MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 141 [BONUS] She’s not Nice

BONUS CHAPTER for reaching 1000PS

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Eventually, the group came to the part they almost couldn’t see because of the dense fog, and they knew they had come to the middle part of the forest.

Even though he was beginning to get scared, Rox didn’t pass the opportunity to score. “Should we hold hands so that we won’t get lost?” He was grinning from ear to ear at the thought that he could feel Evie’s hand in his.

But his sister just had to ruin it. “What do you mean hold hands? What are you five?”

Rox’s lips protruded forward. “Just so we won’t get separated.”

“We won’t,” Ragnar chimed in, “just look at the ground, and you’ll still see the stream as clear as day.”

For some reason, the fog was only dense from their torso to their head. There was no haze at the base of their foot.

“Bummer . . . ,” Rox grumbled.

As the group was walking at a steady pace, they noticed something.

“Are the Wisps getting thinner, or is it just me?” Roxy asked, blinking her eyes.

Evie was quiet, while Ragnar had a bad feeling.

“It’s not just you, sis. The Wisps are getting thinner.”

“What should we do?”.

For some reason, all eyes went to Evie. It seemed that without her knowing, Evie became the decision maker in the group.

Evie didn’t know what to do at this point. She didn’t exactly ask about it from Meriyaah since she didn’t expect that the Wisps were going to lessen as they moved deeper into the forest.

“Let’s press on.” It was Ragnar who said it after Evie was silent for seconds. “We’ll run to the nearest Wisps, and if ever, Roxy and I will hold off the Windigos until you two could escape to safety.”

Evie didn’t expect to hear it from Ragnar. Looking over at the man, she saw him in a new light. He might look ugly, but his personality was dashing.

“I guess that’s that.” Roxy shrugged.

Fortunately for them, even though the Wisps were lessening in numbers, they were only a few meters apart from the next batch. The farthest they had ran was probably twenty meters.

They continued like that until they heard something — a commotion amidst the cloud of haze.

“What’s that?” Rox was trying to fan away the fog so he could see where the noise was coming from. He even blew it with his breath, hoping it would disappear.

Evie listened to the sounds. There was shouting, and metals were hitting against metals. “It looked like there’s fighting.”

The group was curious and moved forwards once more as the noise kept getting louder. The area also changed, like they were transported to another part of the forest once more.

One second there was thick haze all around, and the next thing, the thick fogs were gone, and everyone could even see the dark sky above the canopies and the little swamp that scattered on the mud.

But Evie and the others didn’t have time to admire the new scenery. Their attention was stolen by a group that was fighting a group of . . . trees?

And what’s more, that group was Michael’s group.

Since they were at least more than ten meters apart and trees and dense foliage mostly hid their presence. Michael’s group didn’t see them.

How could they?

They were busy fighting creatures that seemed like dead trees. It was walking on its two stick legs, and its arms were so long that they reached until its foot. It had no hands but only whip-like veins at the end of its arms. It also had a hallow on its chest just like an old tree, while it had no face but only an end of a bark.

Evie used a monocle on the strange lanky creature in which Michael’s group was engaged.

� W A N D E R I N G

W E L T ‖

Location: Illusion Forrest


“Dead Trees came to Life.”

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP: 700

MP: 100

STRG: 30

DEF: 30

MDF: 10

INT: 10

AGL: 20

LCK: 15

‖ D A M A G E

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

� Poison

‖ C O N D I T I O N

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

� Necrotic

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖

� Fire

� Bludgeoning

‖ S K I L L S & S P E L L S

Passive Skill:

� False Appearance

The Wandering Welt remained a tree unless an interloper entere their territory.

� All for One, One for All

Once an unsuspecting traveler steps into their territory, all the Wandering Welt in the area will come to life.

Active Skill:

� Slam LV.4

–– the Wandering Welt hammered its hard body against its enemy, causing Knock Back

–– damage dependent on STR

–– Cost –10 MP

� Hand like Whip LV. 4

–– the Wandering Welt can slash its hand like a whip multiple times on a single target

–– damage dependent on STR

–– Cost –10 MP

‖ E N D ‖

The Wandering Welt was like the Windigos. Low ATP and mediocre skill and spells but nonending in numbers. They came in waves after waves at Michael’s group, and since no one in their party was a Tank, it was up to Michael and Gilbert to save Lyka and Emerald since they were the ones who were targeted first.

“They shouldn’t have moved,” said Evie without thought.

Everyone looked at her, and she realized what she had said before she explained.

“The description said that the Wandering Welt attacked anyone who came within their territory. The more you move around, the more of their territory you come across, and the more of those monsters would come to life.”

Ragnar thought of that too, and he got to say that he was surprised that Evie thought the same way. There were only a few people he encountered that could connect the dots and think so fast, even under unfavourable circumstances. Others just simply blank out.

Roxy put a finger over her lips, face hesitant. “What should we do? Should we help them?”

“Help then?” Rox’s jaw dropped. “Just because he is a pretty face. He isn’t interested in you, and he just bailed on us the first thing that their life is in danger. I say we leave them and get going to the Boss.”

Ragnar agreed. There was no use in helping those who abandoned them first. An eye for an eye.

When she couldn’t get anything from the boys, Roxy looked at Evie with a pair of silver, imploring eyes. She was sure that if she asked Evie, the other two would have no choice but to follow her. She was the reason why they made it this far, and . . . beauty speaks louder than words.

However, there was something that Roxy didn’t know about Evie. Though her appearance was ethereal, she was not nice, especially to people who left them to die.

“Let’s go,” Evie said coldly before she went ahead, still following the narrow path of water. It was also probably the reason why they didn’t cross any of the Wandering Welt’s territory.

When Evie, Ragnar, and Rox all went ahead, Roxy could do nothing but sigh, ruffling her non-existent fringe.

“How cold.”

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