Fatal Shot

Chapter 669 - Angered Mu Wu

Chapter 669: Angered Mu Wu

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Finally, some luck!”

On top of the cliff, Feng Luo had a surprised look on his face as the edge of his mouth curved upward!

He had been somewhat lucky with his previous shot.

The remaining five players of the September Guild had all entered the SUV. Since the SUV used one-way glass panes, Feng Luo could not see the positions of the players inside.

As such, for this shot, Feng Luo estimated an angle to shoot from and made a judgment call.

Unexpectedly, the bullet he shot was able to pierce through the SUV and kill one person, which gave Feng Luo seven consecutive kills!

Apart from that, there was another reason why Feng Luo was lucky with his shot. Even though the players from the September Guild were forced inside the cramped space of the SUV, which made dodging bullets almost impossible, they definitely still had plans.

The Heavy Armor Warrior was the first person to enter the SUV. After entering the vehicle, he would definitely move further inside and place his armored body between those entering the vehicle and Feng Luo’s location.

In that case, Feng Luo’s bullet would have most likely been blocked by the Heavy Armor Warrior. With the SUV’s defensive walls, even Feng Luo would not be able to one-shot a Heavy Armor Warrior!

Furthermore, since the SUV had already started accelerating at full speed, it would take ten seconds at most for the September Guild players to exit from his line of sight.

By then, Feng Luo would be unable to pursue them since he was in the combat mode and could not access his personal vehicle. If they were to drive away from the location successfully, he would definitely lose sight of them, and it would allow the remaining September Guild players to escape!

The September Guild’s plan was actually quite good. However, no matter how good their plan was, they did not anticipate Feng Luo’s lucky shot.

The shot flew past the area that the Heavy Armor Warrior was unable to block and killed the Water Manipulator. The damage caused by the bullet was also incredibly high!

Understandably, this caused everyone inside the energy SUV, driven by the Fire Manipulator, to panic.

However, at that moment, they had no other choice.

Since they had already got in the vehicle, their only option was to continue moving forward.

They had initially considered opening the hatch on the roof of the SUV to let their Sniper duel Feng Luo in order to buy them more time.

However, after looking at the expression of the Sniper player, whose face was splashed with the blood of the Water Manipulator, that was probably not an option anymore!

However, it was not like the players of September Guild had no way of responding to this attack.

“Hurry up! Go up there and stop our enemy!”

On the ground, three pets were charging toward Feng Luo at full speed. One of them had even opened its mouth and fired several energy bombs at Feng Luo!

In truth, there were initially four pets.

However, after Feng Luo’s blind shot killed the Water Manipulator in the SUV, the manipulator’s pet, an Elite Grade Red Feathered Vulture, had also been engulfed by the white light of death in the sky around 100 meters from Feng Luo!

After the Light Armor Warriors deaths within the forest, the September Guild players had been giving their all to avoid this fight with Feng Luo.

After Feng Luo escaped their ambush, they were unable to find a good enough spot to hide and wait for him to reappear before fighting him again with their numerical advantage.

However, since Mu Zi and the others had died during the ambush, the September Guild players were worried that Mu Zi’s group would notify the players from the Nightless City. If that happened, they might be surrounded soon if they did not leave. Furthermore, they were afraid of Feng Luo’s pet!

As a group of players who had specifically made arrangements to ambush Feng Luo, Young Master Sun and September Night Rain did not lack information on Feng Luo!

There was a video of 24K on the forum that had gone viral. The video showed that on the Devil Tri-Horn Fog Island, 24K summoned a large number of “wild mobs” to block a bunch of top players from North City.

After witnessing 24K’s combat method, they were well aware that if Feng Luo were to escape from their ambush, he would be able to use 24K to summon an army of beetles. Combined with Feng Luo’s ability to kill players with one shot, they would have no chance of victory!

Due to this, even the typically proud September Night Rain had to admit defeat.

In the past, during the Big Escape special agent profession change mission, September Night Rain had already suffered at the hands of the beetle soldiers before. He was the first superstar player to witness 24K’s strength!

That was why they had to escape!

The Gray Bear SUV, which was valued at around a million credits, was powered by a four-wheeled energy engine. It was moving away from Feng Luo at full speed.

Three Elite Grade pets were, on the other hand, roaring as they ran towards Feng Luo. They were trying to help their masters gain some time to retreat!

However, Feng Luo did not pay attention to the three pets that were around 200 meters away from him. He even ignored the few energy bombs, which would cost him a few hundred HP, that were already on him.


Feng Luo’s gaze was fixed on the Gray Bear SUV that was currently moving away from him as he pressed the trigger on the Wings of Death once more after the cooldown had elapsed!


A searing hot Deflagration Armor-Piercing bullet struck hard on the energy SUV, which had moved a dozen meters or so away.

However, this time, nobody was killed. This was because the shot was not aimed toward the upper half of the vehicle. Instead, it had struck the lower part of the vehicle!

“F*ck, he wants to shoot the energy engine and destroy the core of the vehicle so that our SUV breaks down.” The September Guild Sniper identified the location of the vehicle that was shot at based on the sound it made upon impact. “Don’t drive in a straight line! Move in an ‘S’ shape!” he shouted at the Fire Manipulator.

“What the hell are you so scared of?” replied the Fire Manipulator. “The energy SUV’s engine is like the energy core of a fighter jet. It is not only located at the bottom part of the car, but a thick layer of armor also surrounds it. Even if he has a Legendary Grade sniper rifle, it isn’t possible to destroy the engine in ten seconds!” However, the tone of his voice revealed a little bit of panic.

“F*ck, didn’t you just say that this vehicle of yours is amazingly bulletproof and that it would be impossible for him to kill someone in it?” The Sniper pointed at the blood all over his body and said, “Well, look at what happened to Old Water! So, hurry up! Move in an ‘S’ shape!”

The two of them continued to argue. September Night Rain still had not uttered a word. His face remained cold and gloomy.

The Fire Manipulator choked for a bit but then remained stubborn as he said, “F*ck, he was able to kill Old Water because of some dumb luck. Don’t speak to me anymore. I’ll be getting us out of this shit soon!”


As he finished speaking, the sound of a second sniper bullet hitting the SUV engine’s outer shell came from outside.

From the sound of it, it seemed like the shot landed on the same spot.


The Fire Manipulator cursed in panic. He finally listened to the Sniper player’s suggestion and started driving the SUV in curves.

If it were someone else shooting at the car, it would definitely be impossible for them to destroy the engine within ten seconds.

However, since it was Feng Luo shooting at the SUV, the Fire Manipulator was starting to feel afraid.

Who’s to say that their last method of getting out of this place wouldn’t get destroyed?!

Meanwhile, on top of the cliff, Feng Luo, who had just fired the second shot at the enemy’s SUV, was suddenly distracted.

His communication device had started ringing.

Feng Luo heard Mu Wu’s deep voice came from his device after he reconnected it.

“Old Feng, you’re still fighting them, aren’t you?! I’ve brought some guys with me! Hold them off for three minutes, that’s all I need!”

Although Mu Wu’s voice was calm, Feng Luo could feel a sense that anger was radiating from him.

Lu Conglomerate City was only a few miles away from this location. If they were to drive at full speed, they would not need long to get here.

Furthermore, this place was a leveling zone. Therefore, many Nightless City players would be leveling up around the area. In fact, there was more than one group of Nightless City Club players training in the area that September Night Rain’s group was driving toward!

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