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7 months ago
Earth year 2196. The world changed at the year 2110 when the first ability user was... Read more Earth year 2196.The world changed at the year 2110 when the first ability user was discovered in India. The government calls those ability users 'Esper'.Since then, at age of 12, children will be tested if they have power or not. The esper population increased every year until 40% of the population has been proved as Esper.Akasa Naomi, a young Esper was bored in this world with abilities user. She decided to make her own Secret Organization in order to relieve her boredom.What will happen to Naomi in her adventure to build a Secret Organization. Will it get destroyed or will it cause a change to the world?Eeee… the yuri will start slow and the pace of the *cough* yuri will be increased after chapter 150. Collapse Academy, Antihero Protagonist, Beautiful Female Lead, Charismatic Protagonist, Comedic Undertone, Criminals, Evil Organizations, Famous Protagonist, Female Protagonist, Genius Protagonist, Girl's Love Subplot, Hated Protagonist, Hiding True Abilities, Hiding True Identity, Modern Fantasy, Overpowered Protagonist, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Psychic Powers, R-18, Ruthless Protagonist, Secret Identity, Secret Organizations, Slow Romance, Unique Weapons Rank D- I was bored so I dropped the book. 'I was bored so I wrote a mid af novel.' Mediocre at best. The author doesn't really have a plot planned out and sorta just makes stuff up as they go, which isn't helped by the grammar that makes things a little confusing. There is also a very clear lack of world building which gets quite infuriating at times. The title is also accurate, as the secret organizations aren't things that you would find in a quality piece such as 'Eminence(Power) in the shadows'. As for the yuri there isn't really any yuri by chapter 150, which is where I decided to drop this. Solid 4/10 only because it's good enough when you cease all brain function.