MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 137 Windigo

They heard rattling sounds that didn’t come from the wet leaves they stepped upon, and upon closer inspection behind the foliage, they found glowing red eyes that weren’t coming from the wisps.

What was more, the many parties that came in with them in the forest were nowhere to be seen even though they were just meters apart when they entered.

It was like the forest was alive and changed with every group.

Luckily, Roxy didn’t separated from Michael’s group.

The rattling noises were getting louder, like the sound of cicadas in summer, while the glowing red orbs were coming nearer in their location until the sound stop and the silence that soon followed was deafening.

Evie readied her staff, and Michael stepped in front of her and assumed a fighting stance.

“Don’t worry, Evie. As long as I am around, you’ll be fine. I took up Kendo at school and learned martial arts.” Michael winked, flashing his most dashing smile.

Evie groaned. She was short, so Michael easily blocked her view. He was more of a hindrance than helpful at this point.

Evie took a step back to get a full view of the map, and that was when she saw, moving from the bushes and trees, were walking monsters.

Everyone gasped when the beasts came to light.

It was so tall, about two to three meters in height, and lanky. Its skin texture was like a ragged bark of a tree, but it had thick dark hairs all around its body.

However, what was hideous about this beast was its face. It had a face of a sickly old dog with a long protruding jaw containing rows of razor-sharp teeth. The skin surrounding its mouth was peeled off, and its eyes were so round and glowing red. While deer horns were sprouting near its small point ears.

� W I N D I G O ‖

Location: Illusion Forrest


“The hungry mutts that ravage the forest for scraps.”

“Don’t run. Don’t hide. The Windigo is coming.”

Creatures of the dark that took the form of wood and wolf. The Wendigo is chaotic evil by nature and will eat any living thing in their paths.

They come in pacts like the wolves, and they can perfectly see in the darks. Their nose can even sniff the smell of flesh meters away, and their ears can pick up the tiniest sound. Their speed is also unparalleled, and they are great climbers..

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP: 700

MP: 150

STRG: 25

DEF: 20

MDF: 10

INT: 5

AGL: 30

LCK: 10

‖ D A M A G E

R E S I S T A N C E S ‖

� Bludgeoning [Non-Silver Weapon]

� Piercing [Non-Silver Weapon]

� Slashing [Non-Silver Weapon]

‖ D A M A G E

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

� Poison

� Darkness

� Necrotic

‖ C O N D I T I O N

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

� Sleep

� Charmed

� Frightened

� Cursed

� Cold

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖

� Fire

� Water

� Light

‖ S K I L L S &


Passive Skill:

� Dark Vision

The Windigo can see perfectly well in the dark. Invisibility is useless against them as they can see the heat waves of any living things.

� Keen Smell

The Windigo can smell its prey’s scent even from miles away.

Once the Windigo gets hold of its enemies’ scent, it will search for it nonstop until the end of the forest.

� Advance Hearing

The Windigo can pick up even the tiniest sounds from its surroundings and detect disturbances from meters away.

� Good Climbers

Using its sharp claws, a Windigo can easily climb even the most difficult of terrain with ease.

Active Skill:

� Multiattack LV.2

–– the Windigo can make two attacks with its claws

–– 50% hit if STR is higher than DEF

–– Cost –10 MP

� Cursed Claw LV.3

–– the Windigo can inflict curses when its enemies are hit with its claw

–– 30% CURSED if LCK is higher than enemies

–– Cost –15 MP

� Consumed Flesh LV.5

–– The Windigo bit a chunk of its enemy flesh and regenerated its HP equal to the amount of damage it inflicted

–– Damage is dependent on its STR

–– Cost –20 MP

‖ E N D ‖

Everyone breathed easy, knowing that the Windigo had low ATP and its list of spell and skills weren’t that scary. Its percentage was also low, so there was no chance of it inflicting any [Cursed] Status on them.

Though they weren’t worried since a White Mage [Cure] could easily remove that status effect.

And then everyone looked at each other, and that was when they realized that they didn’t have a single White Mage in the group!

“S-shit . . . ,” Rox stammered, “Should we go back and find a White Mage first?” How could they had miss it?

“I don’t think that option is available anymore,” Gilbert said and pointed at their back.

That path they came suddenly changed, and they could no longer find any traces of their steps.

“This Illusion Forrest quickly turned into a horror forest,” commented Lyka, and she stuck close to Emerald while looking at the Windigos in disgust.

It was only the beginning of their nightmare when one after another, Windigos started appearing. From the north, south, west, and east. Everywhere they laid their eyes, these monsters dominated their view.

Rox merely blinked, and all of a sudden, the Windigos’ numbers doubled. “There’s at least . . . twenty of them?”

“Should we run for it?” asked Gilbert, eyeing Michael.

“M-Michael.” Emerald held Michael’s hand, but the latter pulled his arm away.

“We can’t run. We have to fight it,” Michael said with a resolute voice.

Roxy nodded. “Based on the Beast descriptions and high AGI, we can’t outrun it. And there’s no option to flee in our screen. Only to engage them.”

Sweat ran from Evie’s cheek. Once one of them pressed the [Engaged] button, the Windigo would automatically attack. There was no longer an option for logging out either.

There was no retreat and no escape. It seemed like this forest had turned into a Boss’s Room.

At the side, Ragnar calmly assisted their situation. The Windigo could easily be defeated with their ATP and skills. The only problem was their numbers.

“Let’s fight it,” Roxy said. “We can win this as long as everyone fights. They’re not the only ones who had the advantage of numbers.” She looked at Michael’s group when she said that.

Michael shrugged. “That’s what we’ve been planning from the start.” This was his chance to showcase his skill! No better way to earn a girl’s affection than being a hero and saving the day.

“Guys, let’s send these hounds back to the pit hell.” Michael pressed engage, and the Windigos simultaneously launched their attack.

They were more than twenty of them, and all were coming after Michael’s group. If it was a group besides Roxy, that group must have taken advantage of Michael and his friends fighting the Windigos and went ahead. Or thinning the Windigos’ numbers before they decided to help to minimize their losses.

Fortunately for Michael and his group, Roxy and Rox weren’t those kinds of people, and neither was Ragnar and Evie.

Roxy immediately casted [Taunt], and the Windigos stopped mid-attack before they all chose a different target. “Ragnar, sorry, but can you lend a hand?”

The numbers were too much for Roxy alone to handle, but even if Ragnar took the vanguard together with her, it still wasn’t enough to disperse the damage.

True that Ragnar and Roxy had high DEF and the amount of damage the Windigos inflicted upon them was only in the first digit. But times it to a dozen or so, and the damage still reach a hundred each.

“Evie, don’t heal us. We’ll consume [Health Potions] instead,” said Roxy. “Focus on attacking this beast.”

That’s what exactly Evie had in mind. It was bitter killing the Windigo fast than wasting mana and time on [Heal] that only restored minuscule some of HP.

With one ball of Fire from Evie’s staff, a Windigo burst into particles. Her INT had already reached thirty-plus, and the Windegos MDEF wasn’t so high that she could kill the monsters in one hit.

She also didn’t OT since the one she attacked died. If it didn’t, there was a chance that she could have pulled the aggro from the two Berserkers and attracted that single beast towards her.

Roxy and Ragnar were also doing exceptionally well at holding the aggro. Ragnar especially. His STR was already thirty-five from grinding nonstop, so his damage output was also high. This kept the aggro lock on him while the others slowly chipped off the Windigos HP.

The same couldn’t be said about Rox, though. Since he was a Hunter and he didn’t have any silver weapon with him, he could only deal little damage to the pact of monsters with his [Long Bow].

Not to mention that a Hunter’s physical attacks were among the weakest in early games until you could gain a pet, better equipment, and level your skills/spells and ATP.



Sorry for the fight scenes �

This isn’t a major fight so I just plan to make it quick 😆

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