Love Letter From The Future

Chapter 185: Eyes of a Dragon and the Human Heart (49)

Chapter 185: Eyes of a Dragon and the Human Heart (49)

Eyes of a Dragon and the Human Heart (49)

The crackling of a campfire broke through my consciousness as I awoke.

Trivial thoughts flitted through my hazy mind until I rubbed my eyes, clearing my vision and bringing the surroundings into focus.

I was currently inside an old-fashioned tent.

Though it was only a temporary shelter, the tent reflected the majesty of the imperial family. It completely warded off the biting wind and created a warm and cozy space.

The desert, known for its harsh climate, underwent extreme temperature shifts from day to night. While the sun blanketed the land in a shimmering heat haze during the day, the desert transformed into a frigid expanse under the moons gaze.

So, the fact that a fire was burning inside the tent when it was already scorching hot during the day suggested that it was around dusk or that night had already fallen.

At that moment, steam wafted from the liquor filling up the glass in front of me.

It was a traditional fermented liquor from the west that was served hot to warm up the body on cold nights. It apparently served as a silent toast to the people for their hard days work.

Lifting the glass, I wordlessly downed it in one shot.

What we were doing here at the outpost was definitely not an easy task. Countless soldiers toiled tirelessly, battling the relentless onslaught of demonic beasts.

And looming on the horizon, the audible breaths of the monstrous serpent echoed ominously, a constant reminder of the danger that was coming.

If that monster were to ever awaken from its slumber and start thrashing around, humanity would swiftly be reduced to nothing more than a pool of blood on the ground.

And that very threat was right before our eyes.

Fighting off demonic beasts in such close proximity to that monster wasnt something anyone could do with a clear mind.

A touch of sadness clouded the mans weary expression as he thought of the bleak future, mirrored by the woman seated across from him, her eyes shut tight in bitterness.

With a flick of her finger, her glass floated up before filling up with liquor.

Breaking the silence, she parted her lips. 

As time passes, I find myself reminiscing about the past rather than thinking of the future.

Youre not even thirty yet.

As a conversation formed between the two, the mans demeanor softened.

During the day, he was as sharp as a honed blade, strictly adhering to etiquette, but now, he seemed friendly enough to joke around.

The woman chuckled softly.

I know. But isnt there an old saying that goes something like, Spring always passes by unnoticed?

Doesnt it just mean that people are too preoccupied with the future to appreciate the present?

His breath carried a faint scent of liquor.

Taking a sip, the womans eyes curled into a slight smile, as if encouraging him to continue.

Honestly, I can relate to that proverb. I was ignorant as a kid, but as time passes, I find myself increasingly unable to enjoy the present, always worrying about what lies ahead of us.

And so, spring slips away?

Theres only winter left now.

Liquor filled the empty glass once again.

It was a bizarre sight to see the woman freely moving objects around without even opening her eyes, but the man seemed unfazed, as if he had witnessed it countless times before.

After silently toying with her glass for a while, the woman asked in a faint voice.

Then, when was your spring? Was it during your days within the Great Forest as the Great Witchs disciple?

Looking back, that was more like my summer.

The man smiled bitterly and raised his glass.

The glasses clinked in mid-air, and after downing another shot, he continued in a slightly intoxicated tone.

Dont you think I was already too old to be considered a fresh sapling? although my master and junior sister always treated me like a greenhorn.

Ive heard a lot about the two of them.

They were like family to me.



The man lowered his glass back onto the table.

Sensing the somber atmosphere, the woman turned away, sensing what would come next.

And then they died.

It was a voice heavy with sorrow.

The mans words trailed off, and in silent understanding, the woman silently refilled his glass.

After a few more drinks, she cautiously opened her mouth.

Did you love them?

She meant it beyond the confines of familial ties.

Transported to the past, the mans eyes momentarily grew distant, uncertainty flickering across his features.

Then, with a hollow laugh, he shook his head.

I dont know anymore.

A weighty silence enveloped them as their glasses were repeatedly filled and emptied.

And at some point, the woman, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol, leaned closer to the man, as if intently observing him.

Although she couldnt even open her eyes to see properly, she lingered in front of him for a moment before sitting back down.

Why werent you known?

The man looked at her, puzzled by what the woman meant.

The woman chuckled, draining her drink before clarifying.

Im talking about our days at the academy. Im wondering why someone as capable as you didnt receive more recognition back then.

That was the spring of my life.

His response was immediate, drawing the womans slightly inebriated gaze as he continued.

When you havent developed, a seed will remain a seed, no matter what you do. Even if it were to grow a bit, it would only be a sprout with slightly broader leaves than the rest.

That sounds a bit cheeky.

Is that so?

The man coughed awkwardly before downing another shot.

Watching the mans embarrassed demeanor, the woman let out a light laugh, indicating she was merely teasing.

But I forgive you. Youre deserving of it

Her expression quickly soured, her words trailing off into sorrow.

Would things have been different if you had blossomed a little earlier?

With just the strength of a single person?

Their exchange felt hollow. They were both well aware of how improbable it was how futile their words were. They were simply filled with that much regret.


The woman sighed with a melancholic smile.

Can I ask for a ridiculously absurd favor?

Is it an order?

The woman coyly feigned to be hurt and replied in a sulky voice.

How could there possibly be orders between us lets just say its a request.

Instead of replying, the man simply gazed at her, and anticipating such a reaction, the woman offered a wry smile and weakly continued.

If you ever return to the past, hit my ignorant and nave self.



Taken aback by the impossible request, an empty laugh escaped the mans lips.

Yet, just as he was about to respond, a sweet fragrance enveloped him, and his eyes turned blank as the womans face drew close.

It wasnt only the scent of alcohol but also a subtle fragrance unique to a womans skin.

Her beauty was flawless.

Even now, she exuded a breathtaking allure. Had she still possessed her eyes, she would have surely captivated many men, her unattainable beauty bringing them to tears.

And that very woman pleaded pitifully.

Then please, save me.

Whether it was the liquor, her charm, or the sweet fragrance, it was difficult to discern, but the man remained silent for a while before giving a short response.


Then, the world began to crumble.

A splitting headache pierced through him as the boundaries of the world collapsed.

It was time to return.



Mitram exhaled a weary sigh.

Numerous unforeseen obstacles had thwarted her plans. Not only had the curse placed on the princess been lifted, but she had also encountered interruptions just as her objective was within reach.

And it was all due to one young man.

Ian Percusthe son of a mere rural viscount.

Yet, that was precisely why Mitram found him so intriguing and likable.

Though his constant interference was irritating, it also demonstrated his remarkable competence. And unlike many high-ranking nobles, he didnt abuse his status authoritatively either. He possessed both a willingness to sacrifice for the weak and an indomitable will.

So much so that Mitram wanted to recruit him into the Dark Order, even if she had to invest her time in doing so.

But now, that same young man was on his knees after being directly hit by the blast.

From the sound of his breathing, it seemed he was still clinging to lifea testament to his extraordinary vitality.

Nevertheless, Mitram felt no particular need to be wary of him.

His body bore injuries all over even before his arrival, and although he had tried to feign composure, he couldnt deceive her keen eyes that had witnessed all sorts of lifeforms she had experimented on.

Considering a small impact should have been enough to bring down a man who was barely standing, exploding one of her test subjects was overkill.

Believing that she had shown the minimum respect towards a worthy adversary, Mitram turned to walk away at least until the young man stirred and struggled to his feet.

She watched incredulously.

It would have been one thing had he only been hit by the explosion, but he had also been pierced by needles coated in a paralysis toxin. He should have been lying weakly, groaning on the floor, like the knights writhing nearby.

But the reality before her eyes showed the young man standing up, defying all expectations.

Mitram couldnt help but swallow back a hollow laugh.

It seemed she had inadvertently made a mistake due to possessing one of her test subjects bodies instead of her main body.

Reaching into her clothes, she immediately took out and launched more poisoned needles.



Three needles found their mark in the bodys main acupuncture points. Even if they werent poisoned, they should have stopped him on the spot.

Yet, the man merely staggered momentarily before taking another step.

One step, then another, and another still.

With each step, Mitrams brows furrowed deeper.

She couldnt believe what she was witnessing, yet as the undeniable reality gradually inched closer, her hand reached into her clothes once more.

The few remaining needles flew towards the mans knees. These needles were thicker, capable of forcing a normal human to kneel on the spot.

Yet, he continued to advance.

A chill crept down Mitrams spine as she unconsciously stepped back, away from the anomaly approaching her.

Her instincts were warning her that something was amiss.

At that moment, a faint voice choked with tears drifted from a distance.

Run away

It was the Fifth Imperial Princess, Cien.

She could hardly move a finger, but after realizing that there was no hope left, she did her best to voice out a last piece of advice.

Her light gray eyes trembled as they fixed on Ian.

Still, he persisted, slowly treading forward, one step at a time.

Run run away. Sir Ian T-Theres still a bomb remaining


Mitram erupted into laughter at the princess warning.

It seemed that even in her weakened state, a dragons descendant still possessed the fiery blood of her lineage.

She appeared to have realized that there were still living bombs amongst the knights.

Though few in number, these living bombs were creations she had barely managed to modify in time.

Even for her, it was impossible to simply explode normal humans at will. Making living bombs required meticulous preparations, and only a few were primed to set off.

Due to the covert nature of the modifications, it was unlikely for the bombs to be discovered, but since it was wartime, the princess seemed to have detected the fine traces of mana threads connecting her and the bodies.

Yet, Mitram remained unfazed. She still had plenty of cards to play.

Regaining her confidence, Mitram wore a smug smile.

So she claims, Ian Percus. Its not too late to listen to the tearful advice of the princess and turn back. Though, of course, your younger sister is probably struggling in a rough situation due to that oh-so-benevolent princess decree right about now


At the sound of his voice, devoid of emotion, all eyes turned towards the man.

He looked at Mitram with an air of amusement.

Do you like explosions, by any chance?

Before she could respond, her eyes widened in disbelief as she felt a surge of mana.

It should have been impossible to circulate his mana.

The venom extracted from the poisonous insects of the Great Forest paralyzed the body and forcefully halted the flow of mana within the body.

So what was this fiercely blazing mana? It defied comprehension. Mana couldnt be externalized without internal manipulation. It was a fundamental principle.

Except, perhaps, for one exceptionbut it couldnt be.

Slowly, Mitrams gaze shifted towards the concentrated mana, her disbelief mirrored by Cien and Irene. Their eyes widened in shock as the blood-red mana seared the air, and as if the world itself was bleeding, characters beyond human understanding formed in front of them.

Even though its meaning couldnt be deciphered, the identity of the glyph was unmistakable.

Dragonblood Script?

As a stunned murmur escaped Mitrams lips, Ian flashed a small smile.

Honestly, I like them too.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Mitrams hands fumbled around her clothes.

However, it was already too late for her to do anything.

The blazing mana soon erupted into flames, engulfing the world in searing heat.



With a deafening explosion, everyones vision was consumed by a storm of light and heat.

Even as they were blown away by the blast, Cien and Irene couldnt help but wonder what was going on.

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