Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 577: The Beginning of the Contradiction

Chapter 577: The Beginning of the Contradiction

Truman's human body collapsed directly, and he could not bear such a powerful force at all.

But the next moment, Truman's mythical creature form condensed in the dream phosphorescence, but this time the mythical creature form was a little different.

There were strange runes spreading on those dream tentacles. These runes did not belong to dreams, and they were different from each other. Their roots were the "source quality" breath that permeated the underworld.

The tentacles were involuntarily approaching those "Dao sources", as if they wanted to "eat" them.

On the contrary, Tiangang belonged to... Truman thought with a smile in his heart, but he didn't expect that in the end he had an appetite for these "Dao sources". This instinctive appetite also made him a little unbearable and difficult to suppress.

The key to the "first dream" is actually to recognize who is the protagonist in the dream of the "first creator", and this protagonist has everything that the "first creator" desires-stability, purity, and peace.

This is Truman now.

And the most important point, Chick has helped Truman complete it, and everything after that is also logical.

Of course, the true meaning of "the original dream" does not mean that Truman is the original creator. He must eat all the "source substances" to merge the two personalities of "God" and "Lord of Mystery".

These "source substances" and personalities are like anchors that can awaken the original, break the original creator's dream, and wake him up.

But the contradiction is that if these "source substances" are eaten, Truman will no longer be a pure dream. There is no essential difference between Truman in that state and the original creator who was helplessly split after the creation of the world.

It can only be said that the original creator itself is a collection of contradictory concepts, and all kinds of unreasonable things will appear very reasonable in him.

"However, the 'original dream' is close to the original..." Truman looked at the "source substances" that were getting closer and closer to him.

The speed of these "source substances" has transcended the constraints of the laws of the universe and launched attacks from the perspective of fate and time, but in Truman's eyes today, they are pitifully slow.

This is an absolute gap in status.

"The First Dream" is not a "pillar". It does not support the function of the universe. Its supreme status comes directly from the "First Creator".

This is the source of Guanghan Fairy's fear of Truman now. As the creation of the "First Creator", the "Fallen Mother Goddess" felt the breath of her "Creator" on Truman.

"You..." Truman's eyes fell on these "source substances". Except for the "City of Disaster" that was sealed by him earlier, all the "source substances" are here.

"... Don't be afraid, I won't eat you." Awakening is the instinct of the "First Creator", but it is not what He expects, so although Truman instinctively wants to eat these "source substances", he will not put it into practice.

"Of course, as I said before, I want to take away the 'Eternal Dark River' and the 'Mother Nest'."

At this moment, Truman's perspective returned to reality, the spear of destiny in his hand dissipated, his left hand grabbed the "Eternal Dark River", and his right hand grabbed the "Mother Nest".

The turbulent waves of the "Eternal Dark River" calmed down instantly, and all the wills of resistance fell silently into the dream, gaining the final tranquility.

After all, the "Mother Nest" has already been connected with the "Fallen Mother Goddess" in the outside world, and at this moment it burst out an incomplete pillar symbol.

"You haven't recovered as a pillar yet." Truman easily sentenced the future of the "Mother Nest" to failure.

If it is a real pillar, there may be some trouble, but the current "Fallen Mother Goddess" is just the "source quality" echoing each other, and it has not really merged yet.

Even if it is infinitely close to the "pillar", in Truman's eyes, this infinite closeness is actually no different from not being essentially.

"Quiet." Fantasy said.

The "Mother Nest" quieted down and was caught by Truman.

"Let's go." Truman looked at the "source quality" that had not even reacted yet, and turned around and left.

The direction he walked was the original end of the "Eternal Dark River", which was also the beginning of the tributary of the "Eternal Dark River" and the passage to the north and south continents.

The seal arranged by the "Lord of Mystery" could no longer trap Truman.

"Shenzhou, I will come back again." Truman glanced at his long-lost hometown and sank into the passage.

The time and space of the underworld returned to normal, and those "Daoyuan" stayed in place, which was a bit awkward.

But the awkwardness was soon broken.

The underworld Taoist stood up from the Styx, at a loss.

What Truman took away was the core of the "Eternal Dark River", just like the blue-black light gate in the "Source Castle", and the current Styx is already a remaining tributary.

The underworld Taoist felt everything that had just happened with the help of the mark in the Styx. He glanced at the gradually disappearing "Daoyuan" and looked towards the direction of the north and south continents.

"Thank you for the gift of the True Immortal." The underworld Taoist bowed his head and thanked.


"Source Castle" was pulled into the Kingdom of Knowledge by Klein, and a large amount of gray fog instantly filled the entire Kingdom of Knowledge, blocking the spread of the blood tide.

This naturally attracted the attention of the "Fallen Mother Goddess".

The tangible and substantial gaze fell on Klein, and at this moment, Klein's body stiffened.

This look did not cause any serious harm to him, but it directly caused the will of the "Lord of Mystery" in his body to surge instantly, directly overwhelmed the safety line, and in turn devoured him!

"You lose, the 'Dream' is trapped, and no one can stop the 'Fall'."

"He has recovered to a level infinitely close to the 'pillar', and you can't stop him."

"Give up, let me wake up completely, I promise to help you protect the planet under your feet."

The voice of the "Lord of Mysteries" rang in Klein's ears, almost causing Klein's mind to collapse.

"You also have the same authority as me, you should know that I didn't cheat just now..." Klein's heart trembled slightly.

Just at a certain moment, the eyes of the "Fallen Mother Goddess" instantly lost their power, and the "Lord of Mysteries" also lost its strong support.

Klein seized this opportunity and barely maintained himself. He suddenly raised his head and looked into the eyes of the "Fallen Mother Goddess".

The gaze of this existence infinitely close to the "pillar" shifted and fell on another place in the star realm, that is... the kingdom of the Mother Goddess of the Earth!

What happened? Did Lilith finally couldn't bear it?

Once the last two paths were recovered, the "Fallen Mother Goddess" would instantly return to the most powerful state!

Klein's pupils shrank, and he also looked at the kingdom of the Mother Goddess of the Earth.

Not only him, but even the "Lord of Mysteries" in his body became strangely quiet. Similarly, the two "Omniscient and Almighty" also stopped and waited for the final result.

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