Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 71: Regrouping

Chapter status: Unedited

The black rock twisted with folding layers.

This was what cooled magma looked like.

Steam hung in the air with a pungent sulfur smell.

On the empty black surface, two people kept together.

One of them was a young girl wearing a hooded apprentice mage gown, her hood was off, revealing her delicate yet haggard complexion. The most striking part of her was her eyes that shone like fine purple crystals. At the moment, the girl’s eyes were full of worry.

The other was an old man. His grizzled beard hung to his chest, it was dirty from neglect and resembled an old rag. On his eyes lay a pair of damaged spectacles. His figure was thin and withered, he limped, and the wrinkles on his face showed how deep his suffering was.

These were Cang Xu and Zi Di.

According to Zhen Jin’s plan, Zhen Jin would break out first and attract the scorpions, after that the two of them would seize the opportunity to escape the cave.

Currently they wanted to retrace their steps, to leave the volcanic area and return to the desert.


Suddenly the distant sound of muffled thunder was heard.

Zi Di and Cang Xu stopped walking and turned around.

They saw in the distance a volcano spewing a massive amount of magma.

The lava spewed an estimated eight hundred meters.

Black smoke obscured half of the sky. Scarlet magma spurted up, then fell.

Zi Di and Cang Xu shook mentally and physically.

“Fortunately, we are still at the periphery, let's get going.” Cang Xu urged.

But Zi Di was walking slowly and turned her head around to look behind her from time to time.

Cang Xu knew what the girl was waiting for and immediately advised: “Lord Zhen Jin will certainly come back to us. We must have faith in him! We could only flee because despite the dangers, his Lordship attracted the entire scorpion group. We only escaped to this point because of luck. We cannot disappoint Lord Zhen Jin’s efforts and sacrifice.”

Zi Di clenched her teeth as she gazed at the ash filled sky: “Although I left the pink compound to mark our trail, the volcanic ash will rapidly cover up those traces! Hold on……”

Puff puff.

As soon as Zi Di said that, the ground near the two suddenly started to spray dozens of streams of yellow gas.

As the gas quickly rushed out, the scent of sulfur became stronger.


As the ground vibrated, Zi Di and Cang Xu felt that they were on a boat that was just rammed by a Great White Shark.

“What is going on?!” Zi Di and Cang Xu were bewildered at the rapid and thick streams of air.

Small cracks quickly and violently formed in the volcanic rock and magma began to flow from them.

In a moment, the temperature rose rapidly!

Zi Di and Cang Xu promptly fled a few hundred meters away to a more stable piece of volcanic rock.

The cracks in the ground where they were just at had already expanded to ten meters wide.

Large quantities of lava began to bubble up as it covered and destroyed everything.

Soon after, everything in a two-hundred-meter radius disappeared into a pool of lava.

A gigantic life form slowly rose from the lava.

It had a massive turtle shell, the shell was not smooth, rather it had many holes in it.

From the gigantic turtle’s red head grew two thick and solid tusks.

The lava was at least one thousand degrees Celsius, but it did not harm the turtle.

The gigantic turtle climbed ashore comfortably with an unhurried attitude. Its excessive body weight caused its feet to deeply imprint the volcanic rock under it. With each step, magma seeped into its footprints.

The gigantic turtle’s shell also had red lava dripping from it.

It had a vast gold level life aura that intimidated Zi Di’s and Cang Xu’s spirits.

However, the thing that stunned the two the most wasn’t the gigantic turtle.

Following the first one, a second, a third, and a fourth emerged from the lava.

The four gigantic lava turtles climbed ashore and roamed about while issuing elephant-like cries.

“It seems this place is their home. The one I saw previously in the rainforest must have been teleported.” Zi Di’s heart said.

“Don’t tell me this is the gigantic lava turtle?” Cang Xu shuddered.

It was the first time he had seen a gigantic lava turtle.

But previously, he and Zhen Jin had exchanged detailed information with each other.

Cang Xu’s eyes shined, he did not shudder because he was scared, but because he was excited.

“A gold level magic beast can freely swim through lava despite being flesh and blood. They really aren’t elementals. Wonderful, how wonderful!”

“Let's get going.” It was Zi Di’s turn to warn him.

It was really dangerous here.

The two people had no choice but to run away, fortunately the gigantic turtles seemed to have a mild temperament and did not pursue them.

“It should be safe at this distance.”

After evacuating a kilometer away, Zi Di stopped and looked into the distance once again.

Cang Xu sighed, he did not abandon Zi Di but stood at her side.

“Zhen Jin still hasn't appeared; I fear it has not gone well for him.

This was how Cang Xu truly felt.

But Cang Xu did not say anything.

“Lord Zhen Jin was in terrible physical condition, he did not eat anything, and was short on stamina.”

“Facing the besieging scorpion group would violently consume his stamina. The longer time went on, the more uncertain his vitality.”


Cang Xu sighed to himself.

He desperately hoped that Zhen Jin survived and found shelter that could increase his chances at survival.

Cang Xu clearly understood that him and Zi Di escaping this island on their own was an extravagant hope.

But after the two waited for a spell, they did not see Zhen Jin.

Cang Xu’s heart sank and the constant despair his heart stored turned into desperation.

He looked at the girl’s back and just as he was about to persuade Zi Di to leave, Zi Di suddenly shouted in surprise.

Then Cang Xu also saw Zhen Jin’s figure.

Among the flying volcanic ash, a youngster was carrying another youth on his back, his steady gait revealed his stubbornness and staunchness.

“It's his Lordship, it’s Lord Zhen Jin!” Cang Xu also cried in unlimited joy.

“He also returned with Bai Ya.” Zi Di regretfully sighed in a complex tone.

“A true templar knight!” Cang Xu wholeheartedly exclaimed.

After a moment, the four people regrouped together.

Zhen Jin gave Zi Di and Cang Xu some weapons. These were things he had retrieved from the cave. These weapons belonged to the exploration team members who had sacrificed their lives.

“You are wounded my Lord! Let me take a look!” When Zi Di saw Zhen Jin’s injured shoulder, her eyes reddened.

Zhen Jin’s shoulder blade injury was caused by the silver level scorpion.

The wound had already been treated at the scene.

Although Zhen Jin had killed the scorpion and could also control the magic core, he was still powerless to heal himself.

While traveling, after Zhen Jin determined that Bai Ya was still in a coma, he activated the magic core to transform his wound.

When he transformed his shoulder into a scorpion carapace, the scorpion carapace would cover the wound.

The wound would still remain even after transforming into goat flesh or lizard flesh.

Transforming his skin into fire-poison bee hair would only transform the skin, but it was incapable of transforming the wound.

Zi Di carefully unwrapped the cloth and exposed the injury.

After inspecting the injury, the girl sharply gasped: “My Lord, I presume this wound was caused by a scorpion tail, right? Although it is a grave injury, it has already stopped bleeding. My Lord, your body’s recovery abilities are not ordinary!

Zi Di put together a new potion on the spot.

From her handbag she took out some vials of medicinal powders or liquids, mixed them into an empty vial, and then shook the concoction strongly.

Finally, after mixing the potion, she carefully poured it on Zhen Jin’s wound.

Zhen Jin immediately felt refreshed and the pain from the wound quickly alleviated.

Things were different with a pharmacist at one’s side.

“We cannot stay here long, let us make haste.” After treating his wound quickly, Zhen Jin urged, “I have already shaken off the scorpion group and I don’t want to entangle myself with them again.”

Zhen Jin hid the silver level scorpion's death.

Although he could now control the magic core, he had no intention of revealing it.

He was a templar knight, nevertheless he had a magic core that could transform him into magic beasts. The former was honorable and upright, while the latter was strange and violent, these two sides were completely opposite and had no relation with each other. If one were to see his transformation, they would suspect he had made a deal with the demons.

In addition, the volcano eruption was also helping Zhen Jin rush.

Volcanic ash covered the earth and would cover the traces of the battlefield. If lava from the eruption flowed over that place it would be even better——the lava would completely destroy any evidence.

“Right, we had best leave this place with all speed.” Cang Xu approved.

Before leaving, Zhen Jin glanced profoundly at the four lava gigantic turtles.

“Can my magic core absorb gold level lifeforms?”

This question streaked across the youngster’s heart.

Lava could melt a scorpion carapace and the magic core needed physical contact.

It would be extremely risky for Zhen Jin to confront the gigantic lava turtles.

In addition, he also wanted to conceal this secret from Zi Di and Cang Xu.

Finally, he still had to look after Zi Di, Cang Xu, and the unconscious Bai Ya.

As a result, Zhen Jin sensibly gave up on pursuing the gigantic lava turtles.

Zi Di did not know that Zhen Jin wanted to go after the gigantic lava turtles and while on the road, the girl was worried and sick at heart: “We have consumed all of our food and have little water left.”

Not only that.

The only people remaining in the exploration team were Zhen Jin, Zi Di, Cang Xu, and Bai Ya.

Cang Xu then said: “My Lord, I propose we return to the green lizard nest. Lizard meat can be eaten and in addition, for such a giant lizard group to survive, there has to be a large water source near their nest.

“Then let us go back.” Zhen Jin nodded, “We should strive to reach the granite boulders by tonight.”


Looks like the gang's all back together. Lucky for them the volcano seems to be the type to not store gas in it and erupts regularly. If Zhen Jin was a true gentleman, he would turn into a scorpion and let his three companions ride on top of him to give their starving bodies a well deserved rest. But it seems secrets and reputation comes first before courtesy and simping.

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