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Molting the Mortal Coil

Molting the Mortal Coil
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6 months ago
Reincarnated as a child in a new world a mild mannered programmer, named Sage, finds himself... Read more Reincarnated as a child in a new world a mild mannered programmer, named Sage, finds himself struggling to survive. The road to immortality is paved with danger, treasure, and conflict.This mystical eastern world is filled with Demonic Beasts, Treacherous Cultivators, and Extraordinary Legacies.Follow Sage on his journey to adapt to this new world, and find out if he can overcome the limitations of body, mind, and soul.Will he rise to the occasion and become a hero? Or maybe he’ll turn to the dark side and end up a villain?…Molting the Mortal Coil is more of a slower paced journey.It’s not about endless battles and conquering the next bad guy who spits on the main characters shoes or sends him a funny look. There’s also not a treadmill of tournaments or love interests. It’s more of a slower burn with lots of, and hopefully not too much, world building.It’s still supposed to be stuffed with action, but that won’t pick up for a while since we start with a weakling. The first 30 chapters have a lot of time-skipping, but stay with me it gets better. I plan to re-write and add more to the first 30 in the future, but if you can push through I feel it gets much more fun after!***Updates will be weekly. If you want to see more chapters, check out my Patreon (button at the bottom of every chapter)! Thanks everyone! Collapse Male Protagonist, Non-human Protagonist, Cultivation, Age Progression, Reincarnation, Character Growth, Eastern Setting, Immortals, Modern Knowledge, Slow Growth at Start, Slow Cultivation, Weak to Strong, Monsters, Demons, Evil Organizations the MC starts off normal enough, but he slowly starts to degrade into a furry and a weird one at that.-side note his future wifes are also lowkey animal lover's if you know you know This novel may have had a good start, but I really don't recommend it. It falls off super hard and sticks to the same repeat pattern of loss, slight rebuild before loss again. Rating does not reflect the book. Its definitely wayyy better then the rating though not a top tier novel 1.6 holy shit, I mean I know I shouldn't judge a novel so soon just cause of low ratings but man... Even netorare is getting better rating than this... I've actually seen a NTR which is above 3 star. I think it was called 6 times a day. Not sure if it's any good though This is nice, but the author tends to half follow the same pattern for a long time, MC gets betrayed time and time again, but atleast it can be somewhat entertaining. At some point he learns his lesson and over prepares for everything. There are also a lot of technical details the the author just throws in there that might seem important, and they sorta are, but they can be summarised and the idea could still be conveyed properly. It is a nice novel and I do recommend giving it a read, you just have to endure the time skip party in the beginning and get used to detailed explanations for how things work and where his idea came from i see that most people seem to hate this novel but its quite good imothis novel is well..novel in the sense that it is different from the usual cookie cutter xianxiamc isnt all that great in terms of talent and personalityhis plans dont work out most of the time eitherhe is genuinely average/below average in all facets but there is a common theme of a desperate struggle throughout the novelalthough he is as massively lucky sometimes as he is unlucky so be prepared to see a load of shit happen to him but he struggles through it somehowall these factors make for a pretty interesting read although i would recommend just breezing over some boring bits (some scenes are kinda lengthy) without paying much attention.also do keep in mind it would probably be best to not treat this as a self insert type novel cause that would just make it a very frustrating say this is worth a 6 or a 7/10 goes completely to shit after around 750+chsits good until then though This novel is super frustrating. The MC is betrayed all the time and suffers nonstop setbacks and losses. The time skips are brutal - for example when he transmigrates into a child he starts at like 7 years old and by chapter 31 he is in his 50s. He has like 6 different groups/people he needs to get vengence on but still hasn't managed any as of chapter 351. The author has a bad habit of summarizing stuff that really should have been organically shown. Whenever the MC gets established somewhere or starts building wealth he winds up either betrayed or on the run and forced to start over from scratch. Then he winds up getting lucky and rebuilding fast only to start the cycle over again. His cultivation method is all over the place with power ups being random. He is a jack of all trades and master of none. No decent romance or really interesting side characters either. MC is wishy-washy and "goes with the flow" way too often. MC often squanders opportunities to become stronger and there is no catharsis because it's only dumb luck that keeps him going. Honestly it's by no means the worst thing I've read but I just can't handle such a lame MC. TL;DR MC is dumb Boi who never learns. 3/10 would not recommend. Can u recommend me something? Absolute Sword Sense. Anything by "Toika"; "Everyone else is a returnee", "I reincarnated for nothing", "infinite competitive dungeon society", "never die extra" to name a few. All well written and interesting stories that don't overstay their welcome and end. Not perfect and MCs are similar if you read all his stories but I like them. Reincarnated as a child in a new world a mild mannered programmer, named Sage, finds himself struggling to survive.When your parents name you 'Sage'.Plot twist:SpoilerYour parents are japanese hmm think i read this in the past.forget it... One of the top reviews from RR. I was enjoying the earlier chapters, but after reading this reviews, not so much anymore. First off. There is nothing wrong artistically with this story. Nearly all of my critiques are subjective. And, to the author (because this review is not for you, but for potential readers) stick with it, you've done a lot of work and I commend it!!!!!!! Please don't take my review personally (or any review) because everything written can be rewritten, edited, fixed, etc. Please do fix any plotholes readers point out and feel free to write us back if we step over the line. In our story, the main character was a lowly programming drone, who iniplicably died and was reincarnated by a powerful entity on a cultivation world. He has access to sect resources, stumbles across several ancient inheritances, is gifted the uber-storage-ring-of-AWESOMENESS... but never really demonstrates much interest in (1) cultivation or (2) martial arts or (3) enjoying life.Given that the power in his world is based on physical might and martial prowess and he has had several near-death experiences, our intrepid MC inexplicably stays true to his pocket protector and insect collection, marching forward decade-after-decade to create theaters, resort hotels, and plumbing manufacturing. (Did I mention as a 60-year-old virgin, tasked by his ghostly ancestors to make babies and rebuild the sect, GIVES AWAY a treasure that can near-instantly seduce anyone near it... so no-harem is a virtual certainty in this story.)Grammar: Pretty good, no complaints; near full marks. (This never figures into my overall ratings unless it is really bad.)Style Score: Exciting as plain oatmeal. Basic wuxia (xianxia/fantasy) setting, but the main character doesn't seem interested in cultivation, so the genre and setting are 90% wasted. What is the point of a fantasy story where the main character never fights, is totally weaker than everyone around him, is a doormat for 200+ chapters, and spends his life collecting and raising bugs? I honestly want to kick sand in his face and tell him to do my homework...Potential love interests are introduced and ignored or discarded. Story pace is too danged slow, despite the author skipping years and/or decades at a time, and lacks direction. Story Score: Very infrequent action sequences. Unique/weird main character doing uninteresting things in a potentially interesting world. Lots of discussion on the merits of plumbing and how he wishes he could recreate rubber and other "modern conveniences"; this isn't a real cultivation story (at least a couple hundred chapters in).Character: Stupid. Cowardly. Waste of opportunities. I honestly look forward to him dying, because at least there is a bit of action when it happens. Middling cultivation prowess to start, plus he is coward and non-risk taker. Not stupid, but quite the idiot, since he seems to be missing the point of his circumstances. SpoilerMC figures out how to essentially live forever by creating clones and moving his consciousness, but who cares... Now he gets to do dull stuff longer, and can play with bugs rather than needing to ever be proactive, make good life decisions, or become strong. He can just "do over" when they stomp his face and he can rebirth as his douche self again. This guy has already died, a couple times, because he was messing with wierd stuff, is upsetting the status quo and powerful people or groups, and is making himself too wealthy to not kill. He knows that even his OWN SECT will probably kill him because of the dumb crud he keeps doing instead of cultivating, BUT HE JUST WONT STOP!If he'd putt effort into focusing on cultivation he'd likely be a real powerhouse. As I noted earlier magic treasures fell into his face, times five, and he now autocultivates. He has collected several hundred high-level techniques but has only bothered to learn a couple; he hasn't bothered to practice with any weapons, doesn't box or use fist techniques, uses only one low-level movement technique. He collects and makes super powerful weapons, apparently excited at their potential, but makes zero effort to train in any of them; he barely learns "paddle waving" to wield a large stick and occasionally clubs things inexpertly. I think he also has slight skill with a knife on a rope; very beginner level skill though. All the while living in a martial arts sect with roommates who are powerhouses and become generals. He is really good at training bugs; apparently insects can beat the crap out of people in this world... so... Go bugs.It is simply painful to see him wasting a magical storage ring that contains a world; he uses to to keep his lunch fresh, and store crafting materials and unused combat gear. He did store pills and cuktivation treasures there, but he ACCIDENTALLY cultivated with them (because legendary treasures often fall from the heavens into his pocket, and then autocultivate on his behalf... Three times.. In the first couple hundred chapters this has happened). ............................................But, he is apparently distracted by creating conveniences and studying a taboo noncombat skillset for reasons?He needs money (no),He cares about the people (no),His sect wants him to experiment (no),He wants to personally immerse himself in these comforts (no),He can (possibly)He likes to tinker (yes)He has poor survival instincts (Demonstrably so.). In his defense...Spoiler... he does create a weak clone army of idiot squid-face insect mercenaries, but they are numerous (this hasn't added any excitement yet, nor do I see how it is going to help our character in the near or long-run).Did I mention he discovered that his sect is already aware of and has access to the base of a highly advanced race of interstellar cultivators who probably already know how to do all the stuff he is trying to recreate, and he can't find out about them unless he cultivates. ... so... obviously he isn't going to cultivate. .... lets just stick with insect breeding and steam engines... yeah............................................. It is unclear if the character has any goals other than "lets see if I can do this very technical and difficult thing" (His ancestors are still waiting for him to procreate, the sole task he has ever been given in the story, but nope, 100 years later and still a virgin; they are likely wishing they could die a second time, out of shame; the holy sword is most definitely broken... or maybe he simply likes men?)So, I'm going to keep reading, in the hopes that somebody kicks the MC/author in the head and fixes this story, which has no technical issues. But, once I hit the end of my binge, I'll probably drop this if the character doesn't start moving in a more promising direction. Thank you for sharing this comment. I also don't plan on reading this anymore. That sounds so f#cking terrible I had chills reading it. It is like reading a horror movie review. WoW bro How long did it take to write this? I didn't write it, as I stated at the top of my comment, I took it from its original posting site, Royal Road. I just went and copied the top review from there and posted it here.