Love Letter From The Future

Chapter 209: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (2)

Chapter 209: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (2)

Before I realized it, I found myself inhabiting the young man's body within the dream.

My head pounded with pain as unfamiliar memories and emotions flooded in.

“In this world, there exists something called flow. It’s an absolute force from which nothing can escape, physical or spiritual. Nothing. The truth of the world I realized also lies within the flow.”

The hatchet, suspended in the air above the stubborn branch of the World Tree, commanded my attention with an unsettling aura.

All my senses screamed in alarm, warning me of the danger emanating from this hatchet.

“To oppose the flow is to ‘shackle’.”

A beam of white light descended from the heavens.

Though seemingly unassuming, its clean, vertical path created the illusion of cleaving the world in two.

“And to unravel the flow is to ‘liberate’.”

With her arms folded, the Great Witch took another drag from her pipe.

In mere moments, she transformed from a childlike figure into an incomprehensibly formidable presence.

My body instinctively sensed her strength—so vast that she could rend the world apart with ease.

“…This is what you must learn and master going forward.”

Drawing a deep breath, my consciousness began to blur once more as the smoke from her pipe invaded my senses.

A ringing filled my ears.

All I desired was to succumb to unconsciousness and descend into the depths of my mind.

“…old of yourself.”

What are they saying?

As I shut my eyes, a hand clamped down on my shoulder with a grip so firm it felt like my bones were being crushed.

Suppressing a pained scream, I turned my head to see a pair of blazing golden eyes glaring back at me.

“I told you… to get a grip!”

Then, as if my entire body was forcibly ejected, I was flung out of the dream.


My eyes snapped open as I sucked in a sharp breath of air.

Gasping, I desperately fumbled for my canteen.

After gulping down the cold water, I scanned my room for the usual clues.

As expected, the calendar displayed dates different from what I last remembered, and an unfamiliar envelope lay on the bedside table.

An intense headache, akin to a hangover, washed over me. Though my body yearned to sink back into sleep, curiosity about the letter won over.

With a resigned sigh, I tore open the envelope, revealing a lengthy letter penned in elegant script.


To. My Beloved Ian Percus,

Dear Master, as you instructed, I am sitting here with a pen in hand to write you this letter.

It has been quite some time since I last held a pen, and I must confess, it feels somewhat foreign and even daunting. You see, I have never had a knack for writing even when I was a child, and I fear I may struggle to properly convey my thoughts and feelings to you.

Um… I wonder what I should write?

I feel as though I've expressed my love for you countless times already, and I question whether words on paper can truly capture the depth of these emotions.

Can letters ever carry the same weight as the whispered words exchanged within our embrace?

I don’t think it can.

It’s only when every aspect of my being—my expression, my gaze, my voice, and all my senses—are singularly focused on loving you that my affection can be genuinely conveyed. So today, I plan on writing to you about something else. Perhaps a story related to my more common daily life.

You see, Lupine paid me a visit not long ago, and we shared a meal together.

Ah, right. He’s working for the Imperial Magic Bureau. Though his role leans more towards research than combat, he complained that they’ve been constantly working him overtime these days.

He thought he would be free after completing the Magic Department’s post-graduate program, only to find his freedom snatched away the moment he enrolled. Such is the nature of research—there's no escape.

The only way for him to escape is to go back to post-grad for a doctorate and eventually become a professor, but he cried, saying he never wanted to go back there. It was quite the scene.

Don’t you think he’s still quite the cute little brother? He still acts cheeky toward Master, but I will thoroughly electrocute him the next time he does so.

You are, after all, my dear master.

Even if he’s my little brother, he’s not as precious to me as you are.

Ever since that day, I decided Master will always be the first in my heart.

This decision is not influenced by anyone else's desires but my own.

Oh, and he also asked if we had any plans for children.

I dismissed it, saying how that could be possible when we’re not even married yet, but um…

I’m ready to have children whenever you wish, Master.

Just the thought brings me immense joy.

Though I feel a pang of loneliness in your absence, I believe it will be different with children. Through them, I can pour out my love and find happiness, even when you're not by my side.

And since they’re our children, I’m sure they’ll be cute and lovely.

Ah, if we have children, we should probably visit the Percus Viscounty, right?

I have nothing but gratitude to Father and Mother-in-law for adoring me even after the inconveniences I caused them that summer.

Looking back, that summer was truly terrifying...

People vanishing one after another, the ominous presence of the dark priest, and the looming threat of the Evil God's mythical forces.

There was even a moment when I thought it was the end for us. If, at that time, Master hadn’t shown your ingenuity, we would likely have suffered becoming live test subjects.

But we gained invaluable knowledge.

Truths regarding the Percus family. revelations about the Dark Order, and even truths about you.

At times, the burden of those secrets weighed heavily on me, but your presence helped me endure it. That’s why, I am eternally grateful, Master. No. My love, Ian.

To be honest, it was hard and so, so scary. I found myself pretending to be strong when, in truth, I was weak and afraid… I wanted nothing more than to just run away that day… from my household, from the Evil God’s forces, and from the trials we faced.

But your unwavering support kept me grounded. Your presence alone is enough for me to pledge my entire being to you. Truly.

Master, thank you for helping me reclaim my life, and I vow to continue to dedicate my unwavering love and devotion.

Ah, you’re coming home tomorrow, right?

If so, please reconsider our plans for a family once more!

With that, I’ll end this letter here, arf arf!

P.S. I heard that obsessive girl left for Arancourt. That stupid bitch is probably already screaming and crying that she misses you.

P.P.S. And apparently, that crazy vixen is soon coming to visit from the Holy Nation. I’ll protect you at all costs, so please don’t leave the house!

P.P.P.S. I’ve also heard that you’ve been having to visit the imperial family quite frequently. I won't mention names, but I can’t believe such a shameless girl exists… She’s still pulling shit like this even after all she did to you in the past. Just thinking about it almost makes me retch. she won't get away with it the next time I see her.

With much love,

Master’s faithful dog and lover

30th of the Month of the Cane

Year 571 of the Imperial Calendar


“Master this, Master that, my ass…”

A heavy sigh escaped my lips.

I had a good idea of who had written the letter just from the way they addressed me as ‘Master’.

Just how many women was my future self entangled with?

I wearily turned my gaze back to the calendar.

One thing stood out compared to my previous experiences—the gap in my memory was only two days instead of the usual week.

I wonder what happened this time.

While I didn’t know of the specific details, the letter hinted that the next major incident would likely unfold in the Percus Viscounty.

It was my hometown, and the prospect of it becoming the epicenter of another crisis only heightened my anxiety.

Like anyone else, the place my family lived had a special place in my heart.

But to imagine dark priests and the forces of the Evil God converging there…

I had to hurry and collect more information.

My annoyance at receiving consecutive letters without a moment’s rest had long since faded.

I accepted it, understanding that swift action and preparation were crucial to mitigating the impending crises.

However, just as I prepared to set out, a hastily scrawled message caught my eye.

As always, it was brief.

‘Let go of what must be discarded.’

Simple yet profound advice.

The writing appeared smudged with blood and sweat, leaving me wondering whether it was spilled by my future self… or if they were preluding to what I would soon shed.

It was possible that it was both.

Breaking out of my brief contemplation, I resumed walking when something dropped to the ground.

It was a seal adorned with a distinct pattern.

Puzzled, I picked it up—unfamiliar with the item and uncertain of how it found its way into my pocket.

And I was soon left speechless once I recognized the pattern.

It was the symbol of a dragon.

Throughout the continent, the dragon was emblematic of the imperial family. No other entity, regardless of their ties to the mythical creature, dared to wield it as their insignia.

A forgotten memory surfaced in my mind.

A high-ranking official from the imperial court had mentioned they would come visit soon.

The implication was clear.

My future self had encountered the envoy of the imperial family.

Yet, one question lingered unanswered.

“…Why is there blood on the seal?”

It seemed it was first necessary for me to figure out the /genesisforsaken

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