and a place to live, they would be our wall.

That was the decision I had arrived at.


I already knew the layout of the Supply Base.

Unlike when I had assaulted the base as Deet, I did not break down the front gate, but instead I used wind magic to jump over the 5 meter wall with Kuu in my arms.

And so we silently made our way to the center of the base while taking out the guards we couldnt avoid.

Kuu, are you ready?

Im good to go.

Kuu took out her necklace from her clothes and gripped it in her hand. On the end of it was a gorgeous blood red gem.

It was the magic stone from her big brother.

I had killed all the guards around the food supply and made sure that no one else was nearby with Perception Expansion.

Please start


Kuu held the gem in front of her chest as if she was praying.

I saw red light begin leaking from the gaps between her fingers. The light was enchanting and heartrending.

The gem began to crack and even more light shone.

Onii-sama, please lend me your strength. We will strike down our familys enemies.

Kuu murmured softly as she stroked the gem gently before throwing it.

The red light flew forward before landing next to the supplies and finally broke.

Blazing Pillar of Purgatory

A gigantic pillar of flames shot into the sky as if it did not belong in this world.

The pillar of flame completely engulfed the storehouse and some of the surroundings.

What was more stunning about this pillar of flames was its brilliance. The temperature of the flames wasnt extremely high, but what stole your breath away was the deep crimson accented with golden light that could not exist naturally. The amount of magic power poured into this was something that even I could not take lightly.

Even so this fire was beautiful. Im sure this was Kuus brilliance. Her light.

Even so I did not feel the heat despite how close I was. It was likely that the pillar maintained its shape because of a barrier that kept all the explosive heat inside and burned everything within.

Kuuits finished.

The food storehouse had disappeared without leaving a single trace.

Yesit is. Thank you Cyril-kunfor letting me take my revenge for everyone.

Kuu smiled as if a weight had lifted from her, and was about to collapse. Her immediate revenge had been accomplished.

Lets get out of here, people are gathering. Also I need to say something important.

What is it?

I can see that youre looking satisfied with this revengebut you cant be satisfied yet. From now on this fight will not be of vengeance, we will be fighting to ensure our happy lives from now on.

Isnt it okay to take a little break?

No. We have to become happier. We dont have time to dwell on the past. So please, run with me Kuu.

I extended my hand to her.

And she


Grasped my hand with a smile as we set off.

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