Love Letter From The Future

Chapter 138: Eyes of a Dragon and the Human Heart (2)

༺ Eyes of a Dragon and the Human Heart (2) ༻

The dormitory’s cafeteria exuded light and warmth even at the crack of dawn.

This occurred because many students began their training early in the morning. Accordingly, the cafeteria had to prepare breakfast a bit sooner.

Only a handful of prodigies could secure admission to the academy solely based on talent.

The vast majority of the students had earned their place through relentless, bone-grinding effort. Such individuals typically had a habit of training diligently.

Upon entering the bustling student cafeteria, an immediate chilly silence fell over the once lively space.

I sensed countless eyes discreetly scrutinizing me. A disgruntled noise escaped my lips.

The letter had mentioned meddling with the Imperial Family and I shall pay the price.

If so, then there was only one likely outcome.

Bullying. Along with pressure and threats from every direction.

Even if one was part of the imperial bloodline, within the Academy, they were just another student.

Of course, this rule was seldom upheld in practice. But as long as this regulation existed, there was no need to worry about any disadvantages in the academy for offending the Imperials.

However, this was only the official standpoint. Unofficially, all manner of reprisals were possible and had been meted out in the past.

For instance, the current attitude of the students towards me right now.

Some glared with open hostility, while others, gripped with fear, avoided my gaze.

It felt as if I was some sort of contagious patient.

As if getting too close to me would spell disaster.

Such was the formidable reputation of the Imperial Family. When word got out that I had offended a member of the Imperial Family, only one name surfaced in my mind.

The 5th Imperial Princess of the Empire, Cien.

The top student of the first years in the Magic Departments and also a figure boasting the most extensive connections within the academy.

Above all, her affectionate nature, uncharacteristic of the Imperial Family, was universally praised. Her way of treating everyone equally, irrespective of their status, made her popular even among the commoners.

On top of that, she was strikingly beautiful.

Though she was far from the line of succession to the throne, there were rumors that she was particularly favored by the Emperor due to her cutesy nature and flower-like beauty.

And now, that very princess had turned her attention to me. There must be a reason behind it.

How could I find the truth about this situation?

I felt troubled. Given the attention from the Imperial Family, it was crucial to maintain a distance from my close acquaintances. Otherwise, I might inadvertently bring trouble upon them.

Therefore, my best friend, Leto, was out of the equation.

It was the same with Celine, Seria, Senior Elsie, Senior Delphine, and even Emma.

As I was deep in thought, stroking my chin, someone briskly brushed past me, bumping my shoulder.

And then, the tray toppled, and its contents spilled over my pants.

My gaze flicked to the side. There, standing nearby, was a male student who had clearly bumped into me intentionally.

He was a third year student in the Knight Division. While we weren’t exactly friends, I recognized his face.

He wore an irritated scowl and began hurling insults my way.

“Hey, fuck! Are you blind or something? Why the hell are you standing there like an idiot?”

Quite the cliché line, I mused with a smirk.

His friends’ reactions were entirely predictable. While pretending to restrain him, they mocked me.

“Stop it, let it go. Do you really think he has the sanity to focus on anything right now?”

“His life is pretty much fucked anyway.”

As I watched their departure in silence, I subtly lifted my foot.

Then, with a swift kick, I swept his ankle from front to back.

It was a sudden ambush. Despite being from the Knight Division, he was, at best, average and was no match for my current skills.

In an instant, the man seemed to levitate before crashing heavily onto the ground. The fall must have been painful, and the spilled food added insult to injury, further dirtying his clothes.

The sudden retaliation left both the male student and his companions stunned. Even the onlookers in the cafeteria were taken aback.

I flashed a sly smile.

“Sorry, my mistake. Maybe watch where you’re going next time?”

The male student’s expression turned beet red as he belatedly grasped the situation. He scrambled to his feet and stammered with a flustered voice.

“Y-You crazy bastard…!”

But that was as far as he got.

As I locked eyes with him, the male student hesitated, then quickly averted his gaze. His friends followed suit.

For me, it was an inexplicable turn of events.

His friends consoled him and dragged him away, whispering amongst themselves. Their murmurs reached my ears.

“Man, those eyes were fucking scary…”

“Isn’t he called a hatchet murderer? Who knows how many people he has killed?”

Nonsense. A peace-loving noble like me wouldn’t do such things.

I chuckled inwardly, glancing down at the toppled tray on the floor.

And my reflection in it showed my eyes looking somewhat…

Bloodshot. I pressed my temples, wondering if my vision was playing tricks on me.

My mind still felt groggy. As if not fully awake.

But now wasn’t the time for this. There were things that needed to be done immediately.

My gaze trailed the departing figures of the group of male students.


I dodged the thrusting sword in a single swift stride.

The moment it brushed past me, I grabbed the arm of the man trailing behind, effortlessly hoisting him up.

With a loud ‘thud’, a shockwave echoed through the alleyway.


A muffled groan escaped the man I slammed onto the ground, his eyes bulging as if on the verge of popping out. Then, I sensed the presence of two individuals approaching from behind.

I didn’t even need to straighten up.

In one sweeping motion, I drew out the hatchet, slicing through the joint of the man’s leg who was coming up from behind.


A chilling scream erupted and as he crumpled to the side, the posture of the other man approaching me faltered.

And that marked the end of it.

My drawn sword found its mark on the side of the man’s head.

There wasn’t even a scream. His eyes twitched for a moment, and then he slumped lifelessly.

Four people lay defeated just like that. They were all either groaning in pain or lying unconscious, unable to make a sound.

I sheathed my sword and casually wiped my hands clean.

My gaze shifted to the wall. There was a male student, his back pressed against its cold surface, his legs flailing, desperately trying to get away from me.

His face was now full of numerous scars. Of course, they were all inflicted by me.

He was the same student who had provoked me in the cafeteria. His eyes were already consumed with terror.

“You, you… are you insane?! Don’t you know violence is prohibited in the academy?!”

“As someone said before, my life is pretty much fucked anyway. I don’t have enough sanity to pay attention to such things. If you don’t want a hatchet mark on that thick skull of yours, you’d better keep your mouth shut.”

My calm words only heightened the male student’s terror, prompting a whimper from him.

I walked over, bending slightly to meet his gaze.

“To be honest, I really hate violence… which is why I’m so upset right now. Why must I resort to violence with you guys? Just give me what I want, and we can part ways. Understood?”

Seeing the male student’s face turn pale, I flashed a satisfied smile.

Swift and efficient. I wish it had gone this smoothly from the beginning, but then…

Suddenly, I wondered why I was doing all this.

All because of a minor squabble in the cafeteria? Dragging them into an alley and beating up his entire group?

Wasn’t this too much? It wasn’t much different from Senior Elsie’s behavior.

Yet, the more I pondered, the sharper the throbbing pain in my head became. My thoughts were still foggy, as if I were half-dreaming.

My head began to spin. But I didn’t have time for this.

I decided to focus on my goal instead.

Once again, my gaze landed on the male student. He was now on the brink of tears.

To reassure him, I offered a warm smile.

Then, with a sharp thud, I buried my hatchet into the wall beside his head.

Fine cracks radiated from the blade on the worn-out wall. Unable to hold back any longer, tears streamed down the male student’s face.

At this point, any thoughts of revenge against me were surely dismissed from his mind. Having anticipated this, I asked gently.

“About me and the Imperial Princess. Tell me everything you know, every single detail of what happened between us.”

With a trembling voice, the male student began to unravel the story I was so curious about.


The Empire’s Fifth Imperial Princess, Cien, was a woman of both beauty and intellect.

As a descendant of the Imperial Family, she was rumored to possess the blood of dragons that was believed to have gone extinct ages ago. Her aptitude for magic was also exceptionally remarkable.

Even as a first-year student, her abilities often rivaled those of the second and third-year top students. Moreover, her beauty was unparalleled.

Her dark blue locks gleamed like the midnight sky, while her gray irises radiated a mysterious charm.

Her gaze, at times, seemed distant, adding an extra layer of enigmatic allure to her charm.

Being the Emperor’s beloved daughter, her beauty was likened to the palace’s hidden gem and her talents were equally remarkable.

If such a woman greeted someone with a gentle voice, who could resist responding kindly?

Until now, Cien had never questioned this belief. After all, excluding her childhood, she had never been treated poorly in her life.

At least, not until the day she met that man.

With a splash, water sprayed into the air.

Cien was smiling. Her expression didn’t change even as clear liquid rained down upon her.

She was thoroughly drenched.

Water trickled from her hair; her uniform and cloak were soaked. Even then, Cien couldn’t fully grasp the reality that had befallen her.

So, all she could do was continue to smile, as if she were frozen in place.

Golden eyes, tinged with fatigue, bore into her. In his hand, he held a canteen. It was blatantly obvious that he was the culprit who had drenched her.

He spoke in a tone devoid of emotion.

“…Is the water refreshing, Your Highness?”

There was a faint trace of amusement in his dry words. It was only then that the princess realized that he was indeed a human with emotions.

Her lips quivered as she struggled to maintain her smile, the sole testament to her feelings.

She thought to herself.

Isn’t he a lunatic?

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