MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 117 Pii’s Real Strength


Ren was shocked when little Pii took the hit. It gave a loud, resounding cry while its HP went down fast, and Ren thought Pii would burst into particles and return to his [Pet] menu to rest.

But against all odds, its HP steadied at one before its tiny body was enveloped with faint glowing dark hues.

Ren’s eyes widened, and he shouted in alarm when Pii’s body cracked like it turned into an egg before a blinding light consumed the whole area.

The ground quaked when massive four paws struck the floor, followed by a resonating RoOaArR that shook the place.

When the dust settled and the light dissipated, Ren gasped when another giant beast graced the battlefield.

The titanic beast was dark in color that its shadows paled in comparison. Static of bluish electricity sparkled on its two massive wings, whip-like tail, breasts, and limbs. It has a frame of a reptile and has four paws that have four sharp talons each. Its head was like an adorable fox, but its jaws were like a dragon. Two long curvy horns were protruding at the side of its fluffy ears.

It was both adorable and scary at the same time. The contrast really made anyone’s heart beat a hundred times more.

But what shocked Ren that his jaw even drop was the name on top of the beast’s head.


Using [Probe], Ren immediately checked Pii’s stats.

Ç� P I I ‘s

E V O L V E F O R M ‖

The evolved form of Pii once its HP reaches 1.

It took the accumulative ATP of its present enemies and doubled it, making it the most fearsome and adorable pet in Arcadia.

This form only last five minutes.

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖.

HP: 54 000

MP: 12 000

STR: 850

DEF: 570

MDF: 540

INT: 700

AGL: 700

LCK: 120

‖ D A M A G E

R E S I S T A N C E S ‖

� All Magical Attacks

� All Physical Attacks

‖ D A M A G E

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

� All Status Effect

‖ C O N D I T I O N

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

� All Status Effect

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖

� None

‖ S K I L L S & S P E L L S

Passive Skill:

� Wings

–– Grants the ability to fly and ignore all terrain restrictions.

� Revenge

–– Upon successful hit against Pii, Pii can launch a counterattack of its own

Active Skill:

â�¶ Pii’s Breath MAX

–– Pii can deal a massive blow to enemies that would surely BLOW them away if their DEF is lesser than its STR.

–– Damage is equal to STR

–– 1 minute cooldown

–– Cost –1000 MP

� Rampage MAX

–– Pii entered berserk Mode and wreaked havoc in a large area dealing massive damage to its enemies. Damage is equal to its STR.

–– 100% Critical hit if STR is higher than enemies DEF

–– 1 minute cooldown

–– Cost –1000 MP

� Lightning Charge MAX

–– A massive hurricane of thunder and lightning charge from Pii’s core before launching its full power on its enemies with a vengeance.

–– 100% Critical hit if INT is higher than enemies’ MDEF

–– 1 minute cooldown

–– Cost –5000 MP

‖ E N D ‖

Ren couldn’t get hold of his shock, and he turned into a statue. The little pet, who he thought to be just an adorable little bird who was a master of finding things, turned out to be a God.

Not only was Pii’s spells were AoE damaged, but it had a hundred percent success rate of critical attack if its ATP was higher than its enemies. But since it took the ATP of its enemies and doubled it, it was like a hundred percent sure that a critical hit would happen.

It was really a broken pet, and Ren thanked the developers for once. They weren’t kidding when they said Pii was COVENANT’s most powerful pet.

And this pet was his.

Ren doubled over in laughter.

So this was what it meant by Evolution. Though it only triggered once a day and lasted five minutes, it was enough to defeat even a [World Boss]!

Ren couldn’t hold back his grin. The disadvantage was that if others saw what Pii could do, they might kill him for it.

Ren was sure of it.

Pii was more than a very rare or even a piece of artifact equipment at this point.

Whoever his master was, he would sure to dominate COVENANT.

Ren decided to hide Pii until he really had no choice.

Pii would be his very last resort.

He would only summon the little creature to aid him in battle if only the two of them were fighting a Boss or a difficult enemy to defeat.

Ren didn’t bother to save Pii’s spells and skills to his [Mind Palace] because of the enormous amount of MP it required. His MP didn’t even reach 500 yet. He would do it later when he had achieved the required MP for it.


Pii, let out another resounding roar that shook even Ren’s heart. Though it still looked adorable and fluffy, its eyes were menacing, and its jaws were nothing but scary.

Pii was his pet, but Ren didn’t know if it could differentiate enemies and foes at this point as it battled the Greater Basilisk.

Ren got out of the way when the two massive giants began to fight.

The Greater Basilisk coiled around Pii’s body and tried to petrify it with its gaze. Pii just blinked before it struck its sharp, long talons against the Basilisk’s eyes.

The Greater Basilisk let out a cry of its own, and Ren’s eardrum almost burst from the wave. Its tight coil around Pii loosened, and it slithered back while shaking its head.

However, before the Greater Basilisk could take another glide away, Pii grabbed hold of its neck, and from its core, a glowing blue light illuminated the surroundings before a wide concreted beam of electricity shot from its mouth, hitting the Basilisk straight on its head.

The lightning was blinding and the power from it was enough to fling Ren away as well as some debris and shuttered walls. Even so, the Boss’s room remained standing. But the Greater Basilisk was no more. Only light particles were flowing slowly, replacing its massive frame.

“N-no . . . t-that can’t be! M-my pet!” Amol Sha had a terror-stricken face before it turned back and was about to escape at the newly opened corridor behind its back.

Ren guessed that once the Greater Basilisk was gone, Amol Sha would flee and he thought in order to defeat the shaman, he needed to kill that Tiefling first.

However, Amol Sha hadn’t even taken his first step towards the corridor when he was squashed underneath by a giant paw and he burst into white particles without having the chance to scream.

And that was the end of Amol Sha and the Greater Basilisk.

Came with the victory was the resounding announcement.

<CONGRATULATIONS on getting first blood from defeating the Hidden Boss, Amol Sha!


� 10,000 EXP

� 50,000 Gil

� Crystal Chest x1

� Platinum Chest x1

� Gold Chest x2 >

<Do you want to announce your achievement to the world?>



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