Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki

Book 4: Chapter 2-1: Secret Maneuvers

Book 4: Chapter 2-1: Secret Maneuvers

I have returned Ojou-sama

In the City of Erin lay a conspicuously large mansion, within one of the fancy rooms a woman bowed. She was in the later half of her twenties and wearing mens formal wear.

The one she bowed to was a girl wearing a dress.

Welcome back Jii. Now I do wonder what the spy uncovered while they were in the Empire? (TN: Jii is shorthand for old man or gramps or second in command.)

The girl had long blue hair and a strong-willed look. She looked as if she was in the latter half of her teenage years. She had pointed ears, though not as long or as sharp as those of an elf.

An expert in water arts as should be evidenced as she was a member of the water spirit race.

On this expedition the Empires forces were wiped out. They dispatched an army of 4,500 soldiers, but only 300 returned. Furthermore, the Elf Village not only won, but they captured the Imperial Supply base, migrated 300 or so refugees into it, and strengthened their defenses against the Empire.

Upon hearing that the blue haired girls eyes lit up with a glitter of curiosity.

The village in question rebelled with only 200 citizens correct?

It appears so.

And their opponent was an army of 4,500 correct?

It appears so.

The one who led the army wasnt some foolish spoiled noble child, but Baron Lurvish with an established military career correct?

It appears so.

Every time the woman nodded the girl looked happier.

So how did the Elves win?

Well that is unknown at present. The Empire also attempted to extract that information from the soldiers that returned, but their minds were too broken and they kept screaming incoherent things.

So it was so severe as to cause mental illness. How funhow amusing~ Jii, this is the first time Ive been so thrilled since being driven from my country to Erin. Thank goodness I was about to die from boredom. You can dissolve the troops gathered.

Yes, I shall obey. FurthermoreOjou-samaplease dont call me Jii like an old man. I am a woman.

However, I am leaving you work as my retainer far beyond that of any common maid. Thats what makes you Jii.

At least call me Secretary instead.

Nope. Itll lower my ojou-sama power. I have no intention of having anything besides a Jii or a maid.

mou.fine as you wish.

It is good as long as you understand. Fufu, my intuition is telling me that I can finally hit it big.

Finally hit it big.in only five years since Ojou-sama began governing Erin it has become far more prosperous. Commerce has increased by three times. Youre creative and managerial ability has been recognized by anyone who knows of youI rather think youve hit it big already?

At those words the blue haired girl simply wagged her finger with a tsk, tsk, tsk.

It was this location and this environment. Even if left alone this city would grow. I only accelerated it a bit, its not as if I created it myself. But using that Elf Villages power well I could see something never seen before. I want itthat strength they have.

Certainly the Elf Village has been out of the ordinary lately. Truthfully they should have been destroyed by that first force of 500 that attacked.

The girl nodded. The Empire was the only powerful country with practical iron manufacturing technology. A force of soldiers wielding all iron weapons was fearsome. To think that a smaller force of 100 Elves could defeat a well equipped army 5 times their size was impossible to believe.

The second time around the difference in their forces was almost 50 times. At that point victory was even outside the realm of dreams.

I heard that the first time the Elves won, it was because they were extremely well prepared and wielded bows with even better metal crafting than that of the Empire. What happened during the second battle? Im curious. I want to talk to the new Elf Chief at least once. Itd be nice if I could scout him. He seems like a person who shouldnt end his life as the Chief of a small village. Ah thats right, I could have him take care of the port city. Ill leave it to him and watch what he does. History should move if a successful port city appears.

All the changes in the Elf Village had occurred after the appearance of the new chief.

According to a report from a spy, he is an excellent leader with charisma, and at the same time, he is good at tactics, good in agriculture and industry, and is making various inventions and reforms. All of them seem to lead to enriching their lives.

What surprised her was that when he accepted the survivors of the Firefox village destroyed by the empire, they maintained a good relationship without deteriorating security. If we were to accept a large number of people with different customs in a short period of time, various conflicts would occur. From that, we can see the excellence of the new chief.

Ojou-samaare you certain? Its an elf after all

And what do you mean by that? Is it not obvious to desire an excellent person when considering governance?

That is so butit would relight the embers

Thats fine. Plus there is enough merit not to concern myself with such an issue. If I were to gain the iron working knowledge that surpassed that of the Empire for Erin, then I could equip our army and sell to foreign countries. Id love to see 1,000 of our troops equipped with those bows that allowed the elves to fight an enemy 5x larger than themselves.

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