Love Letter From The Future

Chapter 195: Eyes of a Dragon and the Human Heart (59)

༺ Eyes of a Dragon and the Human Heart (59) ༻

The Saintess’s provocation left Cien’s mind in a blank state.

No words came to her mind. Separate words floated, failing to form a coherent language.

In fact, Cien also inwardly agreed with the Saintess’s criticism. Despite her strong desire to see Ian, Cien should have restrained herself out of a sense of shame.

Hence, didn’t she lower her head every time she arrived at the temple?

She had no right to monopolize Ian. In fact, she had no qualifications, let alone rights.

The one who caused Ian’s injury was none other than the Imperial Princess.

Once again deeply realized, the Imperial Princess’s light gray eyes shook violently. Her vertically slit pupils forcibly imposed the emotions of others into her mind.

It felt like her nerves were being pierced by a red-hot iron rod.

It was the first time in her life that she experienced such intense enmity and hatred.

The source of that anger was something Cien couldn’t even properly comprehend.She only struggled to breathe, gasping for air.

The anger of a woman who almost lost her beloved man was terrifyingly intense.

Those burning, light pink eyes exhibited a color so vivid that it almost felt provocative. The Saintess once again spat out her emotions with a condescending tone.

“Honestly, I don’t like your constant visits either. Of course, you should have been both grateful and sorry. But you know, besides you, there are plenty of people who also feel the same towards Ian.”

Despite wearing a refreshing smile, she spoke her fair words in a sharp and tense tone. The fearful Cien once again stumbled, unable to properly respond.

Tears welled up, giving the sensation that she might burst into tears at any moment.

But she held back.

Since Cien was the wrong one, she had to make excuses, apologize, or seek forgiveness.

It was her seemingly instinctive judgment that could be called an obsession.

“Th-that, uh, that, well, there’s a bit of a misunderstanding….”


Scoff, the Saintess finally dropped the hand that had been touching her forehead.

With silver hair cascading down, she exhibited an otherworldly allure . It was truly a sight of celestial beauty, evoking spontaneous admiration, but Cien couldn’t control her trembling body.

While the Saintess’s lips displayed a smile, her gaze remained endlessly chilly.

The exquisite contrast tightened Cien’s throat even more.

The undulating waves of suppressed emotions were suffocating her like a sluggish liquid.

“Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, misunderstanding you sa— I see. How extraordinary of you.”

As the Saintess took a step closer and approached, Cien hiccuped and took a step back.

Eventually, tears began to form in Cien’s eyes.She could no longer endure. But of course, for the Saintess, who had already lost all her reasoning, even a hint of mercy had long disappeared.

“Not only are you bothering Ian, but you also go to the extent of involving his family. Do you think just saying ‘misunderstanding’ would be enough? And now, you suddenly act like it never happened, trying to pretend to be a lover while caring for Ian with utmost sincerity?”

Startled by the Saintess’s cold voice, Cien shook her head. As a result, the tears she had been holding back flowed slightly, but at this point, she no longer had the energy to pay attention to it.

It was because it all sounded so absurd.

Being Sir Ian’s lover? She had never dared to imagine such a thing.

How could one dare to harbor such feelings after making so many mistakes? So, Cien quickly added desperate explanations.

“Th-that…! H-how could I ever…?”

“Then why is your gaze like that?”

Unable to respond, Cien stared blankly at the Saintess.

‘What’s wrong with my gaze?’

Frustrated, the Saintess sighed deeply, expressing clear annoyance. She then touched her forehead.

“You, every day, you were looking at Ian with a face that clearly said you’ve fallen for the handsome knight. Anyone could see that it was like the face of a damsel.”


It was a blatant expression that Cien had never heard in her short life. Cien’s eyes widened, and soon, she covered her mouth with her slender hands.

Regardless of her reaction, the Saintess merely combed through her side hair with her index finger, displaying indifference.

“Yes, damsel… Well, considering your age, Your Imperial Highness, I could understand that.”

“Th-that’s not right!”

With a face turning bright red, Cien shouted like that, but the Saintess remained indifferent as before.

Instead, the corner of her mouth twisted.

“Ian is off-limits, you know?”

Again, Cien’s momentum deflated in the chilling atmosphere, and she hesitantly sank back. Her light gray eyes still held a hint of moisture in those fleeting glances.

The distance between the Saintess and the Imperial Princess had narrowed without her realizing it.

The whispering voice of the Saintess now could almost penetrate the Imperial Princess’s eardrums.

“…Because you’re not a princess but a bad dragon.”

It was a phrase that instantly froze Cien’s trembling heart.

With those words, the Saintess slowly stepped back and distanced herself from Cien. After briefly gazing at Cien begrudgingly, she eventually turned her gaze to Ian.

Her gaze turned completely opposite to how she looked at Cien.

Seeing those light pink eyes filled with affection, worry, and pity, the Imperial Princess fell silent.

However, she instinctively understood.

That was what she meant about her having a ‘damsel’s gaze.’

Cien had no right to look at Ian with such eyes.

Until now, she thought she had no complaints, but her chest tightened as she considered such thoughts, and the Imperial Princess placed a fist on her chest.

It hurt so much.

It was at that moment the Saintess commanded the guest to leave.

“Please leave.”

When the Saintess spoke like that, she didn’t even turn her eyes towards the princess. She simply gazed down at Ian with a poignant intensity as if time was standing still.

With that stern tone, Cien felt a sense of unease.

“Um… bu-but even for just a moment…”


Cien was discouraged and eventually had to turn around hesitantly. At that moment, more of the Saintess’s voice pierced Cien’s ears.

“And from now on, don’t come here. To be frank, it is disturbing.”

Hearing the warning in a low voice, Cien’s steps abruptly halted.

When she turned back, there was a desperate look on her face. In a voice that seemed earnest, she resisted with a quivering tone. It required great determination for Cien.

There were many things she wanted to say.

Outside, there were now only people who disliked her. Every time she faced their emotions, Cien was hurt, and the scars from her childhood deepened.

Still, somehow, she managed to endure because Cien found the ‘real one’ she had never dared to hope for.

If she could only see Ian, that was enough, and she could even smile despite her bleeding heart.

But now, even that remaining ‘real one’ was about to be taken from her.

It wouldn’t be strange to raise her voice and argue. It showed the intensity of Cien’s fear.. The rage surged up her throat like maddening death throes.

Without Ian, she would crumble, just like in her childhood.

It was a survival instinct of sorts. With such a resolute gaze, Cien met the eyes of the Saintess looking down at Ian.

But then, she halted her breath.

In the Saintess’s eyes, looking down at Ian, there was a faint moisture. Cien had never heard a story of the Saintess crying.

She was a woman of great strength and compassion.

The words the Saintess uttered now pierced Cien’s chest like daggers, one by one.

‘I’m not qualified, that’s right.’

‘I don’t even have the qualifications for that.’

Despite her strength draining from her entire body, Cien, unable to give up on Ian, teared up and sobbed.

In the end, the rebuttal words that flowed from her mouth were nothing more than faint cries.


There was no response to her sobbing.

The world was not Cien’s nursemaid. There were no problems solved by crying. Realizing that fact once again, the Imperial Princess had to turn away in resignation.

In her staggering steps, there was only gloomy despair to be felt.

After Cien left like that, the Saintess collapsed and leaned onto the bed.

Her hand rested on her forehead. Regret flowed along with the breath exhaled through her pursed lips.

“…I shouldn’t act like that.”

First love drove women insane.

Clearly, there were no exceptions to that truth.


The once clear sky was now tainted with a gloomy hue.

The falling raindrops added a somber ambiance to the gloomy scenery. The sunlight, veiled by dark clouds, failed to pierce them, blurring the boundaries between day and night.

A melancholic shadow was cast over Cien’s light gray eyes once she stepped out of the temple.

The weather significantly impacted human emotions. The dreary atmosphere made the already despondent girl’s mood plummet even further.

Cien opened the luxurious umbrella prepared in advance. The deep blue umbrella adorned with golden threads seemed fit for nobility at a glance.

Of course, Cien felt it was only natural to open the umbrella since it was a privilege she had enjoyed from birth.

As a member of the Imperial Family, she received countless privileges, as natural as breathing. There was no reason to make a fuss over a single umbrella now.

So, without any particular thoughts, Cien continued to walk.

The staircase, soaked in rainwater, made a splashing sound, and in front of the temple, where the heavy rain poured down, there was a rare absence of any signs of people.

It was rather fortunate.

She had no intention of displaying such a defeated appearance. Hence, unconsciously sighing deeply, the Imperial Princess wiped away the moisture gathered around her eyes.

That moment marked the encounter between the two girls.

A soaked cone-shaped hat came into Cien’s view.

It was a slender woman standing in the rain without even an umbrella despite the heavy downpour.

The cone-shaped hat, unable to withstand the wetness, was already heavily drooping. Raindrops fell steadily from the attire enveloping the petite figure.

She was a girl with a doll-like, adorable appearance.

Her brown hair and blue eyes, gazing blankly at the ground, conveyed a sense of melancholy with just her facial expression.

When Cien faced the girl, she couldn’t help but pause for a moment.

Her identity could be easily guessed. She was one of the geniuses produced by the Rinella family, a figure so famous among the fourth-year students at the academy that there was hardly anyone who didn’t know her.

Elsie Rinella.

There were rumors about her having a special relationship with Ian. As if to prove those rumors, Elsie, without missing a day, stood in front of the temple waiting for him since Ian was hospitalized.

Even on a day like this, with heavy rain pouring down.

Uncertain about what words to utter, Cien hesitated, then lowered her head and took quick steps forward.

It was because she realized that whatever she said wouldn’t bring comfort.

Elsie’s emotions were vividly displayed when she was looking at her with her light gray eyes. Filled with undulating despair and melancholy, Cien could only close her mouth.

She couldn’t confidently point fingers or blame anyone for the situation.

Therefore, Cien deliberately ignored Elsie and continued walking.

As Cien passed by the girl, she would have continued walking away like that if it weren’t for the tiny voice ringing in her ears.

“…Does it feel good?”

Cien’s steps abruptly came to a halt once again.

She stood there with a slightly surprised expression, slowly shifting her gaze. On her side was Elsie, glaring at Cien with eyes as cold as the chill conveyed by the raindrops.

“Does it feel good? Being a nuisance as you please… getting saved as you please, and now, visiting the sick as you please.”

Faced with that taunting hostility, Cien’s lips parted and then were shut again.

If she were the Saintess of the Holy Nation, with a similar status in the official hierarchy, Cien could understand her actions. However, Elise was a member of the Rinella family, part of the imperial nobility, so Cien didn’t expect overt hostility towards the Imperial Family.

And most of all, those deep blue sky eyes scrutinizing Cien.

The sight of the girl clutching her fist with clenched teeth and trembling hands created a chilling atmosphere. Cien found herself wearing a distressed expression once again.

Whether in the temple or outside, wherever she went, it was all about facing her adversary.

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