Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 486 Eon And The Tree

[Eon's POV: ]

As I walked in, a strange, expected sensation ran through my mind and I heard 

Lucy's warning voice.

[[ *A powerful natural being has tried to read your status window and defense is impossible…* ]]

She sounded sad but we both knew we couldn't possibly stop an ability of a being that could even extract information from some transcendent being like a headmaster.

Quesnel. He was a being of great power. And that very being of great power was gasping with surprise as soon as that green light appeared before our eyes.

[[ I was not expecting something like this. ]] he said in a voice so surprised one could feel the sensation of a surprise run through their bones.

And that wasn't the end of his surprised voice.

[[ A skill that births from a peculiar constitution, the irregular elemental affinities you gain thanks to that, that otherworldly knowledge, that excruciatingly powerful experiences still fresh in those depths of your mind, that large volume of Solnova, that soul which had already achieved spiritual enlightenment, that uniquely strong Origin connection and connection with the great world tree too, that powerful soul armament even I can not gauge the power of, and after all this… that stigma. ]]

He stopped for a moment and the green light pulsed visibly, burned brightly grew bigger, and then turned into a similar face that everyone was seeing outside.

[[ You… who are you? ]]

The face that materialized before me showed human-like emotions… no. They were more than that. They were true, deep, and filled with questions that few mages devoted to their goal would have, a few romantics devoted to their open would have.

His eyes right now, so green and burning with that light, so deep and unblinking even with time, he only looked, filled with nothing but questions, asking nothing but one thing.

And the answer to that question was simple, in my past life it could have been as difficult as the greatest questions of nature but at this time, right now, I knew the answer to this particular question better than any simplest question the world had to offer.

"I am Eon, Axion to be precise. 

However for a brief time I'm on this island, I would be happy if you can address me as Lucifer please." 

I gave him a simple warm smile with a look that was confident in what I was talking about and also confident in just how deep of a question I was answering.

I knew who I was, and the simple-sounding answer made the green face that had appeared before me, blink with a stunned expression.

He couldn't grasp the deepness of the simple answer for a moment, but then he blinked twice more, processed the answered and the feelings the answer was spoken with, no then a burst of laughter rang through the small room-like space I was in.

[[ Hahahaha. Yes, nice to meet you special Eon, Elle's beloved darling. ]]

He was laughing, and as I predicted, he was surprised at the answer he had just received.

It was a deep question when someone was asking who the person actually was. And knowing oneself meant much more than just knowing and telling them their full names, family backgrounds, occupation, or even their good and bad points.

A name. That much was enough to define who you were at the most basic level. And on a little deeper one, it was enough to know the meaning of your name in your life, what it meant for you and for nature, as well as what it meant for the subconscious.

Well, that were some fun things, but we didn't have the privilege of time in this moment to talk about the worldly philosophies and 'questions'.

"So Sir Quesnel. I know you have your questions and I have the answers but, we can talk some other time when Rein is also with us, no? 

So for now, why don't we make a little deal?" I smiled lightly as I said that and looked deeply into the green eyes of the bright green face that had suddenly lit up with a new smirk that probably even Rein wasn't familiar with.

[[ Little Merlin does highly talk about your prowess in these simple yet primordial things called 'deals'. But what would a special young one like you possibly have for an old inhuman entity like myself?

From how unique you are, I believe you already know there's no physical or abstract object in these planes that could possibly flatter me.

And in the first place, what is this deal you might possibly talking about? ]]

He was smirking. Not smiling but he was smirking. Wasn't just that much enough confirmation that he already knew what I was talking about?

"Sir Quesnel. I believe you already know what being's stigma I carry?" I asked simply this time too, with the same calm smile that I had maintained throughout this conversation.

And he also maintained his smirk as he answered again, talking in all the deep pleasures of this entire scenario.

[[ But of course. It is still unbelievable that someone as weak as you could possess a power such as that but how wouldn't I not know that majestic presence which was able to remind me of my masters? You wouldn't understand even if I tell you just how much happy I am in this moment. ]]

I can feel his happiness from that sudden surge of warmth from my question so I knew was even easier now.

"[[( Atheenttinee )]]."

That was Rune speech, something that consumed a bad amount of energy just to say. But the result of mentioning that simple name that practically had no actual effect was immense.

[[ You!? How do you know that name?! ]]

The ancient tree was so flabbergasted that the whole I was standing on shook as a whole, as if a cube of water shaking because of a powerful ripple on one end of it.

'It was critically effective.' I smiled at the ever-calm being that was strangely in chaos right now, shocked and confused beyond anything it had ever been.

'It is understandable considering how I just mentioned a name that had mentored his master in the far past from the current time.'

She had never mentioned something like this when we were together, or so I believed until the day I came across this knowledge while going through many memories.

She had mentioned it when I was sleeping and it was also in our early days.

It was quite the information to know that she had once taught a normal young phoenix how to survive in this ferocious nature by beating the shit out of him with her normal Solnova.

And also how that young phoenix considered her his very first till the day he was burned to ashes and was reborn again as a new being.

That phoenix was one of the four founding masters of this very academy and then his one and only student, the very third headmaster of this great institution, founded the house of [Wisdom phoenix].

'So yeah. However cliche, the one who created [Wisdom phoenix] was a high elf blessed by the divine creature phoenix, and the fact that it is true is probably more believable than the fact that the first headmaster of the academy was a normal human lady and the second one was a [Reincarnator] who commanded powers on the equal level as many of the divine beings.'

Welp, few know these things and this good ancient tree is also one of them. 

He was someone who could be called an accidental experiment of the 'masters', but he was a good success so they grew him at the start, and when he was ready, they said their goodbyes to him and this very island.

Four of the original masters had already passed away but one still lurks the grounds of this world, old but still strong enough to destroy this whole place, and then half of the world.

'He is one of the [< Masters >] of this sky island and helps the descendants of the other three founding fathers of this great academy.'

Well, that was unnecessary information for now, the thing we currently had to do was…

"The deal is simple Sir Quesnel. 

I know the principles that you are bound to. And I know that even if you want, without a very, very, solid reason, you can't assign someone to a house that they belong less to than the house they can do far more great things for.

And according to the foundation guidelines, even if I want to join some other house with all my will, you will have to put me in [Aqua mirror].

I have an idea why you put Rein in [Dark society] even against her will and I agree that she will understand it is for the better for her someday. But…

Put me in the [Wisdom phoenix] and I will show you a glimpse of how the master of one of your masters looked."

The deal was simple and he was smart enough to understand many things that I didn't say from just the things that he had just heard.

And he was dead silent now, too surprised to even process the information he had received from a mere young boy.

He was old though, so he was able to regain his composure soon thanks to his countless unique experiences. And he looked at me with eyes calmed to normal, his face filled with unique emotions, and a subtle green sparking deep inside his natural green eyes.

The face nodded and came closer with now a single question on his mind.

[[ If you are talking about the image of that person that you claim is the one that gave you their stigma, isn't it naturally impossible to share anything personally related to them? I can't see anything like that in your memories available to me so it should not be possible right? ]]

He was asking a genuine question and that meant he was really interested in this deal.

"Not if I share the image from my unconscious mind." He was sincere so I also just genuinely answered his simple questions.

[[ Ha. That's impossible then- ]] 

"No." I cut him off from denying that and looked deep into his eyes with confidence.

"It is possible," I reassured with a calm expression, one that he could tell knew what absurdity I was talking about.

Tapping into the unconscious mind for a moment and showing an image from there was very much possible for me. And actually, showing even a short clip was possible but he doesn't have to know this personal thing.

"Do we have a deal?" I asked with a calm smile and looked at the good consciousness that was surprised despite having seen his fair share of the world and people.

He was duty-bound, somewhat mysterious, and a little mischievous, but still he was a good person so I knew he would definitely accept this deal that practically wasn't in any way bad for him.

He would have a solid reason and he would have my trust, someone who knew the master of the one that created him, and it was only natural that he would think I would know more about him, about his own existence, and the reason he was the way he was.

'Well, I know a little and I have Lucy to ask for more but, I know we aren't close enough to talk about a deep existential topic like that.

So for now…

[[ Alright Axion. I accept this 'deal' of yours.

You can be a part of [Wisdom phoenix] if you show me the image of that exalted one. However, if I'm not convinced, you will have to accept the things as they are. ]]

A green light then came out of that face and covered me entirely, giving me a feel of the enormous natural power surrounding me.

It was a little concentration of his consciousness and for me, it was actually warm and helpful rather than pressuring and uncomfortable.

It was just a pure mass of natural energy that boosted my mind and body even more so… it was easy to tap into my mind, then fly through my consciousness, go through some doors, climb a wall that already had many small holes to step on, and when I reached on the other side, I saw a familiar lake of a fluid so dense it would seem as though solid metal, and at the same time, so delicate one might feel it would break at just a touch.

That was my destination and I just jumped down from that high wall with my head towards the fluid down below.

I knew my deal was going to be a critical success so there was no need to worry about the house issues anymore.

This part was complete so there was only one last thing remaining in this whole entrance exam episode…

'And it is also something that would be the most difficult to deal with.'

I was talking about the captain selections that were also entirely up to this ancient tree and this particular matter was near impossible to deal with even for me.

One would have to accept whatever or whoever the ancient tree appoints as the captains of each house and the captains can not be changed in any and all circumstances.

They all will either have to properly follow the captain or in some cases, use their captains well enough to survive the battles they will have to fight through their years in this academy.

It must be exciting for many of them but for me and Rein, this was probably going to be the most annoying thing to deal with for a short while.

'Hopefully, things will somehow play out the way I want.'

I had faith and hope both in this matter but anything could go wrong at any time so…

'I will have to be careful from now on.'

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