Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 525 A Special Sweet

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"A special, hot ice cream for my captain," he took out a bright red ice cream bowl that looked stunning and delicious, took out a unique looking lighter, and after lighting it, as soon as the flame touched the bawl, it was set aflame.

"It's not the best I can make, but I hope you enjoy it."


He handed the blazing bawl to her but the blue flames lighting the ice cream weren't burning the content itself, which enhanced its appeal by many folds.

"A fresh glass of milkshake for Carla."

The glass he took out this time was already pretty attractive and the fluid inside it was so fresh and thick that as soon as he took it out, the atmosphere was filled with a fresh smell of orange.

But he added a slice of orange, and a scoop of ice cream of the same flavor before handing the amazing-looking glass to her.

And Lizzy was surprised to see him prepare this with those quick movements. She was almost mesmerized once again.

"Strawberry cake for our amazing mage Alf."

This time, he handed the plate of cake directly to him without any additions. And there actually was no need for additions as the plate already contained the best-looking cake with the most fresh-looking strawberries inside it. Hindering this perfection would have meant disrespecting the cake itself.

"Cookies for the knight Chry. Tell me if you need more."

He took out a box full of cookies and a glass full of warm milk and asked Quin to pass it to him. 

And the cookies looked the most normal among the previous things, but they will know their richness when they try them for themselves.

"Ice cream rolls for cute Med. They are made with fresh strawberries too so I hope they are to your liking."

He handed her a container that held the rolled ice cream that almost looked like flowers from the outside.

"Hot chocolate made from fresh chocolate for Lady Lizzy."

He handed her the big cup of hot chocolate after adding some cream on top of it, and she accepted it while still looking at him as if he was some kind of magician that had a bag that contained everything in it.

"And lastly, the special sweet that my dear friend Quin loved."

He took out a plate covered with a round dish and placed it on the table.

"I tried making it the way you described but I know even though I tried my hardest, I could never produce the same thing your grandpa used to. 

It is outside of my capabilities but I tried my best. And I hope you like it."

Taking a deep breath, he slowly opened the round dish and revealed another plate that contained a few things.

Some of which were round, some shaped in certain shapes, and some in uncertain forms.

They looked like some simple things and they were made of simple ingredients like some unique fruits and dry fruits, processed milk products, and other sweet ingredients.

From what they could tell with their appraisal skills and senses, there certainly were one or two unknown ingredients making these things, and though the rest were normal things, in the teary eyes of Quin, they were nothing less than a miracle she couldn't believe was real right now.

Her fingers were shaking as she looked at those things, and she knew what she was seeing wasn't an illusion. 

It was real, there were really the sweets she loved before her. And she couldn't control her hands, and mind that just went ahead, took up a diamond-shaped whitish silver thing with a golden varak on it, took a tiny little bite from it… and the tears lingering on her eyes became too heavy to just hold on there anymore.

"He made it a little less sweet."

The tears glistened down her warm cheeks as she looked at her friend.

"But I like this sweet version more."

She was smiling, while the tears flowed down her cheeks continuously.

She was happy, but the sadness washing over her was understandable to the people around her…

"I'm grateful you think that way."

And the friend that gave her this unique outburst of emotions, only had a warm smile to answer those incomparable compliments.

"Thank you. Thank you, Lucifer."

She wiped the tears with a handkerchief Chry handed her and cleaned her nose. And she was giving it back to him after cleaning it with her magic, but as in usual tales, he told her to keep it.

She also accepted it without any hesitation and asked him, as well as everyone around her to have a taste of the amazing sweets.

"He loved these sweets that he first tasted in a certain small, hidden kingdom in the east. 

He always used to say that place was heaven on earth even though it was small, and if I ever get the chance, I also want to go to this place.

He was infatuated with the sweets there, and also their unique culture, festivals, and people.

Haaa… though I don't know where it is as he never told me that, but still, if possible, I want to go there. And if possible, I at least want you two there."

She was looking at the two of her very first friends, Lucifer and Uriel, while maintaining that same warm smile. And the others understood the three close friends, and the special bond they shared…

"Mmmm~! This is good!" Carla exclaimed as soon as she ate the orange ball-like thing that seemed to be made out of tiny orange balls.

And it was sweet, so it set her taste buds on a new kind of fire.

"Yes~! This one is sweet too! I love this~!" And Zoe followed behind her as she took a little bite from the uneven roundish brown thing that seemed to be covered with powdered sugar.

The two brought back the cheerful atmosphere they previously had and now there was a new excitement in the air as everyone tasted their own sweets as well as the ones others were willing to share.

And Carla, Eon, and Med didn't like sharing so when Rein hindered them, they were angry at her for making such bad jokes with their food.

Their sweets were their sweets. And she could have something else if she wanted but their sweets were not for sharing… but they still failed to stop her from having at least a little bite from their desserts.

She was vicious and they were even more angry at her, but the most angry one among them was Med who got almost half of her ice cream rolls stolen away. And the reactions of anger, sadness, and crying she made were… just priceless.

They were adorable and worth the mischief but they weren't good when maintained for longer, so Eon gave her more of it, and this time she ate them while hiding behind Carla and Zoe on the other side.

It was cute, and the cheerful laughs in the atmosphere were undoubtedly priceless.

'They' certainly didn't like this progress but they were determined they could destroy them, and that unusual bond they had formed.

Their plans were in motion already, but this progress would still be unhindered by any external factor thanks to the complex workings of the person who had made all the food they had eaten today.

Their first-ever group lunch was a critical success and it was going to continue, becoming a tradition of most special people of this batch of students.

They would dine together almost every day and the number of people dining with them would only increase further, and probably by the end of their time here, the entire batch of students would become part of this group lunch program…

But it was uncertain too, just like many other possibilities.

Their lunchtime was almost over now, so it was time for their personal classes to start.

And Eon and Rein had two classes they would have to be apart from each other today. But thankfully, there was an alchemy class between those two classes so they were fine and excited to attend their individual classes.

Eon and Alf had a (High magic theory) class together while Rein and Zoe had a (Energy beast research) class together. 

Carla was excited as she was going for a blade practical class and as it was just after their lunch, she was full of energy, ready to beat down any and all of the strong opponents she could face there.

Chry was going for his (Knighthood training) class where the world and other students would know that he is a direct knight of the famous master Axion for the first time today.

Quin was nervous as she was going to the (Language of Present and Past) class where she would be by herself but she was relieved as after this class, she would have (Political Science) and (Spirit Bonding) classes so she would have Chry and Rein with her.

But she had to face a class all by herself… or perhaps not. She always had her three companions with her who only her two friends knew about for now, so she at least wasn't alone.

Med and Lizzy were pretty chill as they had simple classes of (Null magic research) and (Insight to healing), but they were excited to see how they would teach the things they already knew about and new things that they didn't know were possible in this great academy.

They all were excited about their classes, and the other known characters like Prince Alpheus and Claudius, Princesses Isabella and Luna, Hide, other prodigies, and house captains aside from the eight of them, and the boy Zoe and Chry saved during their entrance exam were similarly looking forward to seeing the others in the same class as them.

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