Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 509 Classteachers

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The first classes had just ended for all the twelve classes and every student in every class had a different opinion about their very first class in this academy.

They had their own opinion about the teachers, the students, the classrooms, the way they taught, and the way they interacted with them.

Some liked it while others didn't like or despised them for their normal bavarois.

But ultimately, they all had pretty similar reactions to their teachers and that reaction varied greatly from class (A) to class (L).

The students in the class (A) were happy with their new teacher Sir Elkan, too happy actually. 

He was a noble so the upper-class students liked him without any reason and he was kind to children from a common background too.

He scolded those who were bullying or looking down on them too but even his scolding was as if a hidden knowledge in the eyes of the young nobles.

And he was a magic engineer too, famous on the three continents thanks to his many inventions that helped in changing the world in a fine way.

They liked him, and even though his outer personality was a little strict and cold, he was completely neutral toward everyone in his class.

And he even treated his own niece like everyone else so they were even more convinced that he, their class teacher, was a true teacher that was only there to teach them about economy and currency.

And most of them knew his younger sister, the well-known lady Nolen, so he was one of the best teachers to teach them how the money actually worked.

And in their very first class, he had shared his personal 'secrets' to earn good money with them so they were all happy and excited to try out his tips and collect some good pocket money.

In the eyes of all of his students, he was like a guardian angel and many of them had even comically pledged to follow him to the end if they managed to earn something with his 'ways'.

It was funny from Zoe's perspective and she had managed to make a new friend today so she was also going to try these tips with her and teach her some unique tricks of her own.

But they were just starting to get closer so that was them, and in the classroom right next to them, a similar but a little different episode had taken place.

The class teacher of class (B), Lady Sam, had almost become a mother figure to her class. And now, everyone respected her as much as they would respect a true mother that took care of her child.

And it was peculiar from a third party's perspective how such an absurd thing could happen when the teacher's race was Orc, the beings specialized in innate strength, and 'force'.

But her subject was 'understanding nature'. A compulsory course in which the students were to learn about nature. And by nature, it meant everything related to that noun.

And, if someone understood what the unique energy called the force that the Orcs possessed was, then it would be easier for them to understand how she was able to warm the hearts of those hundreds of unique individuals in her class.

Still, to actually understand what had happened there, one had to at least be in that room. Without that, one can't understand the true feeling of… well, it was not ineffable but surely too precious to put into words.

That was class (B), and something similar… or not, had happened in class (C) too.

The teacher there was Master Brok, a grandmaster rank craftsman and renowned blacksmith, artifact forger, and metal worker.

He wasn't a knight who can properly use a blade or a mage who can cast complex magic however, he could control both Mana and Aura without them.

He had already forged more blades in his lifetime than many of the students combined might have even wielded in their life. 

And though he was a dwarf, different from the stereotypical perspective, he was a jolly person and the boys, especially the knights in that room had accepted him as his great master.

And though he found their behaviors funny, and the cringed behavior of the others who didn't like what those meatheads were doing funnier, his work there was to teach them their subject 'basic magic and weapon understanding', and as the general nature of any craftsman, he was going to finish his task with perfection.

His students, every single present or not, by the end of their term, were going to know every basic thing about magic and weapons. He was going to make sure these bunch of young blazes evolve into a fine, forgoing fire.

They didn't know that, but slowly, as time passes and they know more, they will understand what teachers' jobs were in this place.

Anyway, these three classes went well as they all accepted their teachers, and on the other hand, in class (D) where they all first thought that their teacher was a cute little cat person, turned out to be one of their biggest mistakes.

Yes, she had cat ears but she was more of a tiger than a harmless kitten, and all those who had been warned and terrified by her piercing gaze had been stunned and traumatized for their entire first class.

She was strict and dangerous so they just knew after their first class never to bother or hinder her or else they might not be in any physical pain but they might surely receive a deep pain-inducing wound.

But still, their personal opinion of her didn't mean that she was a bad teacher. That surely wasn't the case as those who had survived her class knew that they surely had learned a good lot about her subject 'language and manners'.

They had learned something and she was good at teaching so they knew they just had to behave appropriately and not go on her bad side.

And that was good. At least better than the next three classes where some students were genuinely dissatisfied with the teachings of the 'famous' teachers.

It wasn't anything like they had expected and things were plainly plain. They only took attendance, and one of them didn't even do that, taught their subjects from the books, and just finished it when the time was up.

There were no introductions like in other classes, no fun, no laughs or anything, and just a boring pastime that they truly weren't expecting from the teachers of this grand institute.

But they were young while their teachers were old, experienced people that knew how to do everything. 

This was their way and they didn't know about it so… they didn't mind some curses from some young children who might not even attend many of their classes.

Those were classes (E), (F), and (G). And then, classroom (H) was pretty happy with their hot-, with their attractive teacher.

Her subject was also 'understanding nature' and the young ones started understanding nature. Big, good, pretty, and round-, infinite nature.

Their class teacher was good and good-natured, so they fell in love with her. And this was every one of them. Everyone loving the same person indiscriminately… many things could be done with a class like this and the enchantress fairy teacher knew that better than probably anyone in their class.

So class (H) had fallen, and after that our class (I) that as we saw, was pretty impressed with their cool vampire teacher.

They all liked him, and different from other classes, though this one had unique opinions of their own about him, there was at least one thing true for all of them and that was their vampire teacher's open and truthful behavior.

They all could tell as soon as he left that even though he didn't like teaching from the ground up, he did his best and made their very first class memorable.

His ways were unconventional and even though it was only their first class and they didn't even open a single book, they now knew about Mana better than they ever had.

If they learned that much from just an introduction class, they were all at least excited to see what more they would learn from the teacher that almost treated them as his young students.

And thanks to him, they were also able to learn a good lot of things about the mysterious house captains in their class.

They could now sell this information on the forearms, spread rumors, and gossip about the three of them.

It was good and they were excited, and just as much excited as them were the students of the class after them.

Classroom (J) had a simple-looking male elf as their class teacher and at first, everyone had thought that they wouldn't be learning anything as the teacher seemed pale and sickly but he reassured them that that was his usual look and he was perfectly fine.

In fact, he told them that he was feeling better after seeing his new class and after he did the introductions and attendance, he took them all outside the class and showed them the humongous shelf filled with trophies, awards, medals, and rare rewards.

There were names engraved on the place these things were placed and some even had a photo or a magical moving photo beside their awards and trophies.

He explained to them what those awarded were and how the ones who got it were able to achieve it.

And he knew how to use his arsenal of precise vocabulary to touch the souls of his students so by the end of his small introduction to some of the most important awards on the shelf beside the classroom (J), they all had a strange feeling boiling up inside them. 

And that exact feeling was just the thing this elf teacher of theirs who was the specialist in psychology wanted to give them before their separation for the day.

He had achieved his goal and the teacher beside his class had miserably failed all her goals as the entire class was filled with water that she had to summon to extinguish a sudden magical fire created by one of her students.

And he wasn't at fault for all the disasters this class had to go through. It was her fault and only she was to blame from her perspective.

Things had been washed away today and she couldn't properly teach the things that she had prepared for her class.

A class was wasted today, and she heartfully apologized to the students that had to go through those things because of her.

But thankfully, no one was hurt. And she was relieved by that little fact.

So, class (K) didn't learn much today, while on the other hand, in the last classroom, the students in the classroom (L) finished the first chapter from their books, practiced the things that they learned, and even had a little individual discussion filled with happy laughs and cheerful voices.

Their tiger teacher knew what to do and the best way to get the best results like certain people and as he said his goodbyes to his class, they also sent him off with the proper respect that the students would give to their master.

His subject was also 'understanding Mana' and his students understood more than enough basics about the Mana in that class.

And yes, everyone liked him. 

He was a freaking tiger so he was cool from the start and he was also a pretty good teacher so they all liked him as a teacher.

So… that was everyone's very first class and they were all compulsory ones.

There were six compulsory classes and there were twelve classrooms so it was obvious that the same class would be going on in two different classrooms by two different teachers.

Sometimes the teacher would decide to take a combined class or sometimes they would even take the classes of other teachers and bring the students somewhere to teach some new things that might or might not be in the books.

All the teachers know what they were supposed to teach and all the teachers knew how to teach. That was the very reason they were teachers of that academy in the first place so even with different ways of teaching, they all were good teachers.

And so, the first classes of these good teachers came to an end without any great disaster and whatever disasters were caused, were also taken care of by the good teachers.

That was that, and now their second classes were ongoing. And they were meeting their new teachers…

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