Law of Space and Time

Chapter 51: Lamenting the State of the World

Chapter 51: Lamenting the State of the World

The mayor was planning to hold a banquet for the entire city to celebrate their victory, but Onean was of the opinion that there was a chance that the Skycourt Kingdom's mercenaries would attack during the night, so she advised against it.

"We managed to kill over 15,000 of the enemy's troops during this battle, so we've definitely put a significant dent in their forces, but what if they anticipate that we're going to hold a celebration tonight? If they take advantage of our celebration to rally their troops and attack again in the night, how will we be able to defend the city?" Onean asked in a matter-of-fact voice as she looked at the mayor of Xeto. Considering the absurdity of the mayor's suggestion, the tone of her voice was already quite polite and considerate.

An embarrassed look appeared on the mayor's face upon hearing this. He had suggested a celebratory banquet in order to appease the princess, and he could only blame himself for failing to consider the possible consequences.

Larwood and Erwin also knew that it was important to keep up their guard during the night, but it was inappropriate for them to tell the city's mayor what to do. After all, they were only the commanders of a ragtag mercenary legion, while the mayor of the city was the one leading the official troops of the kingdom. They were only here due to their association with the princess, and they knew that they were in no place to be telling the mayor how to defend his city.

"What you've said is correct, Your Highness, but you've already destroyed the mountain path outside with your earlier spell, so even if the Skycourt Kingdom's troops were to attack during the night, they'd have to rebuild the mountain path that you demolished first," Larwood interjected with an amused smile to alleviate the awkward atmosphere.

The mayor immediately cast a grateful look in Larwood's direction.

"How about this? During the night, I'll launch the airship and keep it flying above the city. From the airship, I'll be able to see far into the distance, and I'll immediately be alerted if the Skycourt Kingdom's mercenaries do try any funny business," Erwin suggested. At this point, the effect of the scale melon had already worn off, and he had returned to his normal appearance.

"That sounds like an idea," Chase replied with a nod. "We can just send some of our men onto the airship, and they can take turns on lookout duty through the night."

After that, everyone discussed the arrangements that were going to be taken to protect the city. In reality, it was only Onean confirming the arrangements to be taken with the mayor, while Erwin and the others listened off to the side.

Francis then extended an invitation to Onean and her group to take a rest in his manor. Of course, the invitation was mainly extended to Onean, but it wouldn't be appropriate to exclude Erwin and the others, particularly after everything they had done to save the city. However, Onean tactfully turned down the offer, telling Francis that it was more convenient for her to stay on the airship.

With that rejection, Francis couldn't help but wonder if there was something about his appearance that the princess didn't like, thereby leading to a rather rough conversation between the two of them.


"Why did you refuse his offer? Surely living in the mayor's manor would be more comfortable than staying in the airship," Erwin asked with a curious expression. At this point, they had already parted with Francis and were walking side by side on a cobblestone street in Xeto. "Did he say something that made you displeased, so you're intentionally giving him the cold shoulder?"

It was around 2 PM in the afternoon at the moment, and the light of the sun was still very warm and vibrant. The dark clouds summoned by Onean during her lightning spell had faded, and the city was finally basked in the radiance of the sun again.

The sun seemed to be trying to make up for the period of time in which it had been obscured, and it was giving off heat with commendable vigor. Spring hadn't even arrived yet, but it was already feeling a little too warm for comfort. Thankfully, the heat was somewhat blunted by the cool breeze that would occasionally blow in from the Joffan Sea.

"These people are all subordinates serving Prince Lazaar, and we are in times of war, so I don't know what their thoughts and intentions are. If I chose to stay in the mayor's manor, I would have to sleep with one eye open at night, so it would be far better for me to stay on the airship instead," Onean replied in a calm voice.

"That's true," Erwin replied with a faint sight, and he suddenly felt a little sympathetic toward Onean. Her status provided many privileges, but it was also quite the heavy burden.

"What's wrong with your arm? It looked like you could barely even carry those fruits earlier," Onean said as she began to inspect the sound on Erwin's arm.

"The arm was pierced through by a sword earlier, and I can't put any strength into it now," Erwin replied as he also inspected his own injury.

"An injury like that could be easily healed by some magic potions, but you've taken almost my entire supply of magic potions, so you'll have to suffer with that injury on your own," Onean said with a faint smile as her silver hair was lifted up the sea breeze, giving off a faint fragrance that had a calming effect. The light of the warm sun shone down onto her face, illuminating the hint of profound sorrow in her eyes.

"What's going on with you? Why do you seem so glum?" Erwin asked as he stopped in his tracks. He felt like there was something on Onean's mind.

"Do I?" Onean also drew to a halt as she turned to look at him with a surprised expression.

"I feel like you're often lamenting the state of the world," Erwin said as he looked at her with a calm expression. "I don't think it's a good idea to indulge in those emotions too regularly as they could end up being the death of you."

Onean couldn't help but burst into laughter upon hearing this, and an intrigued look appeared on her face as she asked, "Where did you get that from? Or did you just make it up on the spot?"

"Er, I think that was a quote from a master philosopher who is still yet to become a master philosopher," Erwin replied.

"Alright, so you made that up," Onean said with an amused expression.

"You could say that," Erwin replied in an indifferent voice, and the two of them continued to walk along the street.

Occasionally, there would be citizens of Xeto passing by who would extend respectful bows toward Onean, in response to which she would nod in acknowledgment.

"I don't think you're the type of person who would suddenly become sentimental after killing all those Skycourt Kingdom mercenaries," Erwin continued.

"You're right, I haven't," Onean replied after a brief silence.

"Then what brought on that moment of sadness just now?" Erwin asked.

"Am I not allowed to feel a little sad every once in a while? Do I have to explain every single one of my emotions to you?"

"No, I just didn't think that you would experience such a mundane emotion. It always feels to me like you're above such things."

At this point, the two of them had already arrived at the city wall that stood next to the sea.

"I'm just feeling a little sorry for the citizens of this city," Onean said as she tucked a few stray strands of hair behind her ear with her index finger.

"I'm not really suited to talking about such grand topics of conversation," Erwin sighed as he cast his gaze toward the surface of the turbulent sea in the distance. His clothes were in tatters, and he couldn't help but shiver as the cold sea breeze blew over him.

Just a moment ago, he had been dismayed by the heat of the sun, but he was beginning to miss it now. Unfortunately for him, the sun was already beginning to set.

Onean took a glance at him, then loosened her own gown and removed it before handing it to him. Erwin hesitated momentarily, but accepted the gown in the end and draped it over his own shoulders.

"That's true. It's quite rare to see someone with ambition as pure and fierce as yours," Onean said as she cast a lazy gaze toward the undulating horizon in the far distance. The light of the dying sun shone down onto her absentminded face, while Erwin sidled up close to her from behind.

"You make it sound like I want something from you," Erwin said in a faint voice.

"Is that not true?" Onean turned around to gaze up at him with a meaningful look in her eyes.

"Even if I do want something from you, it would be romantic in nature and nothing else," Erwin replied in an indifferent voice. "You know, this reminds me of another quote."

"What is it?"

"Humans were born to suffer," Erwin sighed in a wistful voice. "If you haven't suffered enough during your living days, then you'll have to continue to suffer after you die and go to hell to repent for your sins."

"You still believe in the existence of things like hell?" Onean asked with an amused expression.

"I only think the first half of that quote is true, but I added on the second half as well for your sake."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Humans were born to suffer. You were blessed with exceptional beauty and talents, so you'll have to suffer more than the average person as well," Erwin jibed.

Onean faltered slightly upon hearing this, following which a smile appeared on her face. "Are you complimenting me or cursing me?"

Erwin was momentarily entranced by the sight of Onean's captivating dimples, and he didn't know how to reply. Onean didn't know whether he was actually enchanted or just putting on an act. In any case, she turned back around with a smile to look out at the sea again.

"Life is full of suffering, so don't let sorrow taint the rare moments of peace and joy," Erwin said as he wound his arms around Onean's waist in a very natural gesture.

"You're talking about all of this suffering, and yet you call me sentimental. Also, why are you suddenly getting all handsy on me? Has your mind wandered into the gutter again?" Onean asked with an amused smile as she pinched the skin on Erwin's back, then gave it a vicious twist. "Could it be that you're thinking of Miss Lana?"

Erwin's expression stiffened slightly upon hearing this, and he hurriedly replied, "N, no."

"Oh? Weren't you just spouting quotes like an eloquent philosopher just now? Why are you suddenly stuttering?" Onean asked as her eyes narrowed slightly.

Erwin knew that it wouldn't be wise to speak any further, so he fell silent and wound his arms tighter around Onean's waist as the two of them listened to the crashing of the waves and the whistling of the wind.

The two of them stood atop the ravaged city wall, each with different thoughts going through their mind, and their elongated shadows were fused as one under the light of the dying sun. They basked in each other's warmth as they were caressed by their cool sea breeze. Even though they weren't saying anything to one another, the looks and smiles that they shared were more than enough to convey the feelings in their hearts.

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