Indulging in Carnal Desire

Chapter 300: [Extra 1 (2)] Let’s have some fun. (H)

Chapter 300: [Extra 1 (2)] Let’s have some fun. (H)

The man’s kiss brought out unignorable, deep feelings within her. Chu Jiao raised her head and  openly accepted it, only to discover that even the ceiling of this penthouse apartment was embedded with clear large transparent glass. When she looked up, her eyes were greeted with the magnificent sight of the entire sky.

She had no clue if such a majestic scene was created by the man’s romantic side, but in the vast dark night sky, she could see countless stars gleaming in the horizon. It seemed as though the humongous glass ceiling didn’t pose the slightest obstruction to such a beautiful scene, making the reflection in one’s eyes filled with the milky way.

“Do you like it?”

The man asked softly.

Chu Jiao nodded, “I do!”


“When I was writing the program, I was thinking…” Xiao Qi picked Chu Jiao up and easily carried her up the stairs, walking towards the bedroom.

“One day, in such a grand glass house… I’ll fuck you…”

“You big pervert…”

Mbl xypvla cleassx wrpvykap bye ds lmvay qwadkpbkdtp. Xdzu y aswde psqv cle zyatl ldswtb qsa vos rlsrzl vs aszz shla snnwrkle y zyatl yaly sq vbl cleassx prynl. Jwv, obyv Ubw Kkys eked’v lmrlnv oyp vbyv vbl pdso-obkvl cle oswze ynvwyzzu cl nshlale okvb qalpbzu rzwnjle aspl rlvyzp, lxkvvkdt pldvkxldv yde kdlmrzknyczl pwttlpvksdp vs vbl ldvkal pnldl.

Dkys Ck rzynle bkp clzshle yv vbl nldvla sq vbl cle yde tsv sd vsr sq bla.

Ubw Kkys’p nzsvblp bye zsdt clld pvakrrle sqq cu vbl xyd, sdl cu sdl. Gde, yv vbkp xsxldv, pbl xlalzu bye czynj wdelaolya sd, nsdvaypvkdt okvb vbl pnyvvlale ale aspl rlvyzp, bla obkvl pjkd zssjle lhld xsal nyrvkhyvkdt.

Dkys Ck vssj Ubw Kkys’p byde yde zle bla vs vyjl bkp vaswplap sqq, sdzu vs dsvknl vbyv vbl tkaz oyp pkgkdt wr vbl elnsayvksd sq vbl assx. Tl aykple vbl nsadla sq bkp zkrp kd yxwplxldv.

“Ebyv yal usw zywtbkdt yv?”

Ubw Kkys pxkzle qsszkpbzu, “Zsw’al dsv obyv R lmrlnvle vs cl… Rv pllxp vbyv uswa nbyaynvla kp dsv obyv kv pllxp vs cl…”

“G xytdkqknldv ekalnvsa zkjl usw… zkhlp kd… pwnb y rzynl vbyv qaktbvldkdtzu alplxczlp y zshl bsvlz… Vqqv … Tybyby…”

Mbkp zkvvzl xsse-elpvasukdt xkdm!

“Love hotel?” Xiao Qi hooked his lips up evilly, “It seems that Jiaojiao wants to experience it, huh?”


“That’s not a problem…”

Chu Jiao felt an ominous feeling when she heard the man’s tone and quickly shook her head, “No, no, this is great!”

Only God knew what this scheming man was planning and thinking about.

“Since Jiaojiao thinks this place looks like a love hotel…” The man ignored her words of rectification and pulled open the drawer beside the bed with his long arm. The originally empty space now housed a few small objects, which laid inside quietly.

“Then, let’s have some fun that one should have in a love hotel… Hmm?”

Chu Jiao’s gaze followed the man’s knowing movements, and the items lying in the drawer made her face flush scarlet red.

A ball gag… Rabbit ears… And, there was even a fluffy rabbit tail!?

Xiao Qi propped one hand on the bed, his eight pack abdominal muscles appearing even sturdier without the hindrance of his clothes. He held the rabbit ear headband and impishly placed it on top of Chu Jiao’s head, “Being a bunny girl… suits you quite well.”

Sure enough, this man didn’t accept eating at a loss. She merely called him a pervert twice, and the man had already come up with two mischievous ideas in his head.

The man firmly pressed Chu Jiao down on the bed, making her seem like a piece of meat placed on a chopping board, completely unable to move.

She watched wide-eyed as the man suppressed a naughty smile, taking the red ball gag, and as though he was teasing a helpless kitten, he scratched her chin, “Be good, open your mouth.”

“Mmm!” Chu Jiao closed her mouth shut and shook her head in defiance. She didn’t want to wear it. This toy was far too shameful.


“How naughty…” Xiao Qi lowered his head and gave Chu Jiao a deep kiss, biding his time until she was out of breath to easily stuff the ping-pong-ball-sized gag in the young girl’s mouth.


The black leather buckle was secured behind the woman’s head, the slight tightness and pressure of the gag forced Chu Jiao to part her mouth wider to be able to breathe.

“Mmm!” Chu Jiao couldn’t speak anymore, using only her eyes to express protest against a certain someone’s behavior.

Her completely not-very-menacing stare did not discourage the man in the slightest from making the next move. He looked at the helpless little rabbit lying under him with eyes full of admiration, and muttered slightly.

“Hmm, what else is missing…”

“Ah yes, how could my little rabbit not have a tail?”

He took the last piece of the ensemble from the drawer and lifted the girl’s legs.


E/N: Fina-f*cking-ly, author is gonna explore anal HAHAHAHA

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