My Cell Prison

Chapter 355: 355: Harvest

Chapter 355: Chapter 355: Harvest
“You have 3 Fate Points remaining, do you wish to allocate them all to the [Library]?”

Prompt: Our scan reveals that the individual’s main profession [Mysticism] has not reached five points yet. We suggest allocating all remaining Fate Points there.”

Why doesn’t Han Dong first allocate a point to Mysticism to reach the Seed-Breaking Phase, then distribute the remaining two points to the Library to activate his secondary profession?

This involves understanding gained from experience and the issue of balance.

Firstly, considering the lessons learned from the Great Plague Chief’s experience with a minor subject.

When his main profession was The Crusaders, he allocated points to [Mysticism] due to personal interest, before his points were exhausted. This is worth considering.

Subsequently, both reached the Seed-Breaking Phase at the same time.

Secondly, the issue of balance is also crucial.

From the perspective of Han Dong’s professional choices in his past life, all matters fail to grow further unless they are balanced.

If two seeds developed simultaneously in Han Dong’s brain, and one breaks the seed first or shows a complete trend of suppression, it will be difficult for the two to fuse… Balance is a crucial prerequisite for mutual growth.

Right when Han Dong was fastened on the metallic chair.

As various metallic pipes and syringes get inserted and a second seed begins forming in his brain… Han Dong can distinctly feel a transformation.

His Brain Domain expanded, capable of storing more energy.

However, there is only an increase in quantity at present.

The newly grown seed corresponds to the [Library], Han Dong currently does not possess any skills to apply to it.

Perhaps, some spells involving the crow can be refined using techniques in the Library. It might even allow him to hide various offensive spells within the crow.

Just as Han Dong was feeling wide awake and preparing to stand up from the chair.

“Detection of additional energy sources in the brain domain, cellular load limit increased (200→300)”


The limit of cellular load had always been a problem for Han Dong.

According to previous prompts, breaking the seed is necessary for a significant increase…

“‘Cellular Load Limit’ is a simple issue of load… Just like how much food one can eat is dictated by their appetite.

Only when I improve myself can the load limit be increased.

Otherwise, if it is endlessly increased, outfitting my body with strange limbs… could ultimately lead to my self-destruction or retaliate against me.

The specification of this limit is equivalent to a protective measure.”

This unexpected gain leaves Han Dong with feelings of astonishment and excitement.

With 100 points added to the Load Limit, I can start working on my body again.

If I had known earlier, I would have directly collected a few limbs from the [Strange Tales] as a backup… Although, after consideration, the bodies in the Strange Tales aren’t exactly compatible with mine. Only the arm of the collector corresponds to stitching, the rest tends to fall under necromancy, Hell Brute Force, etc.

Since the right hand corresponds to ‘physical’, ‘regeneration’, ‘plague studies’.

Then to reach balance, my left arm should lean more towards the [Library]…”

In an instant, scenes from fantasy movies flash across Han Dong’s mind.

Voldemort and Grindelwald from “Harry Potter”.

Imhotep from “The Mummy”.

If he could cut off one arm of these black magicians and attach it to his body, the cultivation of abilities related to the Library will be much more successful…

Why are they all villains?

Because… Han Dong’s central ability is closely linked to the ‘Pollution’ outside the city.

“I’ll contemplate more about the limb issue when I get back.”


Are the other two rewards earned after successfully completing the challenge.

①. Fate Card.

Choose one from the four golden cards still on the table.

Considering the issue of limbs, Han Dong may have to enter a Fate Space with a specific goal in the near future. Therefore, he chose the card with the Holy Grail pattern.

“Fate Card (Scepter): Grants the ability to peek at ‘tags’.

When an individual enters the “Image Store” to select fate events, they will be able to see the ‘type tag’ for each fate event symbol, such as ‘fantasy type’, ‘curse type’, ‘monster type’.”

“A good item… At least I can filter out the fate events that I’m not good at.”

After collecting the Fate Card.

A black plastic bag appears on the crystal table, corresponding to the advanced souvenir from “Strange Tales”.

Han Dong had always been curious about what the souvenir would be.

Just as he eagerly opened the black plastic bag, inside was a pure gold sculpture of Mr. Aha.

This left Han Dong quite speechless.

“Souvenir – ‘Mr. Aha’s pure gold sculpture’. Can be taken out of Fate Space or can be exchanged for 20 points.”


Han Dong did not hesitate to trade the sculpture.

Although he was somewhat speechless, earning more points was a good thing.

Upon leaving the white room that settled the rewards, he immediately met with the Joker imprisoned in the Black Room.

System judgment.

The [Joker] belongs to Han Dong’s living possessions.

Therefore, during Han Dong’s settlement, it was taken out of the Strange Tales world along with him… But the Joker cannot peek into the situation inside the Fate Space, so he could only stay in this Black Room waiting for Han Dong’s settlement to be completed.

Running counter to the space without gravity, he approaches the points device that resembles a Dyson Sphere.

“For serving me this time, causing chaos within the lighthouse… You’ll honor the agreement, won’t you?”

“Of course I will…”

“Next time there’s an interesting Fate Space, let me out again!”

What Han Dong promised the Joker is simple.

Every time Han Dong encountered various events, he had to let the Joker out for fun… This agreement would hold until they reach Old Derry Town.

Saying this.

The Joker transformed back into his original arm form, being put back into Han Dong’s head, and restrained by the device in the biological laboratory.

Han Dong would never agree to allow the Joker to run around freely in Holy City.

If people knew the BOSS from the Fate Space was brought out by Han Dong, the council would immediately investigate Han Dong’s identity.

He reaches for the ‘Dyson Sphere’.

“Through the Seed Period (★★★★★) event, 50 Fate Points are awarded, unused Fate Points can be accumulated for next use.”

Han Dong checked the price needed for the ‘Epic’ tier materials through the filtering mechanism. He made a silent calculation of his current points and the points he could earn from renting out nodes in the next few years… He nodded to himself, used only 10 points to acquire the necessary pure copper, and then left the Fate Space.

In Han Dong’s opinion, it was necessary to plan for the long term, striving to create a perfect weapon for himself before the knight draft or the Seed-Breaking.

Upon leaving the Fate Space.

Just as Han Dong and Abe were coming out of the Bell Tower,

“You damn fool! Where did you run off to… I was worried sick.”

Mia had been waiting at the entrance of the Bell Tower all along… The moment Han Dong emerged, she quickly went forward and held him tightly.

Han Dong immediately put his hand on Mia’s head, “Don’t pretend. If you were genuinely worried, you would have stayed back then… Let’s go back to the Mysterious Department, I have something to discuss with you tonight.”

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