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Chapter 57

Over a dozen wolf eyes gleamed like ghostly flames, staring at the group. They were so terrified they nearly screamed.0

Afraid to make a sound, everyone clamped their hands tightly over their mouths, biting their fingers until they almost drew blood. Having grown up in peaceful times, none of them had ever encountered wild beasts before.0

On the verge of breakdown, they shook violently, tears streaming down their faces.0

The wolf pack formed a circle, slowly closing in on the group.0

Yang Tongtong was the first to crack: "Are we going to die?"0

"Shut up!" Song Ze snapped. He grabbed a burning branch from the fire and cautiously extended it toward one of the wolves.0

The wolf retreated a step.0

Song Ze's eyes lit up: "They're afraid of fire. Quick, let's make the fire bigger."0

Sister Twin spoke up, trembling: "We can't. We're almost out of branches."0

Like a bucket of cold water, her words instantly sobered Song Ze.0

He looked around and realized they were indeed running low on firewood. But the wolf pack kept inching closer - whenever the flames dimmed slightly, the alpha wolf would advance.0

Realizing there was no escape, Song Ze broke down: "Ahhhh, am I really going to die here today?"0

Everyone's emotions were already at the breaking point. Song Ze's cry was like a match to a powder keg, causing their willpower to instantly crumble.0

"What do we do? What can we do?" the Younger Twin clung desperately to her sister, her expression hopeless.0

Li Ang bit his lip, a crazed look in his eyes: "Let's run. We'll take two torches and scatter. It's better than all of us dying together."0

Though Li Ang didn't say it outright, his hidden meaning was clear - the fast runners might escape, while the slow ones would be torn apart by wolves. He wanted to use his companions' lives to buy time.0

Hearing Li Ang's words, the Younger Twin's face fell. Her foot was injured; she couldn't run at all.0

Watching the livestream, Meng Li was thrilled by this development.0

Yes, this was perfect - let them reveal the selfishness in human nature.0

It would be even better if they turned on each other, throwing the injured twin to the wolves while the rest escaped.0

However, Meng Li's expectations were not met.0

"In your dreams!" Sister Twin berated Li Ang. "You think you're Usain Bolt or something? You think all the wolves will focus on just one person? There are over a dozen of them, and they're incredibly fast. They could easily take any of us down with one pounce.0

If we split up, we have no chance of escape.0

Instead of waiting to die, we might as well make a final stand!"0

Sister Twin's expression was resolute as she turned to Song Ze. "Where's your bow? Let's shoot the wolves!"0

Song Ze was inspired by Sister Twin's courage, but he quickly became realistic again. "My archery skills aren't great. I can't kill a wolf - I'd only enrage it."0

Disappointment flashed in Sister Twin's eyes. She shifted her gaze to Chen Tian, looking at him hopefully. As a professional athlete, he was the strongest among them.0

But once again, Sister Twin was let down.0

Chen Tian shook his head: "I don't know how to use a bow. To kill the alpha wolf with one shot takes not just accuracy, but strength too. I... I'm sorry..."0

At this moment, everyone finally gave in to despair.0

Yang Tongtong covered her mouth, sobbing: "I don't want to be bitten to death by wolves. I don't want to be eaten."0

The others were silent. They didn't want that fate either.0

Just then, Sister Twin pulled out a dagger, her eyes fierce: "Let's kill ourselves. Rather than being torn apart by wolves and dying in agony, we should end it quickly!0

We haven't seen Sister Gu for so many days. She's probably already waiting for us on the Road to Underworld."0

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" Li Ang shook his head frantically. He knelt before the hovering drone, repeatedly kowtowing. "Please, save me! I can't die, I really can't! My son is only 5 years old. What will happen to him if I die?"0

The night livestream wasn't very clear, but the desperation in the scene was palpable to viewers.0

Netizens broke down along with them. Some even burst into loud sobs.0

[Save them, please save them quickly.]0

[Brother Qinian, what will happen to my Brother Qinian?]0

[Don't kill yourselves, don't do it! Be brave and fight the wolves!]0

[The commenter above is talking nonsense. You'd be scared stiff just seeing a dog, let alone wolves. There are over a dozen wolves - what could they possibly fight with? Angering the pack would only lead to a more brutal death.]0

Sister Twin gripped the dagger tightly, ready to plunge it into her heart the moment the fire went out.0

Just then, a tiger's roar suddenly rang out from the distance, echoing through the night.0

Hearing the roar, the wolf pack began to stir restlessly, backing away.0

The alpha wolf seemed to hesitate, but as the tiger's roar drew closer, it finally gave up. With a howl, it led the pack away.0

Though the wolves retreated, no one dared relax.0

The wolves were gone, but now there was a tiger!0

Still shaking uncontrollably, everyone stared intently ahead, waiting for the tiger to appear.0

The tiger arrived swiftly, covering the distance in a few bounds.0

As the massive tiger suddenly came into view, everyone was so frightened their legs gave out, and they collapsed to the ground.0

Just as Sister Twin was about to stab the dagger into her heart, she suddenly noticed a blue figure on the tiger's back.0

There was actually a person riding the tiger!0

She couldn't believe her eyes. She stared fixedly ahead as the tiger drew closer, finally making out the figure on its back - it was Gu Nanyan.0

"It's Gu Nanyan!" Sister Twin cried out.0

The others thought she had gone mad - why was she calling out Gu Nanyan's name at a time like this? But a moment later, they heard a clear voice: "Are you all alright?"0

Everyone looked toward the sound, then froze in unison.0


Gu Nanyan was actually riding the tiger!0

Wasn't this something that only happened in TV dramas? How could it be real?0

Everyone was too shocked to speak.0

Viewers in the livestream chat burst into tears at the sight.0

[I knew it, I knew Gu Nanyan would come!]0

[Oh my heart, my Nanyan, my goddess!]0

[So cool! Do you know, the moment she descended on that tiger, I fell to my knees.]0

[Yanyan, thank you, thank you for saving my Qinian.]0

Gu Nanyan knew everyone was afraid of the tiger. She leapt down and patted the tiger, telling it to wait off to the side, then walked toward the group.0

Everyone stared at her unblinkingly.0

They were simply too astonished to believe what they were seeing.0

As Gu Nanyan drew closer, Yang Tongtong couldn't help but ask: "Sister Gu, are you a ghost?"0

"Don't be ridiculous," Teacher Qi scolded.0

Yang Tongtong's cheeks flushed red.0

Gu Nanyan's lips curved in a smile. "I'm not a ghost."0

Was she really not a ghost?0

Everyone felt that Gu Nanyan didn't seem quite real.0

After so many days on the island, they were all filthy and smelly. But Gu Nanyan wore clean clothes, her hair neatly combed, like an otherworldly fairy untouched by mortal dust. And she was riding a tiger!0

Teacher Qi was the first to regain his composure. He looked at Gu Nanyan with excitement, "Xiao Yan, thank you. Thank you for saving everyone."0

His words instantly broke the spell of silence. Everyone realized they had been rescued. They were overcome with emotion, crying and jumping for joy.0

They were saved! They were going to be okay! They didn't have to die!0

Seeing this scene, viewers in the livestream were also moved to tears of relief and excitement.0

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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