Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 468 First Story Of Genesis

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It is largely debated in the current era but there are three theories about the [[( Beginning )]] of everything.

One of those stories starts with the eternal empty space, the great [[( Void )]].

There are people who believe that there was nothing at the start, nothing. Well, it's just a theory so they can think what they want.

But a great philosopher has quoted, "Nothing cannot exist. Because to speak of something is to speak of something that exists".

So, believing that the great [[( Void )]] was the only thing that existed at the start for a time unknown is the core of this theory.

It has many holes, but it is what it is.

So, at the start, there was nothing but this void, and after countless eons of amalgamation between the identical elements of this void, the very first anomaly occurred in that perfectly synchronized system, probably because of the perpetually happening transmutation of [[( Origin true energy )]].

It's the origin of all energy and matter so you can understand it as that supernatural thing that things are born from.

This accident was the craziest thing ever and after this… an explosion so great it changed everything, took place in this [[( Void )]]. An explosion similar to the big bang.

'Something' came into existence. And this thing, this very first conscious existence that came into being, was what we call 'nature'.

The first existence came and seeing from a different point of view, this something that appeared in this nothing would naturally become 'everything', right?

The [[( Void )]] wasn't the only thing there anymore, and different from nature, it was just a process, a perpetual process that was disturbed and had become chaotic.

In simple words that we all can understand, the [[( Void )]] was everything and then nature came, so there was only the [[( Void )]] and nature.

They were everything. But that good boy [[( Void )]] continued its process and was sucking in everything that was born as a result of the blast.

Things that make 'this world' came into existence after that explosion, but because of the chaotic energies, many things were becoming part of the [[( Void )]] once again.

Nature grasped the situation, took control of the daddy Voidy that had lost most of its power after the blast, harnessed the power eternally coming from it, and sealed this great Voidy.

Welp, end of the problem? One would think obviously, but no. That's when the things started getting interesting.

Now the sole existence, the nature with ultimate power, who was conscious that she was the only thing left and what was going on, was left alone with nothing to do.

She had no knowledge of what to do or what to think. There was no concept of knowledge or set concepts to begin with, so she literally had nothing to do.

Left alone in the eternal space with nothing to do, she just existed and observed everything around her.

Observing the happenings, she spent an ineffable amount of time, found the reasons, developed the understanding, understood the laws and 'truths' that existed from the moment she came into being, and learned from her own questions and experiments.

From our human point of view, it would seem like a normal thing but just try thinking about it from a godly point of view.

You are everything, so you are omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. You are everything and you can do anything. Creating and destroying worlds would be small, but you were the world itself. Saying you are everything is deeper than being an author, you know?

Armed with the eternal origin power from the Void, the existence that we call nature, began the creation of everything.

You can't destroy, so creating something and letting that something create things so that you can watch and have fun should be the obvious thing… even from a reader's point of view.

So she started with a domain that only housed her and the voidy which was in the form of 'a giant unnatural shape, chained by the strings of her ethereal hair' from the point of view of the good people of today.

Then she created the [[( Reality )]], different origins that later produced different unique energies, the actual concept of [[( Time )]], gave birth to other known concepts and realms, and all these things were created in the very outer layer of herself, in the outer layer of nature.

She was everything, after all. The creations would naturally be a part of her.

So inside this colossal foil of true reality, she created her first avatar, and that avatar became what we call the [[(< Creator >)]].

The avatar was the personification of her will and after her, nature created the great [[(< Mid >)]] that was the center of everything, and there, nature established her second avatar, the one we call [[(< Overseer >)]].

Both of these avatars are now called the representative of the world, but no one had ever seen or known much about either of them, aside from the famous unreal characteristics, of course.

Anyway, when the creation of overseer was complete, nature created different bubbles of [[< Reality >]] that held a unique separate but interconnected set of rules, laws, space, time, and limitations that was true to its own concept.

Inside these bubbles, after an empty area for later pass time that we call outer space, she created a gigantic cosmic structure that is what we know as the observable universe. She sure was cool, no?

Then, when these basic foundations were complete, she made the <Voices of the world>, the editors of the universes, and through her first avatar, she begin experimenting with creation in the previously left outer space.

The earliest creations that came into being at this time, the prototypes for the actual first progenitors, are what are now known as the creatures of outer space and divine beasts.

The first avatar learned a great lot from their experiments and then, when the time came, it created the very first men, elves, dwarves, demons, angels, witches, wizards, spirits, and giants.

These initial beings that came into the world were the originators and all of them were the supreme races and their descendants are the beings of today… all the beings in the world.

From the time of their birth till a certain incident is of [Unknown history], to the beings of today, the known history starts from that 'certain' point, and everything happening to the day is included in this [Known history].

The progenitors gave birth to their descendants and all of them, except the descendants of demons, live in the heavenly realm.

Demons were created as the opposing party for all other natural elements. Their purpose in life itself was to go against the natural elements and destroy them.

They were great in numbers from the start too, and this later became a complicated matter.

Their numbers grew so out of control that the progenitor of demons, the sole demonic existence still residing in the heavenly realm, the demon god, had to request a separate realm for the demons.

Call it whatever you like, but he was an amazing figure to actually request for something from their creator. Others only thought of what they had as everything there could be.

It was a great turning point in this mythology as when the creation of hell was going on, the other progenitors, dear jealous bastards, also demanded a separate land for their kind.

They all were always against this being who was the sole progenitor of the damn demons. And this incident must have only fanned the flames.

And that was when the first bricks of the middle world, the earth, and the mainland where most of the natural elements possessing creatures reside were laid down… yeah. The same jealousy plot.

Hell and earth were created. A separate realm was given to the spirits, as most of the descendants couldn't handle their simple presence. Racial disputes naturally arose because the discrimination between racial power and characteristics was evident even at that time, and with that… all the races were separated.

Demons continued their genuine work and invaded the lands of the descendants, plundering their resources and killing their children.

The numbers of demons were the greatest and wherever they went, they increased their numbers even more.

Wars were waged and in these wars… more time passed.

The descendants grew distant from their predecessors and grew weaker with each generation.

At one point, they even forgot the originators entirely, and this angered these forefathers.

They incurred their divine wrath and lost a great lot of their knowledge and wisdom.

But doing the same as others was a mistake from one side as the 'humans' only had their superior wisdom, adaptability, and unique will to stand against the demons in the wars and, they took away that small advantage these physically and magically weak beings had. Ultimately ruining the [[(< Great balance >)]].

This was a mistake from those dumb bastards, and their mistake almost led to the extinction of humankind.

They at least had good eyes and mind to see and understand the situation and regretted their decision, but… they also couldn't undo what they had done, so they begged to a being on par with them to help clean up their mess.

Dragons, that's what people of today call them, and the one that the human progenitors pleaded to was the strongest of that time.

But the supreme creature refused, finding them foolish and unworthy of its attention.

Nonetheless, the humans were dying, and they had to do something aside from what they were already doing.

And, by the wind of fortune, in this time, the second avatar of nature, the overseer who foresaw a great disturbance ahead of them, also asked all the divine beings for help.

It was annoying, not only for the dragon but also for most of the beings that already had their hands full with their good lives or the ongoing mess that resulted from their stupidity.

Angels straight out refused the help, as they were busy dealing with the demons.

Their existence was based on the protection and maintenance of nature, so they always considered the demons their archenemies.

Many were like them, but the dragon had to listen to the avatar's request, and so he gave the knowledge of magic, weapons, and runes to humankind once again.

Many other beings did the same and helped humankind as well as the other descendants and succeeded in regaining the great balance.

One of the helpers among them was a young angel who, by its calling, was only doing its work of punishing the sinners.

Once upon a time in the era of great decline, this angel was doing its work of punishing the evil in the middle lands but it ended up helping a normal human female, and later he was thanked by the human progenitors as his help ended up being very crucial to the restoration of their kind.

But things took a weird turn when the demons who were driven out of the middle land were somehow able to return back to heaven and wreak havoc.

The destruction was great and the pride and code of other angels and their progenitor was hurt by the devastating results of war, and even though it was a misunderstanding, the young angel was accused of some ineffable transgressions that he had not even committed.

He was judged guilty and was outcasted from heaven, just like the angels who embraced the dark side and were banished like this young one, but unlike those true evil and sinners, he had committed no crime to deserve such absurd and ruthless punishment.

He had a family, and even they were blocked by those outrageous beings who called themselves noble warriors of nature.

He must have cried and begged and pleaded to the others, to the human progenitors who praised them, but no one helped him. No one aside from one. And that one wasn't someone he was ever expecting.

He was an angel and demons were their enemies but, only the demon god extended his hand to him when he had no one to rely on or place to go.

He sheltered him, gave him a place to live, and asked for nothing in return.

He was benevolent, and kind, and compared to those bastards and bitches, he was someone worthy of his title as a God, as a being that was the progenitor of a kind that terrorized the entire world and all races from their sheer numbers.

He accepted his grace and the false fallenhood that he had done no crime to deserve.

He became the demon God's subordinate, and even with that, he continued following his calling and punishing the evil.

He was despised by the descendants before because he took the lives of their people but after he fell from the grace, he was portrayed as a true demon, a devil who seduced the humans into sin or falsehood, and a fallen who was one of the worst demon kings.

He ruled over demons even though he was no demon. He was an angel, but the world mostly forgot that fact. He was the angel of death who took the lives and not the Satanel that terrorized the natural beings with just his name.

He wasn't a demon, he wasn't an angel after his banishment, and he also wasn't truly a fallen because he had always stayed true to his calling, even while residing in hell.

He wasn't evil, and he wasn't holy in true meaning either.

"So, he is a holy-evil being. Some of the few, and one of the most tragic ones that are neither truly evil nor actually good from the worldly perspective.

That is Satanel, and that is Samael. The angel of death who punishes the evil, the false fallen who rules over an entire floor of hell, and the devil who corrupts the pure."

Eon looked at her surprised face as he finished his short story and as he said…

"It was bad." She blinked with confused eyes, looked into his pitifully smiling eyes, and thought deeply about what she had just heard.

The night had passed and the daylight was about to grace the two of them.

It had been a wonderful story night and she was having a great war with her view on the demons and the possibilities of the truth behind them.

She had learned something new today, and this news, the fact that it was connected with the normal girl who probably would become one of their colleagues in the future, and also that it was somehow connected to a demon king…

"Haaa… it's too much for my little mind to process."

It was complicated, but it was concerning too, so she continued her contemplation while hugging him tightly.

The night and story might have ended, but their entrance exam… was still a long way from its end.

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