Finding a Yandere in Reverse World

Chapter 17: Casey Anthony, American Hero?

Chapter 17: Casey Anthony, American Hero?

The shrill bell cuts through my thoughts, signaling the end of class and the start of lunch. I gather my books, my stomach already grumbling in anticipation. As I exit the classroom, I walk with Justine.

“Hey, Jason!” she calls, her green eyes sparkling. “It’s Lunchtime, my dude.” Literally, the same thing she says every day.

I nod, a small smile tugging at my lips. “indeed.”

As we start walking, a soft voice pipes up behind us. “Um, Hey, Jason?”

I turn to see Lindsey, her neon blue hair in stark contrast against her designer blouse. She fidgets with the strap of her bag, her brown eyes darting between Justine and me.

“Would it be alright if I joined you two for lunch today?” she asks.

I hesitate, unsure how to respond. Erica and I don’t share the same lunch period, so I always eat with Justine and Nikki. We’re a really tight nit lunch group now. I’m not sure she’d be a good fit for our lunch time talks, but before I can formulate a polite refusal, Justine speaks up.

“Sure, why not?” she says, her tone light but with a hint of curiosity. “Nikki said you two were friends anyway.’

She had a point, I mean, I guess Lindsey is fine. She’s Erica’s friend, after all. She seems nice enough. I give a nod and we make our way to the cafeteria, the cacophony of voices and clattering trays washing over us as we enter.

After getting our food, we settle at a table. I dig into my cheeseburger, relishing the greasy goodness. The food here is better than it used to be. Lindsey’s eyes widen as she takes in my tray.

“Oh,” she says, her voice laced with surprise. “I thought boys usually got salads.”

“What the fuck?” The words fall out of my mouth, to Lindsey’s surprise.

Justine snorts, shaking her head. “That’s a weird thing to say, Lindsey. Jason can eat whatever he wants.”

Lindsey suddenly looked defensive. “Aren’t you worried about your figure though? What if you get too fat for Erica?” She spoke as if my body was just an obvious topic of conversation.

I was blown away and really annoyed as Justine, Nikki, and I had already chosen today’s lunch topics.

“Look, I don’t mean to be a cunt Lindsey,” Justine spoke up. “But we were supposed to be talking about Casey Anthony today.”

I nod, annoyed that we’ve already begun arbitrating a different topic.

“Yeah, and Justine worked hard to get this to the forefront of our lunch agenda,” I spoke with a commanding tone, as our lunch discussions were of grave importance to me.

Lindsey’s eyes widened, and she looks taken aback. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had a set agenda for lunch discussions.”

I sigh, feeling frustrated. “It’s fine. We just... we take our lunch conversations seriously.”

Justine nods emphatically. “Extremely seriously. We’ve got a whole system worked out.”

Lindsey looks between us, clearly unsure if we’re joking. “So... Casey Anthony?”

“Right,” Justine says, leaning forward. “So, I’ve been doing some research, and I think I’ve finally found a reasonable explanation for why she is innocent.”

“Go on,” I chide her. Literally desperate to hear what Justine has been cooking.

“What if Casey’s daughter was a future seer, and she witnessed events so atrocious that would have been caused by her hand. Like a worse Holocaust. And perhaps using a psychic link, she could have communicated that to Casey, telling her the only way to save the world was for Casey to kill her.” Justine spoke as if she rehearsed this thing for a board room.

Lindsey sat there completely dumb founded, not used to our discussions. “That is the single most offensive thing I’ve ever he…” I quickly cut her off.

“So you’re saying Casey would have, in actuality, made the ultimate sacrifice at the cost of her own daughter and social standing. If so, that would be truly admirable.” I scratch my chin as I ponder the logic. Since shifting worlds, anything is possible no matter how unlikely.

Justine nods vigorously, her red hair bouncing. “Exactly! She sacrificed everything to save humanity. It’s tragic, really.”

“Shakespearean even. I lean back. “The weight of such a decision would be immense.”

Lindsey looks between us, her mouth agape. “Are you two fucking serious right now? That is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard anyone say! It’s unhinged! It’s so fucked up, A child died. It’s absolutely fucking Ludacris!”

An awkward silence fills the table.

“Ludacris is a singer!” I break through the quietness.

“There is no singer by that name, Jason!” Lindsey bit back.

“Did you say Ludo Kressh?” Justine interrupts.

“What the fuck?” Lindsey seemed angry.

“Oh shit, he’s still here? Is he canon?” I asked, surprised to hear Ludo Kressh’s name get dropped.

“No, I think he’s only Legends still.” Justine says somberly. “But Back to Casey, I don’t think Lindsey is a good match for this debate.” Justine looks like she’s about to bug out. But in lunch, order prevails.

“Now, now,” I say, holding up a hand. “Let’s hear Lindsey out. What’s your take on the Casey Anthony case?”

Lindsey sputters, clearly caught off guard. “My take? My take is that she’s a murderer! There’s no psychic future-seeing daughter involved!”

Justine rolls her eyes. “Oh, come on. That’s so basic. Where’s your imagination?”

I nod in agreement. “Yeah, Lindsey. You’ve got to think outside the box. What if Casey Anthony is actually a time traveler sent back to prevent a catastrophic event? Perhaps she could have even been like a terminator?”

Lindsey’s face turns an interesting shade of red. “This is ridiculous! You can’t just make up wild theories about a real tragedy!”

“Why not? It was 16 years ago.” I ask, genuinely curious. “It’s not like our theories are hurting anyone. She was found innocent, we’re just trying to make sense of it in our own way. Plus, it makes lunch way more interesting.”

Justine grins, leaning in conspiratorially. “Ooh, what if Casey Anthony is actually Michelle Obama in disguise? That would explain why she’s so captivating.”

“Casey just doesn’t have the arms for that.” I shake my head with a tragic sense of loss, as that simply cannot be the truth.

Lindsey looks like she’s about to explode. “You people are lunatics,” she mutters, picking at her salad. “Why are the hot ones always so fucking crazy.” She muttered under her breath.

I shrug, taking another bite of my burger. “Maybe. But at least we’re never bored.”

Suddenly, a blonde girl sat next to Lindsey. She looked a lot like Erica, blue eyes and all. I even mistakenly thought it was her for a second as she sat. “Is this our new table?” She spoke to Lindsey. This girl had an extremely nervous vibe about her.

“Yes,” Lindsey said with gritted teeth. Lindsey looked at me with a soft smile. “This is my butler Lyra. She is a junior here now and has been serving me my whole life.”

I nod. “Hi, Jason, nice to meet you.”

Lyra gives me a timid smile and a small wave. “H-hello, Jason. It’s nice to meet you, too.”

I can’t help but stare at her for a moment. The resemblance to Erica is uncanny, but where Erica exudes confidence and strength, Lyra seems to shrink into herself, as if trying to take up as little space as possible.

“So, Lyra,” Justine pipes up, leaning across the table with a mischievous glint in her eye. “What’s your take on the Casey Anthony case?”

Lyra’s eyes widen in panic, and she looks to Lindsey for guidance. Lindsey just rolls her eyes and mutters something under her breath i couldn’t hear.

“I... I don’t really know much about it,” Lyra stammers. “I’m sorry, I don’t usually follow true crime cases.”

“Perfect!” I exclaim, earning a confused look from Lyra. “That means you’re a blank slate. No preconceived notions to cloud your judgment.”

Justine nods enthusiastically. “Exactly! So, Lyra, if I told you that Caylee, her daughter, was actually a psychic that became a Hitler 2.0 but told her mom to kill her to stop it, what would you say?”

Lyra blinks rapidly, clearly overwhelmed. “I... I suppose anything is possible?” she ventures wildly into the dark, as she clearly tried to feed us the answer we wanted.

“What the fuck, Lyra?” Lindsey spoke exhausted of this topic. “How the fuck are you going to possibly entertain this, with these clinically deranged maniacs?” She spoke with genuine annoyance.

As I’m about to take another bite, a hush falls over the cafeteria. I look up to see Nikki striding towards our table, late again, her lanky frame cutting an imposing figure through the crowd. Students part like the Red Sea, averting their eyes as she passes.

Justine suddenly stiffens beside me, her fork clattering against her plate. I glance at her, noticing a deep blush creeping up her neck.

‘Does she have a crush on Nikki?’ I wonder.

“Hey, losers,” Nikki says, dropping into the seat next to me. Her sharp blue eyes scan our group, lingering on Justine for a moment.

“H-hi Nikki,” Justine stammers, her usual confidence evaporating like mist in the sun.

“I didn’t miss the Casey Anthoney talk, did I?” She seems extremely interested.

I nod. “I’m sorry, Nikki, but you know the rules. You were late.”

“Fuck! Sorry.” She seems as though she understands what she lost. “In lunch, order prevails.” She spoke our mantra as if it was a code of ethics. “Well, anyways.” Nikki leans in close, her voice low. “Got a message for you, Jason. Seems you’ve got a secret admirer waiting in the hallway.” She winks, and I feel my heart skip a beat.


Before I can respond, Lindsey’s eyes narrow, her soft voice taking on an icy edge. “You should probably stay and finish eating, Jason. It would be a shame to waste your lunch.”

I catch the sharp undertone in her words, a flicker of something dangerous in her brown eyes. But the pull of seeing Erica is too strong to resist. I stand up, a playful smirk tugging at my lips. “Sorry, Lindsey, but I can’t keep my secret admirer waiting. That would be rude.”

“Ahh, before you leave, What are you doing for Halloween. It’ll be here before you know it, you know?” Lindsey asked me like a kid asking another kid to come over to their house.

“Ahh, I don’t know yet, I imagine something with Erica, though.” I reply.

“Good, good. I’ll try and hang out too….” A weird silence entails her words. “I’ll invite everyone, I mean.” She looks to Lyra.

“Alright. Well, see ya later.” As I walk away, I can feel Lindsey’s gaze boring a hole into my back.

‘Time to see what Erica has in store for me.’


I round the corner into a secluded hallway, my heart pounding with anticipation. ‘There she is,’ Erica, leaning against the wall, her blonde hair slightly disheveled and a faint blush coloring her cheeks. It’s rare to see her looking so... vulnerable?

“Hey,” I manage, my voice coming out softer than intended.

Erica’s eyes dart around before settling on me. “Jason,” she breathes, her usual bravado absent. “I... I’m really feeling a type of way right now. Is it alright if we, uh... fuck?”

My eyes widened, and a rush of heat flooded my body. “Y-yeah,” I nod eagerly, barely believing this is happening.

In an instant, Erica’s demeanor shifts. She grabs my wrist, her grip firm, and practically throws me into the old science room. The door slams shut behind us.

“We should move away from the windows,” I manage to say, hyper-aware of our surroundings.

Erica nods, backing me up against an old lab table. Her lips find my neck, and I can’t help but let out a soft gasp. As she kisses me, I’m struck by how gentle she’s being despite her forceful actions. It’s such a contrast to her usual tough exterior.

“Erica,” I murmur, my hands tentatively settling on her waist. “This is...”

She pulls back, her blue eyes intense. “I can’t stop thinking about you, Jason. It’s driving me crazy.”

My heart soars at her words. “I don’t want you to stop thinking about me,” I admit, surprising myself with my boldness.

Erica’s lips curl into a devious smile as she leans in once more, her fingers tracing the hem of my shirt as she unbuttoned my shirt. “Have you been a good boy today, Jason?” she asks, her voice low and seductive. The question hangs in the air between us, heavy with anticipation.

I swallow hard, my heart racing. “Yes,” I whisper, my voice barely audible. “I’ve been a very good boy.”

As she reaches the final button, Erica leans in, her breath hot against my ear. “Good,” she murmurs. “Then you deserve a reward.”

With that, she presses her lips to mine, her kiss demanding and possessive. I respond eagerly, my hands tangling in her hair as I pull her closer. Erica’s hands roam across my bare chest, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. The room spins around us, and our connection is all-consuming.

Erica breaks away, her eyes blazing with desire. “Lay back,” she orders, her voice husky.

I comply, my heart hammering in my chest as I watch her. She takes a moment to admire me, her gaze lingering on my exposed skin. A shiver of pleasure runs through me, and I can’t help but feel a twinge of pride at the hunger in her eyes.

Erica slowly climbs onto the table, straddling my waist. She leans forward, her lips brushing against mine as she whispers, “You belong to me, Jason.”

Her words send a shiver down my spine, and I can’t help but nod in agreement. “Yes, Erica. I belong to you.”

She smiles, her eyes filled with satisfaction. And with that, she begins to move against me, her hips grinding in a slow, sensual rhythm. I moan in pleasure, my hands gripping her waist as I match her movement.

Erica’s fingers trail down my torso, her nails digging into my skin as she moves lower. In one swift motion, she unzips my pants, revealing my hard cock. A wicked grin spreads across her face as she takes in the sight, her eyes filled with lust.

“Your always so hard for me. That’s not common you know? You want this, don’t you, Jason? In fact sometimes you seem to want it even more than I do.” she whispers, her breath hot against my neck. I can only nod in response, my body trembling with anticipation.

With a devious smile, Erica hikes up her skirt, revealing her damp panties. She moves them to the side, exposing her wet cunt. My cock throbs at the sight, desperate for her touch.

Erica positions herself over me, her eyes locked onto mine as she slowly lowers herself onto my shaft. We both let out a moan as I fill her completely, our bodies connected in the most intimate way.

She begins to ride me, her hips moving in a fast, frantic rhythm. The table beneath us creaks and shakes with each thrust, the sound only adding to our pleasure. I can feel myself getting closer to the edge, my orgasm building with each passing second.

Erica’s grip on my shoulders tightens as she continues her relentless pace, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. I can feel her inner walls tightening around me like a vise, her own release drawing near. The sensation sends me spiraling over the edge, and I cry out her name as my orgasm washes over me. “Erica! Ahh!” I blast my load deep inside of her. But my hard-on barely needed to rest.

“More! More! You’re still hard!” Erica yelled like a witch trying to summon something wicked. Still going she smashed our bodies together harder. I can hear the sloshing of my cum in her pussy being used as lubricant. The feeling was intoxicating.

Erica’s relentless pursuit of pleasure showed no signs of stopping, her hips continuing to move with a fervor that left me breathless. My own orgasm had only served to heighten my senses, and I marveled at the feeling of her warm, wet pussy still clenching around my cock, milking every last drop of pleasure from my quivering body.

The dimly lit room seemed to spin around us as we continued our frenzied dance, the lighting casting eerie shadows across Erica’s contorted face. Her once perfectly styled blonde hair now hung in wild, disarrayed tendrils, framing her flushed cheeks and half-closed eyes. The sight of her, lost in the throes of passion, was almost too much to bear.

With a guttural growl, Erica leaned forward, her tits through her shirt pressing against my chest as she claimed my mouth in a blissful kiss.

Our tongues danced together in a frenzied duel, each of us fighting for supremacy, even as we surrendered ourselves to the other’s touch. I could feel my cock swelling inside her once more, hard and insistent, eager to bring her the same intense pleasure she had so effortlessly wrought from my own trembling body.

Erica broke the kiss with a gasp, her eyes locked onto mine as she began to move her hips in slow, deliberate circles. Each roll of her hips sent a jolt of pleasure coursing through my body, and I could feel my orgasm building once more, like a storm gathering on the horizon.

“Come for me, Jason,” Erica whispered, her voice hoarse with desire. “I want to feel you fill me up again, to know that you’re mine and mine alone.”

The possessive edge to her words sent a thrill down my spine, and I couldn’t help but surrender to the intoxicating allure of her dominance. With a final, desperate thrust, I felt my release crash over me like a wave, my cock pulsing deep inside her as I poured myself into her waiting embrace.

Erica cried out, her own orgasm following closely behind mine, her body trembling and quivering as she rode out the last waves of pleasure. As our breathing slowly returned to normalize, she collapsed against me, her head resting on my heaving chest as we both struggled for air.

“I would be nothing without you, Jason.” She spoke with a soft, loving vulnerability.

“You are my world, Erica.” I spoke with genuine reverence and love. “I love you.”

For a moment, we lay there in silence, our bodies intertwined and glistening with sweat. The abandoned classroom felt like our own private sanctuary, far removed from the bustling hallways just beyond the door.

Erica nuzzled against my neck, her breath warm on my skin. “I love you too, Jason,” she murmured, her voice uncharacteristically soft. “More than you could ever know.”

My heart swelled at her words, and I tightened my arms around her, savoring the feeling of her body pressed against mine. In moments like these, when her tough exterior melted away, I felt like I was seeing the real Erica, vulnerable, passionate, and utterly devoted.

But all too soon, reality began to creep back in. The bell would ring soon, signaling the end of the lunch period. Reluctantly, I shifted beneath her.

“We should probably get cleaned up,” I said, though I made no move to let her go.

Erica groaned, burying her face deeper into my neck. “Five more minutes,” she mumbled, her lips brushing against my skin.

I chuckled, running my fingers through her tangled hair. “As much as I’d love that, I don’t think we want to risk getting caught.”

With a dramatic sigh, Erica pushed herself up, her blue eyes meeting mine. For a moment, I saw a flicker of something intense in her gaze, possessiveness, maybe, or a hint of the madness that sometimes lurked beneath her cool exterior.

‘Awwwww. I want to see that crazy turn on even more, Erica.’ I chided her in my thoughts.

“You’re right,” she said, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. “Besides, we can always continue this later. My place, after school?”

I nodded eagerly. “Always.” Already looking forward to it. As we hurriedly cleaned ourselves up and straightened our clothes.

Just as we finished making ourselves presentable I could have sworn I noticed a quick motion by the door.

“Was someone there?” I asked as the bell rang, its shrill tone echoing through the empty classroom. Erica seemingly not hearing my question gave me one last passionate kiss before slipping out the door, leaving me breathless and slightly dazed.


As I left the science room I noticed a wet spot on the ground. “Was someone masterbating while watching us?” I’ve read enough hentai to know what this scene looked like. “Fuck it could have also been my cum dripping out of Erica I guess.” But it wasn’t as simple as i wanted it to be, and i didn’t have time to touch the mess on the ground. So i moved on before I got caught looking at weird floor liquids.

As I made my way back to my locker, my mind was swimming with thoughts of Erica and our intense encounter. I was so lost in my daydreams that I almost didn’t notice Lindsey waiting by my locker, her brown eyes watching me intently.

“Have a good lunch date with your secret admirer, Jason?” she asked, her voice seeming casual.

I felt a flicker of unease at her question, wondering just how much she suspected. “Uh, yeah,” I managed, fumbling with my locker combination. “It was... eventful.”

Lindsey’s eyes narrowed slightly, and I could have sworn I saw a flash of something dark cross her face. But in an instant, it was gone, replaced by her usual shy smile.

“I’m glad,” she said softly. “I’ll see you in class.” She walked away without looking back.


[Lindsey Carter’s POV]

As I walked away from Jason's locker, I could feel the rage bubbling up inside me. My hands shook as I clenched them into fists, nails digging painfully into my palms. The image of Jason and that blonde bitch Erica fucking in the science room was seared into my brain.

I had followed them, of course. I always follow Jason lately. And when I saw them slip into that empty classroom, I knew exactly what was going to happen. I pressed my eye to the door as they were looking the other way, watching their every move, listening to their moans of pleasure. It made me sick. It made me furious. But most of all, it turned me on.

“I want to fuck Jason like that!”

As I watched Jason's cock slide in and out of Erica, I couldn't help but touch myself, imagining it was me he was fucking. Me he was whispering those words of love to. By the time they finished, I was a quivering mess, barely able to stifle my own orgasm as I ran to the nearest bathroom to clean myself up.

And now here I was, pretending everything was fine. Pretending I hadn't just watched the love of my life fuck someone else. Pretending I wasn't plotting a thousand different ways to make Erica disappear.

"Soon," I whispered to myself as I rounded the corner. "Soon, Jason will be mine. Perhaps I wouldn’t need Erica to disappear if Jason was the one to suddenly vanish?"

A small smile played on my lips as I imagined Jason in my basement. “It’s a shame someone like him would probably go mad under that kind of pressure.” I think for a moment. “No wait…” My mind starts to wander “Wait he’s super fucking weird maybe he’d like something like that. Fuck I need to find a way to learn more about him asap.” I decide to have Lyra run an errand later for me as my plans start formulating in my mind.

“Halloween will be a perfect distraction If I can get him in a crowd.” I have my eureka moment, now I just need to figure out which pieces to get on the board.

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