I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

Chapter 73 - Since When

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 73 - Since When

“Father, do you really intend to do as the Count of Vermont requested?”

“What exactly are you referring to?”

“Spreading word of the Evil God’s servants…”


Heisik whispered with a hardened expression, and the Count of Arient, who had been feigning calmness, twitched at the corners of his eyes.

The request from Aslan Vermont was to spread news of the necromancer who commanded an evil spirit and the dark knight who wielded an uncontrollable cursed sword and spoke in strange tones.

“We must. What else can we do…?”


But could that even be called a request?

How could something be a request right after they provided support for the reconstruction of Arient? It was clearly an order.

We had no choice but to comply if we wanted their help.

“This is the road to ruin!”

“Are you saying the Count of Vermont is on a suicidal path?! I’ll tolerate insults against me, but I won’t allow anyone to speak ill of him! Not even you, Heisik! On your knees, now!”


Muttering, Heisik slammed his head to the ground.

What happened to Father? He used to be so reasonable, but ever since getting involved with Aslan Vermont, he’s changed.

“Of course, I know what’ll happen if we spread the word as it is. Vermont will be attacked by the Empress and all other powers, and we won’t escape the fallout either.”

Father! So you can still think at that level?

Heisik looked up at the Count with teary eyes. He had been genuinely worried that his father had fallen into senility.

“But ignoring his request isn’t an option either. Even if the world fears and despises him, he’s still our benefactor. The only way to repay him is to… distort the rumors a little.”

“Distort the rumors…?”

“We’ll spread word of a righteous necromancer and a dark knight who simply speaks oddly because of her pure heart!”


Heisik’s eyes widened.

What? You’re going to distort the truth that much?

“The necromancer isn’t commanding an evil spirit’s fragment, but a Great Spirit! And the dark knight’s weapon? It’s just a sacred sword that looks a bit menacing! After all, Master Jane’s seventh holy sword has never been found, right? What if she had that sword?”

“Father! You know that’s absurd!”

“I know! It’s completely preposterous, I’m well aware!”

The Count of Arient squeezed his eyes shut and shouted.

Of course, no one would believe such nonsense.

But what choice did they have?

The impending attacks on Vermont were clear as day, so how could they just stand by and let their benefactor walk down a path of destruction?

If it meant protecting him, he was willing to become a laughingstock to the world.

Even if Aslan reprimanded him for distorting the rumors, that didn’t matter.

Leading his benefactor down the right path—that was true loyalty.

“In any case, we’ll spread the rumors that way. Understood?”


“This is the only way to save both Vermont and Arient…”

He would spread anything to avoid the oppression they faced! Even if the rumors were nonsense about how the necromancer and dark knight grew up under warm love and guidance instead of cruel experiments…!

With a determined glint in his eyes, the Count clenched his fists tightly.

It was midday, and the sun shone softly through the window.

Julia stirred, waking up from her sleep.


This hand… It’s so big and warm.

As usual, she rubbed her cheek against the familiar palm in her half-asleep state, a sleepy smile tugging at her lips.

“Hmph. So this is how Julia shows affection, huh?”



Julia’s eyes flew open in shock.

The first thing she saw was Charlotte’s face, looking down at her with an amused grin.


Julia’s expression went blank.

Her pupils darted around as she shook off the drowsiness and tried to make sense of the situation.

Wait, didn’t I fall asleep in Aslan’s office yesterday? No… I fell asleep in the carriage, didn’t I? And that’s why Charlotte’s here too?

So did I just rub my cheek against Aslan’s hand in my sleep…? And did Charlotte see all of it…?

Julia’s face turned beet red in an instant.

“Huh? Huh!?”

“Shh. Mister is still asleep.”



As Julia opened her mouth to scream, Charlotte quickly covered it with her hand.

Julia cautiously lifted her head to peek at Aslan’s face.

Oh. He really is asleep.

No, actually, he looks kind of dead…

Alarmed, Julia hurriedly placed her fingers under his nose.

Fortunately, he was still breathing faintly.

“Hehe. I thought he was dead at first too. He’s sleeping so deeply.”

“Phew, thank goodness… But I don’t think I’ve ever seen him sleep before. I mean, I don’t even recall him ever closing his eyes to rest.”

Julia whispered, gently touching Aslan’s cheek.

So this is how Aslan sleeps, like a corpse.

I’d always fallen asleep first, so I never noticed.

He always seemed like someone who didn’t need sleep.

“Hmph. I’ve seen it before.”

“What? Really?”

“Yup. Remember that time I gave him a massage? I got to stare at him with his eyes closed for a long time. Jealous?”

“J-Jealous? Why would I be jealous of that?!”

Suddenly, Julia bristled at the absurdity of the situation.

Sure, Aslan sleeping was a rare sight.

It was certainly an unusual occurrence, but so what?

Just because something’s rare doesn’t mean it’s valuable, right?

Well… I guess it’s a good chance to poke his cheek as revenge for all the times he’s poked mine…

And it’s not bad to be the one holding his right hand, which is always busy...

It’s also nice to see his face without that sharp look in his eyes, making him seem more handsome…

But that’s it.

There’s nothing special about a sleeping Aslan! Nothing at all!

“Hmph. You’re jealous but trying to act like you’re not.”

“Fine, let’s say I am jealous. But did you know? Aslan has a thing for mature, curvy women.”


Charlotte’s eyes widened.

“You can tell from the way he hugged Sylvia. He clearly prefers women with big, curvy bodies. You don’t stand a chance, but I…”


Trailing off, Julia straightened her back and smiled smugly.

Charlotte’s gaze flickered downward, then shifted back to Julia. She looked a bit deflated.

Even from a glance, the difference in “combat power” was obvious.

“Th-that doesn’t mean anything yet…”

“Oh, come on. Everyone except you probably knows by now.”

“Hmph. Julia, you keep saying you don’t like Mister, but you sure seem to care about his preferences.”


Julia’s face flushed red.

Ah! A trap!

I’ve fallen right into Charlotte’s trap!

“I-I don’t care at all! I just said it because it seemed like you were interested.”

“If you keep being so stubborn, you’ll lose him, you know? I’m pretty sure I’ve told you that before.”

“L-lose him? What are you even talking about…?”

“Why so shy about this? Just be honest with me. You keep saying you don’t like Mister, but deep down, you actually do, don’t you?”


Charlotte leaned in with a teasing grin, slowly backing Julia into a corner.

Julia retreated until her back hit the seat, leaving her nowhere else to go.

“Come on, just admit it, Julia. Your pride won’t let you admit it, right? You didn’t like him at first because of your first impression, but now that’s changed, and you don’t want anyone to know. I’m right, aren’t I?”

“Ugh! Stop pressing me! Fine… I’ll be honest…”

Be honest? Easier said than done.

For someone like Charlotte, who’s bright and carefree, that’s easy.

But for me… it’s hard.

It’s hard to be honest about my own feelings…

I’m not even sure what my true feelings are yet…

But despite all that, there was one thing I knew for certain.

Should I say it or not?

Julia’s lips trembled as she hesitated.

“I… I don’t really hate him anymore… I know I was just biased and misunderstood him…”

“So you were just being stubborn because you didn’t want to admit you were wrong.”


Julia lowered her head, on the verge of tears.

Her silence was as good as a confirmation.

Charlotte’s face lit up with excitement.

“You heard that, Mister?”


“Mister. You can stop pretending to be asleep now.”

“Huh? Huh!?”

Charlotte tugged on Aslan’s shirt as she whispered.

At that, Julia’s mind went completely blank.

Wait, he wasn’t asleep…?

He heard everything…?

Saying I didn’t hate him… isn’t that basically saying I like him?

Saying I like him is basically a confession, right?

Would Aslan, that crazy guy, interpret it that way!?

Julia’s mind whirled, spiraling into chaos.

As Julia stammered in panic, Charlotte, watching her reaction, burst into laughter, clutching her stomach.

“Ahahaha…! I was just joking! Like anyone could fake sleeping that well!”


In her panic, Julia hadn’t checked properly, but sure enough, Aslan was still lying there, fast asleep.

Realizing the situation, Julia’s face flushed again, this time with frustration.

How could she joke about something like that?

I almost died of embarrassment…!

As Charlotte laughed, Julia glared at her.

But then, suddenly, Charlotte turned toward Aslan, and her laughter died.

“You nearly gave me a heart attack! If Aslan had heard, I’d have died of shame!”

“What kind of embarrassing things were you talking about?”


That low voice.

Julia’s head whipped around.

There, sitting upright with his usual fierce gaze, was Aslan.

“Mister, did you sleep well?”

“I wasn’t really sleeping, more like I passed out for a bit. But I feel refreshed, so I must’ve gotten some good rest.”

“A-Aslan, when did you wake up…? How much did you hear…?”

Julia gulped nervously.

With a cryptic smile, Aslan responded.

“Well… Since when, you ask?”

Julia’s mind went blank again.

Ah… should I just die?

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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