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5 months ago
I regret having lived as a villain. So when I got a second chance after regressing, I... Read more I regret having lived as a villain.So when I got a second chance after regressing, I tried to live a good life…But then a villain became obsessed with me. Collapse Antihero Protagonist, Beautiful Female Lead, Bullying, Calm Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Character Growth, Depictions of Cruelty, Discrimination, Early Romance, Fearless Protagonist, Friendship, Hard-Working Protagonist, Helpful Protagonist, Heroes, Hidden Abilities, Hiding True Abilities, Jealousy, Kind Love Interests, Loneliness, Love Rivals, Male Protagonist, Mind Control, Misunderstandings, Modern Day, Multiple POV, Obsessive Love, Past Trauma, Possessive Characters, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Psychic Powers, Restaurant, Rivalry, Second Chance, Secret Organizations, Selfless Protagonist, Special Abilities, Strong Love Interests, Time Travel, Tragic Past, Tsundere, Twisted Personality, Unrequited Love, Younger Love Interests is the smut good I feel emotionally drained but I couldn't look away. That's probably my first ever review of a book, but I have just completed this one, and in the last 15 years, during which I have red at least a book per week, that one was probably the best in terms of emotions it gave, so really, if you are looking for a good book and you did not come here, hellbent on reading a book about fights between villains and heroes, but rather just seeking to enjoy a good art, just try it, while such things are always subjective, but I liked it a lot, and I sincerely hope, whoever reads it will like it as well. Rank B+ (rating 4.0 or 4.4)Number of chapters read so far: 125 chapters.The novel is extremely interesting, first of all, the plot begins with the MC regressing to when he was 22 years old, being the biggest villain in Korea. The story takes place in a world with superpowers, where there are villains and heroes. The protagonist goes back in time and decides to give up the life of a villain, so he decides to do good deeds for his own satisfaction due to the loneliness he experienced before his regression.If I had to comment, the MC's story is not the focal point but the development of the people around him and how they are affected by him and he by them. There is harem, but it's not something like going out catching Pokémon, but rather the gradual development of the relationship. To tell you the truth, the drama and the relationships are incredible, they make sense and leave you biting your nails with anxiety. I don't know how the author is going to create a harem when the two potential dating targets are so difficult and full of personality.The story is about a lonely man who wants to do good after living in darkness, he's foolish, bad at social relations and only knows how to solve things using force, but he tries to do better for those around him. This is a story of romance and intrigue. Great review, I'm sold. Now I'm on chapter 20. And wow, this guy is annoying.-pushover when it comes to heroines-he cry because heroine insult him a lot (once)-the tsundere girl always use harsh or condescending words yet he still smile like an idiot (he said he understands her childhood) This story is nonsense reminiscent of a stupid Japanese plot, with a stupid Japanese main character. But what’s surprising is that the author is from Korea Regression plus two line synopsis + the typical title, here you have your perfect korean soup. But the story is that of a Japanese one. Loser mc that will never dip into the sauce. The guy below is offering his glutes but doesn't know how to offer them. What's the first thing you do after you r*p* a deaf girl?Cut off her fingers so she can't tell anyone. Ban#panic# Tbh its only somewhat going against the rules(if at all)(hard to say if that is enough) and that is mostly because of the r word the rest is just dark humor even if its too much for some people(tbh thats their problem i dont realy find this that funny either but its not a insult meanig its a joke and as far as i am concerned that means it hasnt got limits), the site has darker stuff in the novels These are this guy's most normal jokes. Go back a few batches and you will see him committing racism, misogeny, etc. He should have been banned a long time ago, but for some reason he never was. Well, even if those jokes include stuff like that as long as its a joke there isnt a problem, but i know what you mean with this person he sometimes clearly comments things that arent jokes(are hidden as such but are (in my opinion) quite obviously not actually humor from his side(and ive seen way darker stuff that was humor than what he has posted)and are problematic in alot of people eyes. Humor hasnt got limits but if it isnt humor than it cleary has. But in this case its quite clear that it is humor. Even tho with somethings he commented he might mean this for real(quite unlikely but might be the case) My conception is that jokes have a time and a moment. For example, if an important person to you dies and someone makes a joke about it, if the other people around understand the reason for the joke and that it really isn't intended to offend, that's fine, but it's different from going to some random funeral and making the joke. This guy often makes dark jokes, which is fine, but he clearly and often doesn't make a real joke, because not only does he keep making several in the same context, but they often don't have the tone or timing to be jokes. this was the darkest joke I have ever heard in my life Unlike herWho couldn't hear anything ... #panic# can't you ban this guy? We're not even sure if this is a real dude or just a bot anymore. Has this guy commented anything human like in any chapters? Because if not this guy might just be some weird bot. He's human, I sent him a message once Did he reply? Yes. It was quite a human response Ah yes, the typical mangas you will find on webtoon romance… May I ask other’s thoughts on this since I dont like those kind of typical romance mangas on webtoon, but this novel seems like it